Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 415: 5 chapters earn more than 1 million

Jogo smiled, but he didn't answer immediately.

The valuation of Deliha's factory is almost this amount, which Qiaogo does not deny.

As for their quoted price of 350 billion, that can still be negotiated, it is just a bargaining price.

"However, we are willing to sell it for 200 billion." Deliha continued.

"Huh?" Qiao Ge was surprised.

Deliha's words really surprised him.

This sale price is a bit ridiculously low.

In Qiao Ge's view, if it is sold for 350 billion, he will definitely not accept it.

He believed that Deliha would not hold on to this price. Since he came to find him, he must be prepared to make concessions.

The price in Qiao Ge's mind is around 320 billion, so he feels that he can talk to them. Even if it is more than 5 billion, it is still negotiable.

This sudden loss of more than 100 billion is strange.

"What are your conditions?" Qiaogo asked.

This outrageous quotation cannot be without reason. Of course, Qiao Ge reacted quickly.

"We want to retain 10% of the shares," Deliha said.

Jogo was silent.

He didn't expect that Deliha would put forward such a condition.

Before, he felt that the other party's negotiations with him were nothing more than haggling over the price.

From this point of view, Deliha is still very smart.

When Deliha saw that Qiaogo didn't answer immediately, he didn't continue.

He waited with a calm face.

Although he looked calm on the outside, he was nervous inside.

He was still not sure about using this condition to negotiate with Qiao Ge.

If Qiao Ge refuses, he doesn't seem to have much choice.

After all, they don't have much advantage to negotiate with Qiao Ge.

At that time, I can only trade with others.

But trading with other people is a one-and-done deal.

They are not very confident about the business conditions of those people, so they will not keep any shares and will definitely sell them all.

As a result, it is basically impossible for them to get involved in the petrochemical industry in the future.

Therefore, he very much wants to reach an agreement with Qiao Ge, retain some shares, and allow himself and others to have some opportunities in the petrochemical industry.

Of course, the most important thing is to establish a relationship with Qiao Ge, which is very important.

After Deliha felt uneasy for a few minutes, Qiaogo said: "10% is too much. Even if your petrochemical plant is calculated as 300 billion, it is impossible to get 100% of the shares for 10 billion."

Qiao Ge's words were like the sound of nature to Deliha, and his hanging heart instantly dropped.

Although Qiao Ge did not agree and said that the price he asked was too high, this was not a problem.

The most important thing is Jogo's attitude.

If the price is high, then it can be negotiated. Of course, you can make concessions on your side.

He was just afraid that Qiao Ge would reject him directly and not give him any chance.

An hour later, Jogo got up and walked Deliha to the door of the office.

"Mr. Gupta, stay here. I will go back to discuss with them immediately and give you an answer tomorrow at the latest." Deliha said hurriedly.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Qiao Ge smiled, "Hudi, send Mr. Jia off for me."

Qiao Ge's current status is not ordinary. Under normal circumstances, not many people can make him get up and say goodbye.

This time, sending Deliha Jia to the door of the office was actually very honorable.

"Boss, is it done?" Hu Di asked with a smile on his face after he came back.

His boss sent Deliha out, indicating that the two had a happy conversation and the result satisfied his boss.

"It's half done, wait for the news from him." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

In fact, it is at least [-] to [-]% done. I believe Deliha should be able to convince others after he returns.

The final result that the two people agreed upon was that the petrochemical plant was sold for 200 billion, and Qiao Ge had to pay for it in real terms.

And Deliha and the others can own 5% of the shares.

Since the price of petrochemical plants is calculated based on 300 billion, it is equivalent to Deliha and the others exchanging 100 billion for 5% of the shares.

If calculated based on Deliha's shares, the petrochemical plant is valued at 2000 billion, which is almost seven times more than 300 billion.In fact, this is the price he needs to pay.

If you want to join Qiaogo's group, capital investment and shares are definitely not equivalent, especially for a newcomer like him.

Of course, Qiao Ge also gave them a second option, that is, if they do not retain the stock, they can bid 315 billion to acquire the petrochemical plant.

After Deliha returned, he immediately summoned the others.

In fact, there was no need for him to convene. Others were already waiting for news from him.

"What? 100 billion in exchange for only 5% of the shares?"

"It's too little."

"We thought 10% was missing before, but 5% is definitely not enough."

When Deliha told everyone the results, some people immediately objected.

Of course, most people remained silent.

After these people vented for a while, they quickly calmed down.

Everyone's eyes were on Deliha. No matter what, they still needed some explanations from Deliha.

Even if it is really 5%, they still have to be convinced.

"I have mentioned before that when the Sitharaman family and others bought shares in the Gupta Grain and Oil Group, they rushed to get in. Their capital ratio could reach up to 1:5. And our financial resources and influence are not as good as theirs. It's incomparable, and now Jogo's score is less than 1 to 7, which I think is acceptable," Deliha said.

"Can't we simply do this comparison?" Someone objected, "Gupta Grain and Oil Group has monopolized the edible oil market, and the grain market is second only to Aiyar Grain Company, so everyone can accept such harsh conditions. . Even if our petrochemical plant is sold to Qiaogo, Qiaogo is just a factory, its influence in the market is still limited, and its value cannot be compared with the Gupta Grain and Oil Group."

This man's words were agreed by many people.

The valuation of a company depends on various factors.

For example, the Gupta Grain and Oil Group is huge in scale and has a monopoly on the edible oil market. Of course, it is of great value.

Qiaogo will only have one petrochemical plant at that time, and they still can't accept that it wants such a high shareholding ratio.

"This is just the beginning. I believe that Qiaogo will increase investment in the petrochemical industry and expand market share in the future." Deliha said.

"This is just a guess on your part."

"Yes, these are some of my guesses." Deliha did not deny it. "I also think that if Qiao Ge dares to put forward such harsh conditions, it is because he is really optimistic about the petrochemical industry. Don't look at 5% or less. , what will be earned back from these 5% in the future will be more than 100 billion?"

"That makes sense!" Many people agreed.

"Of course, you can also say that I am taking a gamble, but I think it is worth the gamble." Deliha said, "This is my opinion. Think about it again. I hope everyone can make a decision as soon as possible. Let me say one more thing , In fact, this is the money we need to buy our way into the Qiaogo Group. Don’t forget, no matter how many people want to pay for this money, they have no chance."

So the people present discussed with each other again, and it was noisy.

After half an hour, it became quiet.

The place is almost divided into two groups. Most of them agree with Deliha's 5% share plan, but there are still seven people who are not willing.

So they launched a representative speech: "Isn't there a second plan? Did Qiaogo say he is willing to acquire a petrochemical plant for 315 billion?"

"Yes, he said that." Deliha said.

He didn't hide it from them just now and told them all the two plans.

"What we mean is that we use Qiao Ge's 315 billion as a bottom line to negotiate with other people who want to acquire. I think even if we can't reach 350 billion, there should still be opportunities for 340 billion, right?" the representative said, " 5% of the shares is too small, and even if we can make money in the future, we don’t know how many years it will take. Who knows if there will be any other surprises in the meantime. Just like this time, the government suddenly canceled the license. policy. So I think it’s the best choice to recover the funds as soon as possible.”

This is what their group of people think, they want to get money.

"Although we can decide the final plan based on voting, I think everyone has been friends for many years and don't want anything unpleasant to happen in the end." Deliha sighed and said, "In this way, we will agree on a selling price. I will personally acquire the shares in your hands."

In fact, the situation is already very clear. The majority of people agree with it, and it will definitely pass if it is voted on.

But Deliha still wanted to give them another chance.

It was impossible to sell the factory completely, so the only option was to buy out their shares.

"You?" Everyone present was shocked.

"There is nothing surprising. I am optimistic about Qiao Ge. Since you don't think so, then let me bear the loss. In the future, I will really be wrong. I will lose the most, and I will admit it." Deliha said.

"Actually, we can also provide part of the funds. You probably don't have that much money now." Some people on Deliha's side said.

"Haha~~ Of course, if anyone is willing to contribute, we will buy out their shares together." Deli laughed.

For him, since he believed that Qiaogo could fly with him, of course he wanted to get more of the 5% shares.

Isn't it just right that these guys don't want to?
Of course, he really couldn't take the share they held. The losses he suffered these days had greatly reduced his personal assets, and he couldn't get much cash out.

Sure enough, there are still people who think the same as me and want to carve up the shares of these guys.

Several people in the opposite group hesitated. After all, Deliha's resolute look now made them waver, wondering whether their decision was a mistake.

After thinking for a while, three people switched camps and returned to Deliha's side.

So there were only four people left who opposed taking 5% of the shares and chose to sell the entire factory for cash.

After further bargaining, the two parties finally decided that the price of the petrochemical plant would be 335 billion, and Deliha would acquire the four people's shares in proportion to their shares. (End of chapter)

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