Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 416: The plan to deceive people

Chapter 416: The plan to deceive people (please vote for me)

Early the next morning, Deliha came to Qiaogo with his troops.

Both parties completed the transaction very quickly.

Yesterday, Qiao Ge had mentioned this matter to Yas and the others.

After all, they are the core members of their own group, and they deserve some benefits.

In the end, they invested a total of 30 billion, accounting for 10% of the shares.

Dimri Charitable Foundation invested 15 billion accounting for 5%.

The forces that later joined the Grain and Oil Group Company invested a total of 15 billion, accounting for 5%.

Qiao Ge invested 225 billion, accounting for 75%.

Deliha and the others accounted for 5% in total.

In fact, the forces that joined the Grain and Oil Group Company later wanted to invest more, but Qiao Ge finally rejected it.

You can help them make money, but the benefits cannot be too many.

After all, they joined later, so they still have to distinguish priorities.

As for Yas and the others, it is really difficult to raise funds this time because they have invested too much in the past.

After paying 200 billion to Deliha and others, there is still 85 billion in the account of the renamed Gupta Petrochemical Plant. These funds are more than enough for later construction costs.

After Qiao Ge personally spent 225 billion, he still has nearly 500 billion in his account.

Qiaogo originally planned to use this money to invest in shipyards and automobile manufacturing plants.

However, after Hudi's in-depth investigation, he found that this matter may still be very difficult for a while.

Even if it is as I thought, it would be good to introduce some technologies from Japan and South Korea, but India lacks corresponding industry talents.

At that time, if there is no technology, it will be useless if no one is there.

We can't hire all these people from South Korea and Japan. The cost will be high, and they may not be willing to come.

However, just because it cannot be carried out for a while does not mean that nothing is done.

Qiao Ge has told Hudi that he can find suitable land, especially the shipyard. It must be in the coastal area. Get a few pieces of land there first.

When one day you want to implement these plans, you won't panic to buy land.

The construction of the Gupta petrochemical plant continued, and Gawali personally organized experts to evaluate the subsequent construction and proposed an improvement plan that could bring the completion date forward.

It originally took half a year, but now it’s almost three months.

In other words, it will be put into production next year.

"The petrochemical plant has been established, but the oil supplier has not yet been determined." Qiao Ge was speechless for a while.

Or because the acquisition of this project was a bit sudden, he was not very prepared.

Of course, Deliha and the others were too decisive, which allowed the deal to be concluded almost immediately without wasting any time.

However, it is not that Qiao Ge has no supplier connections at all.

Previously, he had several tankers helping state-owned petrochemical companies transport oil from the Middle East.

He had also asked Barry Lazhu for help, so he was somewhat familiar with some of the oil companies there.

The main reason is that Barry has a good relationship there. Qiaogo will use his relationship to contact oil companies in the Middle East. He needs to establish a cooperative relationship as soon as possible to ensure his crude oil supply.

"Boss, this is some information that Mr. Oga asked me to compile." Dongan Jaishankar walked in and said respectfully.

Dongan Jaishankar is Hudi's secretary.

"Oh, leave it alone, I'll wait and see." Qiao Ge responded casually.

The oil supplier was still on his mind.

"Okay, boss." Dong An put down a stack of materials and then withdrew.

The sound of the door closing was silent, but it also brought Qiaogo out of his thoughts.

He stared at the closed door for a long moment.

"Spies, can we make a fuss about this?" A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Qiao Ge's mind, "It's feasible, it's absolutely feasible. Hey, won't you be tricked this time?"

Thinking of his next plan to deceive people, Qiao Ge seemed extremely excited.

He immediately picked up the phone and called Barry Raju.

"Mr. Lazhu, I don't know when you will be free. I want to visit you..."

Three days later, Jogo summoned Yas, Rupa and the others to discuss some of the next business plans for the Gupta Petrochemical Plant.

"Is everything ready in the conference room?" Hu Di asked Dong An behind him.

"Mr. Oga, everything is ready." Dong An said hurriedly.

"Very good, you will be responsible for assisting with the meeting later," Hu Di said.

"do not worry."

The so-called assistance work means serving tea and water during meetings.

Under normal circumstances, Dong An is not qualified to participate in important meetings.

However, Dong An felt that this was an excellent opportunity. While serving tea and water, he could also enter the conference room and should be able to hear some of the meeting content.

This is a meeting about petrochemical plants. I believe there will be some useful news.The Eyal family told them to keep an eye on their boss, and they needed to find out all kinds of information.

Since the boss acquired the petrochemical plant, they have asked themselves to find out as much information as possible in this regard. Isn't this opportunity coming?
In addition to Yas and the others, Barry Lazhu was also present this time. He was specially invited by Qiao Ge.

"Gawali has told me that the petrochemical plant can be completed in three months, but now we have not decided on the oil supplier. This is too inappropriate. The main content of today's meeting is to determine the oil supplier. ..." Qiao Ge introduced the purpose of convening everyone this time.

Dong An carefully came out of the conference room and closed the door gently.

He couldn't stay in there forever. After finishing the work of adding tea and water, he came out consciously.

But he was standing outside the door.

At this time, he was not afraid of being seen or thought to be eavesdropping.

Because he is responsible for this, standing outside the door, ready to serve the conference room inside.

Standing outside the door, he could still hear Qiao Ge's voices clearly.

“Oil in the Middle East is cheap in terms of transportation, so I decided to buy it from there,” said Qiaogo.

India is close to the Middle East, and most of its domestic oil is purchased from there. Of course, Qiaogo chose here. There is nothing to say.

"You also know that Mr. La Zhu has some relatives and friends over there who are in this industry, so I would like to ask Mr. La Zhu for help this time when looking for suppliers." Qiao Ge continued.

"Mr. Gupta, you're welcome." Raju smiled.

Yasi and the others also knew La Zhu.

"Then please Mr. Lazhu, please introduce some situations in the Middle East. We people are still very unfamiliar with these." Qiao Ge said.

La Zhu did not hesitate and immediately began to tell everyone about the situation there.

La Zhu was very concerned about Qiao Ge asking for help this time.

Because Qiao Ge is really ready to show his talents in the petrochemical industry.

His network of contacts in the Middle East will be of great use.

The help last time was just a small gesture from Qiaogo. After all, Qiaogo was helping the state-owned petrochemical company transport oil, so he didn't help much.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qiao Ge talked to him privately about the matter the day before yesterday and gave him a promise.

In the future, he can be responsible for affairs in the Middle East, which means that he can also join Qiaogo's group.

This made La Zhu very excited.

Although there were cooperations in clothing and other retail areas before, that kind of cooperation is really not worth mentioning to Qiao Ge now.

But this time, I got what I wanted, so I had to perform well.

"I am most familiar with this place now." Lazhu stood in front of a large map of the Middle East and pointed to a place. "Kuwait, the oil storage here ranks among the top in the Middle East, and it is rich in resources..."

"What do you think?" Qiao Ge asked after La Zhu finished his introduction.

"Then let's find the oil companies in Kuwait and import from them." Yas smiled.

Since La Zhu is the most familiar there, is there anything else to say?

Others mean the same thing.

"I think so too. It's easier to work in a familiar place, and I believe there will be an advantage in terms of price." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "But I think we can take bigger steps, such as directly acquiring some oil fields?"

When Qiao Ge said this, his voice couldn't help but become louder, and he seemed a little excited.

When Dong An outside the door heard this, he pricked up his ears, held his breath, and listened very carefully.

"Okay, that's it. It's better for us to control the source supply ourselves." Lupa laughed.

He has grown a lot these days.

The edible oil industry and the grain industry all made him understand some of Qiao Ge's business philosophy, which is to start from the source.

Likewise, the petrochemical industry is no exception.

The source is naturally the oil field. With your own oil field, the supply of crude oil is more secure.

"But now the government is tight on foreign exchange, and we don't have enough foreign exchange." Dabai frowned.

"Qiaogo, do you want to use some of your foreign exchange abroad?" Yas asked.

"I don't have much foreign exchange left. Didn't I acquire that steel plant last time?" Qiaogo said. "And I think this acquisition was in the name of the Gupta Petrochemical Plant, not me personally."

In fact, he still has a quota of 3 million US dollars, but these will not be used here. He has other plans.

"What do you want to do?" Hebicha asked curiously.

"That's what I think. The Middle East is so rich. It's all oil." Qiaogo sighed, "But they still need to import grain and some food, so I think In terms of payment, can we use food to offset it, that is to say, exchange things for things."

"Is this possible?" Harper was stunned for a moment.

"It's okay, don't we have to talk to the other side?" Qiao Ge smiled, then looked at La Zhu, "Mr. La Zhu, what do you think?"

"This?" Raju thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Gupta, I can't say no to your idea. I think you can give it a try. After all, there is a large amount of grain and food imported there every year."

"So, when it comes to providing food, we can definitely offer some preferential prices. As long as the profit concession is large enough, I believe they are more likely to agree." Qiaogo said, "Oh, there is a lack of foreign exchange, otherwise we don't have to make such big concessions. "

"Haha~~" Noma couldn't help laughing, "Even if we give up the profits, we can bear it. We have our own food and cooking oil. These can be exported, and the cost can be lower."

Hearing Noma's words, everyone had a knowing smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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