Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 417 All were acquired

There are four people in Dhirubhai's study, namely Dhirubhai himself, Mukesh, Anil and Kharsh.

"Is this information accurate?" Mukesh asked after listening to Khas's words.

"Brother, it's absolutely accurate. This is the information provided by our insiders who have penetrated into Qiaogo a long time ago." Before Kejas could answer, Anil said proudly, "The last auction of Aiyar Grain Company was because of We knew that kid’s bottom line, so we were able to achieve great success and win so much land.”

"This is in line with the behavior of that kid Qiaogo." Droubai smiled and said, "He acquired Deliha's petrochemical plant, and then he officially entered the industry. I have analyzed his business strategy, He clearly takes the industry’s origins very seriously.”

"That's why he chose to directly acquire the oil field this time." Anil said with a smile.

Mukesh said nothing, he was deep in thought.

He certainly believed in the news about Kehas this time.

As his father said, Mukesh had of course conducted in-depth research on Jogo.

Therefore, it is not too surprising that Qiaogo wants to acquire oil fields.

"Father, the kid's intention to acquire the oil field is definitely that of bartering. Is that really feasible?" Mukesh asked.

"This is really feasible." Droubai said, "There is no shortage of oil in the Middle East, but there is a shortage of other resources and materials. Of course, food is the top priority. If we exchange these with them, it will work. "

"We can't let that kid succeed. We can first acquire the oil fields in Kuwait that are ready for sale." Anil said, "Big brother's petrochemical plant is almost completed, and our demand for oil will also be huge. This time we will take one step." In place.”

As long as there is an opportunity to attack Qiao Ge, Anil will definitely not let it go.

Especially since we learned about Qiao Ge’s movements in advance this time, we couldn’t miss it.

And this matter is also of great benefit to their Reliance Group.

"It requires a lot of funds." Droubai sighed.

It's not that Reliance Group can't come up with funds, but it's now under various pressures that it doesn't dare to make big moves and must ensure the group's sufficient cash flow.

Even if it is to exchange things for things, a large amount of materials will have to be purchased domestically, at least tens of billions.

"We can take shares here," Kehas said. "We provide food and take shares in the form of food."

"Father, this is doable." Mukesh said immediately.

Food is hard currency. Even if it is bartered, food is still the main currency.

Eyal Grain Company must be their first choice. After all, everyone has a good relationship and they have shares in it.

Mukesh certainly has no problem with acquiring oil fields.

Because this is very helpful for the petrochemical projects he is responsible for.

To be honest, he originally had the intention to acquire oil fields and establish an upstream system in this industry.

But he also understood that it was impossible for Reliance Group to make such a large investment at the moment, so he thought he could only wait until the future.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge implemented it first, which prompted his father to respond, which was exactly in line with his expectations.

"I have a question, that is, how much advantage can we have when we compete with Qiao Ge? Once we compete, the cost will probably increase a lot." Anil said.

"That kid Qiaogo has a relationship with Bali Lazhu. Unfortunately, they are far behind us." Mukesh smiled, "You have forgotten that my father started his career in the Middle East in his early years. .”

"Yes, I have a lot of connections in the Middle East. This time to acquire the oil fields in Kuwait, I will ask my friends to help me acquire as many oil fields as possible on the market in the shortest possible time." De Rubai smiled.

He started in Yemen as a young man.

Later, when I returned to China, as my domestic business grew bigger and bigger, my network of relationships in the Middle East also grew bigger and bigger.

It is precisely because of this that he would bid generously for petrochemical licenses in the past.

After all, he has long been eyeing the petrochemical industry.

Therefore, he believes that his side has a greater advantage than Qiaogo's side.

“According to Qiaogo and his colleagues, they will complete the acquisition of some oil fields within three months,” Khas said.

"Then we will try to win some high-quality oil fields within two months." Droubai said with a smile, "I am very confident about this."

"Father, there are many oil-producing countries in the Middle East, not just Kuwait. Even if we acquire some oil fields in Kuwait, Qiaogo can definitely find other countries." Anil frowned.

"You are confused, why? Do you still want to monopolize the oil fields over there?" Droubai said, "No one can do this kind of thing. Chogo's targeting of Kuwait shows that it is the most beneficial place for him, then For us, it is also the most beneficial. Although he can go to other countries to acquire it at that time, the first priority place was acquired by us, and we took advantage."

"Father, you are right." Anil smiled, he really thought too much.

It is impossible to prevent Qiaogo from acquiring oil fields.

However, he can first capture the oil fields in the areas he values.

In the Middle East, his father's relations were far superior to those of La Zhu.

Finally, Dhirubhai discussed the specific investment ratio with Khas. The Ambani family and Aiyar Food Group Company contributed money in a ratio of 6 to 4, as did the shares.

If only the Aiyar family had joined, the shares would certainly not be distributed like this.This time, the investment was made in the name of Aiyar Grain Company. The current Aiyar Grain Company is also very powerful, so Dhirubhai treats it as an equal.

The Ambani family provided money, and Aiyar Grain Company provided grain to offset the funds. The two parties cooperated and immediately sent people to Kuwait to negotiate deals with oil fields that were interested in selling.

Ten days later, Anil and Kejas were sitting together.

"How is the progress on Jogo's side in Kuwait?" Anil asked.

"Judging from the news feedback, Barry Lazhu just flew to the Middle East yesterday." Khas said.

"What? Isn't that kid Qiao Ge in a hurry?" Anil asked a little doubtfully.

"No, Barry Lazhu has actually contacted some relationships in the Middle East." Khas said, "Of course, the level of personnel in the oil field company that those people came into contact with is very low, and they are not as good as ours. So there is not much progress. We have already signed contracts with two oilfield companies, and Qiaogo is destined to lag behind us."

"Haha~~Qiao Ge will find out by then that the cost-effective oil fields in Kuwait have long been gone. Tsk~~I don't know what his expression will be like at that time." Anil said very proudly.

They had timely information this time and were able to seize the opportunity.

This was originally Qiaogo's plan, but now it's them who are profiting.

In the previous battles, he did not take advantage of Qiao Ge, and suffered a big loss. This was different these two times, and he won each time.

The informants planted by Kejas in Qiaogo were really useful.

"What other expression could it be, I can only lament my bad luck." Kehas also smiled.

"Oh, by the way, last time you said that Qiaogo was planning to engage in automobile manufacturing and shipbuilding manufacturing?" Anil suddenly asked, "How is his progress?"

"Forget it, that kid is just imaginative." Kehas said, "How can these two industries be done if you want to? There are too many technologies involved, and that kid has nothing, so what can he do?"


"So in these two aspects, Qiao Ge temporarily stopped, there was no movement, and he seemed to find that something was wrong." Kehas said.

"I thought this kid could do anything, but I didn't expect that there would be times when he couldn't do it." Anil sneered.

"I hope he can continue in these two industries. These two industries are big investment industries. This will consume a lot of funds from Qiao Ge. In this way, the pressure on our grain company will be less. A little." Khas sighed.

"Don't worry, with our Reliance Group here, you don't have to worry at all." Anil said with a smile, "Especially once the petrochemical project is completed, it will be a money-making machine. I, the Reliance Group, will not be afraid of them suppressing it at all. And It’s our Ambani Plaza project. When it’s completed, won’t the money be rolling in?”

"That's right, as long as Qiao Ge can't defeat us at once, then he has no chance." Khas smiled. "With the current situation of Aiyar Grain Company, Qiao Ge has no chance at all."

The grain market is destined to be a long-term situation in which the two giants are juxtaposed.

Kehas never thought that he could defeat Qiao Ge, but now he has become more confident in holding his own territory.

Speaking of Qiao Ge, Dong An was sitting at his work station.

Suddenly, a roar came from Qiao Ge's office.

He was stunned for a moment and hurriedly pricked up his ears.

He knew that Hudi had just gone over to report to Qiaogo on the oil field acquisition.

The sound was so loud that it was obvious that the door was not even closed.

Dong'an got up from his seat and walked to the door of his office. Standing here, he could just see the door of Qiao Ge's office.

The door was indeed ajar.

Many employees nearby came to the door secretly and listened to what the boss was saying.

Anyone can feel Jogo's anger.

"What the hell? There are almost no oil fields for sale in the Kuwaiti market now?" Qiaogo said angrily, "Didn't Barry say last time that there were four or five more that were ready to be sold? Where are they?"

"These oil fields have been acquired by others," Hudi said.

"Being acquired by someone~~This~~" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment and said, "We are too unlucky, right?"

"Boss, there is another bad news." Hudi said again.

"Any other bad news?" Qiaogo took a deep breath and asked.

"According to Mr. Lazhu's investigation, these oil fields have been acquired by Reliance Group," Hudi said.

"What did you say?" Qiao Ge couldn't help but raise his voice again.

"It's the Ambani family."

The employees did not hear the boss's angry voice, and the office seemed unusually quiet.

But they know that this should be the calm before the storm.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, there was the sound of breaking things in the office. (End of chapter)

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