Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 418: 1500 billion US dollars in losses

Chapter 418: 1500 billion US dollars in losses (please vote for me)

"Reliance Group? Impossible. Where can they get so much foreign exchange to purchase? Four or five oil fields, how can they cost billions of dollars?" Qiao Ge said angrily.

"It seems to be more than 40 billion U.S. dollars," Hudi said. "Reliance Group traded with them in terms of grain and other food. These items will be delivered in the next five years."

More than 40 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than 600 billion rupees at the current exchange rate.

Of course, 40 billion U.S. dollars can be exchanged for 600 billion rupees, but 600 billion rupees cannot be exchanged for 40 billion U.S. dollars.

These days, U.S. dollars are still very difficult to obtain.

"What a coincidence?" Qiaogo said in a deep voice, "We were planning to acquire oil fields in Kuwait, and Reliance Group took the lead, and the payment method was the same. Hudi, what do you think is going on?"

"Boss, maybe they have also thought of this method. After all, the petrochemical plant in charge of Mukesh is about to be completed," Hudi said.

"Fart, there is definitely a mole in the company. Our intelligence information has been leaked. Check it out for me. We must find out." Qiao Ge said extremely angrily.

Hearing this, Dong An couldn't help but shrink his neck, his heart beating wildly.

It's over, the boss found out.

But he calmed down quickly. The boss was just suspicious now and didn't know it was him. There were so many people in the company, and he was just one of them. There was no need to be afraid, so he calmed down again.

It seems that I will be quiet for a while, and it will be difficult to make any moves during this period.

Immediately afterwards, Dongan listened to Hudi being scolded by Qiao Ge.

Ten minutes later, Hu Di came out of Qiao Ge's office with a look of embarrassment.

"What are you looking at? You are very busy, aren't you? Do you still need this month's bonus?" After Hu Di came out, he saw many employees peeping out at the door of the office outside, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

After the play, Qiao Ge sat in his chair and thought about the acquisition of oil fields in the Middle East.

Acquiring oil fields is not that simple.

The previous meeting and discussion were actually just to make Reliance Group think that they really wanted to acquire oil fields in Kuwait.

Even if you want to acquire it, you can’t choose Kuwait.

The Gulf War is coming soon, and when Saddam invades Kuwait, Djogo will know the tragic situation in those oil fields.

When the Iraqi army retreated, they ignited almost all the oil wells in Kuwait. The fires burned for more than 300 days, burning more than 5000 million tons of oil and causing more than 1500 billion US dollars in economic losses.

The current results are very good. Reliance Group was fooled and they acquired the oil fields first. They will cry when the time comes.

However, Qiao Ge had to admire Droubai's courage and strength. He was able to have such a large network of relationships in the Middle East and win these oil fields in a short period of time.

When he met Barry in private at that time, he asked him about the acquisition of the oil field.

Barry believes that acquiring oil fields is very difficult.

He has many relatives who are engaged in the oil industry. Through them, he has established relationships with some oil companies to import oil. There is no problem in this, they can do it.

But if we go through them to negotiate acquisitions with those oilfield companies, they don't have the ability.

After all, Barry and the others are still incomparable to Droubai.

Therefore, regarding the acquisition of oil fields in the Middle East, Qiu Ge first acted out a show with Barry.

Now let him go there mainly to inspect several other oil-rich countries to see if he can acquire several oil fields.

Of course, for the specific operation, Qiaogo contacted another person, and that was John Lawrence.

It is safer to handle acquisition matters through HSBC's consulting firm. They are professional.

The Middle East is the sphere of influence of European and American countries, and if you don't do anything right, you will be cheated.

So it’s better to spend some money upfront to avoid more trouble.

When Barry goes over this time, he will meet with the person in charge sent by Lawrence.

Regarding the acquisition of oil fields, Qiao Ge is actually not that anxious.

Because he currently only has one petrochemical plant with limited output, there will be no problem even if all crude oil is imported.

Purchasing oil fields and increasing your own oil reserves should only be considered after your petrochemical company grows.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is also a shortage of US dollars.

If you had enough U.S. dollars, why go to all this trouble?

However, in order to dispel Droubai's doubts about him, he still had to buy a few oil fields.

If they don't buy it, they will doubt their intentions.

Of course, the method of payment must be barter, that's for sure, because he didn't have enough US dollars.

Qiaogo's reaction quickly reached Anil's ears. "Haha, is that kid really mad this time?" Anil asked Khas with a laugh.

"Everyone is like this." Kehas smiled, "But by doing this, we have already made Qiaogo realize that he has a spy on his side, so I will ask people to lurk and don't contact me for the time being. This is the last piece of news recently.”

"Well, you did the right thing. Our chess piece is too important to be exposed." Anil sighed, "If something like this happens, unless you are a fool, you will know that someone within the company must have leaked the secret. Qiao Ge is not Fool, if he doesn’t respond to this matter, then there will be a problem.”

"Now we can only hope that our people can hide well enough and not be discovered." Kehas said a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, you have been very careful these days. If you don't contact him next time, just pretend that this person doesn't exist. I believe Qiao Ge can't find anything." Anil comforted him.

"I hope so."

"We should be happy." Anil said, "Even if we are exposed, so what? The benefits we have received are big enough, so we should treat it with a normal attitude."

Kejas thought about it. Although he had given Dongan hundreds of millions of rupees, compared with his gains, a mere few hundred million rupees was nothing at all?
Even if Dong An is exposed, the two pieces of information he provided will bring them huge gains, worth tens of billions.

Of course, it is definitely best if it is not exposed, and it will play a greater role in the future.

On November 1989, 11, the results of the general election were announced.

Although the Congress party has the most seats in parliament among the major parties, it does not exceed half of the seats, so it cannot form a cabinet alone.

Although the seats of other parties on their own are less than that of the Congress Party, the electoral alliance composed of opposition parties such as the People's Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party has more than half of the seats and thus came to power. The leader of the People's Party Vi. Singh (Vishwanath Pratap Singh) became the Prime Minister of India on December 12.

It should be mentioned here that the People's Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party, although they have similar names, are not the same party.

The Bharatiya Janata Party is Lao Xian's party. It split from the People's Party and was established in 1980.

There are many political parties in India, and there are many with similar names. It is difficult for politicians to understand the differences.

However, the next step is basically a confrontation between the Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party. The other parties are just affiliated. As we go to the back, the advantage of the Bharatiya Janata Party is obvious.

Qiao Ge received a call from Jeet. This time Jeet was giving lectures at a temple in New Delhi.

The name of the master has become more famous, and it is not so casual to go out to teach the Dharma now. It requires various reservations, and things are rare and valuable.

Every lecture given by Gitte causes a sensation and is reported by newspapers and other news media.

"I didn't expect the Congress Party to really fail." Jeet sighed over the phone. "What do you think of this government?"

Of course, Kit is concerned about the general election.

At that time, News came to him specifically for this matter. From News, he learned that Djogo was not optimistic about the Congress Party.

You must know that the advantage of the Congress Party at that time was still obvious. If Jeeter had to judge for himself, he would definitely still be optimistic about the Congress Party.

Now the result is really like Qiao Ge's judgment, which makes him very amazed.

Therefore, he also wanted to ask Qiaogo for his judgment on the next political situation.

He has to be prepared. Some politicians will definitely come to him, so he can't be careless in this regard.

Once you are prepared, you will be able to fool those politicians. After all, those politicians are not ordinary believers. If they cannot say something of a high standard, they will not believe it.

"Not optimistic." Qiaogo replied.

He understood Kit's thoughts and was willing to give him some pointers and tips.

He is creating a god, and of course the more godly Git is, the better.

"What do you mean by not being optimistic? During their time in power, the current economic downturn and social unrest will be worse?" Jitter asked.

"That's for sure," Chogo replied, "and I don't think V.P. Singh has the ability. I feel like he won't even be able to stay as prime minister for a full term."

"This?" Kit was shocked, "Isn't this a bit alarmist?"

"I'm not being alarmist. The world structure has undergone major changes. The international situation is unpredictable. The global economy is in various recessions, and the domestic impact is even more unbearable. I have gotten to know V.P. Singh, and let's not talk about other things. He is not very proficient in economics and is afraid that he will not be able to solve the domestic crisis. I think he is in trouble," said Qiaogo.

Khogo knows very well that there have been three prime ministers in the past two years, and it did not end until Narasimha Rao took office as prime minister in 91.

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union is coming to an end. The world has changed so much that many past experiences are no longer applicable.

India is basically still a planned economy. This bad situation in the country will get worse and worse, but no one who becomes prime minister can solve it.

"There will be various difficulties in the past two years. If the prime minister is not capable enough, his position will definitely be unstable and it is very normal for him to step down." Qiaogo continued, "Especially since these prime ministers jointly formed the cabinet, unlike before One-party rule is inherently unstable."

A cabinet united by several political parties is itself full of internal contradictions and struggles for power and gain.

A lot of energy has been consumed in internal fighting, how can you still expect them to improve the current national situation?
Git listened to Qiaogo's analysis. Although Qiaogo's words shocked him, he still took note of it.

Because since he came into contact with Qiao Ge, Qiao Ge's speculation has not been missed.

Compared with some of his own ideas, he definitely believed in Qiao Ge's statement.

(End of this chapter)

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