Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 419 The person who turned the tide

Chapter 419 The person who turned the tide
"It seems that the new prime minister will not be able to successfully complete his term." Jitter said.

"I think he will step down soon. In the next two years, the domestic political arena will be very chaotic." Qiao Ge said, "As for this matter, I feel that the Congress Party has to come out to clean up the situation."

"Huh?" Kit asked in surprise, "Are you optimistic about the Congress Party again this time?"

"One moment has passed," Qiaogo said with a smile. "The National Congress Party has been in power for so many terms, and it still has great advantages over other parties in governing the country, such as advantages in talent and experience. The current situation in the country , it is mainly an economic issue, then a person who is proficient in economics needs to stand up and carry out reforms, and it is not a small reform, it must be a big one, otherwise I am not optimistic about the next domestic situation. As far as I know, the country There are still many people in major parties who are proficient in economics, such as Manmohan Singh whom I know."

"What do you think of Manmohan Singh? Can he become prime minister? What about Rajiv Gandhi?" Jeet asked.

"Manmohan Singh, although he is a veteran figure of the Congress Party, his status is not enough. There is no possibility of him becoming the prime minister now. In the future, let's talk about it in the future. As for Rajiv, you don't think he is Is he the right person to govern the country?" Jogo replied, "After experiencing Rajiv's term this time, I think if the Congress Party comes to power next time, it will definitely make some changes, right? For example, Rajiv can be the prime minister, but what are the specifics? I believe it will be much better if some of the things are left to the professional people below. And ~~~ As for Rajiv, I feel that something unexpected may happen to him at some point."

Djogo knew very well that Rajiv would soon be gone and there would be no chance of him becoming prime minister.

However, only he knew about this matter, so he still disguised it appropriately in his words.

"What?" Kit asked in surprise, "Qiaogo, what news have you got?"

If something unexpected happens, doesn't it mean nothing? It's not easy to say this nonsense.

"No." Jogo said, "I was just thinking, didn't the LTTE make various statements and threaten to kill Rajiv? Those people are desperate for their lives. The LTTE's encirclement and suppression was by Rajiv Ordered, so they regard Rajiv as a big enemy. With the madness of the LTTE, Rajiv will be very dangerous."

Jeet was silent for a moment. He knew about the LTTE.

It was indeed Rajiv's strong request to send troops to encircle and suppress the LTTE.

The LTTE naturally hated Rajiv with all his heart.

But it seems a bit exaggerated to say that Rajiv would be killed by the LTTE.

"Of course, that's what I said. The security of the former Prime Minister is also very strict." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "In short, I think the Congress Party has to come out to clean up this mess. Other parties feel that it is quite embarrassing. Whoever can get in and who can’t, can’t secure this position.”

A few days later, Kit met several people with unusual identities.

The five were headed by Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh was also among them.

The defeat of the Congress party this time left the party members in an extremely low mood.

You must know that they were full of confidence before, but they did not expect that the boat capsized in the end. This was a huge blow.

The party blamed each other and the quarrels continued for several days.

Narasimha and others were prepared to remain silent.

They heard that Master Dimri was giving lectures at the temple here, so they made an appointment, hoping to relax their souls with the master.

Ji Te naturally taught the Dharma to the five of them. In terms of scriptures and teachings, Ji Te was of course impeccable, which made the five of them feel that they had gained a lot.

"It is said that the master often receives instructions from the gods. May I ask if the master has any sense of the Congress Party's next situation?" Narasimha suddenly asked when he was about to leave.

These words made Manmohan frown slightly.

They are all politicians and should be sensible.

Although you can usually believe in various gods and attend various religious activities, it is just a show to win over believers.

Regarding Master Dimri, Manmohan does not deny that the master is proficient in the meaning of the scriptures and deserves the title of master.

But it was too absurd to predict the future, and he didn't believe it.

But he didn't say anything. He knew that Narasimha was actually not this kind of person. It was probably because everyone was under too much pressure recently.

Maybe this is a good way to release stress and get some comfort from religion.

Kit sighed inwardly, these politicians indeed have such a problem.

Fortunately, I had discussed this issue with Qiao Ge before, and it was just right for them.

Of course, there are some things he won't say.

Kit was silent for a moment and said, "You can rest assured and wait patiently. There will be a chance in the near future."

Manmohan secretly laughed in his heart, these masters are indeed still the same, making it difficult for people to find fault with their words.

Near future?
This can take a year or even ten years.

The Congress Party failed carelessly this time, but it will always come back next time.

"May I ask, Master, if you can be more specific?" Narasimha asked in a low voice.

Kit glanced at him and continued silent.

After everyone waited for a few minutes, Jeet slowly spoke: "The country is in troubled times. The current government cannot resolve the crisis and cannot last for one term. In the end, it will be up to you, the Congress Party, to turn the tide."


Geet's words shocked Manmohan and others.

Regarding Narasimha’s question, everyone actually didn’t have much expectations.

These masters all say ambiguous things and will not give specific predictions.

And Git's words contain a lot of information, which is completely different from the deception of other masters.

"Master, are you telling the truth?" Narasimha took a deep breath and asked. "Among you, there is someone who can turn the tide in the future! This is a little instruction given to me by God, and that's it. I can't give you any more instructions." After finishing speaking, Kit closed his eyes.

In Jeet's opinion, the person who can turn the tide must be Manmohan.

After all, when Qiaogo told himself this, he specifically mentioned Manmohan.

Later, he also found information about Manmohan. He was indeed a powerful person who was proficient in economics.

Although what Qiaogo said at that time seemed very outrageous and exaggerated to Kit, he believed it unconditionally.

When Narasimha and others came to look for him, Jeet had thought deeply about it.

It's actually very simple to get rid of them. It's not like he hasn't had contact with these politicians before, so these are all familiar tricks. There are many sayings and routines, just to deceive people.

But he discussed this matter with Qiao Ge, and met this group of important people from the National Congress Party. Kit felt that he should show his holiness.

When the results come out in the future, my halo will be even greater.

Of course, this all assumes that these predictions are correct.

He now unconditionally believes in Qiao Ge. Since he believes it, there is nothing to hesitate.

Because he knew very well that even if his prediction was wrong this time, Narasimha and the others would not tell them.

These politicians are not lowly believers who are easily fooled.

They cannot bring this matter out to offend themselves, because it will not be good for them.

So for me, if I say something wrong, it won’t have much impact.

If it is right, the gains will be immeasurable.

When Narasimha and others saw Jeet's appearance, they knew that the master was seeing off a guest.

The five people left the temple and stood in a deserted place.

"Pretend to be a ghost." someone said.

"Master Dimri isn't afraid of ruining his reputation? Does he really dare to be so sure about the future?" said another person.

In fact, even if Dimri gave them some ambiguous statements, they would have no objection.

Because they know these masters too well and they all do this.

That is to say, those stupid people below believe so crazily that they are elites, and that is what they choose to believe.

If it's good for you, you can be crazier than other believers. If it's not good for you, what a master, go to hell.

"No, I think it is believable. Master Diram gave a specific answer, not a guessing answer for us. Besides, Master Dimri's predictions seem to have come true. I also heard that, Before the election, Master Dimri seemed not to be optimistic about our Congress Party," said a third person.

Rumors that he was not optimistic about the Congress party before the Jeet election spread among a small circle, mainly among politicians.

Of course they have heard of it.

Of course, News later revealed this to the outside world.

Although Kit asked him to keep it secret at the time, News felt that after the election, the results had come out, and he would have no problem telling the matter.

This can enhance the reputation of the master.

After all, News now admires Master Dimri very much.

"Is that what the president of Big News said?" Narasimha said with a smile, "I think Qiao Ge and Master Dimri have a good relationship, so they must be looking towards Master Dimri and are willing to give Dimri Master Li is giving gold. As far as I know, after the election results came out, a lot of news came out immediately, saying that a certain master had predicted the results of the election, and there was more than one."

These masters will also use some tricks that they think are ridiculous for the sake of their own reputation.

However, they also know that the target of these masters is not the high-level elites, but the common people in the middle and lower classes, hoping to win over more believers.

"You forgot, the big news newspaper originally reported the defeat of our National Congress Party, and the president even wrote a special article, and later he was the prime minister~~" As he said this, a person looked at Manmo Chinese.

News reported it in person at that time, and the article made Rajiv a little angry. Later, Manmohan even called Jogo specifically.

They are all old men in the Congress Party and have close relationships, so they all know about it.

"Later, the Big News changed its tone and became optimistic about us. However, those reports were reprinted from other newspapers, and the Big News no longer expressed their own opinions. It can be seen that they were not optimistic about us from the beginning, and we We didn't pay attention to it at the time and put pressure on them. If we could have been more vigilant about those guys on the other side, maybe we could get more than half of the votes, just a few votes short..." the person continued.

In this general election, the Congress Party still has a lot of votes. It is really just a few votes away from exceeding half of the vote.

But it was the lack of these few votes that led to his resignation.

These words made the expressions of the four Narasimha stagnant.

Now that I think about it, it's true.

Why did News make such a report? It may be because of Master Dimri.

Master Dimri may have predicted this.

Based on the relationship between Qiaogo and Master Dimri, it is possible for News to get some prediction information from Master Dimri.

(End of this chapter)

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