Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 420 Loan 1500 Billion

Chapter 420 Loan 1500 Billion

"Whether it is true or not, the matter has passed. You can say whatever you want now. We can't verify it. Now we have to look at the next thing." Manmohan smiled slightly and said, "The master said that V.P. Singh They can’t last one term, which means we can turn around in less than five years, and I’m looking forward to it.”

"Haha~~" Narasimha laughed and said, "I don't really care what the master predicts, but the master has a saying that I appreciate and agree with, that is, in the end, we, the National Congress Party, have to come out to turn the tide. The current domestic situation It is so bad that V.P. Singh does not have the ability to restore the country to normal. Who else can do it except us, the Congress Party?"

They still didn't believe in Kit's prediction, but they felt much better after coming here to listen to the master's lecture, and it was a worthwhile trip.

After V.P. Singh came to power, he implemented some measures to deal with the current chaotic situation, but in Jogo's view, these policies and measures were difficult to implement.

One is that it is too hasty and the measures are not perfect at all, and many of them are self-contradictory.

There is no way, there is no coordination within the government, and there is all kinds of chaos. It is impossible to have any good measures and policies at this time.

It was entirely decided by the people above, and it is not implementable at all.

In fact, this is also the case, and the turmoil in the country has become even more severe.

Prices are soaring and people's lives are difficult.

The government's finances continue to deteriorate at a faster rate than when Rajiv was in office, almost increasing several times in one fell swoop.

Regarding this, Qiao Ge knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

When a new government comes to power, new interest groups will seek benefits for themselves.

Originally, the interest groups in the Rajiv government were almost greedy, so they will definitely restrain themselves.

And isn’t the one who is in charge just waiting for this moment?

They were carrying empty sacks one by one, ready to make a lot of money.

Therefore, through all kinds of fishing, the country's finances were almost emptied out at once.

No matter how much money the previous auctions had, they couldn't withstand the efforts of these people.

In response to the current situation, Qiaogo immediately summoned Yas and other core personnel to discuss the loan.

"Qiaogo, you can decide about the loan. We don't have any objections." Lupa shouted.

He has given himself a position. He will unconditionally support all Qiao Ge's opinions, and the family also means the same.

According to his father, Qiao Ge must have made a well-thought-out decision and was not trying to trick everyone.

After all, Qiao Ge is the one with the largest shares in the company. If it really loses money, Qiao Ge will suffer the biggest loss.

Therefore, there is nothing to be suspicious of on their side, and they can just support it.

Yas and others agree with Lupa.

"Qiaogo, actually I still have some doubts. Last time you said you would let us borrow less, why did you suddenly change your decision this time?" Hebicha asked.

"The situation is changing." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Besides, last time I asked everyone to be healthy and in debt, but I didn't say I wouldn't let you get a loan, right?"

"That's right. It was your own misunderstanding." Hapal laughed.

"Stop arguing, Qiao Ge, tell me, how much are you planning to borrow this time?" Noma said.

Everyone's eyes were on Qiao Ge.

"Gupta Grain and Oil Company needs a loan of at least 1000 billion." Qiaogo said.

"The amount is huge, but even if the loan is 1000 billion, our debt is still very low, less than 50%. It can be more. I think there is no problem with the loan of 1500 billion." Rupa shouted.

"That's right, the fixed assets of Gupta Grain and Oil Company are over 2400 billion. Based on our relationship, the maximum mortgage loan can be [-]%, but [-]% is still no problem, right?" Harpal said.

"Qiaogo, you said you should maintain a healthy debt. I think a loan of 1500 billion is still feasible. The debt is only about 62.5%, which is not too high." Yas smiled and said, "In addition to borrowing from banks, we can also borrow money from banks. Lending institutions are also feasible. At worst, we won’t consider credit loans, which can reduce the debt ratio.”

After hearing what Yas said, everyone laughed and said nothing.

The meaning is already obvious, that is to find Hengde for a loan.

Hender is one of our own, so he will definitely provide convenience when it comes to loans.

This is not about using power for personal gain, but the companies here are all high-quality companies, and lending institutions also like to lend money to these companies, which is safe and guaranteed.

"This is borrowed money, you have to pay it back." Qiao Ge said with a wry smile.

"What's the point? I only know that you can definitely earn more money by borrowing money, and that's enough." Lupa said.

"Okay, I will be more flexible in terms of loans, and the debt can be higher." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "1500 billion is not impossible. In addition to grain and oil groups, petrochemical plants can also be mortgaged. In short, the assets under our name All can be mortgaged. My personal company will also mortgage all of them, and I will take out as many loans as possible while ensuring the health of my liabilities."

"Such a big move?" Yas asked in surprise.

He would not be surprised if it was just a mortgage loan from the Grain and Oil Group.

After all, the grain and oil group has no debt, which is very unusual.How can a company not be in debt, let alone a company as huge as the Cereals and Oils Group?

So when Qiao Ge talked about the mortgage loan this time, even if the amount was relatively large, it was because of the huge assets of the Grain and Oil Group, and he thought it was normal.

In his opinion, Qiaogo should be preparing to launch an offensive on the grain market.

But Qiao Ge said that all the companies under his name were mortgaged, which was an unusual move.

Comparatively speaking, they don't care so much about the mortgage of petrochemical plants. They now look down upon the assets of more than 300 billion yuan.

Others also realized this and stared at Qiao Ge, trying to get answers from Qiao Ge.

"I feel that this government is not reliable." Qiaogo explained, "The country's economy is not optimistic. If it cannot improve in the future, I think there is a risk of collapse. At this time, we must ensure that we have more cash on hand. "

"This?" Yas pondered for a moment and said, "Qiaogo, if the economy really collapses, will there be risks if we borrow too much? Although our debt is still relatively healthy now."

They finally understood that what Qiaogo meant was the economic crisis.

Companies with high debt levels may be doomed.

In this way, you really need to be cautious about your loans.

No wonder Qiao Ge had always said that he would be in debt for his health. It turned out to be this reason.

In fact, they have feelings about the country's economic problems.

When Rajiv was in power, things were getting worse and worse.

V.P. Singh is obviously not doing well in economics. Because they are governed by several parties, the government is in chaos, and personnel appointments and various policies are not straightened out.

So the situation is even worse now.

Originally, they had great trust in Qiao Ge's judgment, and coupled with these visible changes, they felt a little nervous.

"In order to be more safe, I will ask for the loan term to be extended to 3 years, at least 2 years." Qiao Ge said.

"Okay." Dabai said with a smile, he was representing Huaida, "It is usually one year, which is a bit short. If we extend the time, we will have more room to operate."

Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

These loans are generally repaid once a year. Whether you borrow a new loan to repay an old loan or pay it off directly, this interest rate is the most cost-effective.

If the loan term is extended, the interest rate will be much higher.

After all, almost everyone can borrow new and repay old ones, so there is no need to choose a loan that lasts two or three years. Who wants to be taken advantage of by paying more interest?
But this time is different. Once this kind of economic crisis occurs, it will be basically impossible to get a loan from a bank.

"So for this loan, I hope everyone will go to banks and various lending institutions. It doesn't matter if the interest rate is higher." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "As long as we have cash in hand, there will be plenty of opportunities."

"Then we can acquire those high-quality companies that have gone bankrupt." Yas smiled, "By the way, the Aiyar family now all takes one-year loans. If we choose two- or three-year loans, will it cost us Did they follow suit?"

"It's hard to say." Qiao Ge pondered for a moment and said, "But their previous loans were already very large and their liabilities were already very high. Even if they wanted to borrow more, they wouldn't be able to borrow much. Of course, we also need to have external loans. To put it another way, the loan amount this time is very large and it will be difficult to repay it within one year, so we chose a long-term one to give us a larger buffer time. As for the purpose of the loan, I have already thought about it. The Cereals and Oils Group is here It was said to be used to purchase stores across the country, increase sales points, and acquire food suppliers at all costs. The loan from the petrochemical plant was used to build a second factory."

"Real or false in terms of purpose?" Lupa asked.

"Haha~~Of course it's just a show, but you have to do it a little bit, such as sending people out to inspect the locations of the purchased stores, etc. Of course, if there are really suitable food suppliers selling land, etc., that's okay too "We won." Qiaogo said, "Our target is all kinds of high-quality companies that will go bankrupt in the future. Of course, in my opinion, the government is likely to continue to auction state-owned companies, and the scale will be larger. These are our main targets. Target. However, what I am most interested in is Aiyar Grain Company. I don’t know if they can persist this time.”

Next comes reform, which is not as simple as auctioning off state-owned companies, but large-scale privatization. The government will also liberalize countless previously state-owned monopoly industries to allow private companies to enter.

Such as electricity, ports, mining, private banking, etc.

These are what Qiao Ge wants to intervene. He must prepare more cash at this time. There will be too many acquisition opportunities waiting for him in the future.

As for the higher interest rate if the loan term is extended, this is not a problem at all.

During the reform and opening up in 91, the rupee suddenly depreciated by nearly 20%. In fact, the rupee has been depreciating now. As long as your debt is healthy, it is definitely right to borrow more money.

But the more money you borrow, the better. If you think about borrowing new money to repay old money, you are courting death.

Because it is basically impossible to borrow money from the bank in the coming days.

If you can't borrow money, you can't repay old debts, which means you're doomed.

Qiao Ge also took advantage of the fact that the current situation was not that bad and he could borrow money as soon as possible.

He knew very well that it would not be long before banks would no longer lend money on a large scale.

Qiao Ge's words made everyone's eyes light up.

This possibility is really great.

(End of this chapter)

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