Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 421: 3400 billion can be used

Chapter 421: 3400 billion can be used (please vote for me)
"Qiaogo, I understand, we will find someone for the loan." Yas smiled, "Everyone, hurry up."

"No problem, I will report to the old man and the others immediately when I get back. I believe they will take action immediately." Lupa laughed.

Everyone was laughing and in an unusually happy mood.

It is foreseeable that before long, everyone's assets will skyrocket again.

The economic crisis is a great opportunity as long as you seize the opportunity. Various acquisitions and mergers are the best time to strengthen yourself.

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot one thing. Qiao Ge, Aiyar Grain Company is now cooperating with Reliance Group to invest in oil fields in Kuwait. Is it really okay?" Yas asked.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that they actually planted eyes and ears on our side. It was originally ours, but now they bought it first." Lupa said angrily.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, this incident made them very depressed.

"Maybe this is a good thing for us." Jogo said.

"What do you mean? Have you found out the spy in the company?" Hebicha asked, "Who is it? I'm going to skin him!"

"Not yet." Qiaogo said, "After this happened, I mentioned this matter when I was on the phone with Master Dimri. The master said, until the end, who knows whether it is a blessing or a curse? I thought about it. According to the master, he should not be optimistic about our investment in Kuwait."

These words made Yas and the others stunned for a moment.

Although they all respect Master Dimri and know that Qiaogo and Master Dimri have a good relationship, can they rely on the master's prediction for such a thing?
"Things have already happened, and there is no point in thinking about it anymore." Qiaogo said with a smile, "There are so many oil-producing countries in the Middle East, we can just switch to another one, it's not a big deal. As for whether it is a blessing or a curse, there is no need to care. Aiyar It is actually a matter of time before grain companies and Reliance Group join forces to acquire the oil fields in Kuwait. After all, Mukesh runs a petrochemical plant, so it is impossible for them not to consider this."

The last time it was just a scene, Qiaogo didn't tell them clearly, and the conversation with Kit was all made up by Qiaogo.

Regarding the problems in Kuwait, if a war does break out in the future, Qiao Ge can attribute these to luck after thinking about it.

But in this case, the benefits I get are not enough.

That's why he added another amazing achievement to Kit.

This kind of prediction is more convincing if it comes from the eloquence of a master.

Although Yas and the others are allies with him, after all, they still have to represent the family behind them, so in total, the relationship between Kit and himself is closer than that of them.

The greater the influence of Git in the religious world, the better.

If you think about it, it is certain that Reliance Group will acquire oil fields overseas. Now it is just a little earlier than planned, and it is just grabbing the places they were originally optimistic about.

This really doesn't have much impact on my side, but it doesn't.

After all, oil fields are not out of print. There are many oil-producing countries in the Middle East, so you can pick and choose again.

It just makes everyone feel uncomfortable, but it's nothing.

"Aiyar Grain Company's investment in grain this time can be said to have consumed a lot of their funds and increased their liabilities. If there is an economic crisis, they will be miserable." Yas said with a smile.

"That's right, invest, they'd better spend all the money they have." Harpal said with a smile, "When the time comes when they can't borrow new money to repay old debts, let's see what they do."

Dongan Jaishankar was kept out of this meeting because it was a secret and he could not be allowed to reveal the information to Kejas and the others.

For such a spy whose identity is exposed, the information that is made known to him must have been processed.

Next, Yas and the others mobilized their family's power to talk to banks and lending institutions about borrowing money.

The loan went very smoothly.

Qiao Ge is still thinking too much. His company is very popular, and banks and other institutions are willing to lend money.

In January 1990, the Gupta Grain and Oil Group obtained a mortgage loan of RMB 1 billion, and the Gupta Petrochemical Plant obtained a mortgage loan of RMB 1500 billion, both of which were repaid after three years.

The Gupta Square project in New Delhi itself has already been mortgaged, so there is no mortgage.

In other words, the new mortgage loan of Qiao Ge and Yasi's cooperative company is nearly 1700 billion. The original cash of the two companies is nearly 1200 billion. After deducting the construction of various water conservancy facilities and mechanization, 700 billion, the subsequent construction of petrochemical plants, etc., the available funds are There should be 2200 billion.

Moreover, the 700 billion yuan spent on the construction of water conservancy facilities and other facilities will not be spent all at once, so the actual funds that can be used are more than 2200 billion yuan.

The mortgage loan of the company under Qiao Ge's own name increased by more than 500 billion, and it also took three years to pay off.

Including previous external loans, the total reached nearly 1000 billion.

He originally had nearly 700 billion in funds in his account, so now he has nearly 1200 billion available.

In fact, Qiaogo could convert the original one-year loan of nearly 500 billion into a three-year loan, but in order not to arouse the ideas of Kejas and Anil too much, Qiaogo did not consider it for the time being.

Because this loan will expire in a few months, it will be fine to repay it at that time and renew the three-year loan.

I believe you won’t be able to get a loan from the bank in a few months.

If you repay the loan early and then change the loan term, it will make the other party suspicious.

Those are old foxes, especially Droubai.

Of course, the fact that he had so much loan all at once, and it was for three years, would definitely attract his attention.

Qiao Ge was too lazy to pay attention to this.

Because Qiao Ge now knows very well that even if they want to fight, they probably don't have the strength.

Reliance Group may be better off. Like Aiyar Grain Company, they have mortgaged almost all they can and have no extra collateral at all.

Even if you can get some more loans, your funds are limited.Since Qiao Ge can personally earn more than 60 billion every month, when he needs to acquire other companies in the future, the scale of funds will be even larger. Strong cash flow is also a huge source of confidence for Qiao Ge.

Foreign funds will not be considered for the time being, and only domestic funds will be considered now. Qiao Ge personally plus the funds of those partnership companies can use nearly 3400 billion.

With such a huge sum of money, Qiaogo's goal is not only to target Aiyar Grain Company, but also to privatize it in the future.

As privatization comes, countless state-owned companies will be sold.

Jogo would definitely not miss such a feast.

Manmohan was shocked by the movement of hundreds of billions.

He hurriedly called Qiao Ge and asked what happened.

His position remains unchanged for now, as most other Congress party positions have been stepped down.

This is a very normal thing. After all, the enemy is in power, and some important positions in the government must be placed with one's own people.

Manmohan feels that his position has not moved and he has a lot to do with Qiao Ge.

Because everyone knows that he and Qiao Ge are very close.

Manmohan felt very emotional about this.

He was optimistic about Qiao Ge before and gave him all kinds of care. In fact, it was also a long-term investment.

It's just that he didn't expect that Qiaogo's development would be so advanced and it would bring benefits to him so quickly, and the benefits would be huge.

This means that as long as Jogo is around, his position in the government will be difficult to shake.

At the same time, his status within the Congress Party has also increased rapidly.

It's all about Jogo.

There is no way, Qiao Ge now has huge influence in the country, and no one dares to underestimate his existence and reaction.

"I'm just a little pessimistic about the future, so I'm going to hoard more funds now." Qiao Ge replied.

"Since you are not optimistic, why are you borrowing money on a large scale?" Manmohan asked.

"With crises come opportunities," Jhogo replied.

These words made Manmohan silent for a long time. He was proficient in economics, so he could understand the meaning of Qiaogo's words.

"Aren't you afraid of making mistakes in judgment?" Manmohan asked again.

"It's okay if you make a mistake in judgment. The worst thing you can do is lose some interest. In fact, for me, I also need a large amount of money to invest. Why borrow if I can get a loan? So I won't lose money anyway." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Of course, I think of myself I am still confident in my judgment, because I am not optimistic about the current government, they are probably worse than their predecessors~~um~~I have no intention of targeting Mr. Gandhi.”

Manmohan was speechless when he heard Qiaogo's words.

But he couldn't refute it, because Rajiv's performance was indeed not very good, and he couldn't bear to talk about it.

Rajiv really shouldn't have entered politics.

"䱱~~Did you hear anything from Master Dimri?" Manmohan asked with a thought in his heart.

Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment, why was Kit suddenly involved?

"Mr. Singh, what do you mean?" Qiao Ge asked.

"A few days ago, a few friends and I went to see Master Dimri. After listening to his lectures, we asked about the current situation. The master also said that he was not optimistic about this government." Manmohan replied, "I know You have a close relationship with Master Dimri, so Master Dimri told you these, right?”

Only then did Qiao Ge realize that there was still such a relationship.

Unexpectedly, Manmohan and the others also went to find Jeet.

It seems that Jeet told Manmohan and others what she said to him at that time.

Well, Qiaogo doesn't want this credit, so it would be better to give it to Git, which is in line with his plan to create a god.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence. Yes, I was lucky enough to get some instructions from Master Dimri." Qiaogo said with a smile.

"Qiao Ge, this is a private communication now. I don't want to hide some words. I want to ask, do you really believe what the master said?" Manmohan asked.

He thinks Qiao Ge should be the kind of rational person and shouldn't listen to the words of the so-called master, right?

"I think Master Dimri is different from other masters. His insights can give me great inspiration." Qiaogo said, "After listening to the master's words, I also studied the current situation after I came back. I came to this Judgment also has its own thoughts, not just a word from the master. Of course, if it weren't for the master, I probably wouldn't have realized this so quickly. The master is really an expert."

When it comes to creating gods or something, it all depends on who is right.

People like Manmohan are shrewd and cannot really believe in these masters all of a sudden. Qiao Ge is aware of this.

Therefore, his words are also reserved, true and false, only in this way can he slowly influence elites like Manmohan.

"To be honest, I have also researched the next situation. I am not very optimistic about the next situation, but I am not as sure as you." Manmohan said.

He is still in the research stage. Although he is not optimistic about the subsequent development, he cannot yet judge how bad the economy will be.

But judging from Qiao Ge's crazy behavior, Qiao Ge should be very pessimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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