Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 422 Cutting off financing channels

"Anyway, I'm very unfavorable." Qiao Ge said, "I think everyone should be prepared to survive the cold winter. Oh, Mr. Singer, please don't spread this out, at least not to my enemies."

"Haha~~ I understand, you know what I'm going to say today, and that's it for now." Manmohan laughed.

Of course he now hopes that Qiao Ge will be as powerful as possible, which will help him more.

If the next situation is really bad, then Jogo's current actions can bring him huge benefits.

To put it bluntly, the worse the country's economic situation is, the greater the benefits Djogo will receive.

If the Congress party is still in power, Manmohan may still seek upward suggestions.

It's different now. Other parties are in power. Although his position has not been lost, he knows very well that even if he makes any suggestions, he will definitely be thrown into the trash can by the other party.

If you want to serve your country, but no one supports it, then let this country continue to rot.

Only by continuing to rot will the National Congress Party have a chance to come back to power and then be able to display its ambitions.

Qiao Ge's movement naturally alerted Kehas, Droubai and others.

After all, Qiao Ge's move this time was too big, how could they not notice it.

Kejas came to Ambani's house with a worried look on his face.

Looking at Kehas's appearance, Anil had been persuading him for a while, but to no avail.

Anil secretly sighed in his heart. The old guy Kehas was obviously frightened by that kid Qiaogo, and he probably had a shadow in his heart.

However, Anil can understand Kejas's reaction.

I was also frightened by Qiao Ge's big move, the movement was too big.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qiaogo’s ambitions in the grain industry will target Aiyar Grain Company sooner or later.

Although I had previously said that I was confident of resisting Qiaogo's offensive, who wouldn't be worried after seeing such a large-scale loan from Qiaogo?
Eyal Grain Company is obviously the first to bear the brunt. Qiaogo holds hundreds of billions of funds in his hands. It is shuddering to think about it.

Even Reliance Group has never had such a huge amount of cash.

In addition to dealing with Kehas, Anil couldn't think of anything else that Qiaogo had to do.

"Don't worry too much." Droubai comforted, "No matter whether Qiaogo is targeting you or not, even if he is targeting you, you just need to stabilize your basic base. I believe there will still be a turn for the better."

"From the news I have received, the Gupta Grain and Oil Group alone has loaned more than 1000 billion, plus the existing funds, it has gone up to 2000 billion. This does not include Qiao Ge personally, so we have to add more." A total of 600 to [-] billion." Khas said with a very ugly face, "With such a large capital investment, even if I want to resist it, I don't have the funds or the strength."

"Father, that kid Qiaogo does have this strength now. Once he attacks at all costs, Aiyar Grain Company will really not be able to resist it." Anil said.

"I don't believe that Qiaogo would do this. If he really uses this method to defeat Aiyar Grain Company, his losses will be immeasurable." Droubai said.

"Mr. Ambani, even if Jogo loses hundreds of billions this time, once Aiyar Grain Company is defeated by him, he will monopolize the grain industry. Oh, plus the edible oil market, this benefit can more or less make up for this loss. "Khars said.

"Father, it is really possible. The grain market is different from other industries, and its impact is huge. Sometimes it cannot be measured by money." Mukesh said at the side.

Losing hundreds of billions to capture the grain market is a high price, but it is not unbearable.

After all, this time Qiao Ge suddenly had 3000 billion in funds in his hands. It was so terrible that losing 1000 billion was nothing.

Dhirubhai thought for a moment.

Of course he understood that this was possible, and what he said just now was just to comfort Kejas.

It's just that he has studied Qiaogo's practices over the years, and feels that Qiaogo is unlikely to use such a direct method, because the price is still too high.

Looking at those opponents that Qiao Ge defeated, he still used some special means to minimize the cost.

Of course, he can't be careless. Maybe Qiaogo has changed his tactics this time?
As his eldest son said, the grain industry is different from other industries. It is the foundation of a country. Whoever masters this will have a very different influence.

With hundreds of billions of funds here, Qiao Ge has too much room for maneuver. It is too difficult for him to figure out his movements.

"Didn't you say that you have placed someone at Qiaogo's side? Didn't you get any news?" Mukesh asked when he saw that his father had not said anything for a while.

Anil couldn't help but look at Kejas when he heard this.

Kehas and Dong'an have a single line of contact, so Anil doesn't know the specific situation.

"I didn't contact him." Khas sighed. "After Jogo discovered that there was a spy inside last time, I asked him to lurk. If he is activated again at this time, he may be exposed."

"The matter this time is too big. Even if he is exposed, we have to find a way for him to get some information." Anil said.

He changed his previous thoughts.

"This?" Khas was a little hesitant.

To be honest, he had wanted to contact Dong'an for a long time, but he hadn't really made up his mind yet.

"It's better not to contact him for now." Droubai finally said.

"Father?" Anil looked at his father with some confusion.

Even if he was exposed for such a big thing, he wouldn't hesitate.

"I think most of the people you have installed cannot know about Qiao Ge's actions this time." Droubai said, "Only a few people can know, such as a few members of those big families. Your people always know Not one of them, right?”

Kehas sighed, how is this possible. "For such a big event, Qiao Ge must be extremely careful. It is impossible to reveal the information. Not only will you not get any information by contacting him, but it will also expose his identity, which is not cost-effective." Droubai said, "Now we don't care what Qiao Ge wants. Whatever you do, just prepare your own defense. Kehas, you must be mentally prepared to fight a tough battle with Qiao Ge."

These words made Kehas stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "I also think that for now, I am short of funds."

"Reliance Group supports you." Dhirubhai said solemnly, "I will make a statement to the outside world and support you with 500 billion in advance."

"Father?" Mukesh shouted hurriedly.

How does this work?
500 billion is lent out, Reliance Group's own liquidity will be a problem.

Dhirubhai raised his hand to stop Mukesh.

Hearing this, Khas' face was overjoyed: "Thank you Mr. Ambani."

"But I can't give you this money now." Droubai said, "It depends on the specific actions of Qiaogo. I will lend it to you in batches when the time comes."

"This is already the greatest support for us," Khas said.

Of course, he never thought that Dhirubhai would lend him 500 billion at once.

Reliance Group is not having a good time now, and he knows it very well.

What Kohas values ​​most now is not the 500 billion itself, but the meaning of this matter.

This is what it means to declare to the outside world that Reliance Group fully supports Aiyar Food Company.

If Qiao Ge really wants to defeat himself head-on, he has to think about the price he will have to pay after Reliance Group intervenes.

The price would have to be at least doubled.

It's a deterrent.

For Khas, he certainly doesn't want Jogo to really target them directly, and I believe Droubai thinks the same way.

I hope that guy can be more sensible, it would be good for everyone.

"Maybe I can go back to those banks and see if I can borrow some more money," Khas continued.

"I'm afraid it's difficult," Droubai said.

The debts of Eyal Grain Company are too high. In fact, the debts of the Eyal family themselves are also very high, so even if he comes forward at this time, it will probably be of no use.

With such a big movement coming from Qiaogo this time, the banks must have guessed that it was aimed at Aiyar Grain Company.

So how could they still lend money to Kehas so easily?
After all, Aiyar Grain Company will fall under the butcher's knife of Qiao Ge if it fails. At this time, the money lent may not be recovered.

In fact, when Kohas went to the banks and loan companies, none of them were successful.

Some banks even suggested that he pay back the loan early.

Pay back money in advance?

How could Kejas do this? In order to deal with Qiaogo's offensive at this time, he must ensure the funds in his hands.

For a time, various newspapers came out one after another to interview Qiao Ge.

In the end, Qiao Ge expressed his attitude through the big news newspaper. He meant that this large-scale loan was needed for the company's expansion and was not targeted at anyone.

There are all rumors circulating outside. Please don’t believe it, and please don’t take it personally.

After reading this, Khas threw the newspaper into the trash can.


If he really believed what Qiao Ge said, he would be a fool.

In short, as long as the funds in Qiao Ge's hands are not invested, he cannot take it lightly.

However, Droubai has already issued a statement. I believe that boy should know his determination.

Qiaogo doesn't want to pay attention to Aiyar Grain Company now, because he has to wait to defeat them.

What we are doing now is to slowly put pressure on them, not only on Kehas and the others, but also on the banks.

As long as the pressure on his side continues, it will not be so easy for Kejas to borrow new money to repay old debts.

In other words, Qiaogo wants to cut off the bank loan of Aiyar Grain Company.

If you lose your bank loan, you will fall down all of a sudden.

Of course, in normal times, this method would still be difficult to succeed, and some banks might refuse loans. However, the Aiyar family has its own influence, and together with the Reliance Group, it is still possible to borrow new debt.

Therefore, this time the country's economic crisis is the best opportunity. Even if banks want to borrow, they will have no choice.

In short, Qiaogo will now use all means to cut off the Aiyar family's financing channels.

Lakshmi's office, Indonesia.

"Boss, the bank rejected our loan request." The assistant came in and said with a solemn expression. (End of chapter)

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