Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 423 Incorporation

Chapter 423 Incorporation
"I know." Lakshmi responded calmly.


"You go down."

The assistant sighed secretly and retreated.

Lakshmi threw the pen in his hand on the desk and stepped back. Recently, he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

He failed to win the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, and then split up and lost a large amount of money, which greatly affected his business in Indonesia.

There are too many people who are adding insult to injury. His failure during this period has allowed many competitors to seize the opportunity.

They began to squeeze their own markets and steal their customers one after another, and their losses became even greater.

Since the company was short of funds, Lakshmi went to the bank for a loan. Unexpectedly, she was rejected by several banks.

He knew that the reason for his failure during this period was that the bank had some concerns about lending to him.

I am afraid that some of my opponents are also doing this secretly, influencing the banks to prevent them from lending to me.

Without bank loan funds, it will be difficult to realize the ideas that I want to develop and grow next.

Under the current circumstances, it is not easy to maintain the current scale.

When the family was separated, the family took away too much of his funds, and he still can't catch his breath.

Of course Lakshmi had issues with her family and her father, but what was the use of talking more now?
Things are not going well for me here, but my two younger brothers at home are very happy.

Yesterday, a special telegram was sent to inform him of some domestic situations.

It is said that after the family received the money from Indonesia, part of it was invested in domestic steel plants, and most of it was invested in Anil's Ambani Plaza project.

There was pride in his words.

This made Lakshmi even more angry. This was a naked show off and a blow to herself.

Thinking of this, Lakshmi's breath became a little unsteady.

He hurriedly took several deep breaths to suppress the anger in his heart.

After thinking about it, he found that his current predicament was difficult to resolve, mainly because he had no funds, which made it impossible to implement some of his ideas.

Without money, nothing can be done.

At this time, the assistant knocked on the door and came in.

"Boss, they said they want to buy our factory." The assistant respectfully placed a fax in front of Lakshmi.

Lakshmi glanced at it and sneered: "I'm not so depressed that I want to sell the steel plant."

It was a telegram from one of his competitors.

He knew very well that the other party did not really want to acquire his steel plant. This was a mockery and humiliation.

I remember that when I competed with him, I knocked him down and then pushed him far away.

However, this time, I suffered heavy losses, and my assets were indeed inferior to those of the other party, so the other party became arrogant.

"Boss, I understand." The assistant went down again.

"Take your time, I can still rise, and you will be like this for the rest of your life." Lakshmi whispered.

He doesn't look down on this opponent. The opponent's ability is very average. A mediocre person can probably only maintain the current scale.

He believes that he can definitely rise again. Without the loan support from the bank, his rise will be more bumpy.

Thinking back to when I first came to Indonesia, no matter how bad it is now, it is ten times or a hundred times better than it was then.

It will definitely succeed, he firmly believes.

"Jogo Gupta!" Lakshmi thought of Jogo, and her failure this time was at his hands.

hate it?

There is no doubt about it, of course I hate it.

But Lakshmi also knew that this was normal market competition behavior.

Speaking of which, when I wanted to take over the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, I also used some disgraceful methods.

Later, Qiao Ge seized the opportunity and made a counterattack, causing him to fall into the abyss.

However, although he had his own reasons for this, he had to admire Qiao Ge.

To be honest, Lakshmi is quite conceited.

He looks down on domestic companies, even the Ambani family of the Reliance Group, in his heart.

Wasn't it because of his relationship with Indira that he made countless illegal profits? Otherwise, could he have achieved such an achievement?
This kind of company will only make profits by leveraging the power of domestic politicians. If it goes abroad, it will be nothing and no match for itself.

Of course, Lakshmi knows that he also uses this method abroad, such as Trinidad and Tobago, which is considered collusion between politics and business.

But I am abroad.

I have long set my sights on foreign countries and the world, unlike those guys from the Reliance Group who only focus on the one-third of an acre of land in China. Their vision is too short-sighted.

But now there is an alternative, that is Qiao Ge.

He later studied Qiaogo's investments in Malay. At that time, Qiaogo's domestic assets were not as terrifying as they are now.

At that time, he actually invested such a large amount of money in Malay. He had to admire his courage.

In other words, Qiaogo, like himself, has set his sights on the international world.

In this way, he and himself are the same type of people.Lakshmi did not feel ashamed to lose at the hands of such a person.

If we really want to trace the source, we should have provoked Qiao Ge first. Isn't Qiao Ge's counterattack normal?
You can only admit this loss.

"What's the matter?" Lakshmi frowned and looked at the assistant who knocked on the door and came in displeasedly.

"Boss, Zalbek Clark said he wants to see you." The assistant naturally felt the boss's anger. If it were anyone else, he would have pushed him away, but this person is a bit special now.

"Clark?" Lakshmi was stunned for a moment, "The British person in charge of Qiaogo's investment in Indonesia?"

Zalbek Clark is responsible for the Gupta Paper Mills and Gupta Timber Mills in Indonesia.

Of course, this is temporary. Jogo wants to put him in charge of the palm oil industry in Indonesia.

"Invite him in." Lakshmi added without waiting for the assistant to answer.

When Clark came in, Lakshmi couldn't help but look him over.

He has never met Clark, but he has heard about this person for a long time.

Lakshmi was still confused and didn't know why he came to find her.

Needless to say, it was Qiao Ge who was behind this.

"Mr. Mittal, I think you can guess that I came here today on orders from my boss." Clark said.

"I'm curious. I wonder what your boss, Mr. Gupta, wants you to bring to me?" Lakshmi said lightly, "Would you come here to show off that he won Trinidad and Tobago?" A steel plant, right? Oh, it’s called the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant now.”

"No, Mr. Mittal, you misunderstood. How could my boss be such a small-minded person? His mind is as broad as the sea..."

Listening to Clark's words, Mittal was speechless.

These British guys are very arrogant. It's not like he has never dealt with the British and knows what their virtues are.

But there is no special reason for this guy to praise Qiao Ge in front of him, it's just because of money.

Because Jogo paid Clark a salary.

It's true that people talk nonsense when they see others, and they talk nonsense when they see ghosts. In essence, these foreigners bully the weak and fear the strong.

"Our boss would like to ask Mr. Mittal, do you have any intention to sell your steel industry in Indonesia?" Clark quickly got back to business.

Lakshmi was silent for a moment.

He didn't expect Qiao Ge to be interested in his own industry. It was so unexpected.

"Sorry, I have no intention of selling it," Lakshmi said.

Just kidding, this is his business, how could he sell it.

The worst that can happen is that your development will be slower.

"Then our boss also wants to ask, is Mr. Mittal willing to join? He will be responsible for the overseas steel industry under the boss's name in the future." Clark added.

This statement shocked Lakshmi.

Does Qiao Ge want to recruit himself, incorporate himself, and let him work for him?
"Mr. Mittal, don't refuse in a hurry. You can completely consider it. The boss has not set a deadline for you. It won't be too late to tell me when you make a decision." Clark smiled, "If there is nothing else, then I’ll take my leave now.”

After Clark finished speaking, he saw Lakshmi frowning in thought, knowing that he might not be able to give an answer for a while, so he walked out of the office without thinking too much.

Lakshmi's assistant came in quickly because he saw Clark leaving shortly after and wanted to ask the boss if he had any instructions.

"Where is Mr. Clark?" Lakshmi was awakened by the assistant coming in.

"He just left. Boss, are you okay?" When the assistant came in, he found that his boss seemed to be deep in thought. He didn't know what Clark said to the boss, so that the boss didn't even notice Clark left.

"Oh, it's okay," Lakshmi replied.

He had just been lost in thought, and it had to be said that Clark's words made it difficult for him to react for a while.

It was so surprising that Qiao Ge actually wanted to recruit him.

He had to admit that Qiao Ge had abundant funds overseas. If he joined his side, he would indeed be able to achieve great development, but those funds were not his own.

And at that time, he became Qiao Ge's subordinate, which was a bit difficult for him to accept.


"What's the matter?" Qiao Ge asked when he saw Hudi coming in.

"Boss, Mr. Clark sent a message, but Lakshmi didn't agree or reply," Hudi said.

"Oh, so be it." Qiao Ge smiled.

"Boss, do you really want to bring Lakshmi in?" Hudi asked.

"If you have any ideas, please tell me." Qiao Ge put down the pen in his hand and asked.

"After all, he belongs to the Mittal family. The Mittal family is now the loyal lackeys of Reliance Group. Some time ago, they made additional investment in the Anil Plaza project. In newspapers and other aspects, they are cheering for Reliance Group. ." Hudi said.

He couldn't understand the boss's operation this time.

Although the boss also has precedents of recruiting people from his opponents, such as Jena, which is a living example.

But at that time, Jayna was not considered a member of the Sitharaman family and was completely abandoned.

But Lakshmi is a little different. Although his family is separated, his situation is much better than that of Gehna at that time.

Lakshmi has been working alone abroad for more than ten years. If it were not for the intervention of his boss, he would have taken over the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, which would have been an amazing achievement.

Such people generally have great ambitions and are unlikely to succumb to others.

(End of this chapter)

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