Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 424: 20 million US dollars

"You are right, there is indeed a problem with recruiting at this time. Even if he is in a lot of trouble now, I think he will probably not agree." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "But I just want to say hello to him first. When the Mittal family declines, he may consider it."

Regarding Lakshmi's movements, Jogo has been sending people to keep an eye on her.

Since she sniped him, Lakshmi's life has not been easy these days.

Too much capital was lost during the separation, which allowed opponents in Indonesia to seize the opportunity.

These really have nothing to do with Qiao Ge, they are all spontaneous actions of his opponents.

Lakshmi has developed rapidly in Indonesia in recent years, seizing the market at low prices, which has naturally harmed the interests of many other steel plants.

For Qiaogo, his original idea was just to keep an eye on Lakshmi and wait until he was ready to acquire a foreign steel plant before he would get involved.

But now Lakshmi has deviated from the original track because of himself, so no one can say when he will make his next acquisition. At least it will be much later than in his previous life.

After all, it would take a long time for Lakshmi to recover, or even to survive.

So Qiaogo directly took advantage of Lakshmi himself.

The other party is definitely a talented person, there is no doubt about it.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Hu Di's heart moved.

"You should understand what I mean. I'm not optimistic about Anil's Ambani Plaza project." Jogo sneered, "They are looking for death. I dare say that it won't be long before they can't hold on." , Big loss. If the Mittal family is increasing investment in this project at this time, it is really too long-lived."

As a confidant of Jogo, Hudi certainly understands some of Jogo’s attitudes regarding the Ambani Plaza project.

Of course, Djogo did not take the Ambani Plaza project seriously. Now, in Djogo's view, this project is just entering the countdown of its life.

However, investment funds for the Ambani Plaza project have actually been increasing these days, while the funds for the Gupta Square project are still the same as before.

Comparing the two can not help but attract a lot of news reports.

Since Anil is still very interested in news, his Ambani Plaza project is very popular now, at least he has not lost in rhetoric.

In particular, the continuous increase in funds has given him more confidence, making many people optimistic about his Ambani Plaza.

In their view, once completed, it may surpass their own Gupta Square.

As for foreign luxury goods, Anil hasn't settled it yet.

However, he would not admit it. Various reports in newspapers stated that when it opens, there will definitely be foreign luxury brands.

Although Hu Di understood his boss's thoughts, he still felt a little guilty.

Because Anil's recent offensive has been a bit fierce, but unlike Anil, the boss is not focused on Gupta Square, so Hudi is a little uneasy.

"Boss, it's not my personal concern. In fact, Mr. Dutta and his friends have also mentioned it to me privately. Do they think Anil will be too aggressive? Do we need to increase funds for the Gupta Square project?" Hudi said.

"Don't worry, Anil won't be able to jump around for a few more days." Qiao Ge laughed.

The Gupta Square project is already large enough, and the stalls are spread out widely. We still have a lot of land reserves, which can be opened slowly, and there is no need to increase funds at all.

The Gupta Square Company will have sufficient funds of its own to acquire land and develop it in the future, and a cycle will start.

Hu Di smiled. If his boss was so confident, he must believe it.

Once Ambani Plaza falls, the Mittal family will be in dire straits.

"Boss, in order to invest in the Ambani Plaza project, the Mittal family not only used their own funds, but also borrowed a lot of money and invested it all. If something goes wrong, their main business, steel plants, etc. may be destroyed. Affected. Do we need to make some preparations, such as acquisitions?" Hudi said.

"Start." Qiaogo smiled, "The Mittal family's steel plant is still good. It would be the best if we could win it. If the Mittal family's domestic industry collapses, I think Lakshmi will You may have changed your mind.”

"Boss, are you so optimistic about Lakshmi?" Hudi asked, "Isn't Kurosawa responsible for it abroad?"

"His achievements in Indonesia for more than ten years have actually proven himself." Jogo said, "As for Kurosawa, he is indeed a talent, but I found that he is still not very adaptable abroad. If Lakshmi can recruit , Kurosawa will be in charge of the domestic steel plants when the time comes, I believe this is the most appropriate."

Kurosawa definitely has some abilities, but compared to Lakshmi, there is indeed a big gap.

Hu Di thought about it too.

Lakshmi's ability to break into this world in Indonesia is indeed amazing.

There is also the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works. If it is acquired by him, his steel business will explode.

Unfortunately, he was directly pressed to death by his boss before he took off.

After all, no matter how powerful Lakshmi is, she is still not as good as the boss.

"Now that the company is bigger and involved in more industries, we recruit as many talents as we can. We alone may not be able to handle the tasks," Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"I feel Lakshmi is very ambitious, and I'm afraid something will go wrong by then." Hudi said still a little worried.

"Hudi, as long as we are strong enough, we are not afraid of his ambition. I am also afraid that he has no ambition. How can a person without ambition be enterprising?" Qiao Ge said.

In fact, bringing Lakshmi in actually reduced the trouble on his side.

If Lakshmi is left alone, who knows whether he will collude with foreign capital later.

Once he has the support of foreign capital behind him and his own ability, it will be a terrifying combination.

Then when I compete with him to acquire steel plants in the future, it won't be as easy as in Trinidad and Tobago.So just get him under the name of your company, then right under your nose, a lot of things can be avoided.

Of course, he will also give Lakshmi room to display his talents, so Qiaogo feels that it is necessary to recruit him.

If such a big boss really became his subordinate, Qiao Ge would feel full of accomplishment just thinking about it.

The paper mills and timber mills in Indonesia have already been put into use, and Qogo is still expanding.

Oil palm has been planted in the clearings left after deforestation.

The $[-] million that Jogo loaned before can be used by Clark for a long time.

Now Clark is basically still in the land enclosure stage, that is, more tropical rainforests are enclosed in Sumatra. The price is very cheap. These lands will be used to plant oil palm in the future.

The expansion rate in Malaysia has been much slower, because the stage of rapid development through acquisitions has passed.

Now almost no one is willing to sell plantations.

So we can only cultivate and plant oil palm ourselves, starting from scratch.

Since palm oil is already produced in Malaysia, the funds for expansion come from oil palm payments.

Jogo invested almost all of his profits in expanding oil palm plantations.

Palm oil production is still in short supply, and it is still far from the terrifying planting area of ​​the previous life.

Of course, Jogo not only values ​​palm oil production, but also sees the growth of palm oil industry assets.

As palm oil becomes more and more popular, the value of palm oil-related assets, especially plantations, has increased significantly.

This means that Qiaogo's value can skyrocket again, and then it can be used to mortgage more funds, and then these funds can be invested in expansion.

Just keep increasing leverage and keep expanding.

This method is the fastest way to expand, but of course it is also full of risks. One bad move will cause the capital chain to break.

But Qiao Ge knows very well that palm oil will be prosperous in the future and there will be no such problems. In short, the bigger the scale, the better.

The domestic edible oil market is almost monopolized, and he has now set his sights on the international market.

It is too difficult for him to achieve a monopoly on traditional vegetable oils such as soybean oil. After all, the big companies in Europe and the United States have already laid out their plans and formed several giants. He is just a baby in front of them.

Palm oil is an opportunity for me. As long as I seize the opportunity, I can become a big player in the international palm oil market.

Then seek the share of other traditional vegetable oils.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are not just for India, but are actually effective for countries around the world.

Food, cooking oil, etc. are the lifeblood of a country.

If you hold these in your hands, the greater your share, the greater your influence.

Moreover, by then this influence will be global.

Jogo flew to the United Arab Emirates because he had decided to acquire oil fields here and had already negotiated.

In terms of geographical location, the UAE is closer to India than Kuwait. Of course, the UAE and India have a good relationship.

In fact, the relations between India and the countries in the Middle East are not bad.

There are a lot of Indians working in the Middle East. Rich oil-producing countries in the Middle East don't have many locals, so they need a lot of foreign labor.

Indians definitely account for the largest share of migrant workers in the Middle East.

The foreign exchange earnings of these workers are an important source of India's foreign exchange reserves.

Therefore, when the Gulf War broke out, many workers lost their jobs or returned to the country, which made the country's already tight foreign exchange earnings even worse.

For this signing, Qiao Ge came in person because the amount involved was huge, a full US$20 billion, and he was preparing to acquire three oil field companies.

The US$20 billion will be exchanged for grain, food, textiles, etc., and the transaction will be completed in five years.

There is a guarantee from HSBC, otherwise this transaction would not be so easy, and the other party would not believe it so easily.

Of course, since it is divided into five years, the benefits received by the seller will be greater.

For example, if you pay it all at once, US$20 billion may be enough. Now that the years have been extended, the value of the goods is almost US$[-] billion.

As a guarantor, HSBC made another huge profit.

Qiao Ge doesn't care about these intermediary fees, guarantee fees, etc. Paying these money can save him a lot of trouble and make the transaction safer. What's more, what he values ​​​​is winning these oil fields.

The person responsible for the acquisition consultation this time is an acquaintance, Joseph Clooney.

Qiao Ge understood that this should be what Lawrence meant, and he wanted to establish a more stable relationship with his side.

And this Joseph was obviously someone Lawrence trusted. (End of chapter)

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