Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 427: No. 3 in the world

Now that the decision was made, Dhirubhai immediately asked Anil to tell Kejas about it.

After hearing this, Khas certainly had no objection. If he could expand the scale of foreign oil fields, what couldn't he do?
Totally agree with it with both hands.

In this way, the bondage with Reliance Group will be deepened, and he is eager to do so.

He can see that with the new government coming to power, Reliance Group's situation has improved a lot.

Not to mention the pressure from the government, the new government has also secretly provided some care in many aspects.

This is certain. When they came to power, Droubai mobilized his own network to give all kinds of support to the opposition parties.

Now that the opposition party is in power, it will naturally provide benefits.

And for the opposition, the Reliance Group is strong enough. They don't want to push Dhirubhai aside, especially back to Rajiv. Isn't that a fool?

So Droubai immediately asked someone to go abroad to find a bank willing to lend a mortgage.

It has to be said that oil field mortgages are quite popular.

Otherwise, most banks will not lend money to Reliance Group alone.

But with the oil field, plus the Reliance Group, and their loan amount was nothing compared to the value of the oil field, the risk was very small for the bank, so an agreement was quickly reached.

After receiving a US$5 million loan, it immediately acquired another oil field in Kuwait.

Anil and others' judgments about Qiao Ge were both right and wrong.

It was right to borrow money, but Qiaogo did not invest these funds in expanding the acquisition of oil fields, and even other overseas industries did not expand.

Now Qiao Ge is hoarding food and waiting for the opportunity.

On March 1990, 3, a historic moment occurred.

Lithuania declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

On November 11 last year, the Berlin Wall in Germany was pushed down. However, the two Germanys have not yet been truly reunified. They are still in the midst of various negotiations. The distance to true reunification is very fast. It is a matter of time.

After seeing this international news, Qiaogo sighed in his heart that the disintegration of the Soviet Union was getting closer.

Of course, compared to this disintegration, Djogo is more concerned about the recent Gulf War.

Saddam should be gearing up to take action against Kuwait now.

The Iran-Iraq war left Iraq's economy in dire straits and it owed huge foreign debt.

For example, it owes more than 100 billion U.S. dollars to Kuwait, making it one of Iraq's largest creditors.

Iraq definitely does not want to pay back this money.

If you don't pay it, it doesn't matter. If you go one step further, wouldn't it be better to grab it directly?
After all, Kuwait is rich, but the country is small and its military strength is weak. Can a jealous Iraq let him go?

You know, Iraq's military strength is very powerful in the Middle East, known as the third in the world, and Kuwait is nothing in front of it.

By resolving creditors, not only do you not have to pay debts, but you can also plunder wealth and pass on domestic crises. In short, there are many benefits.

"I hope you can still laugh in a few months." Qiao Ge said with a secret smile.

He already knew that Droubai had mortgaged the previous oil field and acquired another oil field. At the same time, he had also signed oil supply agreements with several state-owned petrochemical plants in the country.

He didn't need to bother to investigate this matter. Anil's big mouth had already been exposed in the newspapers.

Of course, Anil is not stupid, and he also has a purpose in doing this. This is to increase the influence of Reliance Group.

These days, the Reliance Group has been severely suppressed, and its reputation among the public is not good. After all, it is believed that government officials and businessmen colluded to embezzle national interests and make a fortune.

Now that Reliance Group has achieved success overseas, it can indeed eliminate the bad feelings of some people.

The purpose is to tell the people, look, Reliance Group can also make money overseas.

At the same time, Anil wants to suppress himself by spreading these things so widely.

Because three sentences in his words are inseparable from comparing himself.

They have six overseas oil fields worth US$6 billion, while they only have three oil fields worth US$45 billion here, which immediately makes Anil's self-confidence explode.

He claims that Reliance Group is India’s overseas oil king.

As far as the current scale is concerned, there is nothing wrong with what he said, it is fact.

Regarding these, Qiao Ge was too lazy to argue with him for the time being.

Having a verbal spat with Anil, Qiaogo felt that this was lowering his level.

Moreover, there are not many days left to make Anil happy, so he should be a good person and make him happy for the last time.

On this day, News came to Qiaogo's office.

"They are still arguing, so unreliable." News sat down on the sofa in an awkward manner, "I thought Rajiv was a bad prime minister, but I didn't expect V.P. Singh to be even more speechless."

Jogo smiled. The V.P. Singh government has been in power for several months and has basically not come up with any decent governing policies.

There are all kinds of quarrels in the cabinet, fighting for power and benefits.

Especially when it comes to searching for various benefits, these guys are more active than anyone else.

The government departments are in a state of chaos and the people are complaining.

"Don't say you weren't affected." Seeing that Qiao Ge didn't answer him, Neus couldn't help but said. "How could it not have any impact?" Qiao Ge replied, "The brats below are very difficult to deal with. If you don't give them some benefits, they will cause all kinds of trouble."

"Can you bear it?" News glanced at Qiao Ge with some doubts.

With Qiu Ge’s current influence, it is impossible for the new government to offend Qiu Ge.

At least Qiaogo is neutral. Qiaogo has the strength not to take sides.

Because no matter who comes to power, no one dares to touch Qiao Ge, the impact is too great.

Now Qiaogo not only represents an individual, but also represents an interest group headed by him.

There are also families like Sharma and Vasayan in this group, each of which has huge influence.

Anyone with some brains will not be offended easily.

Not even the ruling party.

After the Congress party pushed Reliance Group out, the defection of Reliance Group was obviously one of the reasons that prompted the new government to come to power.

"It's a trivial matter. The people above are easy to deal with, but how can you stop the people below?" Qiao Ge said, "Don't blame me. Reliance Group, Tata Group, etc. are also in the same situation. It's a mess."

Now it is a disorderly government. The opposition parties such as V.P. Singh have little experience in governing. Moreover, the country is indeed in a difficult situation. No one among them has the ability to resolve this crisis.

After discovering that there is nothing they can do, they can only allow this situation to continue to deteriorate, and they will make whatever money they can.

In short, they are a group of incompetent guys. Can they run the government well?
Then the country almost went bankrupt in 91. A capable leader is too important.

"Okay, be careful yourself, there might be some riots, and your shops should be careful," News said.

If he was doing news, he would still be well informed.

There have been demonstrations and protests in many places in the country, and the phenomenon of vandalism has already appeared.

It is foreseeable that this situation will continue to escalate, and the current government has no effective measures to resolve these problems.

Now they only quarrel in parliament and shirk responsibility.

"I will strengthen security here." Qiao Ge said.

Of course he didn't dare to be careless about this. When there were so many people, they could do anything if they made such a fuss.

People's bad nature will be exposed. It is very normal to kill, set fire, smash and loot.

Fortunately, he had Rhodes' security personnel on his side.

In terms of numbers and quality, the Tata Group and Reliance Group were far behind him, and he had invested heavily in this aspect.

The KGB retirees Yuri mentioned last time are already in place.

Rhodes and Tulu selected a group of elites for training.

These are some soft powers that cannot be achieved overnight. They still need time to accumulate, and the sooner they are implemented, the better.

Although I am not trying to steal any national secrets, business secrets will be very important in the future, especially for my opponents. If I can grasp their movements, I will be invincible.

Qiao Ge is very clear that his current achievements are based on some memories of his previous life. When his memory is exhausted, he will have to rely on his true skills.

He needs all kinds of talents, both overt and covert, so that he can build a strong fortress that can be attacked, retreated and defended.

"Can you really tolerate that guy Anil's yelling?" News asked with a squinted smile.

He had asked Qiao Ge before if he wanted to fight back, but Qiao Ge told him not to care.

Qiao Ge remained calm. After so many days, Neus felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.

That guy Anil is getting more and more arrogant, and he almost calls himself a national hero.

Isn’t it just the acquisition of several oil fields?
Can Qogo’s foreign palm oil industry be so bad?

Seriously speaking, they still stole the secret from Qiao Ge and got the first step. How shameless.

But it’s probably useless to talk about these things now.

"What do you want to do?" Jogo asked.

"Of course I have a good way to make him miserable." News said with a smile, "Didn't Droubai recently sign oil supply contracts with those state-owned petrochemical plants? He privately gave those guys a lot of benefits. I have informants and evidence. If it comes out, it will be enough for them to drink a pot."

The so-called informant was provided by Tulu.

Since News is responsible for Qiaogo's publicity, Tulu has a close relationship with him.

"Then what?" Qiaogo asked.

"What then?" News was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't it just to embarrass Reliance Group?"

"You can't cause any real harm to them." Qiaogo said. "In this turbulent situation, this matter is nothing at all. Not many people care."

Qiao Ge didn't think this was a good idea. Niuse's counterattack might make Anil more enthusiastic.

"What do you mean, do you do nothing?" News couldn't help it.

He was in the news, but now that Anil was calling him out by name, Qiaogo didn't care, he was going to explode. (End of chapter)

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