Chapter 428 Loans
"Don't worry, they will soon be extremely happy and sad." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Did you get any more news? Or did Master Dimri give you another instruction?" News asked.

"Anyway, just wait. It won't take more than half a year, and there should be changes." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "Reliance Group will pay a huge price."

Niuse wanted to ask again, but looking at Qiao Ge's expression, he didn't want to say anything.

This made him feel itchy and helpless.

"Okay, you can keep it a secret and see if I don't dig this secret out." News said.

Qiao Ge felt funny in his heart, but Neus still refused to admit defeat.

I'm afraid he won't be able to dig out this matter now, but if it continues, the situation in the Middle East should gradually become clearer, and some people should be aware of it by then.

There is no problem with Drubai signing oil supply agreements with state-owned petrochemical plants.

After all, the output of his oil fields cannot be absorbed by Mukesh's petrochemical plant, so selling these to domestic companies is to establish various relationships.

But after Kuwait is invaded and all those oil wells are set alight, where will Droubai get the oil supply?
In order to abide by the contract, he could only spend a lot of money to acquire oil.

This end will be very miserable, after all, buying oil requires dollars.

In Qiaogo's view, the Reliance Group is very likely to breach the contract. Needless to say, the price of the breach of contract will be severely damaged. In short, even the Reliance Group will be severely damaged.

So now no matter how much Anil screams, Qiaogo doesn't bother to pay attention.

You have all this time, so why not take care of your own company's business?

After all, the ending has been decided, and he just needs to wait.

Qiaogo's parents came back from Malaysia. This time their purpose was clear, that is, they wanted to meet Beni, their future daughter-in-law.

They already knew about Penny, but they hadn't met yet.

They had been asking Qiaogo to find a Brahmin wife, and Beni was her. Although they hadn't met her yet, with this identity, they were already very satisfied.

Especially the Sharma family, which is a wealthy family with an extraordinary status.

Even though they know that their son is now worth hundreds of billions, they still hope to marry a wealthy woman as their wife.

"Don't be nervous." Qiao Ge held Beni's little hand and smiled.

Beni rolled her eyes at Qiao Ge, could she not be nervous?
Meeting Qiao Ge’s parents for the first time.

"As I told you before, my parents only want me to marry a Brahmin girl, so you are the most suitable one." Qiao Ge said again.

"What kind of noble girl is not a noble girl?" Penny said.

Her nervousness eased a little.

“In our country, this is engraved in our bones and cannot be avoided,” said Jogo.

For Qiaogo's parents, marrying a high-caste daughter-in-law, especially a Brahmin, is a way to honor their ancestors.

"I see you don't care at all."

"It's different. I am a young man with new ideas, but as for the elderly, their ideas are still more traditional." Qiao Ge laughed.

Penny smiled and fell silent.

The caste system is deeply ingrained in India, and she certainly understands this.

I think back when Reliance Group rose, even though its wealth and influence exceeded many traditional wealthy families, Dhirubhai still wanted to find a Brahmin wife for his eldest son, but these wealthy families looked down on the Ambani family.

At that time, my family rejected Droubai's marriage.

Speaking of which, the Sharma family is considered a relatively open-minded family. Many traditional wealthy families still have rigid ideas and are very hostile to low-caste rich.

Just like Qiaogo, he was also boycotted by many traditional giants.

However, the situation in Qiaogo is better, because the power of Reliance Group has made some traditional wealthy families realize that the current situation has changed, so some families have also begun to try to change and try to contact the lower caste rich.

In particular, their own family and the Vasayan family have set an example for them. Of course, a few ignorant wealthy families are attacking them and the Vasayan family, thinking that they are a shame to the Brahmin family.

Beni believed that Qiaogo liked her, but she also knew in her heart that Qiaogo was looking for her because of the Sharma family behind her, and even her grandfather's family.

However, Beni didn't think there was anything wrong with Qiao Ge doing this.

Moreover, my family has also received huge benefits from Qiao Ge, which is mutual benefit.

She has seen too many family marriages since she was a child, and there is no pure love.

So she never expected to have pure love, which was too unrealistic for their status.

Being able to meet a man you like is already a very rare thing, and you can't ask for more.


The car stopped at the gate of the villa.

The old Guptas were already in the living room, and their eyes lit up when they saw Beni coming in with Qiaogo.

They had seen photos of Beni, but when they saw the real person, they felt she was more beautiful and more elegant than the photos.

Old Gupta had a smile on his face and looked at his wife and Penny who were talking not far away. It was obvious that his wife was very satisfied with Penny.

Of course he must be satisfied.

"When are you going to marry Penny?" Old Gupta naturally sat with his son, he withdrew his gaze and asked in a low voice.

"In a few years." Qiao Ge thought for a while.

"Nonsense, you are already 20 years old." Old Gupta said with a serious look on his face.

Originally, there was no need to discuss the marriage of the children with Qiao Ge. The parents just made the decision.

But the elder Gupta also knew that his son was not simple, so he felt that he had to seek his opinion. "There have been a lot of things in the past two years." Qiao Ge certainly understood his father's thoughts and wanted to get married as soon as possible.

"When do you have nothing to do now?" the elder Gupta said.

He knew that his son had many companies under his name and had no time to spare. Could it be that he would not get married if something happened?

"That's not what I mean. These two years are really crucial." Qiao Ge said seriously.

Old Gupta stared at Qiao Ge for a while and then sighed: "Okay, you have your own ideas, so I won't say more, but don't let your mother wait too long, she has long wanted to hold her grandson. By the way, does Benny know about your other women?"

At the end of the sentence, the elder Gupta looked worried.

My son just has too many women. It’s okay if he’s not married yet, but what if he gets married?

What would Penny think?
Between Beni and those women, old Gupta was definitely on Beni's side, there was no doubt about it.

"I will take care of these, and Beni knows it too." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Still laughing, please be more careful in the future." Old Gupta scolded softly.

"Ah, why don't you leave and leave the Malay affairs to others." Qiao Ge hurriedly changed the subject.

"No, no, I'm pretty good at managing oil palm plantation bases, and I like it," said the elder Gupta. "While I'm still able, I'll help you more."

Qiao Ge was speechless for a while. His parents were less than fifty and not that old yet.

However, Qiaogo can guess a little bit about the old Gupta's insistence on going back.

He probably felt that the Malay side would be uneasy if there were no people from his side. After all, he was overseas and he was at home, so it was difficult to care about that side.

So he had to go back and help him keep an eye on it.

In fact, how could Qiao Ge ignore the management there?

"OK then."

"We will come back when you and Penny get married," Gupta Sr. said.

Qiao Ge sighed secretly, he couldn't live without this.

Parents are concerned about their children's marital issues, which is probably the same in every country.

In the evening, Qiao Ge sent Beni back.

She has her own residence in Mumbai.

The school's accommodation environment was not very good, so the Sharma family had already arranged a house for her outside.

Originally, Qiao Ge wanted her to come and live with him, but Beni refused.

Up to now, Qiao Ge and Beni have only kissed each other on the lips.

If it goes any further, Penny refuses to go any further.

Qiaogo knew that he could not treat Beni like other women.

In India, people are very concerned about their behavior before marriage.

On the morning after the wedding, the groom's mother will check the sheets. If there are no traces left, the bride will not have a good life in the family.

For upper castes like Beni, these are especially important to pay attention to.

Upper castes have more rules.

So Qiao Ge doesn't force things. The rules in this era are still very strict. This is also for the sake of family harmony in the future.

Besides, he has so many women, and he can definitely turn to them if he needs anything in this area.

"Brother, something good happened." Rupa ran from New Delhi to Mumbai to find Qiaogo.

He is the most diligent in traveling to Mumbai to find Qiao Ge.

The main reason is that he has nothing else to do, and the task given to him by the Vasayan family is to contact Qiaogo.

Like Hebicha, they are basically responsible for some specific affairs of the family.

However, as he got older, Lupa told Qiaogo that more important tasks would be given to him in the family and he would be involved in family affairs.

This made Lupa very grateful to Qiaogo.

Because he knew very well that it was all related to Qiao Ge.

Otherwise, he, a child who has been excluded from the core of the family, is unlikely to be involved in family affairs again.

Now that he has a close relationship with Qiao Ge, his status in the family has obviously soared.

It goes without saying that everyone knows the importance of Qiaogo to their Vasayan family.

"What, are you ready to get married?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Then I have to prepare a generous gift for you."

"It's still early." Lupa laughed and said, "I mean that guy Anil is in trouble now. Do you think this is a good thing?"

"Oh, him?" Qiaogo thought for a moment, "You want to talk about a bank loan?"

"That's right." Lupa laughed, "Brother, I really admire you. You asked us to take out more loans before. Unexpectedly, a few months later, the bank's loans have tightened and we are not willing to lend easily. Yes. Do you have the ability to predict the future?"

"What a prophet, it's just some inferences made based on the current economic situation. Judging from the current situation, my previous inferences are basically correct." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Now the domestic economy is in a mess, and lending has begun to tighten.

So when Rupa noticed this, he immediately realized the problem.

"Anyway, you are so amazing. I have heard that Anil's guy's loan at Ambani Plaza has expired. He wanted to borrow a new loan to repay the loan, but when he borrowed the money to repay After getting the loan, the bank did not immediately lend him a loan and it has been delayed for half a month. Anil was denied a loan by the bank," Rupa said.

(End of this chapter)

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