Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 429: Great face, valuable

There are two main situations in which banks can withdraw loans: first, the bank does not renew the loan after the borrower repays it due; second, the bank finds problems and requires the loan to be withdrawn in advance.

Anil's current situation is the first.

In fact, no matter what kind of loan extraction method is used, it is fatal to the loan company.

Many companies collapsed like this.

"Are you paying so much attention to Anil?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile.

"How can you not pay attention?" Lupa said, "He is our biggest enemy. I have him locked up. No trouble can escape my eyes. You have too many things to do, and I have nothing to do. I have to find something to do. Do it."

Qiao Ge laughed and said: "He is not worthy yet, his father Droubai may be one."

"Yes, yes, brother, your structure is big, I still have a lot to do." Lupa gave a thumbs up and said, "Anil is nothing at all, only Dhirubhai can be your opponent, so I stare at Anil should be enough. Do you think Ambani Plaza is going to be doomed?"

"Don't flatter me, but the end of Ambani Plaza is certain," said Jogo. "Of course, it doesn't mean that this delay in bank lending will end them. I think the next situation will be even more severe. It won't be the case then. This time the loan cannot be disbursed.”

"So, it was really wise for my eldest brother to ask us to take out more loans." Rupa sighed.

He didn't expect that the situation would change so quickly. Nowadays, banks basically don't lend much, and they all want to collect loans. Is this going to cause an economic crisis?

"It's also a gamble, but even if we lose this gamble, we will only lose some interest and the loss will not be big. Once the bet is right, the profits will be astonishing."

Listening to Qiaogo's words, Lupa's blood boiled.

Judging from the current situation, the bet is almost right.

From the poor performance in the past few months, everyone can see what kind of virtue this government has. They are a bunch of idiots.

It is simply impossible to get them to do anything.

If the economy continues to deteriorate, then it will be an era when cash is king, and all those with high debt will fall.

Ambani Plaza is no exception, and neither is Reliance Group behind it.

After all, the Ambani Plaza project is still in the construction stage, and it will take a lot of time to open and make a profit. The capital demand here is too great.

"Of course, Ambani Plaza itself has many problems, not just the problem of banks not lending money." Qiaogo added, "Do you know how their new city project is doing now?"

"The progress of the project is a bit slow," Rupa said. "I heard that the various hospitals, schools, roads and other facilities originally promised by the government are not available. The planned wide road leading to the new city is still a mud road, and the surrounding environment is... A place in the middle of nowhere..."

"So, how can it be so easy to build a new city?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Anil has a good idea. He cooperates with the government and thinks that the government can pay for the construction of various supporting facilities, but how can the government have the money? Let's not start Say it will be unfinished, even if it is built, it will be a dead city, with only steel and concrete houses and nothing else."

"It's true. But here's the bad news." Rupa said, "I heard that Anil has convinced his father to help lobby the bank, hoping to get some loans."

"If Droubai comes forward, he should be able to get a loan." Jogo said.

"Do you think so? I thought it wouldn't work even if Droubai came forward." Lupa said a little disappointed.

"If Rajiv was still on stage, it would be useless for Dhirubhai to come forward, but now a different group of people are in power." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "They have a good relationship with Dhirubhai now, so I think Droubai should be able to help Anil get some loans."

"Alas~~The Congress Party is really useless." Rupa cursed.

If the Congress Party is still in power, then the suppression of Reliance Group will definitely continue.

Now it's better, Reliance Group will be relieved soon.

This made Rupa very unhappy.

"Actually, just take a loan. I don't think the bank can support Anil indefinitely." Qiaogo said.

"That being said, wouldn't all my efforts to see Anil's jokes be in vain?"

"No hurry, just wait." Qiao Ge comforted him, "I said just now that the Ambani Plaza project is doomed to fail. All the borrowed money must be repaid, so let Anil Go ahead and see how long he can hold on."

"Yes, brother Qiaogo, I believe in your vision, then I will wait for the news of Anil's misfortune."

After Lupa left, Jogo couldn't help but think about it.

All the loans on my side have been implemented, and the previous 500 billion one-year loans have all been replaced by loans from three years ago.

He now has plenty of cash.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the country's economy was in trouble, and loans were also affected.

Even Anil's loan failed, which shows the seriousness.

However, Droubai came forward and Jogo believed that Anil could still get the loan. There was no doubt about this.

Now Dhirubhai still has a lot of face with the new government.

For Qiaogo, he is eager for Anil to get more loans.

The Ambani Plaza project is destined to be a bottomless pit, and no amount of money will be enough to fill it.Jogo came to Kunal Singh’s office.

Kunal has been rising through the ranks over the years. He is now the deputy president of the Mumbai branch of the State Bank of India, and the next step is the branch president.

If you can become a branch president, you will enter the ranks of leaders of the head office.

After all, the status of the city of Mumbai is here. It is comparable to the capital and is one level higher than the branch presidents of other states.

Kuna's rapid rise over the years is of course related to Jogo.

He gave Qiao Ge a loan, and Qiao Ge naturally brought him correspondingly generous results.

For a rising upstart in the shopping mall like Qiao Ge, even banks want to win over super high-quality customers.

"You are such a busy man, why do you have time to come to my place today?" Kuna looked at Qiao Ge and smiled.

He can now deal with Qiaogo's achievements calmly.

After all, Qiao Ge gave him too many shocks, and he is used to it now.

"Do you need a reason to come see Uncle Singer?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Let me say it first, if you want a loan, it will definitely be gone." Kuna said.

Kuna thought Qiaogo came to him for a loan. Some time ago, he was personally responsible for Qiaogo's loan business, and the huge amount shocked him.

However, based on Qiaogo's collateral and good credit, the loan application was approved and the payment was put down long ago.

Looking back now, he had to admire Qiao Ge's vision.

If it were changed to now, it would be difficult for even high-quality customers like Qiao Ge to lend money, let alone such a large amount.

"Hey, Uncle Singh, you still don't believe me. I really am not asking you for a loan." Qiao Ge said.

"Okay, okay, it's not a loan, what on earth is that?" Kuna smiled and said, he didn't believe Qiao Ge so he came over to see him. Is Qiao Ge so free?
It really depends on yourself. You can't just come to your office directly. Just go to your home and talk privately.

"I heard that Anil came to you and wanted a loan?" Qiao Ge asked.

Anil was in Mumbai, looking for a loan, and the Kuna branch would definitely not be able to escape, so Qiaogo came over to ask about the specific situation.

"You are well-informed. Yes, there is such a thing." Kuna said, "We originally refused, but yesterday Droubai came forward to find the banker, and the banker was ready to lend money to Anil. Qiao Ge, I understand what you are thinking, and I will do my best to stop the loan. However, I also want to tell you that I am only one of the vice presidents, and the branch president’s opinions are relatively clear, so judging from the current situation, I probably can’t stop it. live."

Kuna felt that this was the purpose of Qiaogo coming to him, to prevent him from lending money to Anil.

But the decision-making power on this matter rests in the hands of the president. Although they, the vice presidents, have certain suggestions, if the president insists on having his own way, there is nothing they can do.

Not to mention, he is only one of several vice presidents and has limited power.

"Uncle Singh, I didn't ask you to stop this." Qiaogo said, "I just want to know how much they are prepared to loan?"

Kuna glanced at Qiao Ge with some doubts. He realized that he seemed to have guessed wrong. Is it really what Qiao Ge said?

It’s just that the Ambani Plaza project and the Gupta Plaza project are competitors. Does Jogo really not care about Anil’s loan?

"They are prepared to lend 50 billion." Kuna still answered Qiaogo's question.

"It's only 50 billion. I thought Anil wanted a loan of 500 billion." Qiao Ge laughed.

"Qiaogo, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm normal. To tell you the truth, I really want him to borrow more." Qiaogo said, "The more, the better."

Kuna frowned slightly and said: "I don't know exactly what you think, but Dhirubhai also visited other banks in Mumbai. I think 500 billion is definitely not available, but with Dhirubhai personally coming forward, This is a big deal and valuable, and there should still be a loan size of 200 to [-] billion."

"One to 200 billion, just so-so." Qiao Ge said, "By the way, they don't have any mortgage, right? Or is it guaranteed by Reliance Group?"

"Hey, guarantee? Guarantee with Droubai's face." Kuna sneered.

Qiao Ge understood that Droubai didn't even intend to guarantee it. He just wanted to help his son get a credit loan based on his face.

However, Droubai's face is certainly big enough, and most people will sell it.

Coupled with the overt and covert support of the new government this time, there is nothing to say if this kind of thing is passed.

"Uncle Singh, do you want to be the president of the Mumbai branch?" Qiao Ge suddenly asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I only became the vice president at the beginning of the year, and I haven't been here for half a year." Kuna was startled by Qiao Ge, but when he said this, his heart moved, "Qiao Ge Ge~~are you serious?"

"I don't dare to say that I'm 100% sure about this, but I'm probably [-]% to [-]% sure." Qiaogo said with a serious face, "Next, you have to vehemently oppose the loan to Anil. No matter how vehemently you do, it's best. Have a quarrel with your branch manager~~~" (End of this chapter)

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