Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 430: An angry beating

Qiao Ge's words made Kuna's eyes widen. He didn't expect Qiao Ge to give him such an idea, why did he feel that it was unreliable.

However, he believed that Qiao Ge was justified in doing so.

"Didn't you say you wanted Anil to borrow more? Would it be okay for me to do this~~~"

"I think no matter how you stop it, you won't be able to change the branch president's decision, right?" Qiao Ge asked.

Kuna was silent, indeed.

The branch president has a lot of friendship with Drubhai. This time Drubhai even made an effort at the headquarters, so the loan will definitely be approved.

"Since you can't stop it, show your determination. If you think this is illegal, just seize it. Uncle, you must be a righteous person who adheres to the bank's rules and regulations and fight against all illegal crimes. ." Qiao Ge added, "Of course, you may feel a little wronged next, but I believe you will be fine soon."

"I understand." Kuna smiled, "What does it matter if you are wronged? But I really want to lose my job, and you have to take responsibility."

"Don't worry, Uncle Singer, I really want to mess up this matter. I will support you for the rest of my life." Qiao Ge said seriously.

"You bastard," Kuna scolded with a smile, "You'd better say these words to your little girlfriends, I won't accept this."

Kuna is a smart man and immediately understood Qiaogo's intention.

Qiao Ge is very unfavorable about this loan. To be precise, he is very unfavorable about Anil.

The investment in the Ambani Plaza project is huge, and the scale of investment now exceeds that of Gupta Plaza. Everyone knows this.

Because Anil has already reported it in newspapers, the scale of investment is capital that he can use to show off.

The next day, Qiaogo was shocked by a piece of news.

About Kuna.

The big news newspaper reported that the headline was "Vice President of State Bank of India's Mumbai Branch angrily beats up the branch president."

"I just asked him to have a quarrel, why did he start it?" Qiao Ge was speechless for a while after reading the content.

Almost as soon as he took off his front foot, Kuna took action.

The content inside is of course biased towards Kuna. After all, Qiaogo and News told him to pay attention to the news about Kuna.

The content is of course also exciting. For example, Kuna had an argument with the branch manager over a loan. Because the branch manager made illegal loans, Kuna argued with reasons. Finally, seeing that the branch manager insisted on having his own way, he took action in anger.

The concept of illegal loans is actually a bit vague.

Credit loans do not require collateral, so the room for maneuver is relatively large.

Those big companies and powerful people can easily get these loans from banks. Who dares to say that it is illegal?

Then they lend it to others at high interest rates, earning the interest difference.

So speaking of it, Dhirubhai came forward to find a bank, and the bank provided a loan to Anil. This was actually a normal operation.

Droubai's reputation is indeed big enough and he has enough face.

As long as Anil repays the loan later, there will be no problem. This is a normal credit loan.

Even if the amount is a bit larger, it doesn't matter considering Droubai's personal involvement.

Of course Jogo understood this, and he asked Kuna to bite him to death to pave the way for the future.

Can Anil repay the loan?
Basically, it can’t be done. The bankruptcy of Ambani Plaza Company is certain. As for whether Reliance Group will help him repay the loan, Qiao Ge thinks it is unlikely.

In other words, this loan will be a bad debt.

Since it is a bad debt, the bank must find the cause and find the person responsible.

After further investigation, it turned out that the branch manager had made illegal loans.

So whether this is a violation depends on the score.

When something goes wrong, even if there are usually no problems, various problems can be found for you afterwards.

The report also included a photo of Kuna after the fight, with black eye circles and nosebleeds, looking miserable.

Kuna was injured, and Jogo went to visit him at his home that day.

"Qiaogo, tell me, why is he so impulsive? How can he hit his boss? He is suspended now. Do you think he will be fired?" Cuna's wife had a look on her face when she saw Qiaogo. Worry asked.

In her opinion, her husband has been very reliable in doing things in the past, especially after being promoted to vice president, and he will have the opportunity to continue to climb up the ranks in the future.

But if something like this happens now, it is very likely that his future will be ruined.

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Qiao Ge comforted, and then saw Kuna in the study.

"Uncle Singh, are you not on bed rest?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Why is there any need to lie down with a minor injury?" Kuna laughed and said, "But that guy should have been lying down for a while. I should have broken his legs."

"Ah?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment.

The big news report only said that the two were fighting. Qiao Ge saw the photo of Kuna with his face covered in blood, but there was no photo of the branch manager. He thought it was Kuna who suffered a big loss. Now it seems that it was the branch manager who suffered the loss. That's right.

Kuna had some bruises around his eyes and some redness and swelling on his face. After the nosebleed stopped, there was nothing visible at all. It was just some skin trauma.

"In the end, I picked up the chair and threw it directly on his legs. The legs of the chair were broken, and his feet were probably not much better either." Cuna said with a hint of pride.

"This, uncle, I will ask Uncle Adela to contact you." Qiaogo said.

"Is it necessary?" Kuner asked.

"I think the other party will definitely sue you, but you don't have to worry, it's no big deal. Just pay some money." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "It will be no problem to leave it to Adela, you just need to cooperate with him."

"I'll do as you say." Kuner said. "Uncle, are you a little impulsive? I didn't say to take action." Qiao Ge said.

“Originally, I just wanted to have a big fight with him, but the bastard’s words were so unpleasant that I couldn’t hold it back for a moment.” Kuner said, “After I took action, I realized that since I did it, I should be more cruel. Didn't you say that? Make the noise louder, a quarrel is not as loud as a fight."

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten?" Qiao Ge was speechless for a while.

But Kuna was right, this one was better and almost became a hit.

The vice president and the president had a fight, and the branch president was sent to the hospital. It is said that his legs were broken. Naturally, it was a big incident.

Qiao Ge just wanted to report the branch president’s illegal loan and let more people know about it.

If Anil repays the loan in the future, then Kuna's image of adhering to rules and regulations and not fearing power will be established.

Then things will be different within the bank.

If you punish those who are wrong, then of course you also want to reward those who have merit.

Of course, Jogo hopes that one of his own can hold a high position in the State Bank of India. This is the network of connections.

Now that he had such a good opportunity, he naturally wanted to seize it and push Kuna up.

"Looking down on me?" Kuna said with a smile, "That guy is very weak. He is out of breath after walking more than ten steps. Can he be my opponent? I went up and knocked him to the ground with one hand, and then like this, kicked him Kick him over..."

Kuna also demonstrated the scene to Qiao Ge very enthusiastically on the spot.

"Okay, okay, you are amazing." Qiao Ge said speechlessly.

"I'm well trained, and I can hit him ten times with one hand." Kuna said with some hesitation.

"Uncle, you are suspended now. Take advantage of these days to take a good rest and regard it as a vacation." Qiao Ge said.

"Yes, I have been too busy these past few years and have never had a good rest." Kuna sighed.

In the past few years, the rise has been too fast, and Kuna has focused all his energy on work.

"Go on vacation abroad, relax, I will arrange it." Qiaogo said.

"Well, this matter will probably affect me for a while, I might as well go out," Kuna said.

He certainly expected the punishment the bank would impose on him.

Qiao Ge also told himself at that time that he needed to suffer some injustice.

If it was just a quarrel, it would definitely not lead to suspension and reflection. At most, it would be a reprimand from above.

Now he is suspended, and next he may be demoted or something like that.

Kuna felt that it was impossible to expel him directly.

How can I say that there is a powerful nephew behind me?

In short, he completely trusted Qiao Ge in this matter, and then left it to Qiao Ge to operate.

The big news report quickly caused a big reaction.

However, the bank responded very quickly. A leader from the head office came forward and said that the loan was in compliance with the procedures. The reason why Kuna made such a drastic move was because of some personal reasons.

As for the personal reasons, the leader did not elaborate, leaving room for everyone's imagination.

Later, other newspapers dug out this private reason.

Because the loan this time was for the Ambani Plaza project, the report said that it was obviously because the Gupta Plaza project was afraid that it stopped it.

Regarding the relationship between Kuna and Qiaogo, the report also specifically popularized it in detail.

Qiao Ge looked at these reports, sneered and threw them aside.

Needless to say, the leader of the head office who spoke out had connections with Droubai and came forward to support this loan.

As for the subsequent newspaper reports, it was also Droubai's network.

To say that Kuna came forward to obstruct it for his own sake is to mislead the public. Kuna is not really complying with the rules and regulations for any reason, but purely for personal gain.

Qiaogo had already expected that his relationship with Kuna would be used as an excuse, and he didn't care.

Needless to say, the Big News naturally launched a counterattack.

Starting from the tightening of lending by banks, it is now difficult to lend even mortgage loans. The credit loan for the Ambani Plaza project can lend so much. All this is obviously a transfer of interests.

Big News also reported on the progress of the Ambani Plaza project, such as slow progress and chaotic management. From construction to the present, there have been hundreds of accidents, large and small, and hundreds of workers have been killed or injured.

Many families of workers who were killed or injured did not receive corresponding compensation, etc.

There are also some workers whose wages are in arrears. Workers who wanted to go on strike to protest were ruthlessly suppressed, etc.

Of course, these are small things. The most important thing is that the big news pointed out that the project of the Ambani Plaza Company and the local government, that is, the new city project, is actually almost impossible to implement.

Because the government simply cannot fulfill its previous commitments, such as building various supporting facilities.

Not to mention hospitals, schools and other facilities now, even basic water, electricity and roads have not been provided.

Big news reports bluntly pointed out that the Ambani Plaza project is likely to end badly.

The money invested at this time may be wasted in the end.

This news from the big news newspaper made countless people break out in a cold sweat. (End of chapter)

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