"Qiaogo, didn't you say that the more loans Anil can get, the better?" News went to Qiaogo and asked, "After my report is published, it should affect the bank's lending. This is not an agreement with Qiaogo. Are your previous statements contradictory?"

It was naturally Djogo’s idea to expose the problems with the Ambani Plaza project.

"Yes, I have said that." Qiaogo replied, "But I am targeting the State Bank of India. The more they lend, the better. As for other banks, as far as I know, they have not lent yet. Your news It's timely to send out now, I believe we can stop them to some extent."

"Why?" News asked puzzledly.

"If other banks also lent money to Anil, even if his project exploded, the guys at the State Bank of India would have an excuse, that is, everyone did it at the time, and the explosion was just a It was an accident. No one expected that even if they were responsible, this responsibility would not be fatal. This is not the result I want." Qiao Ge said, "So, we need to compare."

This is what the law does not hold everyone responsible for.

"Haha~~" News laughed loudly, "I understand, if only the State Bank of India is affected, or a few banks are affected, and most banks avoid this bad debt, then they will You can't quibble, right? Oh, and my newspaper can see the risks involved, but the bank can't see it, so those people in charge deserve to die."

"That's right, so these news reports can be used as a weapon against them in the future." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Don't say you didn't expect this risk. These newspapers have reported it and listed it clearly and well-founded. Shouldn't you refer to it?
Then Jogo can use public opinion to put pressure on the State Bank of India. Isn’t it clear who will be dismissed and who will be promoted?


"These are all tricks played by that kid Qiaogo. Don't worry, nothing will happen. Anil has invested so much, and I support it..." Droubai put down the phone and frowned.

The call just now came from a friend at the State Bank of India's head office, the leader who had previously come forward to 'clarify' the Kuna brawl.

Since the big news newspaper reported on the Ambani Plaza project, after he saw it, he naturally called to inquire.

The contents of the big news reports were still frightening to him.

He knows about the Ambani Plaza project. Anil often talks about this project in newspapers. It is a high-quality project no matter how you look at it.

In addition, Dhirubai came forward to ask for help, so he didn't think much about it.

If it is true as reported by major news reports, this 50 billion loan may really be irreversible, and he will be implicated by then.

So he called Dhirubhai to confirm, and Dhirubhai naturally comforted him.

"Father, now only two banks including the State Bank of India have lent loans, totaling 70 billion." Anil walked in and said, "This is not enough. Do you want to press again? Otherwise, the news from the big news newspaper If it continues to ferment, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get a loan.”

Dhirubhai stared at Anil and said coldly: "What is the situation at the square project now?"

For the square project, Durban has paid attention to it, but the amount of attention it can pay is limited.

Because Mukesh and Anil were each responsible for a big project, he also wanted to test them, so he didn't want to interfere too much.

He felt that even if something happened, he would be able to tell the truth.

Now it seems that Anil has lost his temper and is careless.

Of course, Droubai's carelessness is not without reason.

The plaza project was preceded by the success of the Gupta Plaza in Chogo, so Dhirubhai still very much recognizes this new business model.

Since this model has just begun, Anil seized the opportunity and was one of the first to enter. Coupled with abundant funds, I believe it will definitely succeed in the end.

As for whether it could compete with Jogo's Gupta Plaza for first place, Droubai didn't think too much about it.

In his opinion, this project can definitely make money, and that's enough.

But now, there should be something wrong with the Ambani Plaza project.

Although the big news newspaper spoke for Qiaogo, Droubai still recognized the authenticity of these news.

In other words, since major news reports dare to break the news, they are basically inseparable.

"This~~" Anil was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing Anil hesitating, Dhirubai was not sure what was going on.

"So, you are really in trouble, and it's a big trouble?" Droubai said with a serious expression.

"Father, it's all the government's fault. They are just a bunch of bastards and liars." Anil showed anger on his face. "They didn't fulfill any of the conditions they promised before. This not only delayed us. The construction process has also added countless costs.”

Drubai was stunned for a while.

I had carefully considered this project before agreeing to invest in Anil, and felt that it should be no problem. How come it became a big problem when it was in Anil's hands?

Why didn't anything happen to Qiao Ge?

This square model is based on Qiao Ge’s.

Thinking of this, Dhirubai was shocked.

No, there is still a difference.

Anil is now planning to build a new city, and the location is even more remote than Qogo, far away from the urban area.I didn't think too much about it at the time. I was attracted by the grand blueprint drawn by Anil and ignored many things.

The most terrible thing is that I overestimate the capabilities of the local government.

Anil's plan is to cooperate with the local government, a win-win situation for both parties.

But the government's finances are in serious trouble, and even the poor are unable to take the blame. How can they support the construction of Anil's new city project?
In addition, the investment in Anil’s new city project is too large, far exceeding that of Chogo’s Gupta Square project.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Droubai said coldly.

"I want to solve it myself. At first, the government's attitude was very good. They just said that it needs to be delayed a little bit. I think it's okay to delay it a little bit. This delay has been delayed until now. Now, they are still delaying like this... "Anil couldn't continue talking at this point.

The government is just perfunctory now. If you ask, they will just give you a reply, no money, just wait.

It is simply impossible to rely on government investment to build supporting facilities.

This matter is of course Anil's problem.

If Dhirubhai had been informed of the situation earlier, no matter whether Dhirubhai went to the government to put pressure on the company or evacuated from the project, the losses would still have been controllable.

By now, it is no longer that simple, Anil has fallen into it.

Dhirubhai understood what Anil was thinking. He wanted to express himself and compete with Mukesh, so he hid it from himself and wanted to handle it by himself.

But is this the result of this process?

Droubai hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"Can the funds still be recovered?" Droubai took a deep breath and asked.

Blaming Anil now will not solve any problem.

"No, father, if the funds are withdrawn now, it will mean that it will be completely unfinished. All the funds we invested in the early stage will be wasted." Anil whispered.

"Tell me honestly, how far behind is it?" Dhirubai glared at Anil and said.

"300~~not 200 billion!" Anil replied hurriedly, not daring to look into his father's eyes.

Droubai's chest was sharply bullied, and he was obviously experiencing great emotional ups and downs.

"Father, don't be angry, I~~I will definitely solve this matter." Hearing his father's heavy breathing, Anil couldn't help but said hurriedly.

His father had suffered a stroke, and he was afraid that if he got angry this time, he would be in trouble if he got sick again.

"It is basically impossible for several other banks to lend money." Droubai said with a sigh of relief.

"Father, they agreed to the loan."

"It's just a promise, but the loan hasn't been released yet." Droubai sighed, "After the big news report came out, do you think they will still lend money? Now we have 70 billion, so let's use it first, and I'll use the rest Think about it again. You also have to think carefully about how to resolve this crisis."

If I hadn't coaxed him, the two banks that lent him money would probably have taken the money back.

However, now that the money is in his own hands, he will definitely not return it like this.

With such a huge investment in the Ambani Plaza project, Dhirubhai does not want to just give up.

"Father, I have thought about it carefully." Anil gritted his teeth and said, "I will use all the remaining funds on this square project in Mumbai to ensure that it can be completed smoothly. Otherwise, so many square projects will be started at the same time. , the funds are simply not enough. I believe that after the project in Mumbai is completed and opened, I believe we can stop the mouths of those guys. After success, we can solve other projects, and I believe there will be no problem."

This is a time to concentrate on doing big things.

Dhirubhai understands Anil’s plan.

Once Mumbai succeeds, the current impact will be eliminated, and those banks will definitely continue to lend money.

Then the funds for other projects can also be solved.

So the most important thing now is to revitalize the company first and let people see that the Ambani Plaza project is successful.

"Work hard, this is a crisis and an opportunity. Once successful, that kid Qiaogo will not be able to shake you if he spreads this news in the future." Droubai said.

While Dhirubai was discussing with Anil, the branch manager, who was injured by Kuna, called the head of the head office.

He was still lying on a hospital bed. This was a private hospital, and he was the only patient in a suite. His right calf was in a plaster cast and bandaged.

It was true that Kuna had his calf broken.

"That's 50 billion. You asked me to lend money at that time. If something goes wrong, we will be in big trouble." The branch manager said nervously.

As he spoke, he waved to a man in his 30s next to the hospital bed.

The man hurriedly and carefully approached him without making any sound. He held a small tape recorder in his hand, then brought it close to the microphone and turned on the recording mode. (End of chapter)

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