Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 432 The hostility of the Tata family

The branch manager's attention was all on the phone, and he even forgot about the pain of his broken leg.

The big news report was like a bomb exploding next to him, scaring him almost out of his mind.

The Ambani Plaza project is so unsatisfactory that Dhirubhai is still talking about it.

Do you still consider yourself a friend?

This damn black-hearted businessman!

"Don't worry. Could it be that Droubai will watch his son's company go bankrupt? I just called him. There will be no problem in this matter. Don't think too much about it."


"That's it. You take good care of yourself, Kunal Singh. I will deal with it sternly and remove him from the position of vice president and let him go back to work in the branch below."

The branch manager wanted to continue talking, but the leader hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

He couldn't help sighing.

What is the use of punishing Kuna?

It has no effect on myself at all.

The 50 billion loan is like a time bomb, it might explode at any time.

The person who will die the most miserably will definitely be himself, after all, he directly handled this loan.

As for the instructions given by my boss, when that time comes, the other party will definitely put aside the relationship, blame everything on me, and let me be the scapegoat.

"Have you recorded what you just said?" the branch manager asked the man next to him.

"Father, it's recorded." After his son said this, he hesitated and said, "Father, could it be that you are overthinking it? Is this matter going to be okay?"

"Don't be careless." The branch said with a long sigh, "You have to keep this recording and the ones I gave you before. One day something really happens to me. If those guys add insult to injury, you Just take out these.”


"This is the worst-case scenario, and it may not necessarily reach that point." The branch manager said, "You~~ go find Kunal Singh and apologize to him on my behalf."

"Ah? Father, are you talking nonsense?"

"Go if you are told." The branch manager snorted coldly, "Just say that what I said that day was a bit too much, and I asked him to forgive me. Furthermore, if you mention the fact that the head office is planning to demote him, you should also tell I will try my best to fight for him, let him return to the branch as soon as possible, and support him to continue to be the vice president. When my leg gets better, I will come to apologize."

His son didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he answered and hurried out.

"Oh~~My legs~~" The branch manager finally came back to his senses. The pain came back. His legs really hurt.

He wanted to leave more escape routes for himself.

How could he not know who is behind Kunal Singh.

It was Dhirubhai who came forward in person at that time. He had some relationship with Dhirubhai. In addition, his old leader from the head office also spoke out, so he must be on Dhirubhai's side.

Of course, at that time, he did not expect that the Ambani Plaza project would have such a big problem, otherwise he would definitely not agree to lend money.

Although the old leader now reassures himself that it's okay, he still feels very uneasy.

Once something happens to these guys, they are quicker than anyone else in selling people. It is easy for someone like me to be considered an outcast.

Well, he did the same to the people below, so he was very familiar with this kind of thing.

Looking at Qiaogo's success over the years, it is not without reason.

Gauhaga fell, Vim fell, Sitharaman family also fell.

Judging from these precedents, he felt that Anil would fall soon.

So there must be something wrong with the Ambani Plaza project, as reported by the big news papers.

This cannot be solved by a few billion or even 200 billion. This project will explode sooner or later.

It doesn't matter whether it's useful or not to fight Kuna's relationship now. As long as Kuna can say a good word for him when the time comes, he will make money.

He knew that Kuna was quite kind-hearted. As long as he begged him, he believed that he would be able to impress him.

You may be able to reduce some of your responsibilities by then.


"Boss, there's something wrong with the steel plant and the automobile factory." Hu Di came over and reported to Qiao Gehui.

"Domestic steel factory?" Qiao Ge asked, stunned.

"Yes, customers who originally purchased steel have canceled their orders," Hudi said.

"The quantity of steel we sell is not large. We can sell it out to just any customer, right?" Qiaogo paused here. "All the previous customers canceled their orders? What's going on? The Mittal family is behind it again. Are you kidding?"

Qiao Ge is not too worried about the sales of products from domestic steel plants. After all, they mainly supply companies under his own name.

There are not many left for sale.Even if the customer here cancels the order, I believe that with this amount, other customers can still be found.

It's just that there is something weird behind this incident. It would make sense for one or two customers to cancel their orders, but now they are canceling one after another. There is something in it.

"I specially asked Tulu to investigate this matter. The Mittal family is involved, but the most important thing is that someone from the Tata family has spoken out, so..." Hudi stopped talking at this point. .

"Tata family?" Qiaogo frowned.

This is a long-established wealthy family. Even if it is a low-caste family, it has a history of more than 100 years from its beginning to the present. It has a profound foundation and has long since become a wealthy and aristocratic family.

Their words will indeed make these steel industry practitioners dare not violate them.

After all, Tata Steel is still the largest private steel company in the country. Coupled with the overall strength of the Tata Group, it is scary to stomp its feet.

"We don't seem to have any conflicts with them, right?" Qiao Ge asked.

That was the question, but Qiao Ge didn't dare to say that there was no contradiction.

Because its own business is getting bigger and bigger, it will inevitably intersect with some industries of the other party. It is not impossible for the Tata Group to put some pressure on itself.

"Boss, you forgot, Kurosawa." Hudi explained, "He was originally from Tata Steel. Now he is on our side. Tata is probably feeling uncomfortable, and there is also the Mittal family. Instigating it is also a reason.”

Qiao Ge thought about it, it should be this reason.

At that time, the Mittal family annexed the steel plant in Blackpool at a low price, which had the shadow of Tata Steel.

It shows that there is still some relationship between the Mittal family and the Tata family.

Therefore, it is entirely possible for them to use this relationship to give themselves eye drops.

"So what happened to the car factory land?" Qiao Ge asked.

The automobile factory is just an idea for him now. He will first reserve a piece of land and then build the factory when it is ready.

"There is a problem with land acquisition. It was originally negotiated, but now some farmers have regretted it and need to increase the price," Hudi said.

"Have you lowered the price?" Qiao Ge frowned.

He cannot do what the black-hearted businessmen in India do, who use all kinds of threats and intimidation to extort and obtain land at low prices.

Basically, the transaction will still be completed at the normal market price, or even a little higher.

Although he can get it at a low price with his current status, this kind of thing can easily be used by his opponents to attack him.

For a little money, no need.

"No, boss, our prices are very fair." Hudi said hurriedly.

I don’t want my boss to misunderstand that I’m messing around down there.

"There is someone behind the instigation, the Mittal family, and there are also people from the Tata family involved behind the scenes," Hudi said.

"It doesn't make sense. The reason why there is Kurosawa here at the steel plant has something to do with the Tata family. But that piece of land~~could it be said that the Tata family also likes that piece of land?" Qiao Ge asked a little puzzled. road.

He thought for a moment, that piece of land was in a good position, but it wasn't like the Tata family had to insist on it, right?
Are there mines or treasures underground?
Totally impossible.

"Is it because of the use of this land that the Tata family is a little hostile?" Hudi expressed his guess, "Boss, you are planning to enter the automobile manufacturing industry, and Tata Motors now has a high share in the country. .”

"You said they are afraid of me?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Boss, I can't say that I'm afraid of you, at least I'm jealous of you." Hu Di said, "You have defeated many opponents over the years. Those opponents originally seemed to be invincible, but in front of you, boss, Vulnerable.”

"Don't be flattering."

"No, boss, this is a fact." Hudi said, "I'm still thinking, Kurosawa alone shouldn't make the Tata family care about the steel plant so much, right? Could it be that the Mittal family Can they be persuaded by some instigation? It is impossible for the Tata family not to know about the conflict between us and the Mittal family, so they are still willing to take action at this time. Obviously, it is not only for the Mittal family, but also for their own interests. So. Is it because they are afraid of their boss? What they are doing now is to create some trouble for you, boss, and to get you to quit and not set foot in the automobile manufacturing industry."

Qiao Ge was silent for a moment, and I have to say that Hu Di's inference is still very reasonable.

As he grew stronger, he killed many opponents.

Although I don't exaggerate like this, my current record should make some people nervous.

Especially in the industries that I want to enter, the original leaders of those industries have been eliminated by me.

So it makes sense that the Tatas want to stop themselves from the beginning.

"In your opinion, what should we do? Back off, or continue?" Qiaogo asked.

"I think boss you will not give up. But the Tata Group is more powerful than the Reliance Group. Now we have a conflict with the Reliance Group. If we have another conflict with the Tata Group, I don't think this is a good thing. ." Hu Di paused here and said, "If you insist, boss, I think you can slow down? It won't be too late to see the situation in a few years before setting foot in these industries, right?"

The Tata Group and the Tata family are certainly more powerful than Reliance Group now, and Jogo certainly knows this.

What Hu Di said was true. It was not a wise choice for him to fight against the boss and second brother in the country all at once.

Consider yourself the third child, but there is a huge difference between them in terms of background.

When the boss fights the second brother, the second brother may die, but the boss is probably also seriously injured, not to mention the third brother, one against two. This is not asking for a mixed doubles fight, it is asking for death. (End of chapter)

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