Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 433 You are too aggressive

Chapter 433 You are too aggressive

For now, Qiaogo does not have any plans to invest on a large scale in the steel industry and automobile manufacturing industry in China.

The steel industry may still be dominated by foreign mergers and acquisitions, which are meant to steal Lakshmi's luck.

As for the automobile manufacturing industry, Qiaogo felt that he could wait for the collapse of the Soviet Union and see if he could recruit some experts and technicians. It would be best to dismantle the factory and ship it back.

In this way, the conflict with the Tata family can be temporarily avoided.

Next, he will have to fight with old guys like Dhirubhai. If the Tata Group is also involved, the consequences will be unpredictable. No, it is not unpredictable. The result is certain, and he will definitely lose.

Once he is defeated, Qiao Ge can foresee a miserable end.

If you still don’t have enough foundation, too many people will pounce on you and bite your flesh and blood.

"Let's see, I don't want the land for the car factory anymore," Qiao Ge said, "I won't enter this industry for the time being."

Hearing Qiao Ge's words, Hu Di couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't think you can relax. In a few years, I will definitely enter the automobile industry, and I will work hard. Huh, the Tata family is really overbearing. Do you think these industries belong to his family?" Jogo said.

"Boss, you will be stronger in a few years. By then, the situation will definitely be better than now." Hu Di smiled.

Qiao Ge smiled, timing is still important.

You can't be stubborn. Now is not the time to fight with the two major families. If you don't do anything that doesn't benefit you, it's no big deal if you have to give in temporarily.

A man can bend and stretch.

However, Qiaogo felt that he did not know enough about some things about the Tata family.

It seems that it is necessary to have an in-depth chat with Yas and the others about the Tata family. Now I must know more information about their family so that I can accurately judge their strength.

It must be said that the Tatas are very low-profile, unlike the Ambani family.

It is very normal for the two to have such a huge difference.

The Ambani family has only been rich for a few decades and is considered a nouveau riche.

The Tata family has long passed this stage. He has hidden himself. The real terrifying strength is hidden in the dark, making people confused about the reality. This is the great terror.

Qiao Ge was very concerned about this matter and immediately set off to New Delhi to find Huida.

Given Huida's age and his close relationship with him, Jogo felt that he should be able to know some secrets of the Tata family. Of course, he would also go to the Sharma and Vasayan families.

In short, everyone here has to pay a visit.

Before Qiao Ge came over, he had already briefly discussed his intention with Huida on the phone.

"To be honest, I don't know much about the Tata family. After receiving your call, I asked the old man specifically and got some terrible information from him," Huida said.

Qiao Ge knew that the old man Huida was talking about was the old patriarch of the Pandit family.

The Pandit family is also a traditional wealthy family with a long history. Although it has declined in recent years, it does still know a lot about these secrets.

Hearing this, Qiao Ge couldn't help but sit upright.

"You should know that although the Tata Group is still the largest private company in the country, the Reliance Group has expanded greatly and aggressively in recent years. Many people say that the Reliance Group is the number one." Huaidah said.

"Don't pave the way, just say it directly." Qiao Ge smiled and said.

The current Reliance Group cannot compare with the Tata Group.

It’s not surprising that the people at the bottom would think so after being led by newspapers and other propaganda. Qiao Ge is still awake.

Huida also smiled and said: "The Tata Group's tentacles have penetrated into various fields and forces, such as the Sharma, Vasayan family, etc. In fact, they are all related to them. Oh, my Pandit family is too, There is also some cooperation. This is between traditional wealthy families, the same goes for the government, the military, etc. After all, it has a history of more than 100 years, and with its huge wealth, this network of relationships is extremely amazing."

Qiao Ge was silent. He could guess a thing or two about this.

The power of the Tata family is deeply entangled in India, and it can be said that his network is found among the upper-class elites.

"How good is the relationship between the Pandit family and the Tata family? What about the Sharma family?" Jogo stared at Wyda and said, "I hope I can hear the truth from your side."

"The Pandit family actually has some normal cooperation in business. For example, the Tata Group has invested in some shares. Because our family was mainly in the grain industry at that time, we were not willing to let outsiders invest in this aspect, so the Tata family invested in Our family has some connections in some marginal industries, but they are not close. They are considered normal interactions. The relationship between the Sharma, Vasayan, and Dutta families is better with the Tata family. How deep is the relationship? , I don’t know much about it, and I can’t talk nonsense. I’m afraid you have to ask these questions yourself.” When Pandit said this, he frowned slightly and said, “Qiaogo, why are you so interested in the affairs of the Tata family all of a sudden? , why do I feel that this is not a good thing?" "Yes, it is not a good thing, because the Tata Group gave me a warning." Qiaogo sighed.

"What?" Huida was shocked, "Why did you provoke them?"

"How dare I provoke them." Qiao Ge said helplessly, "Maybe some of my unintentional actions were regarded as provocations by them. Steel plants and automobile manufacturing plants."

"This?" Huaida calmed down and said, "What's wrong with the steel plant? Do you want to expand? I haven't heard you mention it before. You acquired a large steel plant abroad, but this has little impact on the domestic steel market. Impact, right? As for the car manufacturing plant, I heard you said last time that you just wanted to get a piece of land first, right? What? You have changed your mind, are you going to set foot on it now? "

Huida quickly realized the problem.

Steel and automobile manufacturing are considered one of the core industries of the Tata Group.

It makes sense, then, that they should give some warning when they find out that Jhogo wants to set foot.

Because every time Qiao Ge enters an industry, he turns the industry upside down.

This is probably what the Tatas family thinks about.

"I really want to do what you said, and I accepted the warning. It's so unfair now. I didn't do anything." Qiaogo said, "The Tata family is really overbearing. These two industries are not the same." Are others allowed to enter?"

Hearing this, Huida's face looked better. Speaking of which, the contradiction was not that big.

"You can't blame others." Huaida laughed and said, "You are too offensive."

"I don't understand what you're saying. I'm easy to talk to and have a gentle temper. How could I be aggressive?" Qiao Ge disagreed.

"Everyone knows whether you are offensive or not. You have set foot in several industries and knocked down the leaders of those industries. At the same time, you have also changed the ecology of the industry. Now even the Tata family is afraid of you, and you still That you're not aggressive?" Whyda explained.

Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment and said, "What you said seems to make sense."

"It makes sense, it's a fact." Huaida said, "Because of this, it's completely understandable that the Tata family doesn't want you to set foot in these two industries. They are afraid that you will cause too many problems in these two industries." matter."

"If I insist on doing it, will you still support me?" Qiao Ge took a deep breath and asked Huida.

"Don't worry, the Pandit family and I will definitely have no problem and will stand firmly on your side. As for the Sharma family, they are actually deeply tied to your interests now, and they will probably stand on your side. Of course, there is also your relationship with Beni. I think the Vasayan and Dutta families, most of their wealth is now on your side, will probably favor you. But as for the real relationship between you and the Tatas If you want to fight to the death, everyone may not necessarily support you, and most of them will persuade you to give up the idea of ​​confrontation," Huaida said.

"Do you have the same attitude?"

"Yes, even if I support you, I will try to persuade you that it is best to give up the idea of ​​​​confronting the Tatas." Pandit sighed, "Of course, if you really decide to fight them, I will accompany you to the end. "

"Aren't you afraid of the Tata family?" Qiaogo asked.

Qiaogo understood the meaning of Pandit's words. He really wanted to go to war with the Tata family, and Huida could not guarantee the final attitude of Sharma and other families.

They will most likely support themselves, but of course they may also withdraw from themselves and give up on themselves.

It has only been a few years since he emerged, and he is still less than a fraction of the Reliance Group, let alone the Tata Group.

It is entirely possible for everyone to look down on themselves and give up on themselves.

"Afraid." Huida sighed, "How can you not be afraid? The Tata family has a very powerful government background, and the more you know about it, the more terrifying it becomes. I think back then, when the country privatized airlines, their Tata family Aviation was nationalized and became the current Air India. Of course, there was an exchange of interests. The government gave the Tata family a lot of benefits. These benefits will not be reflected in the public. What they are, we will not know. I don’t know much about it. Also, when Tata Steel wanted to expand, it was suppressed by the government and refused to give approval. In the eyes of most people, it means that the Tata family has fallen out of favor with the government, but in fact it is not. This It’s to make way for state-owned steel plants, and the government has also given benefits where everyone doesn’t see them.”

Qiao Ge's heart sank when he heard this.

Regarding the return of Tata Airlines to the country, he knew that there were some internal transactions between the then government and the Tata family.

However, Tata Steel was restricted from expanding. As everyone thought, it was because it was suppressed by the government.

Now I know from Huida’s mouth that there is also insider trading between the government and the Tata family.

This means that the Tata family has actually always been very powerful on the government side.

If you want to take something away from him, you must compensate it elsewhere. This is a manifestation of strength.

Otherwise, the country will take it as soon as it says it, and who cares who you are?
Only if the power is strong enough, the country will not dare to move. For example, the Tata family can only discuss with them.

This is also the goal that Qiao Ge wants to pursue, so that he can be considered a truly wealthy family.

(End of this chapter)

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