Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 434 Supporting Reliance Group from behind

"Also, the Tata family has a very good reputation among the people. This is unmatched by other large private companies such as Reliance Group." When Huaidah said this, he couldn't help but add, "On this point, you Much like them. Adhere to good values ​​and business ethics, take care of the interests of employees, and be respected.”

This is really a very obvious contrast.

The reputation of Reliance Group is very bad. Government and businessmen collude to make fortunes, misappropriate national interests and so on.

That is to say, after the new government came to power, his pressure became less.

The Tata family has always appeared in front of the public as an image of adhering to traditional values ​​and good moral standards.

For example, the original Tata Steel Plant was designed to resist the British. It was thought that Indians would have their own steel plants and boycott British steel.

It can be said that the Tatas are regarded as national heroes.

This aura is awe-inspiring.

In addition, the Tata family implements an eight-hour working day in its companies to provide employees with better free medical services.

Qiao Ge still recognized this point very much. He almost did the same thing. Of course, he had to work overtime when he should. The salary of employees was several percent higher than that of practitioners in the same industry.

Therefore, the Tata family is naturally respected by the people.

Another example is that during the reform of Tata Steel in the previous life, in order to cut costs, more than 3 people were laid off at once.

You must know that in India, it is not that easy to lay off employees. It is extremely difficult for everyone.

One is obstruction by labor unions, and the other is government. Various procedures and lawsuits can definitely make the company despair.

Such large-scale layoffs at Tata Steel did not cause any riots among employees, and there were almost no complaints.

This situation is very outrageous.

Of course, Tata Steel's compensation to laid-off employees is still very generous, which is in line with their usual personality of treating employees well.

Coupled with the prestige of the Tata family and the supportive attitude of the government, the matter just passed.

From these aspects, no matter how you look at it, you can see the power of the Tata family in India.

If he really wants to confront the Tata family now, most of the people in the country will definitely be on the opposite side.

Isn’t the choice made by Sharma and other families obvious?
Of course, there is a small probability that they will support him, but Qiao Ge does not have such confidence, so he cannot bet on this kind of thing.

"Since you are afraid, and the Tata family is so powerful and respected, you still support me?" Qiaogo asked.

"Because I believe in you." Huaida pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"The price is high," said Qiaogo.

"The benefits will also be huge." Huida said with a squinted smile, "To tell you the truth, the future of me and the Pandit family depends on you."

"Brother, you are exaggerating." Qiao Ge was still a little surprised that Huida was so optimistic about him.

You must know that if he follows you, once he fails, the entire family will completely fall from the ranks of the rich, or even worse.

"You can say I'm gambling." Huida sighed, "If I rely on myself alone, I may be able to stabilize the decline of the Pandit family and move forward a little bit, but it is basically impossible to restore its former glory. Yes, I am self-aware of this. But now that I join forces with you, it is different. I see hope beyond the heyday of the family. It is my dream to bring the family to unprecedented heights, which many ancestors cannot do. The Tata family is powerful, but you are not bad either. What you are missing is time. If you are given a few more decades, you may not be able to compete with them."

It must be said that Huida's idea was not a hot-headed decision, but a carefully considered one.

According to its current development trend, it will certainly become very terrifying in a few decades. Then even the Tata family will have to consider the consequences of a war between the two sides.

In fact, the current battle between him and the Reliance Group is only local, and it is impossible to really start a full-scale war. The impact is too great.

But Qiao Ge is still ambitious. How could he wait until decades later?

His biggest advantage now is that he can still know the direction of many major events in the next few decades, and he needs to rely on these to become as strong as possible.

The latest big opportunity is India's 91 reforms and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

If these two things are grasped well, his life path to success can be shortened by more than ten to twenty years.

In other words, after these two incidents, I will definitely get involved in the steel and automobile manufacturing industries.

At that time, I believe that I have the confidence to face the Tata family.

Of course, it’s hard for Qiao Ge to talk too much about these things to Huida now.

Because he would implement it in a year or two, and it was so different from what Huaida thought he would do in a few decades, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

"Okay, then I will give face to the Tata family and give up competing with them in these two industries for the time being." Qiao Ge laughed.

"You really don't admit defeat." Huaida secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Qiaogo, who was young and energetic, would fight with the Tata Group out of anger.

Now that he heard that Qiaogo had wisely backed down, he felt relieved.

This also made him satisfied with his decision to firmly support Jogo.Because Qiao Ge is still very rational, only such a person can succeed.

After coming out of Huida, Qiaogo was going to go to the Sharma family tomorrow.

But before he could go there, Yas called Qiaogo that night, saying that he wanted to come directly to discuss matters related to the Tata family.

Originally, Qiao Ge was going to stay at Xiya's place, but since Yas was coming over, it was hard for him to go there.

You can't let Yas go over there and meet you.

So I returned to my residence in New Delhi and waited for Yas to come to my door.

"How many of you came together?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised to see that in addition to Yas, there were also Lupa and Hebicha.

But he soon understood, and it was reasonable.

I had called them before and asked them about some things about the Tata family.

They must have contacted each other privately, so they came to find him together.

This was good, and it saved him a lot of trouble. Originally, he had thought of visiting each family privately.

But he didn't hide this kind of thing from them, so it was normal for them to come together.

"Qiaogo, we called Huida before we came, so we can understand your purpose this time from him." Yas said on behalf of several people, "When the elders in our family learned about this, they took it very seriously. "

"I have learned about the horrors of the Tata family from Huida, so I will not get involved in the steel and automobile manufacturing industries for the time being." Qiaogo said.

"That's good, that's good." Yas took a long breath.

To be honest, they only found out about Qiaogo's decision from Huida, but now that they heard it from Qiaogo's mouth, they were truly relieved.

"Before coming here, the old men gave us a death order, and we must persuade you." Lupa said, "Brother, don't look at me with such suspicion. Really, they can prove it."

"Yes," said Herbitha.

"That's right, when the old men learned that you were warned by the Tatas, their faces suddenly turned pale." Harpal said.

"I kid you not, this thing really scared them." Noma also said.

"As for it?" Qiao Ge said speechlessly for a while.

"Qiaogo, it's not that we are making a fuss, it's that this thing is too terrifying." Yas took a deep breath and said, "I know you know a lot about the Tata family in Huida, but his family knows It’s still limited, and we can tell you now.”

"Shouldn't these be confidential?" Qiaogo asked.

"The secret also depends on who it is for." Yas said, "And the old men are really afraid that you will impulsively conflict with the Tata family this time and cause irreparable losses, so they want you to truly understand it. The horror will make you give up such thoughts."

"It's interesting. Although I have given up the idea now, I really want to hear what more terrifying things you have here." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "I am all ears."

"The old men now suspect that the Reliance Group is actually supported by the Tata family," Yas said.

"Isn't it?" Even though Qiao Ge was ready to hear all kinds of horrific news, he was still shocked by the news.

"Haha, it's rare to see big brother with such an expression. Why didn't I bring a camera? If it is photographed, it will definitely be a historic scene. If it is put up for auction one day, it will definitely be worth a sky-high price." Lupa laughed.

Everyone was amused by Lupa's words, which was regarded as a mood-fixer.

Of course, it was because Qiao Ge told them from the beginning that he wanted to give up the confrontation with the Tatas. Otherwise, they would definitely not be able to laugh now, but would instead think of various ways to persuade Qiao Ge.

My current state of mind is naturally relaxed.

"Of course, it's not the current Reliance Group, but when Dhirubhai started, the Tata family secretly used their power. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Dhirubhai is, he wouldn't be able to achieve what he is today in just a few decades. An amazing achievement. We can confirm that the relationship between Dhirubhai and Indira was secretly brokered by the Tata family. In those years, Dhirubhai relied on Indira's various policies and resource tilts to have Reliance today. The size of the group,” Yas said.

Qiao Ge had actually calmed down from his surprise a long time ago, especially after hearing Yas's explanation, he understood.

"Building another low-caste wealthy family?" Qiaogo asked, "Has the Tata family not been integrated into traditional wealthy families like you for so many years? Is it necessary to cultivate a help like the Reliance Group?"

"How is it possible to really integrate?" Yas sighed. "Everyone is only together with the Tata Group because of some interests. Most of them still care about the caste issue. But the Tata family is indeed too powerful. The most stubborn traditional giants also had to make compromises on the surface. It was not clear how the Tatas could be, so he created the Reliance Group."

Speaking of which, the relationship between the Tata family and these traditional wealthy families is smoother than that of the Reliance Group.

This is attributed to the fact that the Tatas appeared in front of the people as national heroes.

For such a wealthy business family with a good reputation, they are naturally welcomed by politicians, such as India's founding Prime Minister Ni Helu.

Of course, it was impossible for the traditional wealthy families of that period to openly target the Tatas. Even if they cared about the lower castes, at least they would not show it openly.

This allows the Tata family to integrate into the circle of traditional wealthy families.

As Yas said, this is not actually a real integration. It can only be said that both parties have interests, so they have contacts.

But the Tata family knows very well that these traditional wealthy families still care about the status of lower castes. (End of chapter)

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