Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 435: Rise too fast, too late to react

Chapter 435: Rise too fast, too late to react

"So the Tata family wants to support some low-caste rich people to increase their strength?" Qiaogo asked.

The purpose of the Tatas supporting Reliance Group and the rise of Dhirubhai is obvious.

"They should have had this purpose at the time, but Dhirubhai was too powerful, probably beyond their expectations. People like Dhirubhai would definitely not be manipulated by others, so with the development of Reliance Group By growing stronger, it is considered to be out of the control of the Tata family." Yas said, "The Tata family will definitely not let this kind of thing go, so they want to take revenge."

"Retaliation?" Qiao Ge couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard this. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, "Are you saying that the Reliance Group was suppressed by the government before, and it was the Tata family that was behind it?"

Rajiv had kept a distance from the Reliance Group at that time, and suddenly took action against the Reliance Group. Speaking of which, Jogo was a bit surprised.

If it's like what I'm inferring now, it makes sense.

"It also includes those traditional wealthy families who collectively targeted the Reliance Group, which was instigated by the Tata Group behind the scenes," Yas said.

"I can figure it out on the government side, but why did these traditional wealthy families join forces with the Tata Group? If it were me, I would definitely join forces with the Reliance Group to get the Tata family, right? The Ambani family is just a rising star after all. If they don't have enough background, the Tata family should be the one they want to overthrow. After overthrowing the Tata family, wouldn't it be easier to deal with Dhirubhai?" Qiao Ge expressed his doubts.

"The reason is very simple. Those guys claim to be traditional wealthy families and represent the glory of the upper castes. In fact, they are strong on the outside and capable on the inside. They are very afraid of the Tata family in their hearts. They all point fingers at the Tata family in private, saying this is bad and that It's not good, I even gnashed my teeth in hatred, but when someone came out to take the lead in fighting the Tata family, there was no sound. A group of cowardly and incompetent things got together, what big things can you expect them to accomplish?" Yas sneered. .

"Oh, I understand, I'm trying to find someone who's weak." Qiao Ge smiled, "For the wealth of Reliance Group?"

This is in line with the style of those traditional wealthy families.

Those conservative wealthy families are indeed not very good in terms of financial resources. Many of them are superficially beautiful and rely on various ancestral assets to maintain their superficial respectability. Inside, they are dilapidated and leaky houses, similar to the Jia family in Dream of Red Mansions.

"Yes, after being deceived by the Tata family, these guys seemed to be on stimulants, their eyes were red, as if the Reliance Group had fallen and they could easily pounce on it and carve it up. But they didn't want to think about it. , is Dhirubai so easy to deal with?" Yas said, "This is a big deal in the hands of the Tata family. Can these idiots deal with such a person? They don't even think about it, Dhirubai is really It's easy to deal with, how can the Tata family not take action? Can such a good thing wait for them? "

"Some people even say privately that by defeating the Reliance Group, they will eliminate the threat of a lower caste and the help of the Tata family. At the same time, they can also use the wealth of the Reliance Group to strengthen themselves. What a perfect strategy." Said again.

"Interesting." Qiaogo chuckled. "The Tatas want to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers. Regardless of whether the Reliance Group will be defeated or not, Dhirubhai is not a good person and will definitely fight back. These The traditional and conservative giants will definitely also be hit. To the Tatas, Reliance Group is a traitor that needs to be suppressed or even subverted, but these traditional giants are probably also in his attack line."

"Yes, of course the Tata family wants to weaken the power of traditional wealthy families, so wouldn't his status be higher?" Yas said.

"I'm wondering if the Tata family is too confident?" Qiaogo said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Yas asked, stunned.

"From the current point of view, the power of the government and these wealthy families is obviously overestimated, and the strength of Reliance Group is underestimated, and of course Dhirubhai is underestimated. Aren't the Tatas afraid that Reliance Group will become more courageous as it fights?" Qiao Ge asked.

According to the memory of his previous life, after the reform in 91, Reliance Group's wealth expanded faster, surpassing the Tata Group to become the number one in India, and its power has naturally become stronger.

Of course, these are what I saw online, and Qiao Ge is not sure about the specifics.

After all, the Tata Group is not as high-profile as the Reliance Group, and some things such as wealth may not always be exposed.

No matter what, it is certain that Reliance Group will take off with the 91 reforms.

Of course, the Tata Group has also experienced tremendous development.

The development directions of the two are quite different.

"Even if the Reliance Group is not suppressed, it is still a low-caste family~~ Well, Qiao Ge, I don't mean it against you, I~~" Yas couldn't help but explain hurriedly.

"I don't care, just continue." Qiao Ge smiled.

"I think the Tata family should have this mentality. It would be best if Reliance Group and those traditional giants both suffer losses. It would be better if Reliance Group is completely destroyed and most of the traditional giants are disabled. If Reliance Group is okay, then at least it will be okay. It can cause losses to traditional wealthy families. When the time comes, he can still come out to win over the Reliance Group. After all, they are all low castes, and it is normal to stay together. I believe it should be acceptable to Dhirubhai. In other words, no matter what In this way, the Tata family will not lose." Yas analyzed.

Qiao Ge agreed with Yas's point of view in his heart.

This is a very sophisticated move by the Tatas.

Even if Dhirubhai knew that he was being plotted and had resentment towards the Tatas, so what?
The Tatas have long expected this, and they also know that Dhirubhai is very sensible and will not fall out with the Tatas because of this.

If you really want to fall out, you won't explode because of this one more calculation.The Tata family had suppressed Dhirubhai before, and the grudge had long been forged.

As for the Tata family, they put down their tactics and join forces with the Reliance Group, which was also the best choice.

After all, the Reliance Group is out of their control and is powerful enough.

If it is true that they are fighting to the death with Reliance Group, those traditional wealthy families will probably be happy.

So there is no need to say more about how to choose.

"Old fox, he makes money no matter what." Qiao Ge sighed.

"In terms of traditional wealthy families and Reliance Group, the real enemies of the Tatas are still traditional wealthy families like us." Yas sighed.

"Don't say that, it should be those wealthy families that are traditional and conservative, have rigid ideas, and are stubborn." Qiao Ge said, "You big families are considered enlightened."

"Maybe." Yas said with emotion, "To be honest, I was worried that the Tata family would pull you over and support you like they secretly supported the Reliance Group. Now it seems that they have not In doing so, they may be afraid of the Reliance Group. They are afraid that there will be another Reliance Group named Gupta, and it will be uncontrollable."

"Alas, Uncle Yas, what you said is wrong, isn't it?" Lupa was a little dissatisfied with Yas's words, "Does Brother Qiaogo still need the support of the Tata family? He has already reached this point. . If he sets up the Gupta Group now, will it be no worse than the Reliance Group?"

"Ah, yes." Yas laughed and said, "Look, I'm confused. Qiaogo's current achievements no longer require this kind of support."

"I think the Tata family must have been keeping an eye on the rise of Brother Qiaogo. They were a little hesitant at first as to whether to support him or not. Who would have thought of this hesitation? When they came to their senses, they discovered that Brother Qiaogo He has become a figure that they are also afraid of, just like Droubai." Hebicha said.

"Yes, that's it." Harpal smiled.

"It can only be said that the Qiaogo brothers rose too fast, leaving them no time to react." Noma said, "But I think the Tata family might show favor to you and win over you."

"This is very likely." Yas agreed.

"Slap and give me a sweet date?" Qiao Ge sneered, "Hey, it depends on how big and sweet the date is."

"This~~ Qiao Ge, I won't say more. I believe you know what you know and don't overdo it. Don't offend the Tata family if you can." Yas said, "After all, there are still many industries in the market. , we can definitely enter other industries, all of which can make money."

"Don't worry, I won't be impulsive." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "I was thinking that one day I would really get together with the Tata family, or even the Reliance Group. What would you think?"

"What's yours and ours, brother, we are all together, regardless of each other." Lupa said loudly.

Qiao Ge couldn't help but glance at him. This guy was usually careless, but he was actually very smart.

Of course, except for some of the children of these wealthy families who are really trash, the probability of being an elite is indeed much higher than that of ordinary people.

There is no way, Lupa and the others have a too high starting point and have many resources.

"Yeah, what a high-caste traditional wealthy family, this kind of thing is just like that to the truly powerful people." Hebicha said, "At least we guys are standing with you now."


"That's it."

Norma and Harper also said.

"Qiaogo, don't think too much. Our families have dealings with the Tata family and have various mutual stockholdings. But I want to tell you clearly that the funds for cooperation with you account for the largest proportion among our families. , almost half of the net worth, and I believe the same is true for several of them." Yas said, "So, no matter what decision you make, we will be on your side."

Lupa and the others said nothing, but their expressions said it all.

It seems that they have reached a tacit understanding.

"Okay, then I will be more confident." Qiao Ge laughed, "When the time comes, I really want to touch the Tata family. When did certain industries become exclusive to their family? I Not convinced!"

(End of this chapter)

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