Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 436: Compensation of US$100 billion

Chapter 436: Compensation of US$100 billion (please vote)
What is the most respected company among Indians? Qiao Ge doesn’t believe that they have never done anything shameful. It’s just that the Tata family is more secretive than others. In addition, they are good at disguise and publicity is in place, and they have established a Now this image.

Who has not used some special means in the process of accumulating funds? For example, Qiaogo himself had some sideline transactions with Yuri.

In this kind of business competition, everyone depends on their ability.

Qiao Ge will not give in just because they have such a reputation.

Of course, the time for him to take action is obviously not now, he has to wait until his strength becomes stronger.

Aspen wanted to persuade Qiao Ge not to be too impulsive, but he held back.

If Qiao Ge didn't have such drive, would it be worth investing so much on his side?

Those who achieve great things must have such courage!
"Qiao Ge, the economic situation is not going to be good in the future. I'm still a little uneasy." Yas changed the topic.

"I believe this is also a big opportunity for us." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "As I said before, everyone should hoard more cash."

"Brother, tell me, how much money can we make this time?" Lupa asked hurriedly.

Of course he followed in Jogo's footsteps and tried his best to raise funds.

Of course, most of his funding comes from his fiancée's family.

Since the previous investment was so successful, his fiancée's family also invested through him.

He didn't hide this from Qiao Ge, and Qiao Ge didn't care much.

But for Rupa, his status with his fiancée's family is completely different.

To be honest, originally for this marriage, they did not value Rupa himself, but established a relationship with the Vasayan family through Rupa.

Things are different now. Not only has Lupa returned to the center from the fringes of the Vasayan family, but his relationship with Jogo has also made his fiancee's family no longer dare to underestimate Lupa.

"I think I can definitely make a lot of money. As for how much, I don't know." Qiao Ge said.

Everyone smiled.

As long as you have cash on hand, the worse the economic crisis, the better.

At that time, everyone can buy high-quality assets at low prices.

When the economy recovers, it will be easy for this kind of asset to double several times.

Time soon came to the end of July 1990.

"Boss, this is the latest international news." Hudi sent several newspapers reporting foreign news into Qiaogo's office.

After returning to his office, Hudi sat on a chair and took out the same newspapers.

He bought an extra copy of every newspaper and read every newspaper his boss wanted to read.

There are some things that the boss didn't say, but he has to ensure that he can better understand his boss's thoughts, and he must be consistent with the newspapers that the boss reads.

More than a month ago, the boss specially asked him to deliver international news newspapers to him every day.

"Middle East?" After this month of observation and his own research on newspaper reports, Hudi believed that his boss was paying attention to the situation in the Middle East.

"We have been negotiating for a long time. We have stopped negotiating now. I don't know if we can start a fight. If we do, what about the Reliance Group?" Hudi saw news about the negotiations between Kuwait and Iraq on border territory, oil, debt and other issues. After that, something suddenly moved in my heart.

To be honest, he felt that his boss was paying attention to the situation in Kuwait.

Since the past few months, the two countries have had many conflicts and have been negotiating, but there has been little progress in the negotiations.

Hudi couldn't help but think of his previous boss's plan to acquire an oil field in Kuwait, but it was later snatched away by the Reliance Group.

At that time, I and others were very angry, but now it seems that being snatched away by the Reliance Group is a good thing.

If a fight really breaks out, Reliance Group will definitely be nervous.

Even if the fight didn't start, as it was now, Droubai probably couldn't sleep well.

After Qiao Ge read the newspaper, he smiled in his heart.

The pace of war is getting closer and closer.

Those oil fields and oil wells of Reliance Group will soon be ignited in the flames of war and turn into raging fires.

"Reliance Group?" Qiao Ge muttered in a low voice and was too lazy to pay attention.

The outcome has been decided, and I have to make some preparations after this happens. The harvest season is coming.

Dhirubhai put the newspaper aside, feeling very heavy.

He called the housekeeper and asked the housekeeper to inform his two sons.

Mukesh and Anil returned home soon.

Their hearts sank when they saw their father's unhappy expression.

"Father, what happened?" Anil asked hurriedly.

"Father, is it about Kuwait?" Mukesh's eyes quickly glanced at the newspaper nearby, which had reports from there.

He knew that his father had been paying close attention to the situation in the Middle East recently.

Not to mention his father, he himself too.

Anil noticed his elder brother's gaze, and he glanced at it and said immediately: "Father, their negotiations should have little impact on oil exports, right? Even if there is some impact, it can be accepted."

"Is it just influence?" Droubai snorted coldly.

"Isn't it?" Anil didn't understand the meaning of his father's words for a while.

"Father, do you think there will be a more serious problem?" Mukesh said. "Alas~~~" Droubai said with a long sigh, "These days, I wonder if we are blocking the gun for that kid Qiaogo."

"Father, what do you mean by this?" Anil asked.

"The situation in Kuwait is not optimistic." Droubai said.

"Father, are oil production going to be reduced?" Mukesh frowned and asked, "Then our production will definitely be restricted, right?"

He knew the contents of the negotiations between the two countries. One point was that Iraq proposed that Kuwait should reduce its oil production.

For Iraq, reducing oil production can raise oil prices. For every dollar increase in price, Iraq can earn hundreds of millions of dollars more in revenue.

These are very important for Iraq, which is in urgent need of funds after the war.

But Kuwait obviously does not want to reduce production, so this is one of the deadlock points in the negotiations between the two parties.

Anil frowned. If Kuwait really agreed to reduce production, then the share of these production cuts would definitely be distributed to various oil fields.

Moreover, our own private oil fields or oil fields controlled by foreigners may be allocated a larger share of production reductions.

"If it's just a reduction in production, it's okay." Droubai said. "Some of my friends in the Middle East sent me news that there might be a war."

"Huh?" Mukesh and Anil couldn't help but exclaimed.

War is too destructive.

This is not just a reduction in oil production, will their oil fields and wells be affected?
Once a fight breaks out, these are no longer guaranteed.

"It shouldn't happen, right?" Anil asked softly.

"The situation is very tense," Droubai said. "The negotiations are basically impossible to reach. The differences are too great."

"Kuwait has a very good relationship with the beautiful country. I don't think there will be such a bad result." Anil said.

"Yes, father, are you too pessimistic? I believe that the two sides will restart negotiations soon. It is normal to talk about it." Mukesh also said.

"Also, father, more than half a month ago, wasn't it said that Saddam sent armored troops to the border between the two countries? Isn't there still no movement until now? And Saddam directly announced that he would attack Kuwait. If Would he say that he wanted to fight? Didn't he just want to blackmail Kuwait? As soon as he said this, countries in the Middle East hurriedly sent people to lobby, and he indeed put forward conditions. As long as Kuwait compensates 100 billion US dollars, he will not take action. Even if The troops are still being increased now, but it is actually just a means to threaten Kuwait, and war will not happen. In addition, countries such as the United States and Egypt have also said that they judge that Saddam will not use force."

"Maybe. As I get older, I inevitably think more. I hope I worry too much." Droubai sighed, "No matter how you look at it, that kid Qiaogo is really lucky."

Dhirubhai thinks Anil is right.

Saddam probably used this kind of military deterrence to make Kuwait surrender, pay compensation or forgive debts, etc.

No matter what happens, you can at least put pressure on the other party in the negotiation and let yourself take the initiative.

Dhirubhai's words silenced Mukesh and Anil.

Even if there is no war, the current tense situation still has a great impact on their oil exports.

Iraq's military is too strong, but Kuwait is too weak.

If you really want to take action, you can't resist it at all.

This kind of intimidation is enough to make people tremble.

At that time, Qiao Ge was planning to go to Kuwait to acquire oil fields, but after he got the news, he took the lead.

I was very proud of myself at that time, but looking back now, isn't it a joke?

"Father, tell me, did that kid do it on purpose?" A thought suddenly flashed through Mukesh's mind.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Anil turned to look at his elder brother in confusion and asked.

"I'm wondering if Qiaogo deliberately leaked the news that he wanted to acquire the oil field, and then let us in. Maybe he already knew the people they planted beside him." Mukesh looked at Ani Er said calmly.

"Brother, what you said makes no sense." Anil immediately retorted, "Who knew what would happen now?"

Scoring one of his chess pieces into Qiaogo's side was something that he and Kejas were very proud of. How could they let their eldest brother discredit it.

"Mukesh, Anil is right. It was not like now," Dhirubhai said.

He still didn't quite agree with Mukesh's guess.

The relationship between the two countries has only recently taken a turn for the worse. How could Qiaogo think of this?

At that time, there were no problems with the relationship between the two countries, otherwise how could I acquire oil fields there.

I can only say that I am relatively unlucky.

Otherwise, Qiao Ge will step into a trap.

Now Qiaogo is going to the United Arab Emirates to acquire oil fields. It is safe there.

Moreover, Qiao Ge did indeed acquire the oil field. This matter was obviously not deliberately set up to trap himself.

Of course, Dhirubai was a little skeptical about Mukesh's guess.

But this suspicion is still a bit outrageous.

Unless Qiao Ge has the ability to predict the future, there is no basis for this suspicion.

Dhirubhai is not the kind of person who believes in any gods. He still has to look at the facts.

Judging from recent events, it can only be said that this was a bad time for me.

Therefore, I can only blame my own bad luck for this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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