Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 437 The damage is too great

Chapter 437 The damage is too great
The more you worry, the more something will happen.

On August 1990, 8, negotiations between Iraq and Kuwait on oil and other issues officially broke down.

In the early morning of August 8, 2 Iraqi troops divided into two groups and invaded Kuwait with lightning speed, occupying the entire territory in less than a day.

This news naturally shocked the world.

There will be news reports here in India soon.

Each party's reaction to the news was different.

Qiao Ge just smiled, and the secret passage finally came.

Although he knew the result, he would still be thinking about it before he landed.

But this is just the beginning. Reliance Group should still have expectations for the oil fields.

When the Iraqi army is defeated and retreats and ignites oil wells, that will be despair.

Dhirubhai and his two sons sat in the study, and the three of them were silent.

"Father, how is our oil field doing now?" Mukesh couldn't help but ask.

"The war over there is chaotic and the news has been interrupted. I don't know what is going on over there for the time being." Droubai sighed.

"If there's no news, that's good news. Besides, these oil fields belong to us, not Kuwait. Even if Iraq occupies there, it can't confiscate our oil fields, right?" Anil said.

That being said, Saddam is a strong man and no one can guarantee the outcome.

If the assets of developed countries such as Europe and the United States can be saved, Dhirubhai can only pray.

"I will request the government to contact Iraq to ensure the property interests of our Indian nationals in Kuwait." Dhirubhai said.

Hearing this, Mukesh and Anil secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If we do it in the name of the country, I believe the result will be better.

Otherwise, if a company negotiates with the Iraqi military, it will probably have no effect at all.

"Are we really blocking the gun for that kid Qiaogo?" Mukesh whispered.

These words made Dhirubhai and Mukesh look a little ugly.

They had said this before, but deep down they still didn't want to admit it. With the outbreak of the war, this matter was a certainty.

The oil fields they invested US$40 billion to acquire are likely to be at risk of being lost, which means they will lose US$40 billion.

However, this money is delivered in batches with food and other items. This is only the first year. The amount in the first year is larger, about 15 billion US dollars.

The shipment has been delivered.

If you default on your debt later, you will lose US$10 billion this year. One US dollar can now be exchanged for about 17.5 rupees, which is about 175 billion rupees.

Of course, because a lot of oil was brought back, the loss was about half, more than 80 billion rupees.

But the price is too high.

Think about the Sitharaman family's default on the Malay company at that time. The impact on the international community was too bad.

If the Reliance Group really does this, it will be many times more difficult to invest overseas in the future.

My family is not like the Sitharaman family, so overseas investment is definitely required.

Therefore, this kind of thing cannot be done unless absolutely necessary.

"Asshole, why is that kid Qiaogo so lucky?" Anil cursed.

He was not just scolding the oil field acquisition, he was also thinking of his current predicament.

The loan for the Ambani Plaza project was only 70 billion last time. My father said that he would find a solution in the future, but he has not provided financial support to himself yet.

No matter how much this continues, there may be big problems in our Ambani Plaza.

What about Qiaogo?
Everything is going very smoothly in his Gupta Square. The progress of the project is many times faster than that of his own project. It is almost completed soon.

And even if my side is focusing on a project with all its strength, it is still at least a year and a half behind Qiao Ge's side.

Needless to say, the cost here is much higher than Qiaogo.

He has investigated why Qiaogo is so efficient. He knows that Qiaogo is its own company in terms of supply of various materials and is very flexible in coordination.

He couldn't do it here because there were too many suppliers. He held countless communication meetings for this purpose. Everyone agreed at the meeting, but after returning, there was still no difference in actual operation.

From time to time, a lot of time will be delayed because the materials from one or some suppliers are not in place.

This situation basically does not exist in Qiao Ge, can you be unhappy?
What's even more disgusting is that the workers on Qiaogo's side often advertise their remuneration to the outside world, which makes workers on their own side demand for a wage increase.

Unable to bear it, the salary was increased a bit, but the efficiency was still not improved.

There is also the various large loans that Qiaogo had before the loan tightening, which kept Qiaogo on the right track every time.

Just months after he took out the loan, bank lending tightened.You might say that Qiao Ge was relying on speculation, but he was too bold.

It's completely a gambler's mentality.

It’s just that Qiao Ge made the right bet.

Now, no matter which aspect we compare, it is Qiaogo who laughs, and he can only cry silently in the dark. The comparison hurts him too much.

Of course they knew about Qiao Ge's massive loans before, but unfortunately they couldn't follow up even if they wanted to.

Because the assets in his name have been mortgaged for a long time, he can't borrow much money at all.

So I can only miss this opportunity.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked my father for help at all costs and obtained various credit loans.

It's not like now, banks and others won't lend money at all.

Yas and others couldn't believe it when they heard the news.

Qiaogo said at the time that he had asked Master Dimri, and the master reassured him.

Now it seems that the master’s words really come true.

Rupa screamed, praising Djogo's wise decision to reporters, choosing the UAE instead of Kuwait.

He even slapped Anil directly in the face. In interviews with many reporters, he said that Reliance Group's overseas oil field assets have shrunk significantly. It was originally US$40 billion, but now he doesn't know if it is worth US$20 billion.

Anil couldn't bear this slap in the face and immediately fought back.

He cited some words from a government spokesman, that is, the government stated that it would negotiate with the Iraqi government to ensure the personal and property safety of nationals in Kuwait.

Iraq responded to such representations and stated that it would protect the interests of foreign investors.

But it’s hard to say whether this can be implemented.

Guns have no eyes, or the Iraqi government does not recognize the previous deal, what can you do?
Of course, this kind of negotiation by the Indian government has somewhat reassured Dhirubhai and others.

The Indian government is now facing a bigger problem. With the outbreak of war, it is necessary to evacuate overseas Chinese in Kuwait, which will cost a lot of money.

After Iraq occupied Kuwait, its troops continued to move towards Saudi Arabia, preparing to attack Saudi Arabia.

This made other countries in the Middle East uneasy, the international situation was turbulent, the economy was greatly affected, and oil prices began to rise rapidly.

This is not a good thing for India. After all, 70% of oil is imported. Rising prices will lead to the need to spend more foreign exchange. This is simply adding insult to injury for India’s poor foreign exchange reserves.

Qiaogo knew something about oil prices. Oil prices did skyrocketed in the early days of the war. Later, due to the intervention of beautiful countries and other countries, oil prices quickly fell back.

However, as Kuwait's oil fields are ignited in the future, oil prices will eventually rise, which will have a great impact on India, a country that needs to import large amounts of oil.

Kohas has been having a hard time lately, being quarreled by his shareholders.

Because the stock of Aiyar Grain Company has plummeted by 15%, judging from the current situation, the decline continues, and we don’t know when it will stabilize.

When this happened, many shareholders in the company were blaming Kehas.

The reason is simple: Aiyar Grain Company and Reliance Group cooperated to acquire oil fields in Kuwait.

In this situation, it is very likely that it will be in vain. Can the stock price not fall?
This loss is huge.

Kejas was at home, the TV was on and the news was playing, but his mind was not on the TV at all.

"This is unreasonable. When I said before that I was going to join hands with the Reliance Group to acquire oil fields and wanted to hear their opinions, everyone was afraid that the Reliance Group would regret it and urged me to sign the contract quickly. Now if something goes wrong, I will blame myself?" Kehas thought. He scolded all those guys, on both sides, for countless times.

Kejas felt aggrieved. Wasn't he working with Reliance Group to increase the strength of Aiyar Grain Company?

That kid Qiao Ge is watching eagerly. Although he has calmed down a bit, there is no guarantee that he will not attack at any time.

Now relying on his own family alone, he is still very uneasy.

Only with the Reliance Group, even if that kid Qiao Ge wants to take action, he has to consider the power of his own joint counterattack.

He had good intentions, but was treated like this. He was so heartbroken.

Is it right or wrong to go public?
Kohas was a little doubtful.

At this time, Khas noticed that the interview with Qiaogo popped up on the TV, and his first thought was to turn off the TV immediately.

He is in a bad mood now. Wouldn't it be even worse to see Qiaogo, a person he hates?

This is when he heard a reporter ask: "Mr. Gupta, what do you think of Reliance Group's investment in Kuwait oil fields?"

Hearing this, Khas paused and did not turn off the TV immediately.

He really wanted to hear what Qiaogo would say.

"Had it not been for the war, I would have greatly admired Reliance Group's vision. Speaking of which, I was planning to acquire oil fields in Kuwait first, but Reliance Group beat me to it. I was annoyed for a long time at that time and regretted that I was too slow to act. I couldn't eat or sleep for several days because of this, and I even went to Master Dimri for help. The master said that this was not necessarily a bad thing for me and that I didn't need to worry about it. At that time, I just thought that the master was trying to enlighten me and didn't pay much attention to it. Later, I went to the United Arab Emirates to acquire oil fields. Now that I think about it, maybe the master has received instructions from the gods and feels that Kuwait is more dangerous and not suitable for me. It’s just that it’s not easy to talk to many people. So, I seem to have to thank you. Reliance Group, although this is hard for them to accept, I am truly grateful..."

(End of this chapter)

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