Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 438: Only 1 can be guaranteed

Chapter 438: Only one can be guaranteed (please vote for me)
Listening to Qiaogo's speech on TV, Khas's face was livid.

This bastard boy got an advantage and acted like a good boy.

It's disgusting to be on TV so disgusting with yourself, disgusting Droubai.

But he knew that now he could only watch Qiao Ge being proud. He and Droubai were both in dire straits and had no time to care about this.

He didn't have such a big reaction to some of Qiaogo's other words, because what Qiaogo said was true.

At that time, he took the lead in acquiring the oil fields in Kuwait, and he was also keeping an eye on Qiaogo, wanting to know Qiaogo's reaction.

Qiaogo's reaction was indeed as he said, he was furious.

As for finding Master Dimri, there are also some.

Kejas knew that Qiao Ge seemed to have talked to people in the company at that time, saying that the master told him not to pay attention, etc., which is correct.

He didn't take these words to heart at the time. They were common words used by the masters and could be applied anywhere. They were the usual routines used by the masters to demonstrate their miracles.

These routines are very effective for those ignorant middle and lower class people, but they are of no use to him.

But now that he was really in trouble, he wondered if he was wrong. Maybe Master Dimri really has some ability to communicate with the gods?

After all, Master Dimri's miracles have happened not once or twice.

It's a pity that Master Dimri has a good relationship with Qiaogo, otherwise he would really want to go and ask.

"This incident gave me an insight." Qiao Ge mentioned Master Dimri a little, then stopped, and then continued, "That is, overseas investment is very risky, so you have to be careful. Also, you can't neglect your business. It would be too greedy to think about making money in other new industries if you have not done well in your main business. People must not be greedy and must be down-to-earth, otherwise it is very unwise. Unfortunately, there are many such people, such as some of my competitors. , I am very unfavorable about their market outlook. I heard that their stocks have fallen a lot. I don’t think this decline can be stopped unless Iraq confirms that it will not touch those oil fields..."

'Bang~~' Kejas picked up a cup on the coffee table and smashed it at the TV. The TV screen shattered to the ground.

"Asshole," Kejas cursed.

Aren’t these words just talking about yourself?
Qiao Ge's tone irritated him even more. It was like a superior elder giving instructions to a junior. How could it be unreasonable?

When he was roaming the mall, Qiao Ge didn't know where he was.

Kejas felt extremely humiliated.

You are not doing your job properly. Are you not doing your job properly?
So Qiao Ge has been involved in so many industries, so he is doing his job properly?
However, after Kehas calmed down, he could only sigh secretly.

Maybe I really am not doing my job properly.

After the grain industry felt that there was less pressure from Qiao Ge, he started thinking about other investments.

But who can blame him?
Cooperating with Reliance Group is a very safe thing no matter how you look at it.

How can this type of investment generally go wrong?
War, no one expected this.

People as smart as Dhirubhai have fallen into it.

Fortunately, the government has come forward, I believe there will be no problem.

But when he thought about Qiao Ge's demeanor and tone, he became angrier and angrier. Suddenly, his vision went dark, and then with a 'bang', he lost consciousness.

"Master~~" the family members who heard the movement shouted, and the house of Kejas became a mess.


"Qiaogo, your TV interview went too far." Huida called after watching Qiaogo's interview report on TV, "You are just rubbing salt on their wounds."

"I really want to thank them." Qiao Ge said with a chuckle.

"You will give people a sense of instability." Huida said.

"Brother, I'm not one of those old men. It doesn't seem right to pretend to be mature, right?" Qiao Ge said.

Huida was stunned for a moment. He found that he now regarded Qiao Ge as an equal, and often ignored the fact that Qiao Ge was only 20 years old.

"Haha~~ That's right, I thought too much, you young people should be like this." Huaida laughed loudly, "I just got the news, it seems that Kehas read your interview report , fainted from anger, and now he’s sent to the hospital.”

"Is he dead?" Qiaogo asked.

"That's what you asked." Huida said speechlessly for a while, "Khas's body is still strong and he will not die so easily, but this time they are probably very angry."

"Tell me, brother, why are you looking for me?" Qiao Ge didn't want to get entangled in the matter of Kehas. It was pointless.

"There is an important matter." Huida said seriously, "Several friends asked me if I want shares in Aiyar Grain Company."

"Huh?" Qiao Ge couldn't help but be surprised.

"I know those friends asked someone to ask, but they didn't actually ask me. What they really wanted to ask was to ask you through my mouth whether you want these stocks." Huaida said.

Jogo thought for a moment.

At that time, Aiyar Grain Company was listed and a lot of shares were given out, and many wealthy families bought it.

Some of them are now preparing to sell their stocks. Apparently, affected by the war in Kuwait, they are no longer optimistic about Aiyar Grain Company.

"How many shares are there?" Qiao Ge asked.

"It adds up to about 6%." Huaida replied.

"What about the price?" Qiao Ge asked again.

"They want to increase the current market price by [-]%," Huaida said. "Then let them keep it." Qiao Ge said lightly.

"This~~ Qiao Ge, I think we can consider the stocks of Aiyar Grain Company." Huaida hesitated for a moment and expressed his thoughts, "In the past, it was basically impossible to acquire shares. It’s unlikely, but now it’s a good opportunity. If the price is a little higher, it’s still acceptable, right?”

Huida knew Qiaogo's thoughts very well, and it was impossible for Aiyar Grain Company to really compete with the Gupta Grain and Oil Group in the market.

So suppressing the other party is a sure thing.

Then acquiring the other party's shares is actually a means to slowly absorb the shares and expand influence.

"The Aiyar family's shareholding is still very large, and the combined shares of them and Reliance Group already account for more than half. Even if we acquire all the others, it will not help." Qiaogo said, "So if we want to pass It is unrealistic to acquire shares to control their company. This plan is inappropriate, the cost is high, and the benefits are not great."

Jogo didn't quite approve of such a plan.

"Then if we take part, how can we create some trouble for them? Even if we don't create any trouble, we can still make Kejas feel disgusted, right?" Huida said again, "What if the price is right?"

Huaida's words made Qiao Ge smile and said: "If the price is right, it's okay for me to take some shares. Just like you said, I can also attend their shareholders' meeting. At this price right now It’s still too high, let alone trying to rise. Brother, I can tell you my judgment. The oil fields they invest in are basically out of business.”

"Ah? Didn't you say that the government came forward?" Huaida asked, "Is there some room for change?"

"I didn't say they were confiscated by Iraq, but their losses will be huge, and half of the losses are light." Qiaogo said, "Judging from the current debt situation of Aiyar Grain Company, they will soon face a huge amount of money." The repayment pressure of loan maturities, hey, let’s see how long they can hold on? This time, Reliance Group probably won’t be able to help them much.”

"I definitely believe in your judgment. Since their situation will be worse next, then even if we want to acquire, we have to wait, otherwise we will be taken advantage of now." Huaida said, "It's just the words of Reliance Group , If he really wants to help, he should still have some energy left, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Qiaogo said, "Reliance Group itself is still relatively healthy. Even if it is dragged down by the oil fields, the problem is not big. But there is going to be trouble in the Ambani Plaza project. Do you think Dhirubhai will protect this project? Protect Aiyar Food Company? Their Reliance Group can probably only protect one company at the moment, or even none at all."

Huaida was silent. Is there any need to say this?

Anil is definitely his biological son.

Moreover, Reliance Group has invested more in the Ambani Plaza project and has greater benefits.

In Eyal Grain Company, their shareholding is not large, so isn’t it clear which one to give up?

"Brother, this is a good opportunity for us to defeat Aiyar Grain Company." Qiaogo said, "Even if we don't acquire their stocks, they themselves won't be able to bear it. We can definitely acquire some of their shares by then. Quality assets.”

"I understand what you mean." Huaida took a deep breath and said, "I'm really looking forward to that day."

Before, everyone thought that their two companies were in a stalemate in the grain industry. Although their side was stronger, they could not defeat Aiyar Grain Company at once.

This state should be maintained for a long time.

But who would have thought that it wouldn't take long for Aiyar Grain Company to encounter such a situation.

It cannot be said that Kejas’ business strategy is wrong. It should be said that joining forces with Reliance Group is certainly a very wise choice.

But there are some accidents, such as natural disasters and man-made disasters that are really unpredictable.

And now that they have all met, it can only be said that they are unlucky.

Qiao Ge and his side were well prepared for this economic crisis.

Having these preparations in hand is the greatest confidence.

"Of course, it would definitely be the best if we could acquire or control the Aiyar Grain Company as a whole." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Brother, don't break your contact with those people. Hang them first. I miss them." Their expectations will continue to lower. In the end, we can give them some benefits, such as raising the price a little, but if they want to take advantage of me, there is no hope."

"Don't worry, this is also related to my interests." Huaida smiled, "I will tell you their reaction and price in time."

After putting down the phone, Qiao Ge secretly shook his head.

It’s really scary.

When Aiyar Grain Company first went public, it was with great fanfare and momentum.

I have to say that at that time, everyone thought that the grain industry would be a situation where two major companies existed at the same time.

This is something Qiaogo cannot tolerate. He wants a monopoly rather than sharing the market with Kejas.

There is such a good opportunity now. If we cannot take advantage of this opportunity to kill the opponent, then there will be very few opportunities to monopolize the grain industry in the future, and the price to pay will be huge.

So this time, Jogo will try his best to defeat Aiyar Grain Company.

As for the others, they are considered secondary.

Now that Aiyar Grain Company has lost its people, many people want to run away secretly. I believe there will be more and more such people.

If he could acquire some shares at a low price, Qiao Ge would certainly be willing to do so, even if the price was higher.

However, what makes Qiao Ge depressed is that these share acquisitions cannot achieve the goal of holding shares.

This time is different from the last time they secretly sniped at the Transcendence Group.

The Aiyar family and the Ambani family collectively own more than half of the shares, and it is obviously impossible for these two families to sell the shares to themselves.

Then it will be difficult for you to take advantage of the loopholes.

"Huh?" Qiao Ge suddenly felt something in his heart, "Khars will definitely not sell it, what about Credible Group?"

Qiao Ge kept thinking about the plan in his mind. Gradually, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he became more and more excited as he thought about it. He felt that it was not impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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