Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 439: Begging for mercy

"Will there be a fight?" Anil asked restlessly.

Mukesh sat aside with a solemn expression.

"The American army has already sent to Saudi Arabia, and other countries are also sending troops one after another." Droubai sighed, "I hope Saddam can accept the joint statement of the United Nations and the United States and the Soviet Union and withdraw from Kuwait."

"I don't think Saddam will accept an unconditional withdrawal," Mukesh said.

"Now he is not facing the small Kuwait, but hundreds of thousands of troops led by the beautiful country. They have the most advanced aircraft carriers, fighter planes and missiles." Anil said.

"I just replaced them with me. If I eat such a big piece of fat, will I give up with just a little threat?" Mukesh glanced at his brother.

Anil was speechless.

Yes, the atmosphere has reached this point. If there is no benefit, how can we just retreat like this?

"I'm afraid our oil fields are really in big trouble." Droubai closed his eyes tiredly.

This latest incident has left him feeling haggard.

Originally, with the new government coming to power, the pressure on Reliance Group has actually been reduced a lot, and he can fully cope with it.

As long as he is given another year and a half, he can suppress the traditional wealthy forces that attack him.

Unexpectedly, something like this happened again.

It involves foreign countries, and it is a rare large-scale investment by their Reliance Group overseas. It is of very important significance to them.

If something went wrong with this project, it would be a huge blow to them.

Judging from the current situation, the possibility of war between the multinational forces headed by the United States and Iraq is very high.

Kuwait is definitely one of the main battlefields. As a battlefield, whether one's own oil fields can be saved is really a big problem.

Perhaps you can only rely on luck, pray for God's protection, and hope that your oil fields will not be affected.

Anil and Mukesh could only remain silent.

Last time, the government came forward to contact Iraq, and at least the superficial response was positive, which made them feel a little relieved.

But now the tense situation over there made their hearts hang in the air again.

"By the way, I heard that Kehas has been admitted to the hospital?" After closing his eyes for a moment, Droubai felt a little better and opened his eyes and asked.

There is no point in thinking about it anymore in the oil field.

Because even the government can't do anything and can only wait.

"Yes, I have already gone to see him." Anil replied, "He was angry with that kid Qiaogo. Don't talk about him. I also listened to what Qiaogo said on TV. I was so angry." I was so angry that I was half-dead. It was so abominable, that bastard’s mouth was so vicious. Father, we can’t let that kid continue to be so arrogant, we must fight back.”

"Counterattack? What are you using to counterattack?" Droubai snorted coldly.

These words made Anil speechless. He really couldn't find anything to target Qiao Ge.

"It's not just Kejas, we ourselves are in constant trouble." Dhirubhai sighed, "We should solve our own problems first. How is your Ambani Plaza now?"

Anil looked a little nervous when he heard this. What was supposed to come had come.

"Father, the situation is not good." Anil whispered, "I am afraid that the current funds are not enough to complete the Ambani New City project in Mumbai."

"Not one project is enough?" Dhirubhai stared at Anil and shouted.

Dhirubhai's sharp gaze made Anil have to lower his head.

"Father, the plaza project alone, such as the shopping mall and some surrounding buildings, is definitely fine, but these new cities alone look too desolate and messy. Even if the shopping mall opens, it will probably be a mess. Who will go there?" Ani Er said.

"You mean it's going to end?" Droubai asked.

"No~~Father, I believe I can solve it. Take your time and just raise more funds..." Anil wanted to remedy the situation, but he couldn't think of any effective solution at all.

My project seems to have become a bottomless pit, and I feel like no matter how much money I put into it, it won’t make much splash.

Dhirubhai snorted coldly and did not continue to scold Anil.

Facing his silent father, Anil was even more in awe and didn't dare to breathe.

He would rather face his angry father than now. He has no idea what his father is thinking, and he is very scared.

"Mukesh, tell me?"

"Father, this is a project that Anil is responsible for. I'm not good~~"

"It's been so long, why should we divide it between your project and his?" Droubai shouted.

Seeing that his father was dissatisfied, Mukesh couldn't help but said hastily: "What I mean is to transfer the Ambani Plaza project as soon as possible and recover as much money as possible."

"No, this is my hard work, how can I transfer it?" Anil immediately objected.

Once transferred, this does not mean that his project has completely failed.

This means that in the competition between himself and his eldest brother, this one is a complete defeat, and he cannot accept it.

"Shut up, keep talking." Dhirubhai scolded Anil and then said to Mukesh. "Of course, not all of them are transferred. We can leave a few better projects." Mukesh said, "For example, we have invested a lot in this project in Mumbai. If we use the funds from the sale of other projects to make up for it, I believe We can still barely get the new city up. After this place gets up, I believe other people will follow and invest, and then this place will still be able to develop."

Dhirubhai is quite satisfied with Mukesh's suggestion.

Anil's ambitions were too great, and the early stage of the business was too large, and the funds were dispersed.

Although it was decided not long ago to suspend other projects and allocate funds to the construction of this project in Mumbai, the investment here is still too large.

Other projects have consumed a lot of funds, so the funds Anil can withdraw are very limited, and the current funds are still not enough.

It is impossible not to cut the flesh at this time.

"Who can take over those projects?" Droubai asked. "Public opinion is not very friendly to the Ambani Plaza project now. Djogo is watching closely. Especially in recent days, the reports of big news seem to have increased. The intensity is more targeted. Obviously, they have found out the reality of the Ambani Plaza project."

"Father, I think we should get in touch with Qiaogo." Mukesh said thoughtfully.

"Huh?" Dhirubhai stared at Mukesh.

"We can give in and hope that he can restrain himself from reporting on the Ambani Plaza project," Mukesh said.

"Who is going?" Droubai said expressionlessly.

Mukesh glanced at Anil.

Feeling his elder brother's gaze, Anil immediately became furious.

"Impossible, let me go find that bastard and surrender, you might as well kill me, it's impossible~~" Anil roared.

He felt extremely humiliated.

Is this the loser begging for mercy from the winner, begging to be let go?
He can't.

Mukesh frowned, he could imagine that his younger brother would react like this.

So he said, "I can go."

These words made Anil, who was about to roar and vent, stunned, and his voice suddenly stopped.

When did my eldest brother think so much about himself?

Dhirubai stared at Mukesh for a while and then said calmly: "There is no need to mention this matter again."

"Father!" Mukesh still wanted to insist.

Although this project belongs to Anil, the money lost still belongs to the group. Of course, he wants to save it and strive to lose less.

Anil's investment obviously failed, so as the winner, there was no need to kill him.

If you really want to do this, it seems too ruthless. Even if you win, I believe it will leave a bad impression in your father's heart.

"Our Reliance Group has not yet reached that level of decline." Dhirubhai said, "Besides, even if you try to give in, that guy probably won't appreciate it."

"Father, we have lost face like this, does that kid really have no face at all? Does he want to fight with us to the end?" Mukesh still had different opinions on his father's words.

He felt that he and Qiao Ge could still ease the conflict.

Because the two sides have not reached the point where they must decide life and death.

In fact, there are not many real conflicts between the two parties. These are not the main businesses of Reliance Group, so this conflict can only be regarded as a minor conflict.

If the two families really fight, it will always have some impact on both parties.

Therefore, for some matters, everyone can communicate privately to avoid unnecessary losses.

Of course, this is because Qiao Ge is now fully powerful, and even the Reliance Group dare not say that it can suppress him.

In this case, some strategies need to be changed.

"Your idea is right, but the time is wrong." Droubai took a deep breath and said, "What does Jogo value now? Is it the Ambani Plaza project?"

Hearing this, Mukesh's heart moved: "Father, I understand."

Having said this, he couldn't help but glance at Anil before continuing: "Although my words may make Anil a little unconvinced, I still want to say that judging from Qiaogo's actions, he really did not take Ambani Square seriously. Project as an opponent.”

As soon as these words came out, Anil's chest couldn't help but rise and fall, and his anger almost ignited directly.

Damn it, brother, do you want to step on yourself again?

However, due to the presence of Dhirubhai, he endured it.

"Brother, please speak clearly." Anil suppressed his anger and said.

If Mukesh can't make sense, he's not finished.

"Actually, it's very simple. If Qiaogo really cares about your project, he will definitely keep an eye on you. Especially when you increase funds again and again, Qiaogo always responds." Mukesh said, "But now , did he make any special moves? Such as increasing funds or something? No, nothing. Do you think this is normal? I don’t think it is normal. But if you think about it from another angle, it is normal. That is Qiaogo He doesn’t care about your project at all, no matter how much you mess with it, he doesn’t even bother to pay attention.”

"Brother, what do you mean by this?" Anil was angry, "You want to say that my project is worthless in the eyes of that kid Qiaogo?"

"Although it is difficult for people to accept it, judging from Qiaogo's actions, it is very possible for you to say it." Mukesh replied. (End of chapter)

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