Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 440: The middleman makes up the price difference

What is most likely?
Anil clearly saw confirmation from Mukesh's expression.

Could it be that all his hard work resulted in this result?

Anil was very dissatisfied, but he found that he could not find any better reason to refute.

In fact, it's not that he was unaware of this, it was just that he didn't want to admit defeat, so he threw all of this behind his mind intentionally or unintentionally.

He worked so hard not only to surpass his elder brother, but also to show Qiao Ge. When his Ambani Plaza succeeded, he wanted to see Qiao Ge's look of regret and regret.

Then I will be able to laugh at Qiao Ge in the newspapers.

Unfortunately, now it seems that these are all self-deception, and I still lost.

You should be the one being laughed at.

The gap between the Ambani Plaza project and Khogo’s is too big.

"So what does that kid Qiaogo value?" Anil asked without thinking too much about Qiaogo and stabilized his mood.

"It should be Aiyar Grain Company, right?" Mukesh looked at Dhirubhai when he spoke.

"Yes, that's it." Droubai agreed, "Qiogo has almost laid out these square projects in most big cities across the country. For him, there is no need to be so hasty in the future and he can just build slowly. With the Gupta Square project in New Delhi, once other places are built, they are destined to have a great influence. The grain market is different, and Jogo also has a strong opponent like Khas. It must be said that Jogo is very ambitious. , Grain and Oil Group, this is to capture the entire grain and edible oil industry. The Sitharaman family knelt down, and Jogo naturally targeted the Aiyar family. Now, if it weren’t for our Reliance Group behind the scenes With Kehas standing by his side, can their Aiyar Grain Company have such a peaceful life now?"

Anil reacted quickly: "Father, are you saying that Qiaogo is going to take action against Aiyar Grain Company soon?"

"Aiyar Grain Company is in a worrying situation now. Everyone can see it. I believe that kid Qiaogo can see it more clearly. Do you think he can let go of such a good opportunity?" Droubai said, "But now we and Aiyar The Er family is tied together and has a huge impact on Qiao Ge. In his view, we block his way and are his mortal enemies. So I don’t think any of you will go to Qiao Ge to subdue him. Be willing to let go. Without real benefits, even if you kneel down for him, it will be of no use."

The crisis in the oil field has indeed put Aiyar Grain Company in a bad situation. The stock price continues to fall, and countless stockholders are panicking.

There is also the recent unwillingness of banks to lend money, and how to repay the loan of Aiyar Grain Company is a problem.

You may be able to borrow a sum of money with high fees to repay the bank loan, but after repaying it, the bank will basically not lend again.

This is very deadly.

If it were before, you can immediately loan the money out from the bank and then return it to the person or institution that advanced the capital.

It doesn't work now.

Aiyar Grain Company's capital chain is about to be broken.

Khas asked him for help, but he did not agree immediately because he still had to evaluate the upcoming economic situation.

The Reliance Group must ensure that it has sufficient funds, otherwise it would be a joke to blindly save people and cause its own company to collapse.

In the oil field, he also suffered losses, especially the contracts with the major state-owned petrochemical plants, which gave him a huge headache.

Now that my own oil field can no longer produce oil, according to the agreement, I have to supply them with oil every month. If I don't want to default, I can only import it from abroad.

The current price of oil has soared, which has increased his costs a lot.

When others act as middlemen to import, they earn the price difference and make profits.

It's better for you to act as a middleman and have to pay for the difference, which is outrageous.

Because I have set a price with them, now I have to make up for the price increase myself.

You must know that these oil imports require US dollars, and the country's foreign exchange is consumed rapidly.

If it weren't for the fact that he had some face with the government, and that oil imports were very important to the country, he would have received a lot of foreign exchange quotas.

But the government is not so kind. It gave him a hard time in the exchange rate exchange, making his losses even greater.

Dhirubhai's words made Mukesh silent for a while and said: "Father, do you mean that if we give up supporting Khas, it will be possible to reach some agreement with Qiaogo?"

"Are there any other possibilities?" Droubai said coldly.

"No, we can't give up Kejas." Anil said loudly, "We have shares in Aiyar Grain Company, and Kejas's interests actually represent our interests. And once we give up Kejas , Aiyar Grain Company may not be able to withstand Qiao Ge’s offensive, and then the entire grain industry will fall into the hands of that bastard boy, wouldn’t it make his power even greater?”

"So the matter is put on hold for now," Droubai said.

"Father, put it on hold? When will you reconsider it?" Anil asked in shock.

"That's it for today." Dhirubhai said tiredly, "Anil, you can find a way to transfer the Ambani Plaza project. You just need to seize land in Mumbai and other big cities, especially those close to the city. The land parcels and the large-scale land far away from the urban area can be transferred if they can, even at a loss, and the funds must be withdrawn as soon as possible."

On Jogo's side, it was natural for him to increase his exposure to the Ambani Plaza project, mainly exposing various problems with the project.

The main purpose is to prevent Dhirubhai from helping Anil with loans through some means.

Jogo's plan is very simple, that is, he must create big trouble for Reliance Group so that they cannot take care of Aiyar Food Company.

Anil's plaza project is a very good chess piece that can effectively contain Reliance Group.

Anil is Droubai's son no matter what. Qiao Ge believes that the other party will not give up the square project so easily.

After the project collapsed and Reliance Group suffered huge losses on it, it would be even less likely to help Aiyar Grain Company.

Of course, you have to add that when Iraq was defeated and retreated, they lit the oil wells, and that was a critical blow to them.Jogo wants to use this method to force Reliance Group to abandon Aiyar Grain Company.

As long as the Reliance Group no longer supports Kehas, it will be much easier for Jogo to deal with him.

If possible, Jogo would also like to acquire Reliance Group’s 10% stake in Aiyar Grain Company.

In Qiao Ge's opinion, as long as the operation is perfect, this kind of thing is still possible.

"Boss, Anil has indeed made some moves." Hudi knocked on the door and came in.

"Oh? Did you borrow money again? Or what?" he asked with a chuckle.

Major news newspapers have been reporting continuously in the past few days, and Qiao Ge knows that there will definitely be some reaction from the other side.

"Anil is secretly contacting some people and wants to sell some of the land in the Ambani Plaza project," Hudi said.

"Oh?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised.

To be honest, in his plan, Anil's side should be unlikely to sell the project.

Their most likely countermeasure should still be to borrow money and use Droubai's reputation and connections.

If Droubai really had to shame himself into paying a visit, Qiaogo felt that he should still be able to borrow some more.

Unexpectedly, Anil was actually preparing to sell part of the land. This option was almost the last one in Qiaogo's prediction, and the one that the other party was least likely to implement.

God's will is a trick. The most impossible method that Qiao Ge thought was actually used by the other party.

"It should be Droubai who put pressure on Anil." Jogo said.

Qiaogo has studied Anil, such as some of his characters.

According to Anil's character, he will definitely not give up so easily.

After all, this Ambani Plaza project is a project that he and Mukesh are competing against.

By doing this now, wouldn’t it tell everyone that we lost to Mukesh in this competition?
"It can only be like this." Hudi said, "Boss, if we let them successfully sell some land parcels, Anil can really recover a lot of funds, which will have a great impact on our plan."

"We really can't let Reliance Group get away from here." Qiao Ge said, "Does anyone want to buy it?"

"I haven't heard about it yet." Hudi replied.

"It seems that our previous reports were very effective. I will ask News News to continue to increase his coverage of the Ambani Plaza project." Qiaogo said with a faint smile, "They want to sell the land, but they don't It’s so easy, unless there’s a lot of bleeding and flesh cutting. Oh, by the way, you have to keep an eye on the stock price of Aiyar Grain Company.”

"Okay, boss, I don't dare to be careless about this. I'll always pay attention." Hu Di smiled.

Of course he is very concerned about this matter, this is what the boss values ​​most.

He also understands that once the Aiyar Grain Company is taken over, the boss will have a real monopoly in the grain industry, otherwise it will always be a little bit worse.

The following days were tense and exciting for Qiaogo.

Although he knew the direction of the situation, there were too many changes in the middle.

If he hadn't known the outcome, he wouldn't have been able to hold on in the face of such a big event and reversal.

Qiao Ge sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, but Droubai, Kehas and the others felt like they were on a roller coaster, with their hanging hearts never landing.

Multinational troops led by the United States have assembled in Saudi Arabia, but the war has not yet broken out.

They are still negotiating with Iraq, hoping to use negotiation means to get Saddam to withdraw his troops unconditionally.

Before the war, Droubai and the others were still full of hope, because the oil fields should still be intact.

They hope in their hearts that Saddam will withdraw his troops under the threat of the multinational forces led by the beautiful country, and then the oil fields will be returned to their hands intact.

It has been more than three months since Iraq sent troops to occupy Kuwait. The negotiations have made little progress, but they are still continuing. Hope does exist.

Due to the inability to effectively solve various domestic economic, political and other problems and contradictions, V.P. Singh's position as prime minister suffered huge challenges.

There have been a lot of opposition voices in the country, wanting to overthrow the current government and have V.P. Singh step down.

The main force behind this is the Congress Party.

ViP Singh's situation is very bad, because not only is there opposition from other parties, but there are also conflicts within his PPP.

The internal contradictions in the People's Party continued to intensify. Chandra Shekhar, a member of the People's Party, led a movement to overthrow the government against Vi.P. Singh, forcing Vi.P. Singh to step down.

On November 1990, 11, Chandra Shekhar broke with the PPP and became independent and quickly established his own party.

On November 11, after encountering various oppositions and splits within the party, V.P. Singh could no longer serve as prime minister and had to step down early.

With the support of the Congress Party, Chandra Shekhar became the new Prime Minister on the 10th. (End of chapter)

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