Qiao Ge looked at today's latest news and smiled slightly.

The most breaking news above is of course the appointment of the new Prime Minister, Chandra Shekhar.

Qiaogo despises these. These are not real politicians, they can only be said to be politicians, powerful people who seek their own interests.

These politicians focus all their energy on the struggle for power, and it is no wonder that they can manage the country well.

Especially when the situation at home and abroad is extremely bad, without an iron-fisted leader and a stable political environment, it will be a disaster for the country.

In fact, it's not that V.P. Singh doesn't want to change this status quo, but unfortunately there are too many things that hinder him, making it impossible for him to realize his ambitions.

For V.P. Singh, the biggest problem is that they are a coalition government. The PPP fails to occupy an overwhelming majority of seats in the parliament, so it can only compromise with various coalition parties.

Once compromised, many policies cannot be implemented.

There is also the fact that some of his policies are a bit radical and do not properly address the interests of different caste groups.

V.P. Singh wants to increase the benefits of lower caste groups, such as increasing the proportion of reservation systems for lower castes and increasing the number of low-caste employees.

However, this policy harmed the interests of upper castes, leading to tens of thousands of high caste demonstrations.

These upper castes are obviously very capable, and their network of connections is not comparable to that of lower castes.

Many high-ranking officials were opposed to this because most of them were from upper castes and V.P. Singh's policies had harmed their interests.

So V.P. Singh was under tremendous pressure.

His resignation this time has a lot to do with this reason.

It almost offended the vested interests of the upper castes.

Of course V.P. Singh knew this, but he had to go ahead with it regardless of whether he wanted to or not.

Because when he was elected, he used the slogan of benefiting the lower castes.

This is his personality.

"Qiaogo, what do you think about this matter?" Manmohan called Qiaogo and talked about the change of prime minister.

"I don't have any ideas." Qiaogo said, "As long as whoever can stabilize the country's economy, I will support him."

"Is it stable?" Manmohan sighed.

This question seems to be asking Qiao Ge, but also asking himself.

In fact, he already had an answer in his mind.

"Chandra Shekhar has no chance," Jogo said.

Not to mention that Jogo knew that Chandra Shekhar would step down soon and would not last as long as his predecessor.

But it can be seen from the process of Chandra Shekhar's rise to power that it is impossible for him to do anything.

Because it is a minority party, its rise to power was actually the result of compromises between the Congress Party and other parties.

It can be said that he is under the control of the Congress Party.

How could he, a minority party, come to power without the support of the Congress Party?

In this case, he is equivalent to a puppet, and the real speaker is the Congress Party.

But who wants to be a puppet?

There will definitely be conflicts by then.

After this contradiction emerged, the Congress Party gave up its support for Chandra Shekhar. Naturally, he could not secure the position of prime minister.

Chandra Shekhar will only work in this position for six or seven months, and it will almost be over at the end of June next year.

"I don't know what the people above are thinking. This time we can join forces with several small parties to bring the Congress Party back to power. How can we talk about face at this time? What's the point of caring about that bullshit oath?" Manmohan He cursed.

Jogo was silent.

He knew Manmohan was scolding Rajiv.

Because during the last election, Rajiv made bold claims that the Congress Party would give up jointly forming a cabinet unless it won more than half of the seats.

It is obvious that when Chandra Shekhar came to power, the Congress party was restrained by this statement.

Otherwise they could have kept Rajiv in charge.

After all, the Congress party still has the most seats in the parliament. It only needs to win a few more seats to exceed half.

"I see, Chandra Shekhar hasn't been around for a long time either." Qiaogo said with a smile, "Maybe you will be the one to do it next time, don't worry, right?"

"You~~what you said is similar to what Master Dimri said." Manmohan was stunned for a moment and said.

When Chandra Shekhar took over, Manmohan actually remembered the scene when his group went to find Master Dimri.

At that time, the master told them not to worry, as the Congress Party would soon come to power.

In less than a year, the Prime Minister changed.

Manmohan certainly had the same thoughts as Jogo about this Chandra Shekhar and was not optimistic about him.

There is some ability, but it is also very limited.

In addition, he is only a minority, and his words are of no use at all.

The rise and fall of such a person is just a matter of words from the Congress party.The most important thing is that he has a good understanding of Chandra Shekhar's temperament and has some thoughts and opinions of his own.

Such a person is obviously not suitable to be a puppet, and it is impossible for him to cooperate with the Congress Party.

So it is only a matter of time before he steps down.

"Really? Then I will be more confident in my guess. I believe that the master's words will not be wrong." Qiao Ge said.

Manmohan originally wanted to remind Qiao Ge that he could not rely on any gods to do things.

But when he thought about the relationship between Qiaogo and Master Dimri, he didn't want to say anything, lest he be a villain and be thought to be instigating the relationship behind his back.

Besides, he now agrees with what Master Dimri said.

Regardless of whether Master Dimri received instructions from the gods or not, one thing was clear to him.

That is that Master Dimri is different from some masters. Those masters only use those teachings to fool people, but these things are too illusory and have no effect on reality.

Master Dimri obviously pays attention to reality and the world. Such a master is rare.

In Manmohan's view, such a master is a true master.

Other masters who focus on scriptures cannot be said to be liars, but they are not of much help in governing the country. They are too vain.

Masters like Dimri are more down-to-earth.

"The country's situation is very bad. If it doesn't improve, I think it will go bankrupt." After Manmohan said this, he quickly continued without waiting for Qiaogo to answer, "You may not know that the country's foreign exchange reserves are in a hurry. During this period, high oil prices and a significant reduction in foreign exchange income from overseas workers in the Middle East have made the foreign exchange situation more difficult. Qiao Ge, if you want to buy foreign products recently, you must be mentally prepared. Basically, I will not be able to give you much foreign exchange. .”

"This is okay. I have borrowed a sum of US dollars and other foreign currencies from a foreign bank before. I believe it will be enough." Qiao Ge said.

"Oh? How much did you borrow?" Manmohan asked curiously, "It shouldn't be tens of millions, right? Hundreds of millions of dollars?"

"Yes, I mortgaged those oil fields." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Qiao Ge didn't mention his overseas loans to anyone.

But as for Manmohan, he originally wanted to find a time to reveal something to him.

Because Manmohan is about to take office, it is time for him to flex his muscles and carry out reforms.

Manmohan's first problem is to solve the shortage of foreign exchange, so he needs to let him know now that he still has a lot of dollars in his hands.

These dollars can be used by oneself to make transactions with the government.

"That's no problem." Manmohan smiled, "Speaking of oil fields, the Reliance Group is really miserable. Compared with yours, it's like heaven and earth."

Manmohan knew that Qiaogo's oil fields in the United Arab Emirates were worth US$20 billion. Even if the mortgage loan ratio was not high, it would still be no problem if he lent several hundred million US dollars.

This is a huge sum of money.

"That's because they are unlucky." Qiaogo said, "Actually, I think that if Mr. Singh becomes prime minister, this country will definitely be saved."

Manmohan was stunned for a moment by Qiaogo's sudden change of topic.

Prime Minister?

Everyone wants to be.

The pinnacle of power here in India!
However, Manmohan still knows that he has a lot of qualifications within the Congress Party, but in terms of status, there are many higher than him.

Even if it's not Rajiv, there are many others above him.

Therefore, the position of prime minister will never be his turn.

"I don't have the ability, and I'm still far from the position of prime minister." Manmohan came back to his senses.

"Mr. Singh, you are being humble. Who says you will not be the prime minister in the future? If not the next term, what about the next one?" Chiogo said, "I know your achievements in the economic field. Who else among government officials can compare with you? The current situation in the country is mainly about economic problems. If this problem cannot be solved, no matter how other things are done, it will not be able to truly resolve the contradiction. I think, even if you can't be the one this time Prime Minister, but being the Minister of Finance should be the most suitable one, responsible for the economy. With this achievement, wouldn’t it be a natural step to compete for the Prime Minister’s seat in the future?”

"Haha~~" Manmohan laughed and said, "Qiaogo, why don't you also run for office? You become the Prime Minister and then appoint me as the Minister of Finance."

Having said that, Manmohan's heart was still heated by Qiao Ge's words.

The prospect that Qiaogo painted for him was indeed in line with his thoughts.

If the Congress party still comes to power, Rajiv will still be the prime minister.

As for the Minister of Finance, it may not be his turn yet, but he must find a way to go further, strive for more say in the economy, and strive to accumulate more political capital.

He has a close relationship with Qiao Ge now, and Manmohan feels that there is no problem for him to go further.

But the Finance Minister is the leader of a key department, and Rajiv will definitely look for his cronies. His status with Rajiv is not that high, so he still has no chance in this position.

Manmohan had a clear idea about these matters. He had approached Rao several times before.

I hope that through him speaking some words to Rajiv, I can be more involved in economic decisions. After all, this is the area where he is good at.

"I would like to, but unfortunately, considering my age, the age of the members is not up to standard, let alone the Prime Minister." Qiaogo said, "No kidding, anyway, I think if you become the Minister of Finance, maybe there will be There is an opportunity to reverse the current situation, otherwise it will be really difficult.”

After chatting with Manmohan for a while, Qiao Ge hung up the phone.

Qiaogo's words just now, such as the Minister of Finance, should be regarded as giving him a hint first.

When the time comes, I can blame all of this on Dimri.

Brainwashing these politicians still requires a subtle and subtle approach. (End of chapter)

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