Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 443: 10 shares can be transferred

The Aiyar family is also a major shareholder in the Ambani Plaza project, so there is nothing wrong with saying this in front of Khas.

Kejas knew that this project was a failure. His family had invested so much and suffered heavy losses.

It was a good project, but why did it end up like this in Anil's hands.

He felt that he had overestimated Anil and had made a mistake.

This mistake made the Aiyar family even more troubled.

After all, the money invested in this project was borrowed, and now the family's capital chain is broken.

If the Ambani Plaza project cannot sell some plots in time to collect some funds, the trouble will be even greater.

"Mr. Ambani, I hope you can come forward in this matter." Khas looked at Dhirubhai expectantly.

"Don't worry, I will take action on this matter." Droubai said, "You can go back with peace of mind and wait for my good news."

After comforting Kehas, Kehas left.

The three men, Dhirubhai and his son, discussed in private behind closed doors.

"Which one of you is willing to go and have some contact with Qiaogo?" Droubai looked at his two sons and said in a deep voice.

His words stunned both of them.

"I'm not going anyway." Anil said immediately after coming back to his senses.

Get in touch?
Don't you just want to surrender to Qiao Ge?
He can't do this.

Mukesh glanced at Anil but didn't say anything immediately.

"Who is in charge of the Ambani Plaza project?" Dhirubhai said coldly.

Anil opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but found that there was no reason and could only remain silent.

In short, asking him to find Qiao Ge would be a humiliation to him, and he would not go.

"Father, I mentioned this matter last time, but you vetoed it. Now~~do you think it's the right time?" Mukesh asked aloud.

Anil's ears perked up involuntarily.

His eldest brother's words reminded him that his eldest brother really said that he would give in to Qiao Ge last time.

But at that time, my father didn't agree.

But this time, my father's attitude was obviously different.

"Mukesh, go and tell Qiaogo that if he wants to control Aiyar Grain Company, I can help him." Droubai said lightly.

He still knew Anil's temperament, and if he let him go, the matter would get worse.

It’s better to let Mukesh go there and be more reliable.

"What?" Anil's eyes widened, "Father, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Dhirubhai glanced at Anil coldly.

After Anil saw his father's sharp eyes, he quickly lowered his head.

"Father? Is this abandoning the Aiyar family?" Mukesh was also a little surprised and puzzled by this. His father's attitude change seemed a bit too big.

"There is nothing surprising. Everything is for our Reliance Group and our Ambani family." Dhirubhai said calmly, "As for the life and death of other people, what does it have to do with us?"

Although Anil wanted to refute, he also knew that what his father said was right.

If Aiyar Grain Company can guarantee it, my father will definitely guarantee it.

But as it was now, Kejas basically couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if there are no problems in the oil fields, given the current poor economic situation in the country, it is impossible for Khas to get enough funds to resolve the current problems.

Eyal Grain Company's debt problem is too big.

At that time, the expansion was too fast and the debt was too high.

If the economic situation is good in the future, loans will naturally not be a problem, but now this bad situation has occurred, which is too fatal for Aiyar Grain Company.

"Father, you mean the 10% in our hands?" Mukesh immediately understood what his father wanted to do.

"Yes, 10% of our shares can be transferred to Qiaogo. As long as he can get more than 40% of the shares, then Aiyar Grain Company will be his." Droubai said.

Mukesh was silent for a moment and said: "Father, is it too late for Jogo to stop reporting on the Ambani Plaza project? The impact is already very bad."

"Then let him find a way to eliminate the impact." Droubai said coldly, "Or let Qiaogo pay for our land."

"Father, it's impossible for him to buy it." Anil shouted hurriedly, "How can that kid buy it?"

"I don't care whether he buys it or not, as long as he solves this matter." Droubai said, "Compared with this, I think he values ​​Aiyar Grain Company more, so this condition is completely negotiable."

"Okay, father, I'll go find Jogo right away," Mukesh said.

"Anil, no one is allowed to disclose this matter, especially Kehas. If something goes wrong, you know the consequences." Dhirubhai gave Anil a warning.

"Father, I will not do anything to harm the family." Anil said hurriedly.He has a good relationship with Kejas, and he doesn't want to see Kejas sold by him.

But think about it, this is all for the Ambani family and the Reliance Group, so Kejas can only be sacrificed.

When Hudi came in and reported to Qiaogo that Mukesh came to find him, Qiaogo was really surprised.

Qiaogo did not turn him away, and he knew without thinking that Mukesh must have been ordered to come to him, which was Dhirubhai's wish.

"I wonder why Mr. Ambani is looking for me?" Qiao Ge looked at the dark-skinned man in his 30s and asked with a chuckle.

Mukesh did not immediately answer Qiaogo's words, but turned his attention to Hudi aside.

"Well, Hudi, you should go out first." Qiao Ge understood what he meant. He wanted to talk to himself alone.

Hu Di didn't say much and went out.

"Mr. Gupta, I came here today to ask you a favor," Mukesh said.

His attitude was still very low.

He, the eldest son of the Reliance Group, was No. 1 within the company after Dhirubhai suffered a stroke and retired behind the scenes.

Even if Anil wanted to compete with him, he would still be inferior, but his status as the eldest son still gave him an advantage.

Besides, Mukesh himself is practical and very capable, which makes the management within the company very optimistic.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Mukesh understands that he is really far behind compared with Qiao Ge.

Because Qiao Ge really started from scratch, the wealth he holds now is his own.

With Qiao Ge's current wealth and status, he is completely in line with his father.

But he is not. As long as his father is here, he can only be a junior.

Of course, it is impossible for Mukesh to consider himself a junior in front of Jogo.

In addition, this time I came to negotiate terms with Qiao Ge, so my attitude must be lowered.

"Isn't it?" Qiao Ge said a little surprised, "Does your Reliance Group still ask me for help? I'm afraid I can't do anything that you can't do."

"No, you can do this," Mukesh said. "Can you ask the big news newspapers not to target the Ambani Plaza project again?"

"What about this?" Qiao Ge said with a slight smile, "News is very individual and unruly. Even I can't interfere with the newspaper."

Mukesh sneered at Qiaogo's words in his heart.

These nonsense can't fool him.

Jogo is the big boss of Big News, what else can't he solve?

It seems that if he doesn't offer any benefits, this kid is trying to fight with him.

"What if we, Reliance Group, are willing to transfer 10% of the shares of Aiyar Grain Company?" Mukesh said lightly.

He knew very well that there was nothing to talk about with Qiao Ge, and he just used his trump card.

These words made Qiao Ge's originally indifferent demeanor immediately change.

Mukesh saw all the changes in Qiaogo's eyes. Although Qiaogo quickly returned to normal, his words obviously caused a huge shock to Qiaogo.

Yes, Qiao Ge was indeed very surprised that Mukesh would say such a thing, which made him a little bit out of sorts.

He has not really started the purchase of shares of Eyal Grain Company.

He has plans to acquire, but the time has not come yet, and the amount of acquisitions will not be too large.

The problem is that the Aiyar family and Reliance Group together hold 51% of the shares, so it will be useless even if I sweep up all other shares in the market.

Purchasing some stocks was purely to disgust Korhas. At this time, it was considered a psychological war with him, and he also wanted to defeat Korhas psychologically.

Qiaogo stared at Mukesh for a while, then laughed loudly and said: "Actually, I am not very interested in the shares of Aiyar Grain Company. The Aiyar family owns 41% of the shares, even if your 10 % is transferred to me, it is still very difficult to surpass them. With the situation of Aiyar Grain Company, I just need to wait patiently. I dare say that within half a year, they themselves will be finished. Isn’t it right for me to buy it again by then? better?"

"Yes, Mr. Gupta, you are right." Mukesh said calmly, "The situation of Aiyar Grain Company is indeed not good, but no one can guarantee how it will change in the future. Maybe one day Aiyar Grain Company is in a bad situation. Has Yaer Grain Company suddenly alleviated its capital chain problem?"

"Huh?" Qiao Ge glanced at Mukesh and said, "Are your Reliance Group ready to help him? For the sake of coming here in person, I won't hide it from you. Since I want to deal with Aiyar Grain Company, Naturally, your support will be taken into consideration.”

"Oh? Is Mr. Gupta so confident? Are you confident that with the support of our Reliance Group, you can win the Aiyar Food Company?" Mukesh asked.

"It's difficult." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "But I think your Reliance Group is in a lot of troubles now, so how much energy do you have to help Kejas? I think there is no problem in taking down the Aiyar Grain Company."

"So, the Ambani Plaza project is a means for you to target us to hold us back and prevent us from helping Khas?" Mukesh asked.

Qiao Ge smiled and didn't answer, but the look on his face said everything, that's what he thought.

He was still saying in his mind that the incident in the Kuwait oil fields was actually his fault.

It was originally intended to deceive Reliance Group, but it was an unexpected surprise that Kejas also participated.

After all, for Qiaogo, Aiyar Food Company is indeed what he values ​​most, rather than a real fight with Reliance Group, which is not in his interest. (End of chapter)

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