Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 444: Burned, so desperate

"Yes, this project has really given us a boost, but it won't hurt our Reliance Group. Besides, it's not the core industry of our group. At worst, we will abandon it directly." Mukesh said, "There are losses and profits in doing business. , you can make back your losses elsewhere. The food industry, Mr. Gupta, is of great significance to you. Do you really not want it? If we are pushed into a hurry, I, the Reliance Group, will fully support Aiyar. Grain companies, you'll never get a chance to capture that market share."

Mukesh's words made Qiaogo frown slightly.

He was thinking about the credibility of Mukesh’s words.

Is Reliance Group really willing to incur huge losses by abandoning the Ambani Plaza project?
Although Qiao Ge thought it was unlikely, it was really possible for the other party to do it.

Once he does this, his plan to monopolize the grain industry will really be hopeless.

"Of course, if we can lose less, we certainly won't be so extreme." Mukesh softened his words slightly. He didn't want to irritate Qiao Ge too much. "I think this will be good for both of us."

Appropriate toughness allows the opponent to understand that he is not so easy to bully.

"Haha, do you not care about Kehas's life or death?" Qiao Ge asked with a laugh.

"There is no other way. We can only protect ourselves first," Mukesh said.

"If these words reach Kehasi's ears, I don't know how sad and angry he will be." Qiao Ge said lightly.

"I won't admit these words outside of here." Mukesh smiled, "Of course, if Mr. Gupta records it, it will be regarded as my failure. But I don't think you will use such despicable means. "

No matter what is despicable or not, if necessary, the means of recording are still light.

But this time, Qiao Ge really didn't record any actions.

In fact, I did not expect that Mukesh came to talk to me about such a hot topic, and I was not prepared at all.

"Of course, I won't do such a despicable thing." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Please tell me what other conditions you have."

"As we transfer our shares, we also need Mr. Gupta to help us eliminate the negative impact of the Ambani Plaza project," Mukesh said.

"Your conditions are too much. I don't need to tell you what the situation is like with the Ambani Plaza project. You should know better," said Jogo.

"As long as we can successfully sell those plots, the deal can be concluded. As for how Mr. Gupta will do it, I think you must have a way." Mukesh smiled.

"What? Are you asking me to buy those lands?" Qiao Ge sneered, "Anil's ambition is too great. Unfortunately, his vision is not worthy of his ambition. The value of those lands Ridiculous.”

"For us, it doesn't matter who buys it, we just need to get some funds back," Mukesh replied.

He didn't respond much to Qiao Ge's comments about his brother.

Although he and Anil have a competitive relationship, if Anil is embarrassed, it is also the Ambani family's shame. He is not cheap enough to humiliate Anil with outsiders.

"I need to think about this," said Jogo.

He did not reject Mukesh immediately, nor did he agree immediately.

Because he knew very well that the oil fields in Kuwait would soon be destroyed and burned.

At that time, the share price of Aiyar Grain Company will plummet. At this time, when negotiating the price with Reliance Group, I will lose money no matter what.

It only takes a month or two, which is totally worth the wait.

"What about the big news report?" Mukesh asked.

He doesn't care too much about time. The main issue now is the reports from major news newspapers. These reports have a great impact on the project.

"While I'm thinking about it, I will ask the big news newspapers to stop reporting." Qiaogo said, "Is this satisfactory to you?"

"Then it's settled, I'll wait for Mr. Gupta's call." Mukesh said and left.

Hu Di came in and waited for the boss's instructions.

Although I don’t know why Mukesh is looking for his boss, it is definitely not simple.

After all, it was Mukesh, the eldest son of the Reliance Group, who came in person, which was of extraordinary significance.

"Ah? Is this true?" Hu Di was very surprised after hearing Qiao Ge's words, "Boss, this can be considered."

In the past, Hudi was not too concerned about the stock acquisition of Aiyar Grain Company. After all, he could not reach the proportion of controlling shares.

If Reliance Group is willing to transfer 10% of its shares, the nature is different.

"After all, the Aiyar family still has 41%. Even if Reliance Group is willing to sell, it is still too difficult for us to acquire more than 40% of the shares." Qiaogo said, "Of course, there is no need to rush to reject Mukesh in this matter. If he comes to see me again in the future, just hold him back."

Even if he wanted to acquire shares, he would have to wait another month or two, and Qiao Ge would not be able to talk to Hudido about these things.

News of the war in Kuwait kept coming, and finally, the bad news came.

Dhirubhai was silent for a long time.

And Kehas was so angry that he almost fainted again, it was so despairing.

Almost all the oil wells in Kuwait were set on fire. This was done when Iraq evacuated Kuwait after its defeat.

Nowadays, the sky over Kuwait is shrouded in black smoke and countless oil leaks. Iraq even directly opened the oil pipeline and injected the oil into the sea. The oil floated on the sea, and even fires ignited on the sea.

Kehas was desperate, and banks and other lending institutions immediately came to his door and asked him to repay the loan.

Because the results from the oil fields have already come out, and they are the worst results.

In addition to lending institutions, his rice suppliers also began to ask for subsequent payments.

After all, Aiyar Grain Company still purchases most of its grain.

Generally, a deposit is paid first and the payment is paid later.

Due to the financial constraints of Aiyar Grain Company, the later payment was delayed for a long time.In the past, Kehas had all kinds of persuasive words, and coupled with years of cooperation, he was able to stabilize those suppliers.

It doesn’t work now. The oil wells were set on fire, which was equivalent to the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Dhirubhai put down the phone.

Anil and Mukesh on the side looked at their father.

It was Kehas who called just now, asking for support.

Dhirubhai declined, saying Reliance Group could not come up with extra funds.

"Father, is Aiyar Grain Company finished?" Anil knew the result in his heart, but he still couldn't help but ask.

Dhirubhai did not answer him.

"Father, if this happens, our 10% shareholding will probably plummet." Mukesh sighed, "That kid Qiaogo keeps dragging on, this is really~~"

Mukesh felt depressed.

I went to find Qiao Ge before, thinking that the other party would be very attracted to him.

It's just a gesture to say it's something to consider. In a few days, you'll probably be tempted to buy shares from yourself, right?

But only now did Mukesh realize that he seemed to have thought wrong. Qiao Ge didn't seem to care much about these shares.

Because it has been almost more than a month, Qiaogo has been considering it, and there is no clear result.

Qiao Ge did not rush to buy shares from him, which also surprised Droubai.

In his opinion, this shouldn't be the case.

Aiyar Grain Company is definitely what Qiaogo wants, but why is that guy not interested in his shares?
During this time, Droubai felt that Qiaogo was still hesitant.

After all, he only has 10%, and the number of stocks Qiao Ge wants to acquire needs to be large enough to control it.

So it is very likely that Qiao Ge still has doubts about this.

Originally, if it were delayed for a while, their Reliance Group wouldn't have much of a problem.

I didn't expect that the situation in Kuwait would become so bad. At this time, my 10% shares could no longer be sold at a higher price. Compared with the previous discount, it was even lighter.

Now Aiyar Grain's share price has plummeted.

There is no way, Aiyar Grain Company will become insolvent, and the debt is overwhelming.

Especially according to various news reports, major banks have begun to seize the assets under the Aiyar family's name.

That’s right, it’s not about seizing the assets of Aiyar Grain Company.

The assets of Eyal Grain Company are almost insolvent, but at least they are still positive.

Now the assets of the Aiyar family are really insolvent.

After all, they have more debt.

'Ding ding ding~~' the phone rang.

Mukesh hurried over and answered the phone.

"Mr. Gupta?" Mukesh was surprised to hear Jogo's voice on the other end of the phone.

He quickly covered the phone, looked at Droubai and whispered: "Father, he wants to talk to you."

Droubai stretched out his still-moveable hand and picked up the phone.

Mukesh and Anil couldn't help but hold their breath and stood aside without making any sound. In fact, they wanted to hear what Qiaogo wanted to say.

Because their father didn't let them leave, that meant they could still listen to these words.

The sound from the microphone was not loud, and the two of them could still hear it standing on the edge.


"Okay, Qiaogo, let me call you this. I will publicly auction the plots of the Ambani Plaza project. As for the 10% shares of Aiyar Food Company, I can sign a transfer agreement with you now. Don't worry, There will be no announcement now. The Aiyar family has no funds to acquire it at all. His right of first refusal as a major shareholder is equivalent to being invalidated... Your idea is good. It is definitely the best to win over the Aiyar Grain Company in one fell swoop... "Drubai said, "Then it's settled. If you are free, I would like to treat you to a meal..."

Dhirubai put down the phone, looked at his two sons, especially Anil and said, "You heard it too, no need for me to say more? Regarding the auction of the land plots in the Ambani Plaza project, Qiaogo said I will cooperate with you, but don’t screw up again this time.”

"Yes, father!" Anil responded hurriedly.

"Mukesh, you are responsible for the share transfer." Dhirubhai said to Mukesh again, "That kid Qiaogo is also very lucky. I don't know how much the cost of winning Aiyar Grain Company has dropped this time. , it’s really jealous.”

Mukesh naturally agreed. His father and Qiao Ge had communicated on the phone just now.

Although no one signed a contract, the agreement between the two is actually more effective than the contract in many cases.

Of course, you have to actually sign the contract yourself, and Chiogo will also cooperate with the sale of the Ambani Plaza project.

A few days ago, although the big news newspapers stopped reporting on the Ambani Plaza project, there are still few people willing to bid.

Now that Jogo has made it clear that he will help them withdraw funds, Mukesh is relieved.

Reliance Group has also been short of funds recently, especially the burning of the Kuwait oil fields, which has had a big impact on them.

Timely withdrawal of funds becomes very important. (End of chapter)

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