Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 445 I’m really angry

Although the war in the Middle East affects the hearts of countless people, for most ordinary people in the country, their minds are still focused on domestic news.

For example, two big news broke out at once today.

The first news is that Reliance Group is preparing to publicly auction some plots of land in various places for the Ambani Plaza project. These plots include those that have not yet started construction, and some that have started but only partially completed the project.

Originally, after the news came out, everyone was not very optimistic about it. They didn't think it could be sold.

the reason is simple.

The news that part of the Ambani Plaza project wants to be sold is not new now, it has been rumored for a long time.

But until now, no one has taken action.

Therefore, the public auction of Reliance Group now will not be successful in everyone's opinion.

What surprised them was that the big news newspaper published an interview with Qiaogo at the same time.

It is also highlighted here that Jogo is preparing to participate in the bidding and has made it clear that he is interested in those plots of land in the Ambani Plaza project.

This news is very shocking.

If Qiao Ge is optimistic, then everyone's wait-and-see attitude will be shaken.

It's just that Qiao Ge's words feel a bit like he is helping the Reliance Group to support the market.

Logically speaking, it is impossible. Who doesn't know about the conflict between Qiaogo and Reliance Group? They have a hostile relationship.

But many well-informed people have also heard that Mukesh once visited Qiaogo, and there might be some deal involved.

Of course, although everyone has a lot of doubts in their hearts, they don't want to take such a good opportunity.

What if Qiao Ge is really optimistic about these plots of land?

Then if people like myself intervene, they might still be able to get a share of the pie.

Qiao Ge will not take all the land.

However, everyone is still wary.

In the end, it still depends on whether Qiaogo actually bids.

If Qiao Ge really bids, they will take action.

Regardless of whether there is any inside information, if you want to make big profits, you have to take risks.

The second news is that Qiaogo announced the acquisition of Aiyar Grain Company's shares in a large amount.

This made many people react. No wonder there are still people on the stock market scanning the shares of Aiyar Grain Company.

You must know that after the Kuwait oil fields were ignited, the oil fields of Aiyar Food Company and Reliance Group in Kuwait also suffered.

This bad news caused Aiyar Grain Company's stock to plummet. No one was optimistic about the future of Aiyar Grain Company. Logically speaking, no one was willing to take over.

Now they finally know that this was all done by Qiao Ge.

Qiao Ge made such a high-profile announcement because almost all the stocks circulating in the market were bought up.

Reliability is not enough.

Although such a public statement would increase the price he would pay, Qiao Ge still felt it was appropriate.

He could wait for the Aiyar Grain Company to completely collapse and then buy some assets through bankruptcy liquidation bidding.

But in this case, you need to bid with other people. Everyone can see the good things, and the price you pay in the end may not be small.

Now that 10% of Reliance Group's shares are in his name, Qiaogo will certainly try to get the opportunity to control Aiyar Food Company.

Once the controlling stake is obtained, it is equivalent to an overall acquisition.

Not everyone can get this amount of funds, and basically few people can compete with themselves.

If Aiyar Grain Company goes bankrupt and liquidates in the future, and its assets are split up and auctioned, there will be too many people who are able to participate in the auction.

Qiaogo wants to end it once and for all, and he still wants to win the Aiyar Grain Company as a whole.

Kehas locked himself in the study alone.

Jogo spread the news that the Eyal Grain Company was finished, which did not surprise him.

Is there not enough news about major news outlets attacking companies during this period?

He was used to it, and the company was indeed in a big crisis.

It's just that Qiaogo is buying up the company's stocks on a large scale, which makes Khas very puzzled by Qiaogo's move. No matter how much Qiaogo buys the stock, it won't be more than half.

What is his purpose in doing this?

He has received the news that Qiao Ge has indeed swept up the floating stocks in the market and has now begun to find some people to buy the stocks.

The number of stocks in the hands of these people, personally speaking, accounts for a lot.

Judging from the summary of information from all parties, Qiao Ge may have acquired nearly 30% of the shares.

The price paid was not small, at least it was acquired at a premium.

However, Kehas still let out a long sigh.

I lamented that Qiao Ge really knew how to find time. If he had made such an acquisition ten days and a half earlier, the price would have been much higher.But this is just what he thought about. Qiao Ge didn't take action earlier, obviously thinking that the price was not worth it.

Now that the stock price has plummeted, does Qiao Ge think it’s time to take action?

But no matter how Qiao Ge purchases it, it will only be 49% at most.

Is it because I have a lot of money that I can do whatever I want, and I want to make myself sick?
Is there any other explanation besides this?

"No~~That's not right!" Kejas's heart trembled, "Reliance Group?"

The Aiyar family actually only holds 41% of the shares. The reason why he is so confident is because Reliance Group still has 10%.

Since he and the Reliance Group are allies, it stands to reason that nothing would happen here.

But now the situation at Reliance Group is not good. Will he betray himself?
Thinking of this, Kehas's face instantly turned pale.

"Ambani Plaza?" The latest news flashed in Khas's mind, which was about Djogo saying that he would participate in the bidding for the Ambani Plaza project.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like Jogo and Reliance Group have reached some kind of agreement.

As one of the parties involved, he knows much more about the relationship between Qiaogo and Reliance Group than outsiders.

How could Jogo be so kind and help Reliance Group?
If Qiao Ge came to help, then he must have reached some kind of deal secretly with Reliance Group.

What is this deal?
What is there about Reliance Group that can impress Qiao Ge?
Isn't the answer obvious?
It must be what Qiaogo wants most.

Isn’t it just the 10% shares held by Reliance Group.

"No~~impossible." Kejas wanted to convince himself, "Maybe this is Qiao Ge's conspiracy. It is definitely true. He wants to confuse the Reliance Group, or he wants to sow discord between me and the Reliance Group."

Thinking so, he still called Anil and asked about the shares of Aiyar Grain Company.

"What are you thinking about? I'm really angry. How could you listen to some rumors outside and not trust your allies?" Anil's slightly annoyed voice came from the other end of the phone. "How could I, the Reliance Group, do such a thing? Don’t worry. Our two families are advancing and retreating together, how can we let that kid Qiao Ge succeed? Let alone transfer any shares. "

"Then why did Jogo say he wanted to bid for the Ambani Plaza project site?" Khas asked.

"When it comes to this matter, I can't explain it." Anil replied, "I feel that the boy must have bad intentions and wants to cause trouble at the auction site..."

Kejas hung up the phone. Although he still felt uneasy, he felt that Reliance Group should still be on his side.

There was nothing unusual about Anil's reaction. He had been in contact with Anil for so long and knew Anil's character.

From this point of view, Qiao Ge obviously wanted to cause trouble at the auction.

Of course, compared to his initial worries, he was in a better mood.

Qiao Ge just needs to continue to keep an eye on it. The most troublesome thing for him now is the financial problem.

The most important thing is the loan repayment problem of my family.

Nowadays, many assets under the family's name have been frozen and seized.

If this continues, my family's shares in Aiyar Grain Company may also be frozen.

This is something Kahas will never allow to happen.

This is their family's greatest support, greatest wealth, and the final capital for their turnaround.
Eyal Grain Company is not insolvent yet. The huge land under the company's name are all high-quality assets.

As long as you hold on, wait until the economy recovers, and wait until banks open up loans again, you will definitely be able to get out of this crisis.

By then, the stock price of Aiyar Grain Company will definitely rise back.

It's a pity that this is all my beautiful imagination now. If I can't pass this level and everything is gone, how can I talk about the stock price going back up?

"That guy in Dhirubhai doesn't lend money, but if the Ambani Plaza project can successfully sell those plots of land, then I will ask to get back part of the funds." Khas thought secretly in his heart.

The money recovered can be used to repay the loan to the family.

After all, he couldn't think of anywhere else to borrow money, so he borrowed everything he could.

The money invested in the square project must have been a huge loss, and it would definitely be inappropriate to come back at this time. If there were sufficient funds, he would definitely continue to put the money in it.

According to Dhirubhai's idea, next focusing on several big cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai, I believe there is still a lot of potential.

It's a pity that he is in urgent need of funds now. Even if he makes money in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

He feels that Dhirubhai's sale of the Ambani Plaza project may not only be for their own sake, but also for their own consideration.

Everyone is short of funds now. Once the sale is successful, it will be of great benefit to everyone.

"That bastard Qiaogo, I hope you don't do anything wrong during the auction." Kehas cursed secretly.

He is now waiting for this fund to extend his life, and naturally he does not want anything to happen to the auction. If there is any further delay, his family will really be doomed.

The amount of loan funds that the family has defaulted on is not small. If the funds can be withdrawn from the Ambani Plaza project, it will be enough even if it is not enough.

He has already thought about it. There are still several billions of funds in the account of Aiyar Grain Company, which was originally used for the latest loan repayment.

But now that his family's problems are more serious, he plans to borrow it first.

He has the final say at Aiyar Grain Company, so he treats it as if he borrowed it from the company. Who dares to say anything?
Don't say anything illegal. You didn't borrow it for nothing. The interest will definitely be marked and everything will be in compliance with the regulations.

Of course, the interest rate must be very low...

Abusing power for personal gain is a routine practice. (End of chapter)

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