Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 446: Please move Mr. Aiyar

Chapter 446: Please move Mr. Aiyar (please vote)
The auction of the Ambani Plaza project was held at the Reliance Group headquarters, and everyone who signed up had already arrived.

But they were all looking around, looking for Qiao Ge, but they didn't see Qiao Ge for the time being, not even anyone on Qiao Ge's side.

Just 10 minutes before the auction started, Qiao Ge finally walked in under the protection of bodyguards.

Seeing Qiaogo coming, Mukesh came to greet him personally.

This auction was handled by Mukesh.

"Is Jogo really here?"

"Looking at Mukesh's expression, they don't seem to have any conflicts."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If these big shots let you see what they really think, would they still be big shots? And as the owner of Reliance Group, how can it still show mercy to Qiao Ge? Everyone here is a guest!"

"You are right, they are all people who hide their swords behind their smiles..."

Kehas was naturally present, and after seeing Qiaogo, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

But he definitely doesn't want to have any conflict with Qiao Ge now, because he doesn't want any accidents to happen in this auction.

If you sell the land early, you can receive a sum of money, which can solve your family's urgent needs.

He was already angry with Dhirubhaithong, and he was planning to divest from this project, so the proceeds from this auction were converted into shares and given him a sum of auction proceeds in cash.

Dhirubhai agreed and even offered to have all his shares in the Ambani Plaza project liquidated in cash.

This made him feel at ease.

Earlier concerns about Reliance Group’s 10% stake in Aiyar Foods have dissipated.

Reliance Group indeed supports itself.

These demands of his are indeed a bit excessive. Droubai is also in a lot of trouble now, and it is normal that he cannot borrow money from himself.

Dhirubhai will definitely be dominated by Reliance Group.

If Reliance Group wanted to abandon him, he would definitely not agree to his request this time.

Because of the Ambani Plaza project, Reliance Group is the major shareholder and controls the power of the company. As long as Dhirubhai does not agree to withdraw funds from his side according to the share ratio, he will probably be in trouble.

Now he is most worried about the instability factor of Qiaogo.

What Anil said before made sense to him.

Would Qiaogo be so kind?
Can he be so kind as to watch the Ambani Plaza project successfully sell the land?

And for these plots, Kejas didn’t believe that Qiaogo really wanted to bid.

Most of them came here to cause trouble.

But this is the Reliance Group, and even if he wants to cause trouble, he probably won't be able to make any waves.

Thinking of this, his uneasy heart became more at ease.

"Everyone, there are many land parcels for auction today. You can choose carefully." Mukesh said on stage.

"Mr. Ambani, are the projects in Mumbai for sale?"

"Yes, and in New Delhi?"

Someone immediately asked

These words made everyone present prick up their ears.

Everyone is still very concerned about this matter.

In everyone's opinion, these land plots sold by Reliance Group are definitely not of high quality. The real high-quality land plots are in big cities such as Mumbai and New Delhi.

Most of these land parcels, Reliance Group does not want to sell.

"It depends on the results of today's auction. If everyone is very enthusiastic and all the other plots of land are sold, then I will ask my father whether to auction all of them." Mukesh said with a smile.

"Really selling it?" one person exclaimed.

"Please don't misunderstand me. The Ambani Plaza project is definitely not as bad as everyone thinks. Quite the opposite. These are all high-quality assets. It's just that our Reliance Group has accumulated funds to withdraw funds and has to sell them with pain." Mukesh sighed. "Of course, I do not deny that there are some problems with the Ambani Plaza project, that is, too much capital investment. However, as long as everyone has enough capital investment, when the project is completed, it will definitely be a profitable project..."

Listening to Mukesh's words, everyone felt a little moved.

I have to say that what Mukesh said makes some sense.

Most of the people here come here for this purpose.

They feel that the square project is still very promising.

After all, Qiao Ge’s square project has been advancing. If he is not optimistic about it, can Qiao Ge continue to do it?

Now who doesn't know that if you follow Qiao Ge in time, you can still drink soup.

This soup is more delicious than the meat from other places.

They all clearly saw that those guys who were still in the organic vegetable industry, although they did not make as much as Qiaogo, in their opinion, they still made a lot of money.

Who wouldn’t be jealous of such a situation?

Among the current plaza projects, apart from Jogo’s, the Ambani Plaza project is progressing the fastest.

If they can win one or two plots in the Ambani Plaza project, although they are not as good as Jogo, they should be in a leading position compared to others.

Time is money, so they are very keen on the Ambani Plaza project, especially the land projects that have started construction.

That’s pretty much it. What needs to be introduced has been introduced.

Mukesh himself acted as host and conducted the auction.

"Plot A, located in Kolkata, is undeveloped..." Mukesh shouted.

The auction has started.

Kolkata is naturally one of the most famous cities in India with a developed economy.

However, no one said anything immediately, and almost everyone turned their attention to Qiao Ge.

They still want to see if Jogo wants to bid.

Not disappointing everyone, Qiaogo made a bid.

Since the price was not high at the beginning, some people tentatively increased the price.

Jogo quickly raised the price.

After several rounds, Qiaogo successfully won the plot.

Next came another piece of land, which was also undeveloped. After five rounds of competition, Qiao Ge still won it.

This made the people present a little nervous.

It seems that Qiao Ge is really optimistic about these land plots, and it is true that he takes action.

In fact, the price that Qiao Ge acquired these two pieces of land was still very cheap. The price was [-]% cheaper than when Anil acquired the land.You must know that several years have passed, and the land has increased a lot.

This price is definitely profitable for everyone.

So everyone became very enthusiastic in the subsequent land auction.

Although Qiao Ge participated in the bidding, most of them gave up after shouting once or twice.

In the end, Qiao Ge won three pieces of land, all of which were not yet open to the public and were not too far from the city.

This can be regarded as helping the Reliance Group to support the market.

Of course, it is impossible for Qiao Ge to harm his own interests to help.

The price is definitely cheap, no doubt about it.

Since Qiao Ge bought these three pieces of land, they also have a purpose.

But it is not necessarily used to build square projects, it can be used as some warehouses, etc.

Whether it is grain, cooking oil, vegetables, etc., it is still necessary to arrange large warehouses around these big cities.

Therefore, Qiao Ge is not too interested in those plots of land that have already started construction.

It just so happens that other people are interested in these plots of land, and everyone can take what they want.

Because these people were so enthusiastic, Reliance Group ended up leaving only two projects in New Delhi and Mumbai, and sold the others.

Kejas breathed a long sigh of relief. He didn't expect that kid Qiaogo really came to the auction and didn't cause any trouble.

While he was thankful, he also cursed secretly.

Damn it, these plots of land were sold, but the price was too low, and I suffered heavy losses.

And Qiao Ge bought it at a low price, so it was Qiao Ge who made the profit.

Thinking of this, Kejas felt a sense of suffocation.

"Don't worry, we will contact you after the funds arrive." Mukesh gave Kejas reassurance.

Kejas was really relieved. The amount of funds recovered from this auction was a bit unexpected.

Although it is not enough to pay off all the family's debts, it can at least give the family some relief for a long time.

Of course, he had to quickly borrow the funds in the Aiyar Grain Company's account.

In fact, he could transfer the money directly.

However, he feels that some procedures still need to be followed.

This is a major event, and it is necessary to inform shareholders to avoid causing a lot of trouble later.

This is just a routine matter, so what if they object?
You can force your way through.

At this time, he no longer cares about offending others. The safety of his family is the most important thing.

Conference room at the headquarters of Aiyar Grain Company.

Kehas sat at the top, and shareholders came in one after another.

Ten minutes later, Khas looked around and said, "Is everyone here? Let's start today's meeting."

There are a lot fewer shareholders here than some time ago, and those who are less have sold their shares.

As for Reliance Group, he informed Anil, who said he would not be able to come today.

Kehas had no doubts about this.

Because the Reliance Group rarely sent people over in the past, their own ideas were the ideas of the Reliance Group, and everyone was one.

In fact, Qiao Ge is a shareholder, and he has a lot of shares.

He also sent a notice to Qiao Ge in accordance with the company's rules and regulations, but the other party didn't come, so he didn't bother to take care of it.

"I am going to lend the funds in the company account to the Aiyar family. The loan period is three months and the interest is~~~" Kehas directly stated his purpose.

"What about the repayment of the company's next loan?"

"Yes, this money cannot be lent."

Those present are not fools.

Kejas obviously wanted to use the company's funds to resolve the crisis in his Aiyar family.

It stands to reason that the company's next repayment is due in three months, and this time gap can indeed be used to help the Aiyar family.

But they don't think the Aiyar family can return the money on time.

Given the current situation of the Aiyar family, this money will definitely be gone forever.

Well, the Aiyar family has temporarily resolved the crisis, and the next crisis is the Aiyar Grain Company.

What happened to the Eyal family, that is, it has something to do with Kehas and has nothing to do with the other people sitting here.

Their shares are in Aiyar Grain Company, not the Aiyar family.

Listening to the objections of these guys, Kehas sneered in his heart.

Today I just came here to inform them, not to listen to their opinions.

"I have decided on the loan." Kehas loudly suppressed the voices of others.

The faces of everyone present were ugly. Ke Haas had absolute power, and it was useless for them to object.

'Bah~~' The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

"I object to the loan!"

"What's going on?" Kejas looked at Hudi and others who came in, and then looked at his assistant behind Hudi and some employees in the office who wanted to stop them from entering, and his face darkened.

"Boss, they~~ I'm sorry, we couldn't stop them~~" the assistant said nervously.

"You guys go down." Khas waved towards the assistants and the others.

Hudi and his party obviously represent Qiao Ge. They are indeed shareholders of the company and are qualified to come to attend the meeting. It is indeed difficult for his assistant to stop them.

"Since you're here, take a seat." Khas looked at Hudi coldly and said, "As for the loan, the objection is invalid!"

"That's such a pity. I'm afraid your words won't work." Hu Di smiled.

After saying that, Hudi did not sit down on the chair in front of him, but walked towards Kehas.

"What do you want to do?" Khas shouted, staring at Hudi.

"Mr. Aiyar, please move over." Hudi said with a grin.

(End of this chapter)

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