Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 447 The Aiyar family is finished

Chapter 447 The Aiyar family is finished (please vote for me)
Khudi's words stunned Kehas for a moment.

Everyone present was a little confused and didn't realize what Hu Di meant by his words.

"What do you mean?" An unpleasant thought suddenly came to Kehas' mind, but he still forced himself to calm down and asked.

"It's very simple. Your position as chairman of Aiyar Grain Company has been dismissed." Hudi said with a faint smile.

Everyone sitting here opened their eyes wide when they heard this.

Hu Di's words were really beyond their expectations.

Of course they know that Qiao Ge has been buying up company stocks recently.

To be honest, they are also very excited because the price premium of Qiaogo is still good.

But they still endured it. They felt that once Aiyar Grain Company got through this difficulty, the future prospects would still be very bright.

The most important thing is that he has a close relationship with the Aiyar family. Under Kehas's persuasion, it is naturally difficult for them to do such a thing.

But now they feel that this guy Kehas is too unkind.

Is this how he repays himself and others for supporting him?

For the interests of their Aiyar family, they would not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of people like themselves?
Forcibly borrowing money from Eyal Grain Company is too much.

If they had known this, they might as well have sold the stock.

"It's ridiculous, even if you get 49% of the shares, it won't be enough." Khas sneered, "Not to mention, you guys can't get it at all."

"No, no, no." Hudi said immediately, "Now we already have 51% of the shares."

"Impossible!" Kehas shouted.

"Yes, this is impossible." Some people also shouted.

Kejas holds 41%, plus Reliance Group’s 10%. Where can Jogo get 51% of the shares? Isn’t this nonsense?
Hu Di did not argue with them. Behind him, a man dressed as a lawyer came forward and waved the share certificate document in front of everyone.

"Fake, this is fake." Kehas roared, he did not dare to admit this kind of thing, it was too terrible.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that 10% of Reliance Group's shares have been transferred to us, and we have acquired 41% of the shares in recent days, which adds up to 51%. You only have 41% of the shares, even if Everyone sitting here supports you, and it does not exceed 49%, so~~" Hudi stared at Kehas with a smile, "The boss appointed me, Hudi Oga, as the new chairman of Aiyar Grain Company. Ai Mr. Yaer, should you change your position yourself? Or should I ask someone to help you move it?"

"Boss, it's bad, many people rushed into the company building." Kejas' assistant rushed into the conference room with a look of panic.

"Don't panic, these are the security personnel I brought to maintain order in the company." Hu Di smiled.

Of course he came prepared and asked Rhodes to arrange hundreds of security personnel.

After he came up, those people quickly took control of various departments of Aiyar Grain Company to prevent intentional people from creating chaos and causing unnecessary losses.

Kehas was so lost that he didn't even know how he walked to the side and sat on a chair nearby.

The person sitting first was naturally Hudi.

"The company still has a lot of loans that need to be repaid. It is impossible to borrow money for the selfish interests of some people." Hu Di glanced at everyone, "What do you think?"

What more can be said, Hudi replaced Kejas and had the decision-making power.

Even if they object, it will be of no use.

Besides, most of the people present didn’t want to borrow money.

Because if the money is really lent to Kehas, it will definitely be gone. The company's loss is their loss, and it just enriches Kehas.

"No, you can't do this." Kehas finally came to his senses.

"The objection is invalid." Hudi glanced at him and said calmly.

Kehas's face was livid. He wanted to fight with Hudi, but unfortunately, he no longer had the power.

Damn Reliance, they sold themselves out.

Before, I thought that Reliance Group was a staunch ally, but now it seems that I am a joke.

After being betrayed, I still miss my good friends.

"No, the funds recovered from the Eyal Square project?" Kejas was anxious.

Reliance Group has obviously abandoned itself, so will there be any problems with the funding for the square project?

He was already very doubtful about Mukesh's promise.

No, this is no longer a suspicion, there is definitely something wrong.

They have sold themselves out on their shares, how can they still take care of themselves in other aspects?

How is this possible?
Kejas knew very well the thoughts of an old fox like Dhirubhai.

Since Dhirubhai has chosen to betray himself, he will definitely use various means to trample his family to the end, and will not give himself a chance to breathe and turn around.

"I have something important to announce to you today." Hudi ignored the frightened Kehas in his heart, but looked at the others, "I have decided to delist the company, so the shares in your hands, I We will purchase it and we can negotiate the price.”

"Don't even think about it!" Kehas gritted his teeth, "Even if it is delisted, our shares will not be sold."

How could Khas sell his shares?
This is the company of their Aiyar family. Even if the control is now in the hands of Qiaogo, his family is still the major shareholder. He is not willing to be kicked away just like that.

These words caused everyone present to whisper among themselves.

"We want to keep our shares." After a while, these people discussed it and someone said.

"Of course, this is your right." Hudi smiled, "However, the situation of Aiyar Grain Company is very worrying. The debt is too high, and there may be a big loss next, ugh~~"

These words made Kejas's face change drastically: "If you dare to do things that harm the interests of us shareholders, I will never end it with you."

"Mr. Aiyar, what you say makes no sense. I hold most of the shares. If the company is really in trouble, my losses will be even greater. My boss will not allow such a thing to happen." Hudi said.These words made the faces of Kehas and others become extremely ugly.

How could they believe what Hudi said.

Hudi's words were obviously threatening them in various ways.

There are many ways that major shareholders want to deal with small shareholders, such as not paying dividends for a long time and turning their accounts into liabilities.

Conveying various benefits.

For example, Hudi transferred some high-quality assets of Aiyar Grain Company and sold them to other related companies at low prices, such as the Gupta Grain and Oil Group.

In short, there are too many manipulation methods here, both overt and covert.

There is really nothing they, the small shareholders, can do to stop it.

Hu Di looked at these changes in expressions and sneered in his heart.

Still want to hold on to the shares?

This is to see the boss enter the scene. Want to take a ride?

How could such a good thing be given to them?
Most of the guys here are die-hards from Kehas.

If these people really don't want to sell their shares, there are of course many ways to deal with them, as mentioned above.

Hudi can completely hollow out the Aiyar Grain Company. Of course, this will take some time and cannot be achieved all at once.

The best thing is that these guys are smarter and take the money and leave while the boss is in a good mood and the price is good to them.

"We need to think again," someone said immediately.

"Of course, I'll give you three days." Hudi smiled, and then looked at Kehas.

"I will fight you to the end." After saying this, Khas stood up and left.

"No." Hudi shouted towards Kehas's back.

Fight to the end?
What fight?

The boss had already discussed it with the Reliance Group, and both parties had benefited. So naturally someone was betrayed, and it was Kehas.

There is still a follow-up waiting for Kehas, how can these things end so soon?

The boss wants the entire Aiyar Grain Company, and Kejas must get the shares in his hands.

If you really want to fight with him for a long time, you will suffer a lot of losses on your side.

This is not what the boss expected.

So it still needs to be solved in a short time.

This aspect is the mutual cooperation between the boss and Droubai.

After leaving the Aiyar Food Company headquarters building, Khas immediately drove to the Ambani family's residence.

It's a pity that he couldn't go in this time.

The guard says Dhirubhai is not here, not even Mukesh and Anil.

This made Kehas' heart feel cold.

Is Reliance Group going to kill itself?

Kejas hurriedly went to the company where the Aiyar Square project was located.

He checked the company's accounts in the name of shareholders.

"What are you talking about? There is only 2000 million in the account?" Kejas waited for the financial staff, with a murderous look in his eyes, "The money from the auction should have been paid in by now, right?"

"Yes~~Yes, the money has been paid in." The financial officer shrank his neck and replied.

He was frightened by Kehas' angry look.

"Where's the money?" Kehas growled, grabbing the collar.

"This morning, the second young master lent the money." the financial officer said.

Kehas' heart tightened: "Who did you lend it to?"

"Lent it to Reliance Group." The financial officer replied hurriedly, "In half a year, the second young master said that it will be paid back in half a year. The interest rate is not bad, a little higher than that of the bank, so Mr. Aiyar, you don't have to worry. "

"Don't worry?" Kejas pushed the financial staff to the ground and roared with a ferocious face, "What an Anil, what a Reliance Group, what a Dhirubhai, they are all beasts, I am really blind Ah~~~~”

Is the interest rate higher?
Do you care about this interest?

Anil tried what he wanted to do at Aiyar Grain Company, but he failed and Anil succeeded.

Anil had absolute power over the Ambani Plaza project, so he lent the company's money even if he knew about it, and he couldn't stop it.

In other words, Reliance Group and Qiao Ge are really working together to plot against themselves.

Reliance Group has never thought of giving the withdrawn funds to itself.

Without this capital, how can my family delay its loan repayments?
The family's assets will all be seized, which is inevitable.

The Eyal family is finished!
'Pfft~~' A large mouthful of blood spurted out from Kehas's mouth, and his vision turned black before he fell straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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