Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 448: Divided Control

The Aiyar family's loan has been delayed for a long time, and the oil fields in Kuwait have been ignited. Now they have lost control of the Aiyar Grain Company.

Under the blow of this series of negative news, the bank finally couldn't wait any longer and launched an action, requesting the government to seize the assets of the Aiyar family on a large scale.

As a result, Aiyar's assets were seized one after another, including shares in Aiyar Food Company and the Ambani Plaza project.

Kejas's blow was a bit serious this time. Although he was released from the intensive care unit, he may not be able to be discharged from the hospital for a while.

It’s hard to tell whether he is really unable to be discharged from the hospital or whether he is unwilling to be discharged.

Probably only Kehas himself knows.

Now the Eyal family is in chaos.

In this case, Kehas has not yet designated a person in charge of cleaning up the mess.

At this time, Kehas still wants to hold on to this poor family power.

However, the internal conflicts within the family are already deep, and many people are planning to overthrow the rule of Kehas.

The family suffered such a huge failure under Kehas' notification that no one listened to Kehas anymore.

The Aiyar family is in a struggle for power within the family. For a time, multiple forces are fighting and evenly matched. Coupled with the external crisis, the entire family is on the verge of collapse.

"Ruthless, Droubai is indeed an old fox, so ruthless." Qiaogo said after hearing what happened to the Aiyar family.

"Boss, this is normal." Hudi smiled and said, "Since the Reliance Group has chosen to abandon the Aiyar family, they will definitely make the Aiyar family catastrophic. Otherwise, if the Aiyar family slows down, they will be their mortal enemies in the future. ”

"Yes, I have to learn from old guys like Droubai in this aspect. How cruel and ruthless he is." Qiao Ge said.

When Dhirubhai decided to abandon the Aiyar family, he should have made up his mind to trample them to death.

Otherwise, this kind of hatred would be almost a blood feud.

Jogo dares to say that the person the Aiyar family and Khas hate most now is not himself, but the Reliance Group and the Ambani family.

You are their opponent to begin with, and it is very normal behavior to use various means to defeat your opponents. This is the battlefield of the shopping mall.

Speaking of which, his methods are fairly upright.

But Dhirubhai was different. He sold his friends behind his back. How could this not make the Aiyar family hate him?
I had an agreement with Dhirubai before that I could help them sell the land for the Ambani Plaza project smoothly, but they also had to cooperate with me to win the Aiyar Grain Company.

Anil loaned out all the funds in the Ambani Plaza company. For Khas, it was tantamount to draining the bottom of the pot and suddenly ending the possibility of the Aiyar family to save themselves.

Qiao Ge said in his heart that Drubai was ruthless, but after all, if Drubai hadn't done this, it might not have been so easy for him to completely win over the Aiyar Grain Company.

51% of the shares are completely unable to satisfy Qiaogo's appetite. He wants to take over all of Aiyar Grain Company, that is, 100% of the shares.

The main trouble is the shares of the Aiyar family. If there is a fight, Kejas will definitely not give in so easily.

I don't know how much effort and effort it will take to win.

Now, these shares are in the hands of those banks.

You can buy it from those banks yourself.

At this time, no one should compete with me for these shares.

Now that he controls the Aiyar Grain Company, if anyone wants to compete for these shares, the method he originally wanted to use on the Aiyar family will be used on them.

When the time comes, you will have to pay some price, but the other party will definitely suffer greater losses.

I believe no one can fail to understand this.

In other words, he only needs to wait a few more months until the bank auctions the assets of the Aiyar family.

The Aiyar family is not the only unlucky one, the Mittal family is also in trouble now.

They also invested a lot in the Ambani Plaza project. The funds recovered from Indonesia were invested in it, and a lot of loans were also invested.

These loans must be repaid.

They also encountered the same problem, that is, their debt was too high.

I thought I could take off with the Reliance Group, so I dared to borrow a large amount of money, but I didn't expect that this would kill their family. Now they can no longer borrow new money to repay the old money.

To be honest, they are also thinking about raising funds from the auction of the Ambani Plaza project, wondering whether they can get some funds back to repay the loan.

But who would have thought that Anil would directly lend out the funds.

As a result, the Mittal family also suffered.

Their situation is better than that of the Aiyar family, and they are not insolvent, but banks have also begun to seize some of their assets, such as steel plants.

This panicked the Mittal family.

As a result, my family's wealth may be reduced by more than half in one fell swoop. In terms of factories, I can probably only keep the original factories owned by the Mittal family, and other acquired factories will almost be closed down.

These sealed factories will definitely not be saved and will be auctioned to repay loans.

This means that all their expansion over the years has been in vain.

Was beaten back to prototype.

He can only hold on to his family's original steel factory.

Reliance Group has sold off even the Aiyar family, let alone a Mittal family.

The Mittal family is far worse than the Aiyar family.

Everything Dhirubhai does now is for the Reliance Group. After all, banks basically don’t lend much now. Even he doesn’t know how long this situation will last.Regarding this complicated and chaotic situation, even though he has been in the market for a long time, he is not sure about the next direction.

Then Reliance Group must ensure sufficient cash flow. Only in this way can it face any subsequent crisis.

He knew very well that if the Tata family found out that there was any problem on his side, they would definitely pounce on him and give him a hard blow.

It is precisely because of this that Droubai was willing to plan this cooperation with Qiaogo.

Help Jogo win the Aiyar Food Company, and he can successfully sell various plots of the Ambani Plaza project to raise funds.

This tens of billions of funds is still very important to Reliance Group, and now it is not afraid of what the Tata family will do later.

Dhirubhai once asked Jogo privately what would happen to the Ambani Plaza project?
Qiaogo's answer to him was to sell everything he could.

Droubai did not accept all of Qiaogo's answer. He had his own ideas.

After all, if it was his opponent, he couldn't fully believe it.

Therefore, the projects in Mumbai and New Delhi are still left, which are two major new city projects.

Since he has cut off other projects and focused on these two projects, Droubai feels that he can still take care of it.

Even if there is insufficient funds now, once this crisis is over, with the support of Reliance Group, there should still be no problem.

Droubai is really envious of the huge cash flow in Qiaogo's hands. It's really exaggerated.

In his opinion, the Tata family's cash flow may not be as good as that of Jogo.

I don’t know how this guy got such bad luck that he just happened to borrow a large amount of money before the loan tightening.

Is it true that Qiao Ge is the messenger of the gods, as there are rumors outside?
He had just listened to such nonsense before.

But look at what Qiao Ge did, it's really not something a mortal can do.

"The debt is still low and I feel confident." Droubai sighed secretly in his heart.

It's nonsense to talk about gods or anything like that.

After careful consideration, Qiao Ge dared to borrow such a large amount because his assets and liabilities were low. Even if he borrowed so much money this time, his liabilities were still very healthy.

This is something I can't do no matter what.

In April 1991, various assets under the Aiyar family's name entered the auction stage, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

However, not as many people actually participated in the auction as imagined.

The reason is simple. Everyone has no money, at least not much cash flow.

Even if there is some, everyone is saving most of it now to deal with this crisis.

The assets of the Eyal family are very attractive, but if you spend money to buy them, if this crisis continues for a long time, you may be the next one to break the capital chain.

Then these so-called high-quality assets bought are poison.

This has caused many people to be in a wait-and-see state.

For Qiaogo, what matters most is the 41% stake in the Aiyar Grain Company owned by the Aiyar family.

Because Kehas had previously invested all the grain-related assets in his family's name into the company, including the land.

So these are the best assets in Qiao Ge's eyes.

Of course, other people think so, too.

It's a pity that Qiao Ge has completed the control of Aiyar Grain Company, and no one will compete with him at this time.

Before the auction, several major banks that were creditors of the Aiyar family had contacted Qiaogo privately, and both parties had reached a private agreement on the price.

Of course, the bank has concerns, because basically no one can compete with Qiao Ge in terms of shares, and they are afraid that Qiao Ge will offer an extremely low price.

Qiao Ge's popularity is not that ugly, and it still gives these banks face.

We will buy it at a [-]% discount based on the market price.

These banks have no objections to this price. It can be said that Qiaogo's bid was much higher than they expected.

After all, it is a bank. Qiao Ge will have many opportunities to deal with them in the future, so it doesn't matter if he gives up a little.

The most important thing is to get these shares as soon as possible to avoid accidents.

The others gave in and sold their shares.

Therefore, Qiaogo successfully bid for 41% of the shares, and he took 100% control of Aiyar Grain Company.

Of course, this was acquired in the name of the Gupta Grain and Oils Company.

In this acquisition, a total cost of more than 800 billion rupees was spent.

Speaking of which, the net assets of Aiyar Grain Company are more than 600 billion.

For Qiao Ge, of course it was acquired at a premium, but this premium was already very low, with almost no water left.

Thinking about it before, everyone thought that they and Kehas would have a protracted war.

So in the next few years, the less earned income will be more than 800 billion.

How can the money earned by a single monopoly be comparable to that of competition between two powerful parties? (End of chapter)

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