Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 450 Dragons Without Heads

The situation in India is getting worse.

Economic crisis, social unrest.

Public attacks on and distrust of the government are increasing.

Various protests, marches, and vandalism occurred one after another.

Since Chandra Shekhar is in the minority, even if he is the Prime Minister, he cannot coordinate the interests of the major factions.

In addition, he is basically controlled by the Congress Party, so it is impossible to achieve anything.

Due to the political turmoil, the government budget for 1991 was delayed. Without budget and debt data, it was impossible to apply for some international aid and loans. The matter was so deadlocked.

In May, due to the deterioration of the domestic situation, Chandra Shekhar's prestige was lost. Coupled with conflicts with the Congress Party, he lost the support of the Congress Party and was forced to resign.

President Talaman announced the dissolution of parliament and called for an early election, thus kicking off a new election.

The major factions began to engage in a vigorous campaign to win votes.

The main leaders of these factions travel around major cities in various states, delivering various speeches and holding various activities, hoping to win more votes for themselves.

Rajiv became energetic and felt that the opportunity for the Congress Party had come.

Last time, it was because of his arrogant words that the final result was bad and the Congress failed to become the ruling party.

And he is bound to win this election.

To this end, he took the lead and personally went to the front line to be with the voters, communicated with them, listened carefully to their demands, and said that after he took office, he would definitely introduce corresponding policies to ensure their demands.

This is not just him, other candidates have made various promises to voters.

Talking big words and launching satellites, that’s for sure.

Whether he can do it in the future is secondary. Getting the votes first and ascending to the throne of prime minister is the most important thing.

On the morning of May 5, Qiao Ge looked at the latest newspaper and his eyes froze.

"Dead." Qiaogo whispered.

At around [-] o'clock last night, Rajiv was holding a campaign event in a small town under the capital of Tamil Nadu and was killed by a bomb by a woman laying flowers.

The scene was extremely tragic. Rajiv was shattered into pieces, and there was no intact piece left.

Jogo knew it was the work of the LTTE.

It was when Rajiv was in office that he sent troops to encircle and suppress the LTTE. This time the Congress Party election made the LTTE very worried about the victory of the Congress Party. So once Rajiv comes back to power, will he send troops again?
You must know that when Vi P Singh was in power, he withdrew the Indian army under various pressures, both at home and abroad, as well as under various domestic economic conditions.

It was precisely because of such worries that the LTTE decided to directly launch a beheading operation to kill Rajiv and eliminate the hidden danger.

In fact, the government security department does not recommend that Rajiv travel to Tamil Nadu. They have received information that someone may be detrimental to Rajiv.

But Rajiv did not listen to the advice and insisted on going.

The relationship between Tamil Nadu and the LTTE is inextricably linked. Thinking of the relationship between the LTTE, Tamil Nadu once fought for independence. It can be said that the LTTE has great power here.

Probably Rajiv was too confident in himself, so this tragedy happened.

Qiao Ge will definitely not intervene in this kind of thing. He can't run and tell Rajiv, "Hey, don't go, you will die or something like that."

If he really changed Rajiv's fate, then the direction of the next events would definitely be different, and he would not be able to control it.

Therefore, Qiao Ge will definitely not participate in some major events, so as to ensure that his own interests are maximized.

Besides, I don’t have much of a friendship with Rajiv.

Jogo doesn't care much about these things, but for the Congress Party, that's too bad.

Rajiv was killed and left leaderless, leaving the Congress party in chaos.

Originally, the Congress Party was planning to nominate Rajiv's wife as its president, but she was rejected.

As a result, the big bosses within the Congress Party began to compete for power. The power struggle was very cruel and chaotic.

"Qiaogo, can you help me introduce Master Dimri?" Manmohan called.

Jogo could hear the tiredness in Manmohan's words.

During this time, Manmohan probably couldn't sleep well.

Qiao Ge dared to say that it was not just the bosses of the Congress Party, but most of the bosses of other factions.

A little excited, a little worried.

The general election and security issues are all troubling everyone.

Manmohan is an old man in the Congress party, but his position within the party is not that prominent.

He has little chance of becoming the chairman of the National Congress Party, but whoever takes the position will have a lot to say.

If someone close to him takes over, he will definitely be reused.

If it were the other way around, he might be marginalized.

Internal cliques formed and various attacks had already begun.

Manmohan naturally also wanted to take sides.

Rajiv's death shocked Manmohan.

He recalled the time when he, Rao and others went to find Master Dimri, and what Master Dimri said at that time all came true.

For example, V.P. Singh took office not long ago, and there were two prime ministers in just two years.

And something unexpected happened to Rajiv just as the master predicted.

One thing can be said to be a coincidence, but a series of events happened, and even a rational elite like Manmohan had to believe it.

He wanted to meet Master Dimri and get more guidance from him.

Last time, Master Dimri said that the Congress Party could return to power.That’s not to say that I have to believe everything, but at least I can give myself some reference.

The Congress Party is currently in chaos. If it cannot stabilize, how will it participate in the general election?

Time is urgent.

Unfortunately, the reply given to him by the temple was that the master had been in retreat recently and would not see visitors.

So he thought of Qiao Ge. He knew very well that the other masters might not be there, but Qiao Ge might be different.

"Mr. Singh, what happened?" Jogo asked.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. Too many things have happened recently. I want to find the master and ask him for advice." Manmohan said.

"What about the election?" Qiaogo asked.

"Yes." Manmohan sighed, "The master's prediction is extremely accurate, so I still want to..."

After listening to Manmohan's words, Qiao Ge felt funny.

Jeet has deceived Manmohan and others, which is a good thing. The master's glorious image has indeed risen.

Qiao Ge could guess Git's intention when he was hiding from people.

After all, these are troubled times and there are too many people looking for him.

If someone sees it, some things may be difficult to evade.

It’s hard to say too much about many things, and too much to say will lead to mistakes.

The best way is to thank guests behind closed doors. This is not only to maintain a sense of mystery, but most importantly to ensure that you will not make a joke because of some words.

After all, Git's predictions are extremely accurate every time now, and this reputation cannot be ruined.

"It's true that the master doesn't see guests, and neither can I." Qiao Ge replied.

"You're not here either?" Manmohan was disappointed.

He knew that Qiao Ge would not lie to him, and this time the master really would not participate in such mundane things.

He knew very well that if he wanted to find Master Dimri, there must be others who would also look for him.

It is impossible for a master to give pointers one by one.

This is a revelation. For the master, once or twice may be okay, otherwise wouldn't it be blasphemous?
"Mr. Singh, the master called me before retreating and said some words. Now that I think about it, it may have something to do with you." Qiao Ge suddenly said.

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Manmohan could not help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart.

"The master said that if someone asks me for help and wants to contact him, then let me transfer a message to him." Qiao Ge said.

"Are you talking about me?" Manmohan was a little excited.

"At least no one has asked me for help yet. You are the first one." Qiaogo said, "So I'm not sure it's you. Do you want to listen?"

"Listen, of course you have to listen," Manmohan said hurriedly.

There are not many people who can ask Qiao Ge for help, and Manmohan knows it very well. After all, with Qiao Ge's current status, not everyone can get in touch with him.

Manmohan felt that the words left by the master should be for him.

It’s really amazing. Did the master calculate his move accurately?

"The master said, just stick to your heart and support the people you think are right." Qiao Ge said.


"No, that's it. I didn't quite understand its meaning at the time. If this sentence is really meant for you, then I think the master should be trying to say that you should unswervingly support someone, right?" Qiao Ge said.

Although Qiaogo knows the results of this election, he can still get some benefits from it.

Now that Manmohan has some faith in Jeet, it’s better to give Jeet a little more halo.

"Qiaogo, thank you very much." Manmohan took a deep breath and said.

After hanging up the phone, Manmohan sat and thought deeply.

This sentence seems to be very consistent with my current situation.

It should be given to oneself without doubt.

Support someone?
Doesn't that mean allowing yourself to support one person within the Congress Party?
Does that person mean that he can ascend to the position of chairman?

Will he be able to ascend to the throne of prime minister by then?

The person you think is right?
"Narasimha?" A name immediately popped into Manmohan's mind.

Narasimha Rao is now one of the strong contenders for the chairmanship.

He has a close relationship with Narasimha, so there is no doubt that he must support Narasimha's rise to power.

Thinking of this, he dialed Narasimha's number.

"You're at home, okay, I'll go find you now~~ I can't wait for tomorrow, I have something important to do with you now..."

After fierce competition within the Congress Party, Narasimha Rao succeeded in becoming the new Chairman of the Congress Party.

But this seat is still not easy to sit in. There are still many people inside who are not convinced and refuse to give up.

Narasimhe has won an internal position, but he does not have the absolute authority to suppress the voices of opponents.

Many of those losers have similar prestige to Narasimha.

He won by a slim margin and reached some compromises with many other factions.

This position is very unstable. (End of chapter)

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