Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 451: One billion US dollars is fine

Chapter 451: One billion US dollars is fine
Narasimha knows very well that if he wants to secure this position, the best solution is to win the election.

As long as the election is won, opposition within the Congress party will be suppressed.

Once he fails in this election, he will definitely be overthrown.

After all, this is the first time that the Congress Party has been held in power by someone who is not from the Gandhi family, and too many conservative forces are dissatisfied.

But how easy is it to win the election?
The second largest party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, is growing stronger.

Although former Prime Minister Vi P Singh has stepped down, his power cannot be underestimated.

There are many other parties, large and small, and I believe they can also occupy many parliamentary seats.

The outcome of this election is probably anyone’s guess.

However, Manmohan was confident, and he told Narasimha about Master Dimri's inference.

According to the master's inference, it is certain that the National Congress Party will come to power, so we must have confidence.

As a result, the Congress Party adopted the campaign slogan of 'restoring stability'.

They have this slogan for a reason.

In the past two years, social unrest has occurred, prices have skyrocketed, people's living standards have continued to decline, and countless poor people have starved to death.

These are far different from when the Congress Party was in power.

Although the country was not very good when Rajiv was in power, there must be comparison in everything.

Compared with the situation in the past two years, the previous state of the country seemed extremely stable and orderly, which was a sharp contrast.

At the same time, the Congress party played the emotional card. The incident of Rajiv's bombing brought countless tears to the Congress party and attracted a large number of votes. The public sympathized, so the votes and support rate naturally increased a lot.

Ballot results came out quickly.

The Congress Party still has the most votes, but its seats in the parliament only account for a little more than 47%, which is still a little short of 50%, and it cannot form an independent cabinet.

It has to be said that the history of the Congress Party being dominated by one faction is gone forever.

Even though Rajiv's assassination aroused widespread public sympathy, he still did not get the majority of parliamentary seats needed to form a government alone.

This shows that India has begun to enter an era in which many parties compete for the highest power, especially the Bharatiya Janata Party, where Laoxian belongs, and its power is growing rapidly.

Since no party holds more than half of the seats in parliament, if a government cannot be successfully formed, re-election will have to be held.

But now India can no longer withstand such torture, and must elect a government as soon as possible to stabilize the situation.

In order to avoid re-election and to stabilize the country's situation as soon as possible, President Talaman decided to invite the Congress party with the most seats in the parliament to form a cabinet.

Under his mediation, the major factions reached an agreement and successfully formed a cabinet, and Narasimha naturally became the new prime minister.

On June 6, India’s new cabinet headed by Narasimha was sworn in.

In the evening, Qiaogo received a call from Manmohan.

"Congratulations to Mr. Singh, oh no, Mr. Minister!" Jogo immediately congratulated.

Manmohan has been appointed as the finance minister. He is the second-ranking figure in the cabinet and holds a high position of power.

He has a very good relationship with Narasimha. When Narasimha takes office, he will definitely promote his own people.

Not to mention the existing relationship between the two, Manmohan played a big role in this election.

In addition, Narasimha knew Manmohan very well and knew that he was very good at economics.

In the current situation, an expert who understands economics is needed to be responsible for the formulation of the country's economic policies and to assist him in governing the country, otherwise the country will be doomed.

"Haha, Qiao Ge, I won't say thank you. Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, wants to see you. Come to New Delhi as soon as possible." Manmohan said with a smile.

In any case, the Congress Party successfully came to power, even if it was not a single party forming a government, this gave him great power.

Minister of Finance, this was something he never dared to think about before.

He couldn't help but think of the joke Jogo had made with himself before, saying that if he couldn't be the prime minister, he could still be the finance minister.

Unexpectedly, he actually became the Minister of Finance.

Sometimes he even wondered, was Qiaogo joking?
Could it be that Qiaogo got the news from Master Dimri and used such a joke to hint at himself?

No matter what, he and Qiao Ge have a close relationship. If Qiao Ge thinks about him, he will naturally think about Qiao Ge.

"What's so important? A big shot like the Prime Minister wants a little guy like me?" Qiaogo asked.

"Are you still a nobody?" Manmohan said a little speechlessly, "I can give you some news. The country is in trouble, and we may need some help from you."

"You can just say that if the country needs it, it won't be a problem for me to sell it." Qiaogo said immediately.

How could Qiao Ge be allowed to sell iron at the expense of others?

However, Qiao Ge's words still made Manmohan breathe a long sigh of relief.

If Qiao Ge refused, he couldn't force it.

"It's not that serious. Don't worry, the country will definitely compensate you." Manmohan said, "I remember you said last time that you borrowed a lot of dollars for your oil fields as mortgages, right?"


"Can I ask how much it is? Do you have US$5 million in US dollars that you can use?" Manmohan asked expectantly.Qiao Ge thought for a moment and came.

He knew very well that Rao had asked Manmohan to find his own purpose, which was to borrow money and US dollars.

I had previously mortgaged overseas assets, such as oil fields and palm oil industry, to HSBC and hoarded US dollars. Wasn't it just waiting for this moment?

Qiao Ge has already thought about how many dollars to borrow.

He now has 12 billion U.S. dollars in hand, but he certainly cannot lend out all of it. He still has to hold some U.S. dollars in hand in case there is unexpected demand for funds abroad.

Jogo decided in his mind that the upper limit of lending to the government was US$10 billion.

"A little more than this." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "I won't hide it from you, it's 10 billion!"

"Dollars?" Manmohan's voice became louder.

"of course."

Jogo could hear Manmohan's rapid breathing due to excitement.

"Qiao Ge, that's great. The country's foreign exchange is in a hurry. I'm mainly looking to you this time to borrow US dollars. If possible, I hope you can help the country and lend more US dollars to the country. Of course, this is not the case. If it affects your business," Manmohan said hurriedly.

Of course, he couldn't let Jogo lend all these dollars.

In his mind, if Qiaogo could borrow half of it, it would alleviate many crises on the government's side.

"I know what I'm going to do, I'll go to New Delhi tomorrow," said Jogo.

"Okay, when you come over, come to my place first." Manmohan said.

Qiao Ge flew to New Delhi early the next morning.

The country is in a hurry, Rao is in a hurry, Manmohan is in a hurry, but in fact, Jogo is also in a hurry.

He had been preparing for this day for so long.

However, Qiao Ge came over in such a hurry, giving Manmohan and the others the feeling that Qiao Ge valued this matter, and they were greatly moved.

Qiaogo didn't know anyone now, and Manmohan had already informed him, so Qiaogo was immediately taken to Manmohan's new office, the office of the Minister of Finance.

After the door closed, Manmohan suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked: "Qiaogo, I didn't want to ask more last night, but now can you tell me how many US dollars you can borrow?"

"If Mr. Singer really needs it, the US$10 billion can be borrowed." Qiaogo replied.

Manmohan was stunned for a moment.

After a while, Manmohan took a long breath and said: "Qiaogo, I accept your wishes. But this matter is national, not my personal matter. I am very happy that you have such a heart." . But if I really want to lend you 10 billion US dollars, it will be troublesome if there is a problem on your side. You have to keep some. Well, when you talk to the Prime Minister, the maximum is 8 million US dollars. Specifically, you Deal with it as appropriate.”

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qiao Ge smiled.

If Manmohan really wants to take the US$10 billion without hesitation, Qiao Ge will be more wary of Manmohan.

Now it seems that Manmohan is not bad. At least he is still thinking about himself and has not let himself down.

Qiaogo believes that Manmohan must know that he cannot really lend out all the funds.

It is said to be US$10 billion, but some of it should still be retained.

But he still allowed himself to retain some of it. This was a matter of attitude.

"But you have to be mentally prepared for repayment," Manmohan said. "The government will definitely not be able to repay you within a short period of time. It may not even return you dollars, but only in rupees. Of course, you can ask the government for a loan." I believe some of the conditions are not too harsh, and generally there will be no problem.”

"Yes, you can pay me back in rupees. Of course, it's better to pay it back in U.S. dollars. I can wait. I probably won't use these U.S. dollars in the near future." Qiaogo said with a smile.

Qiao Ge knew very well what was going on with the government.

At this time, the government's foreign exchange will be exhausted, and it can only sustain imports for two weeks at most.

It is impossible to get the government to return dollars to itself in a short period of time.

For Qiaogo, what he needs is a commitment or a guarantee from the government. This is very important.

"Tell me, what are the conditions? I'll give you some advice first." Manmohan asked.

“I want to ask the government to come forward and ask the National Bank to provide some guarantees for me.” Qiaogo said.

"Guarantee?" Manmohan looked at Qiao Ge with some doubts.

"Mr. Singh, I will have a lot of overseas business in the future, but you also know that if you want to do business overseas, you need a lot of foreign exchange, which I lack." Qiao Ge said.

"That's right, not only you are in need, the country is also in need." Manmohan sighed, "You want the bank to guarantee you, how to guarantee it?"

"It's like this. If I invest overseas in the future and need a large amount of U.S. dollars and other funds, I will use domestic assets as a mortgage to the National Bank, and then ask the National Bank to provide a guarantee to some overseas banks. I will personally find foreign banks For bank loans, domestic assets will not be accepted by the other party. If it is in the name and guarantee of the National Bank, I think the possibility of the other party agreeing will be much greater. In this way, I can get the funds I need in time." Qiao Ge gave Manmohan I introduced my thoughts.

This is domestic guarantee and offshore loan, which was a flexible means of overseas acquisition and investment by Huaxia in the previous life.

"This?" Manmohan frowned and said, "Qiaogo, there is no precedent for this. I'm afraid it will be opposed by many people. After all, such a method can easily be regarded as your intention to transfer assets overseas. .”

Qiao Ge secretly sighed, as expected of an economist, Manmohan saw some risks in this.

Domestic guarantees and offshore loans do have such risks.

(End of this chapter)

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