Chapter 454 Huge crisis

In the eyes of outsiders, the Tata Group is extremely powerful.

But in Ratan's view, today's Tatas have become lifeless and have no vitality at all.

Especially these old guys are clamoring to clean up Reliance Group and Dhirubhai.

But it doesn’t matter that the Tata Group itself is already seriously ill. If one thing goes wrong, its side will collapse.

Who else are you going to deal with?
Reliance Group has indeed suffered from insufficient funds during this period, but in Ratan's view, with Dhirubhai's ability, it can still get out of this predicament.

As an emerging force, Reliance Group does not have many internal problems like its own Tata Group and is more dynamic.

Once out of this predicament, Reliance Group will have an even more amazing explosion.

Although my family once supported Dhirubhai, it has to be said that the current Reliance Group has completely gotten rid of their influence.

Isn't it ridiculous that these old guys still view Droubai with their previous ideas?

Is Dhirubhai the same as before?
Is Reliance Group the former Reliance Group?
Droubai is old, but it doesn't mean that Droubai is no longer scary.

Taking a back seat and hiding behind the scenes will often be more terrifying.

His two sons are not fuel-efficient. Reliance Group will not fail so easily. On the contrary, it will become stronger.

The Ambani family is already a family comparable to the Tata family. What are the benefits of fighting such a family to the death?
These old guys are still immersed in the past glory of the family and do not see the family's problems.

Maybe these old guys don't want to see this and just pretend it doesn't exist.

Recently, these old guys have focused on Qiao Ge again.

At that time, they heard that Qiaogo wanted to enter the steel industry and automobile manufacturing industry, so they took action to warn Qiaogo.

After he got the news, it was too late to stop him.

That time, Jogo backed down.

This retreat made these old guys very excited, as if they had won a big battle.

Ratan can still understand their thoughts.

Because in these years, they wanted to suppress the Reliance Group in various ways, but they did not expect that the Reliance Group became more and more courageous and stronger under their suppression.

This makes these old guys feel a little frustrated.

This time, they regained their confidence from Qiaogo, and they felt like they were good again.

But in Ratan's view, Qiaogo's concession should have been due to his own considerations, and he probably had no real intention to enter these two industries.

Of course, Ratan had studied Qiaogo carefully.

If Qiao Ge really wanted to enter an industry, would he ever shrink back?
Just like the edible oil and grain industries, there were the Sitharaman family and the Aiyar family at that time, and they were the overlords of their respective industries.

Even the Tata family dare not enter such an industry. It’s not that they can’t win it, but the cost of winning it is too high, and it’s likely that the gain will outweigh the loss.

Logically speaking, in such an industry, your small investment is fine.

However, investing heavily in fighting these overlords and dragon-headed beings is considered by most to be a stupid act of suicide.

In fact, this is the case. When Qiao Ge took action, he was not favored by everyone.

But is Qiao Ge afraid?
What was the final result?

They all ended with Qiao Ge's victory.

In Latan's view, just because Qiao Ge is young, he cannot be easily bullied.

If someone gives in for a moment, it would be too naive to think that the other party is really timid.

Well, some time ago the Mittal family's steel plant was auctioned, and Djogo intervened.

In the eyes of these old guys, these three steel plants are their own. Who dares to seize them from the tiger's mouth?
So Qiao Ge's move this time completely made many old guys go berserk.

They clamored to take revenge on Qiao Ge and make it impossible for him to survive in the steel industry.

In the end, these sounds were suppressed by Latan.

In Ratan's view, these old guys really can't see the situation clearly. They probably have been in the Tatas family for a long time and their arrogance has been deeply ingrained.

Qiaogo has only two steel plants in the country, and most of its steel products are used by other industries in Qiaogo. What is there to retaliate for?
How much loss can revenge on the steel plant bring to Qiaogo?

As for other industries, Qiao Ge's industry basically has a big advantage, and there is little hope for him.

Then the biggest possibility is that the loss on our side is not small, but Qiao Ge's side is irrelevant.

If we really want to take revenge according to these old guys' ideas, it is just for the sake of the family's face. Is it necessary?

The steel plant incident has stimulated these old guys. Now regarding foreign exchange support, his and Qiao Ge's ideas have almost collided. These old guys can't stand it anymore.

Even when this plan was proposed, these old guys did not support it.

But when it comes to Qiaogo, they feel that Qiaogo is targeting the Tata family, and their fighting power has skyrocketed.

Being full of energy and fighting spirit is definitely good for the company.

However, this has a prerequisite, that is, the direction must be correct and the place where the force is exerted must be accurate.

If you go in the wrong direction, the consequences will be serious.

The relationship between the Tata family and the Reliance Group is not good, and now they are provoking a rising and powerful young man, a young man who is no less powerful than his own family. Do you think the family is not collapsing fast enough?
In response to these old guys' constant frivolous operations, Ratan felt that he should seize the time and remove them from the company's management in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, it would bring huge losses, or even disaster, to the group and family.

The government needs reform, and the family and the group also need reform, which requires a major surgery.He talked with Narasimha and Manmohan and learned about some of the conditions proposed by the International Monetary Fund.

These conditions are a huge subversion to India's existing policies.

In the past, there would have been countless resistance.

But in the current situation of the country, Ratan understands that the government can only accept the conditions of the International Monetary Fund, and at most make some additions or reductions to them.

The International Monetary Fund requires the country to implement economic policies of liberalization, privatization, and globalization.

Allowing private companies and foreign companies to enter more industries means opening up more industries and allowing everyone to enter competition.

You know, many industries here originally require licenses to enter.

As a result, it is a huge crisis for the Tata Group, which used to rely on monopoly dividends from licenses for most of its profits.

This is also the reason why Ratan told everyone that the country will liberalize licenses. Although he did not tell everyone specifically, he knew very well that this matter could not be reversed.

Even if these former interest groups join forces, they cannot stop it.

Then you must prepare early, jump out of your previous experience, jump out of your previous comfortable environment, and compete head-on with other companies in the market.

Of course, this kind of competition is definitely unfair. A family like mine has countless connections and can use more resources in the competition, so it still has an advantage.

There is no absolute fairness in this world. I can only say that it is relatively fair compared to before, giving some ordinary private companies more opportunities.

However, for Ratan, the Tata Group must take this opportunity to carry out reforms and increase its competitiveness.

His competitors are not some ordinary small private companies.

In the future it will be Dhirubhai of the Reliance Group and Jogo of the Gupta Group.

The background and resources of these opponents will not be less than our own. If we are not strong enough, we will die miserably.

Due to policy dividends, the Tata Group has been able to maintain its harvest despite droughts and floods. Under a monopoly, it can usually make money by doing nothing.

Therefore, after so many years of development, it has become the group involved in the most industries in India.

The group is involved in more than 80 industries and has more than 300 companies under its name. With such a huge scale, it is worthy of the name of the largest company.

However, as the scale grows, everything becomes more complicated. There are great conflicts within the group, and the family members responsible for each company fight within themselves. Each company almost has its own brand and generally operates independently.

It is precisely because of various infighting and fragmentation that the head office holds a lower and lower shareholding ratio in the subsidiaries below. It loses its right to speak and cannot manage in a unified manner.

After many head office policies are issued, they cannot be truly implemented, and there is even vicious competition between branches. Isn't this funny?

This has led to a sharp decline in the group's competitiveness in various industries.

If India were still under the licensing policy system, this situation would not be fatal.

But with the withdrawal of the licensing system, it will be very fatal.

Ratan was very anxious and wanted to kick all these old guys out, but he knew that he couldn't do it.

This reform is too powerful. If it is too radical, it will not work even with the support of J.R.D. Tata.

So you must have a certain degree of control.

Reform is too difficult, but someone has to do it.

Just like Rao and others, if no one does such a thing, the country will collapse.

It's the same for your own family. No one wants to bite this hard bone, so they will fall down in an instant.

Someone has to step up.

Qiaogo also targeted foreign markets, making Latan more confident in his overseas plans.

He is very optimistic about Qiao Ge's various judgments, not to mention adding his own judgment, so this matter will definitely not be wrong.

Unfortunately, it is not easy for me to achieve this goal.

Ratan envied Qiaogo very much, because Qiaogo was a man of one word over there.

Although there are traditional wealthy families such as Sharma and Vasayan in Qiaogo, they obey Qiaogo's words, so Qiaogo's plan can be well implemented.

see for yourself?

I still have to battle wits and courage with these old guys.

These old guys are not good at business, but when it comes to all kinds of power struggles, they have experienced hundreds of battles and have rich experience.

After all, those who can win important positions within the family are the winners from fierce struggles. Which one is simple?

They usually look weak, but once their interests are harmed, especially when it comes to power, they can immediately jump several meters in place.

Every time he comes to New Delhi, without Jogo telling him, Rupa and the others will come to him.

They already knew about the secret agreement between Jogo and the government.

But I don’t know much about the specific content.

Qiao Ge didn't hide anything from them, and told them about the internal guarantee and external loan.

"Brother, I'm not questioning your choices and decisions." Rupa said after hearing this, "The condition of seeking a national bank guarantee is to prepare for the future, but it will not be of any benefit in the short term. That's 5 million US dollars, just If you lend it out like this, you can definitely put forward some conditions that will make you a profit in the near future."

(End of this chapter)

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