Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 455 Three Standing on a Tripod

Hebicha and others all agreed with Lupa's words.

When the country's foreign exchange is only 13 billion U.S. dollars and can only last for about ten days, these 5 million U.S. dollars can be sustained.

This value is so high that everyone can know it.

In their opinion, the conditions proposed by Qiaogo this time are too few. They can ask for more, and they believe that the government will agree.

"You guys are too greedy," Yas said.

He is older than them and thinks more about many things.

He can understand some of Qiaogo's thoughts and concerns.

"The target of this transaction is the government, which is a country." Yas continued, "Although Qiaogo can indeed put forward more conditions this time, this kind of thing must not be hidden. When the country starts from this After this crisis subsides, I'm afraid some thoughtful people will use it to make excuses, saying that Qiaogo has made a lot of money from the national crisis. Is Qiaogo such a person? We are all doing an aboveboard business now, which is different from the Reliance Group and so on. .”

When Lupa and others heard this, they thought so too.

Qiao Ge has a good reputation among the people. The main point is that there is no collusion between officials and businessmen to embezzle state-owned assets. It is completely different from other ways for rich people to make a fortune.

There is really no need to tarnish this image just for some profit.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm not fighting for any benefits." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Actually, I think there will be too many opportunities in the future. By then, I'm afraid that everyone won't be able to catch them if they want to, so there's no need to worry that there will be no benefits. Take it. So, there is no need to put any conditions at all. In domestic business, which opponent can make us afraid? Moreover, in my opinion, the condition of domestic guarantee and overseas loan will bring us huge benefits in the future, enough to exceed everything."

Even if there are no conditions, the government will consider itself for many benefits if it lends 5 million US dollars.

Of course, this is still determined by strength.

The power on our side is strong enough that the government cannot turn a blind eye.

"Haha~ Big brother is big brother." Lupa laughed and said, "Brother, are you talking about the Tata family? Let's fight with them?"

Seeing the excited Lupa, Hebicha and others who were a little eager to try, Qiaogo was speechless for a while.

These guys are so bloated.

Fortunately, Yas and Dabai looked relatively normal and did not get involved with them.

"What are you thinking about? I won't do this kind of thing that hurts both sides." Jogo said, "I believe Ratan Tata is a sensible person and would not do such a thing."

With a force like the Tata family, Jogo would definitely not start a full-scale war with them.

This is the same as Reliance Group. We may have some conflicts in one or two industries, but those are local conflicts and will not affect the overall situation.

Now that the government will liberalize the market, there are too many industries worth entering.

At this stage, this huge domestic market can fully accommodate three of our own companies.

If we really want to compete and fight, we will have to wait until the major domestic industries are divided up in the future.

And when that time comes, Qiao Ge believes that big conflicts will not arise.

Because everyone will sit down and talk, divide their respective spheres of influence, and divide the cake.

For example, this industry is for you, that industry is for me, and you cannot enter another industry, or if you enter, you can only occupy a certain share, etc.

This is to avoid unnecessary losses.

Of course Jogo would approve of this approach.

But he wants to occupy more industries and occupy more shares before everyone can sit down and talk.

Especially in industries related to the lifeblood of the country, it is impossible for him to let go easily.

"It's hard to say." Lupa said hurriedly, "I have been keeping an eye on the Tata family recently and got a lot of news. The old guys in their family have very big opinions on you. Many people They are clamoring to give you some color. In addition to the last steel plant auction, there is also the recent domestic guarantee and overseas loan. They feel that your conditions have collided with theirs, which makes them very dissatisfied and feel that you are not worthy. Have the same privileges as them.”

"Some people on the Tata family side are too arrogant," Dabai said. "Domestically, our side may not be as good as them, but if we talk about foreign countries, Qiaogo's influence is ten times ahead of theirs. In terms of overall strength, we can Ignore them?"

I have to say that Qiao Ge’s $5 million investment has greatly increased everyone’s confidence.
These days, the U.S. dollar is the hard currency. If the country lacks these foreign exchanges, it will go bankrupt.

Therefore, if anyone can help the country earn back U.S. dollars and other foreign exchange, his status will naturally be high.

Companies such as Tata Group and Reliance Group are strong, but they are only strong domestically.

When they go abroad, they are not as good as a finger from Qiao Ge, himself and others.

Yas didn't say anything more.

Countless companies have been affected by the country's economic crisis.

And under Qiaogo's previous arrangements, they had reserved enough cash. Now they are full of advantages and their strength is obviously growing.

In the past, he might have been afraid of the Tata Group, but now his side is really as Dabai said, and it is not false to them at all.

Regardless of Reliance Group or Tata Group, the group here is not much different.

There are even advantages in many places.

For example, in the grain and oil industry, we are dealing with absolute leadership and monopoly position.

If there were only two strong players, Tata Group and Reliance Group, now we have to add the forces of himself and others headed by Djogo.The three pillars stand firm.

"How do they want to suppress us?" Qiao Ge smiled and said, "As long as our debt is healthy and our funds are sufficient, we are not afraid of any challenges and suppression."

"That's right, can you still be afraid of them?" Hapal laughed loudly, "Look at the fate of Aiyar and other families. This is the fate of those who oppose us. Even if the Tata family has a deep foundation, it is impossible for them to be like Aiyar. The Er family is like that, but we can still knock out a few of their teeth."

"We can't underestimate them. There are many problems within the Tata Group, but Ratan Tata is not simple." Qiaogo said.

"Qiaogo, I'm afraid you are underestimating the power of the old people in the Tata family. They are extremely powerful existences. Ratan Tata is indeed very capable, but it may not be that easy to compete with those old people for power." Yas Said, "Speaking of which, we guys actually also have this problem. Those old men are still unwilling to let go of their power even when they are old."

Everyone was silent. This was a fact. It was a status quo for almost all traditional wealthy families.

Most of them are old people in power, and they are very old.

But who is willing to let go of the benefits that power brings?

It's like a drug, addictive.

If it were any other place, it would be difficult for Yas to say this, but here it is private and everyone is so close that he would say this.

"I can't talk about the internal management issues of your family." Qiao Ge said, "But I think you can learn from Latan's approach when the time comes. I believe he will definitely make big moves next."

"What big move?" Lupa asked curiously.

"Reform, reform the Tata Group." Jogo said, "If we don't reform, we will not be able to withstand the impact of this national reform."

In Qiaogo's view, Latan's youthful reform of the group is very wise and successful.

This reform has increased the vitality of the Tata Group, making the thinking of the entire decision-making team less rigid and outdated, and can better accept new things and new ideas, so that it can keep up with the changes of the times.

"So serious?" Noma frowned.

"This time the country's reform will have a great impact. You can't equate it with the previous so-called reforms." Qiaogo said, "I have a hunch that the previous economic systems will be reshaped. Like the Tata Group Those who enjoy the benefits of privilege will suffer a huge blow, and if they still hold on to the previous thinking, I am afraid they will also fall."

Qiao Ge's words made everyone take a breath of air.

Although they trust Qiaogo's judgment, it would be an exaggeration to say that the Tatas have fallen.

"It's really not a joke." Qiaogo could not help but continue to say what they were thinking, "Of course, after all, the Tata family has a deep foundation, and there are still enlightened people. People like J.R.D. Tata have long been aware of their group. Unfortunately, he did not have the energy to solve the problem, so he supported Ratan Tata to take office in advance, hoping that he could change the status quo."

"Qiaogo, what about our side?" Hebicha was a little frightened by Qiaogo.

"Don't worry, we are different from Tata Group and Reliance Group. We rely on ourselves." Qiao Ge grinned, "This is how we can be competitive. In the future, competitiveness will be the key and core of a company. Of course. , Various background relationships are also important, but they are not as decisive as before.”

After everyone listened to Qiao Ge's words, they quickly realized it.

Qiao Ge probably said this because he knew a lot about the content of national reforms.

For them, trusting Jogo was definitely the right thing to do.

Moreover, we have various financial advantages here. No matter how the government reforms, as long as we have enough funds in hand, we will take the initiative.

The government's reform content was announced soon. There was no other way, time waited for no one, and the country's foreign exchange was in urgent need.

If there is a shortage of foreign exchange, then borrow foreign debt.

The government had already airlifted 47 tons of gold and the bank in London used it as collateral for a loan of US$4 million.

At the same time, they bowed to European and American countries, accepted the conditions proposed by the International Monetary Fund, and implemented economic liberalization policies. As a result, the West relaxed controls on India's loans. India received an emergency loan of US$22 billion from the International Monetary Fund, which relieved its urgent needs. .

Restrict the import of various luxury goods and unimportant products to reduce foreign exchange losses.

This has been enforced before, but now the requirements are more stringent.

Adjusting the exchange rate and devaluing the Indian rupee can effectively increase the export of products.

The rupee suddenly depreciated by more than 20%. From 91 to 92, it depreciated by nearly 40%. This depreciation will continue.

Significantly lowering tariffs will allow more foreign investment to enter India and increase the country's foreign exchange.

Cut down on the current excessive welfare policies and price subsidies in various industries, and at the same time reduce military expenditures, administrative expenses, etc.

Implementing a downsizing policy for state-owned enterprises that have fallen into losses, some state-owned companies will be auctioned and privatized to raise funds to reduce the fiscal deficit.

The state's economic controls have been relaxed, the scope of use of industrial licenses has been significantly reduced, and more industries have been liberalized, allowing private capital to enter without hindrance.

For example, reforming finance will no longer restrict the development of private banks.

Join the WTO and strive for more foreign investment.

Many of the reforms may affect and harm the interests of many people, but overall the reforms are successful.

Stabilized the economy and avoided national bankruptcy.

At the same time, it brought a period of high growth to the Indian economy. (End of chapter)

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