After the government reform plan was announced, Hebiza and the others were very excited.

Countless industries that once required licenses no longer do.

You must know that they still have a lot of funds in their hands, so they can invest in it.

Of course, they are most concerned about the government's upcoming auctions of some state-owned companies.

In this kind of auction, the price is naturally extremely favorable.

There is no other way. The government needs to withdraw funds quickly and reduce the fiscal deficit.

They all gathered around Qiaogo and wanted to know Qiaogo's next plan.

Seeing them gearing up, Qiao Ge laughed and said, "How about it? There are so many opportunities now that I can't even take them. You can invest with me, or you can choose to bid for some high-quality assets."

"Then it must be your side." Lupa said with a smile, "I will definitely follow you anyway, but some people on the family side probably have their own ideas and really want to acquire some high-quality assets."

"Yeah, who do you think you can't look down on those assets, Jogo?" Hebicha sighed.

They're going to buy some good companies that are going bankrupt.

They had asked Qiao Ge before, but Qiao Ge was not too interested in these.

For Hebicha and others, they must have followed Qiao Ge wholeheartedly. They would take a share in everything Qiao Ge invested. As for the others, no matter how tempting they were, they would hold back.

But just because they endured it, it doesn't mean that some people in the family can endure it.

Therefore, the family decided to use a sum of funds to acquire these high-quality assets.

There is no way, the economic crisis during this period has caused the collapse of many companies.

Many of them are very high-quality companies with good prospects or some high-quality fixed assets. The main problem is that the capital chain is broken. Without bank loans, they will collapse.

Now all these have been auctioned off by the bank.

It can be regarded as a carnival before the national auction.

Of course, those who can profit from it are those with sufficient cash, such as the Sharma family.

Otherwise, when business opportunities are everywhere, if you don’t have enough cash, you will just stare and watch without any share.

In fact, it’s not just bankrupt companies. The stock prices of major listed companies have plummeted. Buying stocks now is also a good opportunity to hunt for the bottom.

Jogo did not go back to Mumbai and would need to stay in New Delhi for a while.

After all, the government will introduce intensive policies in the near future, and only by staying in New Delhi can we get these news in a more timely manner.

If anything happens, you can go directly to Manmohan.

"How far have you and Beni developed?" Siya squeezed Qiao Ge and asked in a low voice.

In New Delhi, Jogo basically lives on Shia's side.

"No matter what step we can take, that girl won't let her go." Qiao Ge sighed.

"Don't mess around." After hearing this, Shia hurriedly stood up.

The two balls were dangling in front of Qiaogo's eyes, and he couldn't help but grab them with both hands.

Shia rolled her eyes at Qiao Ge and let him do whatever he wanted.

"She is the little princess of the Sharma family. There are many rules here, so you still have to pay attention before getting married." Sia said.

"I know."

"Anyway, you have so many women. Are you afraid that you can't solve the problem when you need it?" Siya curled her lips and said.

"Why do I feel that your words are a bit bitter?"

"It would be strange if it's not sour." Sia said, "Benny is really lucky. Forget it, she is my cousin after all. Qiao Ge, do you think there will be any drama on the TV station?"

Shia was very excited about the various reforms of the government this time.

Because Qiao Ge mentioned to her that the government might let private capital enter the television industry.

"Don't worry, it will be soon. You will be the director of the station when the time comes." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Now I am worried about whether you have this ability."

"Don't underestimate me, you can ask the director. My work evaluation in every department is excellent." Shia said hurriedly.

"I can rest assured that."

"However, you and Beni should get married as soon as possible." Sia said.

"Are you not in a hurry?"

"You men are just playboys. How many more women do you want to find?" Sia pinched Qiao Ge hard. "You are getting stronger and stronger now. Even Beni will probably be worried. Women need a sense of security."

Jogo was silent.

He hadn't thought about it.

Yes, as your wealth grows more and more, the attitude of others towards you will change.

Even Beni would probably have some ideas, but she was a bit negligent. "If you really want to find a woman, I think even if you get married, Beni won't stop you." Sia said, "Don't look at me like that, I'm telling the truth. I don't know how many women there are for a man like you." Staring, can Beni stop her? I think a wealthy woman like her must be mentally prepared for this. However, you can't go looking for those messy women, such as the women in your club..."

The club that Bian Da is responsible for is very famous in New Delhi. Of course, it is famous among the wealthy people, but ordinary people don't know about it.

Shia is a staff member of the TV station and is well-informed. In addition, she is Qiao Ge's woman, so she naturally understands what is going on in the club.

"Don't worry, I'm keeping myself clean." Qiao Ge laughed.

It is true that getting married earlier can make many people feel at ease.

Not only Beni herself, but also the Sharma family can feel at ease, as well as her own parents.

Qiaogo thought for a while, and after he had laid out his plans in the Soviet Union, he could prepare for the marriage.


"You want to change your job?" Qiao Ge looked at Hamid in surprise.

Hamid told himself that he hoped he could change his job.

You know, Hamid has done a very good job in public relations, especially the relationship with the state governments, which has made the business of Qiaogo's companies in various places a lot smoother.

Qiaogo is very recognized and optimistic about Hamid's business capabilities.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to change positions. Even Qiao Ge was a little curious and didn't know why he had such an idea.

"Boss, I've thought about it carefully." Hamid explained, "I want to be responsible for some specific businesses."

"Don't you think the public relations side is not specific?" Qiao Ge frowned.

"No, boss, I know that public relations is very important." Hamid said hurriedly, "But I think it is enough to leave this aspect to Bian Da alone. Now that we are together, I think it is completely unnecessary. And there is I want the Tiwidi family to regain its glory. If I had been in charge of public relations, I would be worried~~I would be worried that I would not be able to achieve this goal. Bian Da is different, his family is still strong, and he does not have to think about these things. And he himself likes it This job. Boss, to be honest with you, I was forced to do this job before because of the pressure of life. Deep down, I didn’t like this job. You know, in fact, many people looked down on me. I’m sorry, boss, this is mine. I mean it sincerely. If you really think I want to continue this work, I won’t let you down.”

Jogo thought for a moment.

He probably understood what Hamid was thinking.

Indeed, Bianda has indeed expanded his influence by using the club, and Bianda is indeed very good in public relations now.

Putting the two of them here is a bit much.

As for Hamid's desire to revive the Tiwidi family, Jogo completely understands it.

If you are solely responsible for public relations, this is always not pleasant to say out loud, and most of them can only be hidden behind the scenes and unknown to the public.

After all, it’s hard to bring this kind of thing to light.

It is indeed a bit inappropriate for Hamid to want to revive the Tiwidi family.

"Then tell me, what do you want to do? As long as it makes sense, I support you." Qiao Ge smiled.

"Boss, you should enter the steel industry, right?" Hamid asked.

"You are well informed. Yes, I have this plan next." Qiao Ge said.

"Boss, your investment will definitely not be small, so it must involve various upstream resources such as iron ore, coking coal, etc., right?" Hamid said hurriedly, "I think I can be responsible for iron ore and coal mines, etc. industry."

"Tell me, how to do it specifically?" Jogo gestured to Hamid to continue.

"This time the government has made great reforms, and many minerals have been liberalized to allow private entry. Boss, you can acquire some state-owned mines, such as iron ore and coal mines, which is very necessary for the steel industry." Hamid said, " Over the years, I have dealt with these governments and have a lot of connections, and I believe they can be used in the acquisition of these mines."

Jogo was silent.

I have to say that Hamid still has a vision.

Maybe I was overqualified by just asking him to do public relations.

Of course, it's because there is still a side to the public relations side, otherwise Jogo would definitely let Hamid continue.

Now Hamid can be let out to do other things.

Qiao Ge still knows about India's iron ore, which is rich in reserves.

The world's seventh largest iron ore reserve country is estimated to have more than 330 billion tons of iron ore reserves, and the quality is good.

In the previous life, because India's domestic demand for iron ore was not too large, tens of millions of tons of surplus iron ore were exported every year, with a maximum export capacity of more than 3000 and nearly 4000 million tons.

Since Qiao Ge wants to build a steel plant in the country, iron ore must be considered, such as a mine.

Now that the country has liberalized these acquisitions, he will definitely get involved.

At present, there are still very few private companies in control of mines, mainly state-owned companies.

As for private companies, the main one is Tata Steel, which is an integrated steel company with its own mines in its name.

However, regarding coal mines, Qiaogo is not too interested in domestic mines.

Although India is also rich in coal reserves, ranking fifth in the world with reserves of more than 1000 billion tons, compared with iron ore, domestic coal mines are of poor quality and have various problems.

Qiao Ge knew that in his previous life, India needed to import a large amount of coal, whether it was thermal coal for power generation or coking coal for the steel industry.

In addition to quality, this is also closely related to low coal production and low transportation efficiency. (End of chapter)

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