Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 458 A staggering 3600 billion

Chapter 458 A staggering 3600 billion (please vote for me)
  Lal Mittal was disappointed with his second and third sons.

Decades of family accumulation were suddenly wiped out by two people. Lal felt like crying without tears.

But Lar knew that he himself was a little careless.

Being too trusting in Reliance Group led to such a tragedy.

I really didn’t expect that a powerful force as powerful as the Reliance Group would actually seek peace with Qiao Ge, and he would be betrayed like this.

It's too late to regret now.

But thinking about the outcome of the Eyal family, he was secretly glad that his family was not that bad.

The Eyal family went bankrupt, and the family was almost broken up, each living separately.

Of course, the various branches of the Aiyar family will not be reduced to poverty.

They all have some assets, and some have assets worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Most of them still have assets worth several million, and they can only be regarded as ordinary wealthy families. The glory of the Aiyar family has completely gone forever.

Even if the Mittal family has lost a lot, at least the family's original steel plant is still in hand. This is the greatest blessing.

With the steel factory, their family's wealth is much greater than that of the Aiyar family.

After Lakshmi came back, the family analyzed and discussed the situation all night long, but there was no good solution.

Domestic banks were unwilling to lend, and Lakshmi could not get many loans from abroad.

It can be said that their family has encountered huge crises at home and abroad.

In the end, Lakshmi put forward some of Qiaogo's previous conditions, gave in, and merged into Qiaogo's steel plant.

As soon as this was said, his two younger brothers immediately expressed strong opposition, but Lal scolded him.

What's the use of objecting?

The important thing is to come up with feasible solutions.

It's a pity that the two of them can't think of a way.

Lakshmi still gave them an analysis of the current difficulties faced by his family. If this continues, it may be difficult to maintain the family's current steel factory.

So we must find a way to survive.

Although the merger with Qiaogo's steel plant means that the company has lost its dominance over the steel plant, from a certain perspective, it may be an opportunity for the family to grow.

Lakshmi gave the example of the Pandit family.

The Pandit family's main business, the grain industry, is now fully integrated into the Gupta Grains and Oils Group in Chogo.

Under normal circumstances, who would want to do this?
  Isn’t it good to be the boss yourself?
  But the Pandit family did this, which is a great courage.

Lakshmi still admires Huida's decision. Most traditional giants will definitely not be able to do this.

As for those like the Sitharaman family who merged their cooking oil assets into the Chogo side, they were defeated. One was passive and the other was active. Their nature was different from that of the Pandit family.

Such a comparison shows Huaida's vision even more.

Nowadays, who doesn’t know how powerful the Gupta Grain and Oil Group is? The Pandit family holds a lot of shares in it, and their assets are far greater than when they were independent.

Also, Qiao Ge now has great influence in the country. Countless people are eyeing his investment and want to follow him to share some soup.

It can be said that as long as there is an opportunity, there are many people who want to invest in Qiaogo Company.

It's a pity that Qiao Ge's companies are basically not listed, so if you want to invest in them, you can't find any opportunities.

Although he was helpless, Qiao Ge gave him the opportunity to invest.

This opportunity alone is extremely precious.

This time it was a disaster, but if I make the right choice next time, it might be a blessing.

"I can fully represent the Mittal family." Lakshmi said, "Mr. Gupta, my Mittal family has some background in the domestic steel industry. I believe it will be helpful to your expansion in the domestic steel industry. As for overseas, I dare not say that in other places, but in Indonesia, as long as I have enough financial support, I can expand rapidly.”

"There is Tata Steel in China," Qiaogo said. "They are not very friendly towards me."

"I have studied Tata Steel. It is large in scale but too bloated. If no changes are made, if I were his opponent, I would be sure to defeat them within three years as long as I have Mr. Gupta's financial support. Lakshmi said solemnly.

Qiao Ge smiled, this was the Steel King in his previous life, he was really confident.

The steel industry is indeed very impressive.

"I'm afraid there will be some changes, Ratan Tata is extraordinary." Jogo said.

"Yes, Ratan Tata is indeed not simple." Lakshmi acknowledged, "But there are great conflicts within the Tata family. The old guy has great power. Even if he wants to succeed, it may not be that easy."

Qiaogo nodded secretly, Lakshmi could see through this.

"I agree to your request. I will arrange for you to connect with you on how to incorporate it and how much funding it will cost." Qiao Ge said.

Chogo did not refuse Lakshmi's surrender.

"But you can just be in charge of the steel plants abroad. I have other arrangements at home." Qiao Ge said.

For a figure like Lakshmi, the stage is international, but domestically he is a bit overqualified.

Let Lei Ze come back and take charge of the domestic steel business when the time comes.

"Of course, I will also reuse your two younger brothers. They will still have no problem with domestic business." Qiao Ge added. Although Lakshmi's two younger brothers have to bear the main responsibility for this big loss, Qiaogo still recognizes their ability to operate in the steel industry.

After all, what happened to the Mittal family this time was not caused by the situation at the steel plant, but because it was dragged down by the Ambani Plaza project.

Over the years, under the management of Vinod and Pramod, the Mittal family's steel plant has achieved great development. Even if it is not as good as Lakshmi, it is comparable to other domestic practitioners in the same industry. The two of them are still outstanding.

Therefore, for those who have the ability, Qiao Ge will certainly be reused.

However, the two of them can only serve as Kurosawa's lieutenants.

After several days of negotiations, the Mittal family's assets were finally valued, and then they would invest in Jogo's side.

Mittal's steel plant in Indonesia is separated from the domestic steel plant and will be merged with the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. This means that the steel plant in Qiaogo will be divided into domestic and foreign steel plants.

In domestic steel plants, Yas and others will definitely take shares, but the specific shareholding ratio is still in the negotiation stage.

The main reason is that there are so many good things to bid for now, and everyone is a little overwhelmed for a while, and they are a little entangled about the allocation of funds.

They are all good things, but you can’t take pictures of them all, so you definitely have to choose.

"Mr. Gupta, there are two state-owned steel plants in the auction this time. They are very large. We have to win one of them, right?" Vinod asked.

"I heard that Tata Steel is eyeing it. I wonder if they will raise the price with us." Pramod said a little worried.

Since the agreement was finalized, the two of them have changed their mentality.

I came here specifically to visit Qiao Ge the next day.

In fact, they still agree with the merger into the Qiaogo Company.

For example, now, Qiao Ge has said that he will take over these two state-owned steel plants. The output of one of them is larger than that of his family's heyday.

Such a big deal can only be done by a wealthy boss like Qiao Ge.

Following Qiao Ge, they felt that their waists had suddenly straightened up.

Tata Steel used to be a giant in their eyes, an unattainable existence.

But now with Qiao Ge as their backing, they are full of fighting spirit.

"Whether they raise the price or not, we still want it." Qiao Ge said with a faint smile, "We also need to win those iron ore mines."

"Yes, we must win it, so that we can have our own supply of iron ore and reduce costs." Vinod said loudly.

Speaking of which, the Mittal family has long been coveting these mines, but unfortunately, they have no chance to enter.

Among private companies, only a privileged few like Tata Steel have obtained licenses to own their own mines.

Things are different now. The country has opened up and allowed private funds to enter various mineral development.

In addition to showing their loyalty, they came here today mainly to gain Qiao Ge's attention.

They also want to flex their muscles in Gupta Steel.

After all, Lakshmi would be in charge of the steel business abroad, they already knew that.

Their competition with Lakshmi continues, and they want to make a career in the country.

Now that they have strong backing like Qiao Ge, they are even more confident.

Next, Qiao Ge summoned people on his side, such as Yas and the others, as well as the Sitharaman family and other owners who have shares on his side.

This is a pre-war mobilization meeting, focusing on the issue of bidding for funds.

It was made clear at the meeting that everyone would contribute proportionally.

The Gupta Grain and Oil Group still has 1100 billion in funds, which will be used to acquire companies related to grain and edible oil.

Others, such as the steel industry, petrochemical industry or some newly valued industry assets, will use the newly raised funds to make acquisitions.

The Mittal family used the steel plant under their name to convert funds into shares.

Others cashed in separately.

Qiao Ge now has nearly 2000 billion in funds at his disposal.

At the beginning of last year, Qiaogo had 1200 billion in various loans plus his own funds.

It is now July 1991. In the past 19 months, the company under Qiao Ge's name has earned him nearly 800 billion, with an average monthly income of more than 40 billion.

If the economy had not been very good in the past two years, this income would have been even higher.

Even so, the huge amount of cash in Qiaogo's hands is enough to make his opponents desperate.

Not even the Tatas can compete with Jogo in terms of cash.

Reliance Group is even worse.

It can be said that Qiao Ge is the best here, leaving other opponents far behind.

The total funds raised by others are 500 billion, and together with Qiaogo's, the total is 2500 billion, of which Qiaogo accounts for 80%, and others share the remaining 20% ​​according to the proportion of funds.

In the end, Qiao Ge's available bidding funds totaled an astonishing 3600 billion, although 1100 billion of them were only for the grain and oil industry.

(End of this chapter)

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