Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 459: Be harmonious and get rich

After the auction started, Qiao Ge really showed what it means to be rich and wealthy.

Lupa and others were very active and crazy at the auction house, frequently raising their bids.

All companies and assets they identify will be bid at any cost.

Of course, no matter the cost, the final price will still be lower than the normal market price. No one will be taken advantage of and bid at a price higher than the market price.

This is not the past, when there were only one or two good things at auction, with countless people competing for them.

This time there are too many things, and everyone will not stick to the same thing. If this doesn't work, I will look at the same thing, so there is no high premium.

Furthermore, the government is also eager to sell off funds to collect funds, which is almost enough.

After all, many of these companies are currently losing money. If they are sold, they will be throwing away their burdens.

This loss is very particular. The country is worried, but for private individuals, this is a treasure.

Everyone knows what's going on inside and how it's losing money.

As long as it is in the hands of individuals, it can basically make money and is a high-quality asset.

Once Qiao Ge takes action, not many people dare to fight for it.

One is that they don’t want to offend Qiao Ge, and the other is that they don’t have the funds to compete with Qiao Ge.

In fact, everyone still didn't want to give up at the beginning, but in the end they were all suppressed by Qiao Ge's absolute advantage.

In just half a month, the government held three auctions. Qogo spent a total of more than 3 billion, including 2200 billion for the Gupta Grain and Oil Group, and 700 billion of the new funds raised by Qogo and others.

Such a massive acquisition shocked the whole country.

The Gupta Group, headed by Jogo, is recognized as one of the three major groups in India, alongside the Tata Group and Reliance Group.

Although Jogo did not establish any Gupta group, everyone understands that this will happen sooner or later.

The interest group headed by Qiao Ge is already one of the three giants.

In particular, the recent influence has completely suppressed the Tata Group and Reliance Group.

While other forces generally lacked funds, the amount of funds on Qiaogo's side was astonishing.

The central federal government's auction is almost over, but the auction is not over.

Each state has also begun to sell some corresponding state-owned companies, which are much smaller than those of the federal government.

But the scale is small, but the number is still quite a lot.

Of course Qiao Ge won't miss it. Mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is, as long as there is a quantity.

Everyone split up and went to various states to participate in the auctions.

Subsequently, auctions of various sizes were held continuously. In the end, all the funds of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group were spent, mainly acquiring various types of land, whether for growing grain or oil crops.

This makes the land under the name of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group extremely large. With these lands, the company is extremely stable.

Of course, Qiao Ge will not be satisfied with this. As long as there is land in the future, he will continue to acquire it.

The more land the better, there is no such thing as too much.

The newly raised funds ended up spending nearly 2000 billion, mainly acquiring iron ore mines, steel plants, petrochemical plants, etc.

The final funds are about 500 billion left.

Up until this point, the auction was almost over.

"Oh, brother, if I had known we could buy more assets in other industries." Lupa sighed, "500 billion, we can buy a lot more."

Everyone is a little regretful. They must have bought various things at this time and made a profit no matter what.

Unexpectedly, there was still 500 billion funds left in the end.

"You can't become a public enemy, right?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

The industries acquired by Qiaogo are relatively concentrated, and other competitors can also see some clues from Qiaogo's bidding.

Therefore, when bidding for assets related to the land, steel industry, and petrochemical industries, everyone will often give in and not compete with Qiao Ge.

So, Qiao Ge has not considered other industries for the time being.

One is that the companies in those industries are not large in size, have too many industries, and are too scattered. Unlike the few I am interested in, they are asset-heavy industries and are related to the lifeline of the country's economy.

Therefore, after Qiao Ge ensured that he won these industries that he valued, he did not compete in other industries.

This time, I have already made a lot of money here. I can't let you take all the good things. I have to leave some soup for others.

"Besides, we also have to keep some funds. The market is so big now, and 500 billion yuan is actually not a lot of money." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

In fact, everyone also understood that Rupa just said this, and if he really wanted to spend all the remaining 500 billion, they felt uneasy.

Although the assets taken can be mortgaged, it is still very difficult for banks to obtain mortgage loans.

But things are much better than before, and banks are slowly starting to return to normal.

I believe it won’t be long before loans will be the same as before.

Regardless of whether you can get a loan or not, it is still very scary if you do not maintain a certain amount of cash flow in your hands.

During this bidding process, Qiaogo received goodwill from the Tata family.

Of course, it was not what the old guys in the Tata family meant, but Ratan Tata himself made a phone call to himself.

Qiao Ge talked with him for more than an hour and reached some agreements during the bidding process.

For example, both parties should communicate privately before bidding to prevent the two parties from confronting each other and raising the price too high.

It is precisely because of this that Qiaogo was able to successfully bid in the iron ore and steel plant industries this time. A large part of the reason is that Ratan Tata gave in and did not compete desperately with his own side.

However, Qiaogo knew clearly that even if the Tata family really competed with him, they would not have much advantage.

The reason is simple: the Tata family's funds are not as good as theirs.

Moreover, their Tata Steel itself has serious problems. Before reform, if it now acquires a large number of steel plants, etc., wouldn't it be asking for trouble?
  So this is where Ratan is smart. The Tata family itself can't eat too much, so they pretend to be generous and give it to themselves.

Qiao Ge didn't say anything, but he took advantage after all.

After all, if they really want to cause trouble, they will still get themselves into trouble, such as maliciously raising prices, which will at least make the price they pay much higher.

In fact, the same is true with Reliance Group. Everyone tries to avoid fierce confrontations and negotiate privately.

Qiaogo knows that now both the Tata Group and the Reliance Group treat him equally.

As the newspapers reported, he was already one of the Big Three.

The two families are not fools, so they naturally don't want to have a fierce conflict with their side.

With so many opportunities, it is the best choice for everyone to be harmonious and get rich.


"Oh, dear brother Yuri, if anything happens, just let me know. There is no need to come in person." Qiao Ge said when he saw Yuri.

The transaction between the two parties established a deep friendship, so as long as they agreed, there would be no problems.

Yuri hasn't been here for a long time, so he doesn't need to keep an eye on these transactions in person.

"Am I not welcome?" Yuri asked.

"Of course you are welcome. Please stay longer this time and I will entertain you well." Qiao Ge laughed.

"I know you've been very proud of yourself recently, so I just~~~" Yuri shook his head and sighed.

Even when he first came to India, he had read about Qiaogo's generosity in the newspapers.

This little brother of mine is really amazing.

In just a few years, it has become so terrifying that it is as famous as the Tata Group and Reliance Group.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable.

"What? What trouble are you in?" Qiao Ge saw that Yuri's face looked a little unhappy.

"It's not me." Yuri said, "Your country is in crisis, and my country is not much better~~ How can I say it? It's chaos, everything is in chaos, many places are thinking about independence, it's simply ~~~"

Yuri's words instantly made Qiaogo understand what was going on.

The problem in the Soviet Union was already very serious.

Many of the franchised countries have independent tendencies, and the country is in turmoil.

"Well, at least your country has started to reform and feels stable. We don't know what will happen over there." Yuri said again.

Qiaogo was still a little surprised by Yuri's words.

He is a smuggler, but he is also a leader who cares about the country and the people?
  Speaking of which, what Yuri did was to undermine socialism.

Now that he has done this, Qiao Ge is a little confused.

How did Yuri become a patriot?

"Brother, don't look at me like that." Yuri sighed, "I still love my country very much. The country used to have problems like this. At least I can still make money safely. If everything goes wrong, I will I’m afraid this business will also go bankrupt.”

These words made Qiao Ge speechless for a while.

Yuri should have some patriotic feelings, but it doesn't look like he has much.

What he cares most about is whether he can make money.

"Brother, don't think too much, I think you will have a chance no matter what." Qiao Ge comforted him.

"I don't even know when I will no longer be able to do business with you." Yuri said, "Maybe this time will be the last transaction."

"No, no," Qiaogo said with a smile, "How could our cooperation end like this? Believe me, it will definitely not happen. This is not a consolation."

"Oh?" Yuri stared at Qiaogo with a little doubt.

He felt that Qiao Ge seemed to have something in his words, but he didn't think it through for a while.

"Heroes emerge from troubled times," Qiao Ge said. "It is only in economic crises that great business opportunities arise."

"What should I say, brother, please give me some advice." Yuri's eyes lit up.

Of course he has heard the saying that there is opportunity in crisis.

But there are very few people who really seize the opportunity here.

But there was someone right in front of me.

Jogo is obviously one of the biggest beneficiaries of this crisis in India, and he is the one who really seized the big opportunity.

Look at the hundreds of billions he has spent on acquisitions during this period, it is because he seized this opportunity.

When his own country is also facing various problems and crises, he would like to listen to Qiaogo's opinions.

If you are lucky enough to be like Qiao Ge, you will be prosperous.

I have made a lot of money from trade with Qiao Ge over the years, but thinking about the big guys in the country, I am still far behind.

Who doesn’t have some ambition yet? (End of chapter)

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