Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 462 Big Hair 2 Hair

Chapter 462 Big Hair and Two Hairs (please vote for me)

"Why are you here?" Beni got off work from the hospital. When she arrived at the door, she saw Qiao Ge waiting outside.

After Beni graduated, she worked in the hospital.

That year, after Jogo bought the hospital in Mumbai, he changed its name to Beni Hospital.

Since Penny was very interested in medicine, the hospital put her in charge and became the director.

In recent years, Qiao Ge has invested a lot in the medical industry. For example, he has used his relationships to establish cooperative relationships with major domestic medical institutions, research institutes and universities.

At the same time, it also acquired several companies that were previously responsible for the development of generic drugs.

Jogo put Penny in charge of all this.

However, Beni definitely couldn't take care of it by herself, so Qiao Ge also found a lot of managers to assist in management.

"Why can't I come?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"You are a busy man." Penny said with a slight smile.

"I'll walk you home."

Beni got into Qiao Ge's car.

"The first phase of the new campus will be completed soon. If you need anything else, you can tell me and I will help you solve it." Qiao Ge said.

Since the current hospital is located in the center of Mumbai, it is difficult to expand, so Qiaogo directly purchased 50 hectares of land (approximately 750 acres) on the outskirts of Mumbai to build a new hospital area.

The first phase covers an area of ​​20 hectares and has 2000 beds. It will be the largest hospital in India.

If fully built, there will be at least 5000 beds.

Qiao Ge is still ambitious. In the future, this hospital will not only become the best in the country, but also accept some international patients.

Of course, not only Mumbai, but also famous big cities in India such as Delhi and Kolkata must have branches.

In short, Qiao Ge wants to group this hospital and monopolize high-end medical care in the country.

Campus construction in New Delhi has also begun, mainly in Mumbai and New Delhi at the moment, and other cities will follow suit.

Investment in medical care is not only for Beni, but also an industry that Qiao Ge originally planned to enter.

Now not only does Beni get her wish, but her own plan can also be realized. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

"You built such a big hospital all at once, where can I find so many doctors?" Penny said.

"Why not?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Should we go to other hospitals? Salary is not an issue, but each department needs the best experts."

"You said it, don't blame me for spending too much money then." Penny narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Don't be afraid, I have more money now." Qiao Ge laughed loudly and said, "You forgot, my goal is to make the hospital the best in the country. Not only do I need domestic experts, I will also hire foreign experts. Some experts.”

"Experts from abroad?" Penny was stunned for a moment and asked, "Will they come?"

"Money can make all the difference." Qiao Ge said, "Don't worry, I will help you solve this matter."

You must invite experts from Europe and the United States yourself. Even if they are not resident, you can still establish some contact with them. For example, you can come several times a year.

There is no way, the elites in India are still superstitious about Western countries.

Of course, in terms of medical technology, there is indeed a huge gap with developed countries. This is a fact that cannot be denied.

The number of these European and American experts will certainly not be too large. After all, India is too weak and it may not be able to hire those experts.

However, Qiaogo already had a perfect plan.

That is to poach people from the Soviet Union.

The giant has disintegrated, and many doctors and experts are unemployed.

Therefore, it is easier and more cost-effective to recruit them than to hire people from Europe and the United States.

In terms of medical level, the Soviet Union is of course much higher than India. After all, in many subdivisions, the Soviet medical technology is at the world's advanced level.

"Qiaogo, do you think the hospital needs a helicopter?" Penny asked.

"Of course it is necessary." Qiao Ge replied, "Our hospital is top-notch, whether it is hardware, software, or services. With helicopters, patients can be picked up and transported faster. For patients, time is life. , we must race against time. Think about it, those elites are not short of money, right? We must provide the best services and treatments."

Qiaogo immediately equipped the hospital with five helicopters for first aid purposes.

In the future, the hospital will not only deal with patients from Mumbai, but also from other states.

So there must be faster emergency transportation.

"Qiaogo, will you be criticized for doing this?" Beni asked.


"Nowadays, hospitals basically serve the middle- and upper-class wealthy people. If your opponent uses these things to make trouble and instigate other people, especially some poor people, it will have a lot of impact on your reputation." Penny Said a little worriedly.

She knew very well that Qiao Ge made it impossible for this hospital to be prepared for those lower class people who could not afford medical expenses.

"I have considered this matter." Qiao Ge said with a slight smile.

"Oh? Are you going to build some more ordinary hospitals?" Penny asked.

"You are overthinking." Qiao Ge laughed, "Speaking of it, the medical problems of ordinary people should be the responsibility of the government. How can I alone have such ability."

Penny was silent for a moment, thinking about it.

This is mainly the responsibility of the government. Although there is free public medical care, in fact, medical resources are scarce. There is either a lack of doctors, or there is no medicine after seeing the doctor. If you want medicine, you can only buy it with your own private money.

Therefore, this free medical care is only on the surface and cannot be implemented at all.

There is no way, the government invests too little money in medical care.

There is a huge gap here. Personally speaking, the power is still limited.

"So, I want to set up a medical charity fund." Qiaogo said, "These funds are used to support some seriously ill patients whose families are in difficulty, and other ordinary patients. That is the responsibility of the government."

"Oh, a charity fund?" Penny's eyes lit up and said, "This is good, it's good to be a charity."

Doing charity will certainly bring you a good reputation.

Beni quickly understood Qiao Ge’s intention. He was to support those seriously ill patients who were in difficulty. There must be a quota every year. This would not put too much burden on Qiao Ge, and at the same time, it could also resolve some people’s concerns about Qiao Ge. s attack.

"Anyway, I will allocate a fund every year for these subsidies, treatment? It must be at Beni Hospital." Qiao Ge smiled.

Hearing this, Penny was stunned for a moment and said, "Then isn't the money in your pocket again?"

"That's right. If you have your own hospital, you will naturally go to our own hospital for treatment." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "Besides, I believe that no hospital in the country will be able to match the technology of Beni Hospital in the future."

"Sure enough, you capitalists are really cunning." Penny said.

"Beni, what you said is wrong. Aren't your Sharma family capitalists?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Beni snorted coldly and ignored Qiao Ge. She knew that she could not defeat Qiao Ge.

"At that time, this medical charity fund can be placed in your name." Qiaogo said again.

"I've got my hands full," said Penny.

"It's not like I really want you to take care of me. Of course Mrs. Gupta will need to do some charity in the future. This is not only for you, but also for my reputation." Qiao Ge said.

Penny thought for a moment and agreed.

She understood what Qiaogo meant.

Nowadays, there are many various charitable foundations in China, which have brought a lot of good reputation to some families and companies in the name of charity.

And those in charge of these foundations are often women.

For example, in the Ambani Group, Dhirubhai's wife is in charge of many charitable foundations, and her eldest daughter-in-law Nita is now assisting.

It's said to be assistance, but in fact it's Nita who really takes care of it. After all, Dhirubhai's wife basically doesn't care about this.

Nita's affirmation had a purpose, which was to bring fame to her husband.

Qiao Ge sent Beni to his residence.

"Go away!" Beni pushed Qiao Ge away with a hot face.

Qiao Ge was too aggressive just now, causing her chest to lose control. If it continues like this, she might not be able to control it.

Qiao Ge took a few deep breaths and thought about it, it really wasn't too much.

He understood what Beni was thinking, but he still didn't want to have that kind of relationship before getting married.

"Benny, let's get married after I finish my next big thing." Qiao Ge said.

"You~~" Penny's face turned even redder, "What else are you going to do? Are you going to make a big acquisition?"

Beni also thought that Qiao Ge would make large-scale acquisitions in the future. After all, Qiao Ge's previous actions were shocking, and of course Beni had seen the news.

"No, I will probably go abroad for a while." Qiao Ge said.

"Business abroad." Penny blinked her big eyes and said, "Then you have to pay attention to safety."

She didn't ask much, as she didn't understand foreign business.

"I have bodyguards with me, no problem. I think half a year to a year will be enough." Qiao Ge said.

The two warmed up for a while, and Qiao Ge left Beni's residence.

Next is the layout after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Mainly due to the layout of Mao's side. After all, Mao inherited most of the assets of the Soviet Union.

Of course, Ermao and other franchised countries can also look for opportunities.

Especially Ermao, who is second only to Da Mao in terms of various industrial technologies. When they were first separated, they were still very powerful and had too many good things that could be brought back.

However, Qiao Ge does not value weapons, military, etc. These are things to be considered at the national level. He is a businessman, so he values ​​Ermao's land.

To be precise, it is Ermao's agriculture.

Ermao has the world's largest black soil, which is fertile and has high grain yield.

In its previous life, it was called the granary of Europe, with a large amount of grain exported to Europe every year.

Qiaogo's ambition is not only to monopolize India's domestic food, but also to get a share of the international food market.

I dare not say that it is a monopoly, but at least it must have the right to speak.

If we can capture Ermao's grain industry, it will be very influential on the grain supply in Europe.

Moreover, Ermao is also a major exporter of sunflower seeds, which involves sunflower seed oil. India imports a lot of it. In short, it has a lot of interests for Qiaogo.

(End of this chapter)

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