After Qiaogo quickly made some arrangements for domestic affairs, he flew to London.

He first wanted to find Lawrence. After all, he was from HSBC. Regardless of whether he could get some information from him, he would have an in-depth communication with him.

If you want to enter the financial and banking industry in DaMao, you will get twice the result with half the effort if you have the cooperation of financial practitioners from these developed countries.

Because it will involve the entry and exit of funds, these are my weak points.

And these are developed places in Europe and the United States.

The advantages and disadvantages still need to be clearly recognized.

After several hours of secret negotiations, Qiaogo and Lawrence reached some cooperation agreements.

The reason why these agreements were reached was because Lawrence was a little unconvinced.

He knew that some big shots in the country had secretly joined forces to invest in Da Mao.

Although he is the vice president of HSBC, he is nothing in the eyes of those big shots.

So no one took him to play with.

For a financial practitioner like him, he is extremely sensitive to economic changes.

How could Lawrence not study such a major event as the disintegration of the Soviet Union?
  So he knew it was full of opportunities.

It's a pity that the big guys don't let him play, because his status is not enough.

So, he thought that since others would not take him, he could find some people to go there.

You may not be able to eat the fatty meat, but you should still be able to drink the soup.

He was still hesitating about who to look for.

Because there are still great risks here, as a senior financial practitioner, you must have a sense of risk control.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge came to see him. What shocked him was that Qiao Ge also came for Da Mao.

It wouldn't matter if it was someone else, but Qiao Ge is Indian after all.

However, he felt relieved when he thought about Qiao Ge's investments abroad over the years.

I really can't regard Qiaogo as an ordinary Indian. This is an Indian who is very sensitive to the international economy.

Jogo also mentioned Robert Thomas, and Lawrence agreed and could bring him in.

Now Robert is the president of the Guinness Group and has connections and status.

Of course, Giorgo also mentioned Arnault.

Of course Laurence knew about Arnaud and agreed.

However, Lawrence agreed to let Arnault join not only because both Qiaogo and Thomas knew Anil and had a good relationship.

According to Lawrence, he can bring in the financial backers behind Arnault.

Arnault's various purchases before were backed by financial support from Lazard Investment Bank.

Jogo was a little confused about Lawrence's idea of ​​wanting Lalazade Investment Bank to come in.

He didn't know much about Lazard Investment Bank, except that it was a low-key international investment bank with its headquarters in the beautiful country and branches in London and Paris.

Arnault is one of their big customers, and they have been the main provider of funds for Arnault's various acquisitions over the years.

"Mr. Lawrence, with your connections at HSBC, do we need another investment bank to join us?" Qiaogo asked, "Maybe they have already laid out their plans in Russia?"

He felt that it was impossible for such an international investment bank to miss such a good opportunity. It had already passed. How could it wait until now?
  "This time I have limited connections with HSBC. You know, this time I can basically only join in my own name." Lawrence said, "So we need more allies. As far as I know, Lazard Investment Bank probably hasn’t gotten involved in the business there yet.”

"How is that possible?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised. "I don't know much about Lazard Investment Bank, but their strength is already very impressive, right?"

Lazard Investment Bank is definitely a powerful investment bank, which can be seen from the large amount of financial support they gave Arnault.

Therefore, the investment on Damao's side and the investment bank on the other side of Beautiful Country are impossible for them not to participate in this feast.

"Lazard Investment Bank has abundant funds, but in recent years they have had a lot of internal conflicts. Their external investment philosophy has not kept up with the times, and their external investment seems a bit conservative." Lawrence smiled, "So this time they still Not moving."

"Can you convince them to join?" Qiaogo asked.

"Actually, I have some friendship with Felix Rohatin, the president of Lazard Investment Bank, but the relationship is not too deep. If Arnault is added to the mix, I believe the chance of convincing him will be greater. That guy is here The Wall Street capital market in the United States has great influence," Lawrence said.

"Well, Mr. Lawrence, I don't know Mr. Rohatin very well." Qiao Ge said a little embarrassed.

"Haha~~Then let me introduce to you his glorious resume." Lawrence laughed.

Under Lawrence's narration, Jhogo understood the interests of Felix Rohatyn.

Felix Rohatin is considered one of the world's top investment bankers.

The most popular thing is that he did two very remarkable things. The first one was when there was a crisis on Wall Street in the early 20s. He bravely stood up and implemented a series of difficult mergers, successfully preventing the collapse of most securities institutions.

The second incident was the New York fiscal crisis in 1975. He helped the government formulate a financial rescue plan and saved New York from bankruptcy.

After successfully solving these troubles, he gained great reputation and became well-known in the financial world.

Qiaogo didn't expect Felix Rohatin to be such a powerful person.

In fact, Felix Rohatin in his previous life was very powerful. At that time, he even set his sights on the position of Finance Minister of the Beautiful Country.

At that time, he was full of confidence and felt that this position was his.

During the 1992 presidential election, Clinton went to Lazard to visit Felix Rohatyn, hoping to ask him to raise money for the campaign.

But Felix Rohatyn received Clinton coldly.

Because Felix Rohatin is more optimistic about another candidate, Perot, a Texas billionaire who is also an important client of Felix Rohatin.

Unfortunately, this time he made a mistake and underestimated Clinton's strength.

However, in view of Felix Rohatin's reputation in the financial world, Clinton still planned to ask Rohatin to come out after taking office and give him a top position at the Federal Reserve as a vice chairman.

But Felix Rohatin was still one step away and was attacked by Finance Minister Rubin.

Rubin came out of Goldman Sachs and raised millions of dollars in political donations for Clinton to become Treasury secretary.

He had a good personal relationship with Greenspan, the then chairman of the Federal Reserve, and was unwilling to let outsiders come in to disrupt the situation.

So Rubin, Greenspan and their allies in the Senate joined forces and successfully blocked Rohatin from the Federal Reserve in one operation.

One wrong step and the next wrong, because of a wrong bet, Rohatin lost the opportunity to reach the peak of power.

Jogo didn’t know much about Lazard Investment Bank, but in his previous life it eventually developed into an investment bank comparable to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.

It's just that Zade Investment Bank is more low-key, more secretive and less well-known. It is one of the most mysterious investment banks on Wall Street.

"Qiaogo, most of the people we join here are in their own name, so Felix Rohatin will definitely be able to see this opportunity personally. When the time comes, he will be able to use many more resources than me, even if he is in trouble. There is chaos within the German Investment Bank." Lawrence said, "In this way, we have the relationship between Britain, India, the United States and France. Oh, of course, the most important thing is your friend from the KGB. This is very crucial. Let's work together internally and externally. , even if it’s just a joint effort between individuals, they can still get a share of the pie in the hands of those big institutions.”

Lawrence's ability to agree to Qiaogo actually has a very close relationship with Yuri.

Because Qiao Ge has such a reliable ally in Da Mao, he will be more confident about their entry into Da Mao's financial market.

Otherwise, even if Lawrence, Thomas and Arnault are willing to join forces, Felix Rohatin may not necessarily like Giorgio.

Now that there is a relationship between Qiaogo and Yuri, Lawrence believes that with the persuasion of himself and Arno, it should be possible.

Qiao Ge probably understood what Lawrence was thinking. This time he proposed to bring in Felix Rohatin, which was actually because Lawrence wanted to have a relationship with him.

After all, Felix Rohatyn's status and reputation are unmatched by Lawrence.

Qiao Ge was not disgusted with this thought.

If it was really successful, wouldn't he also have a relationship with such a big shot?
  This will be very helpful for entering the international market in the future.

So the two began to contact Thomas and Arnault.

Needless to say, Thomas was in London and agreed immediately after meeting.

Although he also joined in his own name, he was still able to use some of the Guinness Group's connections.

Arnault's side was a bit more troublesome. Qiaogo and Lawrence asked him to contact Felix Rohatin, hoping that the two of them could come to London for a while.

In addition to them, Thomas and Lawrence also contacted some close friends.

Qiao Ge had no objection to this.

He knows very well that this matter is about snatching food from the tiger's mouth, and it will be very miserable if he is not strong enough.

As an Indian, it is better to hide in this group. It is better to let Lawrence and others take the lead to share the pressure.

Otherwise, if those big European and American institutions find that an Indian dares to come here to seek death, and he is still alone, they might just kill him.

These institutions are not good people, they are all cannibals. If one of them is not good, not to mention the loss of funds, they may even take their own lives.

Therefore, if you want to do this kind of thing alone, you will definitely not be able to do it. You can only cooperate with people from Europe, the United States and other countries.

As for the investment and future income, Qiao Ge still has some ideas and backup plans, and believes that these interests can be guaranteed.

Because I have a better understanding of the trends in the country, my chances will be greater when the time comes.

Two days later, Arnault arrived from France.

He said that he had made an agreement with Felix Rohatin, and he would fly over from the beautiful country in a few days. (End of chapter)

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