Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 468 Treasures from the Tsarist Period

At the beginning, the value of 1 rubles was quite good. For the citizens of Mauritius, this was a windfall. Everyone was very happy and welcomed such a move.

After all, for these ordinary people, those state-owned assets usually have nothing to do with them.

Being able to share money now is a real benefit. Everyone welcomes it with both hands, and the whole country is filled with an atmosphere of joy.

After all, ten thousand rubles per person means tens of thousands for a family, and if there are more people, it may be hundreds of thousands.

The world is falling apart.

But even some high-ranking officials and elites in Da Mao cannot see the calculations involved, let alone the common people below.

Of course, there must be high-level officials who could see it, but they chose to remain silent, or personally participated in this feast of plundering state-owned assets.

The vast majority of those who can participate are powerful people. Who would care so much for their own selfish interests?

Only when the country's things are put into one's own pocket can they be regarded as one's own.

There was no internal or external collusion in this disaster, and it certainly could not have been achieved by foreign forces alone.

"However, the interest needs to be carefully calculated and studied." Rohatin said, "In this way, the deposit interest rate of foreign banks will be used as the standard for the time being, and we will add 10% to their highest standard."

"This? Mr. Rohatin, is it too much? Even adding 5% is too much," someone said.

"It's not high, just follow this standard. Only in this way will we be attractive." Rohatin said, looking at Qiao Ge and asked, "Qiao Ge, what do you think?"

"Haha~~Mr. Rohatin, your decision is definitely not wrong, I have no doubt about it." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "After all, I don't know much about these financial games. As far as the knowledge I have, I'm afraid I will say interest The higher the better, and an interest rate of [-]% a year seems to be okay."

These words made Rohatin stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "Qiao Ge, you are quite humorous. This is a loan shark. Which bank dares to give such a high interest rate? According to our current interest rate, it is already very scary. "

Everyone laughed and regarded Qiaogo's words as a joke.

But they didn't know that later on, the interest rates on deposits in these foreign banks were as high as [-] to [-] percent a year, and they would do anything to attract rubles.

"Actually, I think the most effective way is to announce that Mr. Rohatin is the president of Black Horse Bank and show your glory to the people here. We also have a deep foundation here," Qiao Ge said.

"That's right, how can I be worse than those guys?" Rohatin said confidently, "In short, the most important thing is to take a multi-pronged approach and get more deposits. I still know something about what those bastards want to do. I want to Leave me? How is that possible? And I’m not here to drink soup, I’m here to eat meat.”

Rohatin has a lot of resentment towards those guys.

This time it's not just about making money, it's about making money hard and slapping them in the face.

Qiao Ge sighed secretly in his heart, this is really a feast.

Of course, for Mao's powerful people and foreign investors like himself, it was a disaster for ordinary people.

Financial wars are no less cruel than real gun wars.

This time Western countries are preparing to harvest, not only because the United States and the Soviet Union are competing for hegemony.

I think after the end of World War II, Western capital also invested in the Soviet Union.

After all, after the war, all industries were waiting for prosperity. They were very optimistic about the Soviet market. Western capital was profit-seeking, so naturally it poured in in large numbers.

The result was as they expected, Western capital made a lot of money.

But this made Stalin uncomfortable.

So he issued an order to de-foreignize and force foreign investors to sell domestic assets, companies, etc.

It's okay if it's just for sale. The worst thing you can do is withdraw your money and just lose some money. After all, the money you've made over the years has been very generous.

But things are not that simple.

Want to exchange currency and leave?


Want to exchange the rubles in your hand for some supplies and products to go back?

Not at all.

Of course, these Western capitals are still given a chance.

That is to allow them to use these assets to purchase designated handicrafts, known as treasures from the Tsarist period.

These 'treasures' must be in quotation marks. Maybe some of them are genuine, but most of them are hard to say.

Moreover, the prices of these treasures are very high, far exceeding the market price, and there is no counter-offer.

Do you want it?

Don't take anything with you.

As a result, these Western capitals were harvested and brought back a pile of garbage.

All these years of hard work have been in vain, and all the principal has been invested.

Qiao Ge thought about the fact that India was later known as the foreign-owned crematorium. It was not just his own fault, but he might also learn from his elder brother's operation.

You know, India has been hanging out with this big brother for a long time after its independence, and the relationship is very close. Isn't it normal to learn this skill?

Speaking of which, during the war, India used this method to the extreme.

India and Mauritius have signed a currency swap agreement, stipulating that both parties must use each other's currency for trade settlement.

Da Mao sold oil, natural gas, etc. to India, with tens of thousands of rupees in hand.

But at this time, India is ready to cheat and stop letting Da Mao use rupees to buy domestic products.

However, they still left a hole, that is, Da Mao could use these rupees to purchase Indian government bonds.

Is this operation exactly the same as when the Soviet Union designated Western capital to purchase high-priced art?

The essence was learned.

Buying government bonds is equivalent to lending money to India. The credit rating of Indian government bonds is relatively low, and default is likely to occur.

In this way, Russia is equivalent to giving its own money to India.

Closer to home, so this time, Western capital also wanted to avenge the last time it was harvested, making Da Mao pay a huge price.

"However, simply relying on absorbing people's deposits is not fast enough." Rohatin added.

"We can borrow money from state-owned banks," someone said.

"That's right, borrow money." Rohatin laughed loudly and said, "You need to borrow a lot of money."

"I have a lot of connections with state-owned banks, I believe they can be used," Yuri said.

"That's great, Mr. Ivanov, it's such a pleasure to work with you." Rohatin said.

Yuri sighed in his heart, all of this was a reminder that Qiaogo had given him before.

I didn't expect to actually use it now.

Could it be said that Qiaogo had predicted the disintegration?


He knew that Qiaogo was highly regarded in India and was considered by many people to be a person who could communicate with gods.

Yuri definitely didn't believe this.

But it would be unbelievable for any one of Qiaogo's successes to happen to one person, and Qiaogo had them all.

It's really like a divine help.

However, he felt that Qiaogo was only making a judgment on the previous situation of the Soviet Union. He probably thought that it would be very bad in the later period. Who could have imagined the disintegration?

Now it happens to be using the relationship of a state-owned bank, which can be regarded as a coincidence.

However, even so, Qiaogo's foresight still convinced him.

After all, Qiaogo’s success is here, what else is there to question?

"Then please ask Mr. Ivanov to talk to them. The interest aspect is not a problem. The main thing is to borrow more rubles." Rohatin said.

"I understand." Yuri agreed immediately.

Rohatin and his group returned to the hotel, while Qiaogo and Yuri went out.

At Yuri's warm invitation, Qiaogo did not stay in a hotel. When he was in Moscow, he would stay in Yuri's mansion.

Over the years, the trade between Yuri and Qiaogo has made him a lot of money.

He is also a low-key rich man in the local area.

"What's going on over there?" Qiao Ge suddenly saw a commotion coming from the front of the street. Many people gathered around and made a lot of noise.

He and Yuri strolled back, admiring the style of Damao's capital.

"Exchange U.S. dollars." Yuri pointed to the front and said, "Did you see it? There are a few European and American people in the middle. The domestic ruble has depreciated a lot, and everyone is trying their best to exchange U.S. dollars. When they see foreigners, they naturally I want to exchange dollars from them. Qiaogo, fortunately you are Indian. If you had faces like Rohatin and the others, you would probably be surrounded as soon as you come out."

Qiao Ge was speechless, indeed.

He had already seen those European and American people breaking away from the crowd in embarrassment. Even if they ran away dozens of meters, there were still some people chasing after them to communicate with them because they were unwilling to give up and wanted to exchange dollars.

Qiao Ge can completely understand this mentality.

Everyone is bearish on the ruble, and the U.S. dollar is the hard currency.

It is basically impossible to exchange U.S. dollars from the National Bank, so these foreigners have become popular because they have U.S. dollars or other foreign currencies, such as pounds sterling.

Of course, the foreigners here are generally from developed countries in Europe and the United States. There are not many Indians like Qiaogo coming here.

Another point is that there are more than a dozen burly men protecting Qiaogo and Yuri, and they are not easy to mess with at first glance.

"It's really hard to go out without a bodyguard now. It's too chaotic." Yuri sighed, "I don't usually go out much. Why is this country like this?"

"It will get better." Qiao Ge could only comfort him.

"Maybe." Yuri was not confident.

Speaking of which, I also participated in this asset plunder against the country.

Qiao Ge still revealed some of the purpose of this plan to him.

Yuri likes money, but thinking about this plan mentioned by Qiaogo, the country does not know how much it will lose.

He still has some patriotic feelings, even if not much, but the damage like this is really too great.

But he soon stabilized his mood.

Because he remembered what Qiao Ge said to him in private.

Even if they don't come to participate, there are others.

Since you can't resist those people, you might as well let yourself join in. If you can get some benefits, other people, such as foreigners, will have less.

This can be regarded as a contribution to the people of the country.

Whether it was self-comfort or self-deception, thinking about it made Yuri feel much better.

Of course, the most important thing is that if the result is really what Qiao Ge said, he will really make a lot of money this time.

In fact, Yuri didn't know, Qiaogo still had reservations about what he said to him.

But even so, the benefits are so great that they can drive people crazy. (End of chapter)

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