Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 474: Short-sighted and liquidated

Chapter 474: Short-sighted and liquidated

According to the interest rate of 15%, Qiu Ge will need 1500 billion rubles a year. According to Rohatin's judgment, even if the exchange rate is better than 1 to 400 during repayment, Qiu Ge will have to pay nearly 4 million US dollars in US dollars.

And this is only one year. According to Qiaogo, he still wants to borrow money for two or three years. Where can Qiaogo get so many dollars to spend.

"I will consider the U.S. dollar side," Jogo said with a smile. "My only worry now is that it will be difficult to borrow so many rubles."

"Too many." Yuri sucked in a few breaths of air-conditioning. Rohatin said before that he wanted to borrow 2000 billion, which already made him find a lot of people.

A lot of various benefits are given out.

Only then did the other party want to talk.

"The interest rate set by Rohatin is around 15%, right?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Then I will increase the interest rate, 20%, 25%, or even 30%."

"One year's interest?"


"Are you crazy?" Yuri exclaimed.

"I just asked, can I get a loan with such a high interest rate?" Qiao Ge asked.

These words silenced Yuri.

Not to mention 30%, even 20% is still an extremely high interest rate.

After all, the 15% interest rate proposed by Rohatin was actually quite high, so the bank was willing to negotiate.

If the interest is not enough, why would the bank be interested?

"It's still too crazy, but because of the high interest rates, the bank might be able to do it." Yuri calmed down and said.

"That's good." Qiao Ge said, "But I need to add one more thing to the loan repayment, which is to repay the principal and interest together after three years."

"This?" Yuri was stunned for a moment and said, "Usually at least the interest is paid monthly or annually, right?"

"That's why I give high interest rates." Qiaogo said.

Yuri nodded. In this case, it would be acceptable if the interest rate was higher than that of ordinary loans.

However, in his opinion, a higher 5% is almost enough, which is about 20%.

"Qiaogo, if you really want to take out a loan for several years, why don't you wait any longer. Those people will definitely have savings in the future, and the interest rate should be lower." Yuri said.

"I'm in a hurry." Jogo said.

What does this interest rate mean compared to the rate of depreciation?

The key is to win the ruble as quickly as possible.

Only when you have a large amount of rubles in your hands can you purchase private securities from the public. The sooner you buy this thing, the better. Later, when everyone gets involved, the competitiveness will be too great.

At present, major foreign banks have not yet made large-scale ruble purchases. They are still mainly absorbing people's deposits.

Later, they turned to loans from state-owned banks and provided various benefits to the leadership to obtain loan quotas. Competition was extremely fierce.

When that time comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to borrow much money.

Compared with those big international capital forces, who do you think you are?

So you can only take one step before you can eat some meat.

"In short, you don't have to worry about the interest, 30% is acceptable." Qiao Ge said, "You should try it according to the conditions first, and if it doesn't work, let's talk about it."

"Brother Qiaogo, I still think this is too risky." Yuri's mood was disturbed again. The interest of 30% a year is still such a huge amount. The interest for a year is 3000 billion rubles.

"Brother Yuri, if you want to become a big boss, this is a key step." Qiaogo said solemnly, "I will provide the funds and you will be responsible for various specific operations. I can give you 30% of the shares." . My only condition is to be fast and I must seize the time."

Yuri's aura has changed, giving him 30%?

30% of hundreds of millions of dollars, that’s hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Brother, you are asking me to help you. In fact, it's okay if you don't give me anything." Yuri said.

Not to mention the private trade between himself and Qiao Ge, Qiao Ge actually gave him a lot of benefits in these trades.

Moreover, the cooperation between Qiao Ge and Rohatin also brought him into this relationship, which was the greatest benefit to him.

Now that he is asked to take 30%, I feel a little uncomfortable.

"You are the only friend I have here." Qiao Ge took a deep breath and said, "To tell you the truth, if I make the right bet this time, the benefits will be so great that I feel uneasy about cooperating with others. So, I hope this 30% can make our friendship last forever. As a good friend, there is no reason for me to eat alone. After all, you also played a big role in this."

Qiao Ge and Rohatin's cooperation originally required their identities to provide cover.

If Rohatin and the others withdraw in a few years, then he might be able to continue to cooperate with them.

But Rohatin thought that he could stop in one year, and Qiao Ge couldn't accept it only in this one year.

Because the ruble did not depreciate enough this year.

Qiao Ge could understand Rohatin's worries, but he was still worried that Rubin and the others would stumble.

After all, compared to Rubin and the others, Rohatin had asymmetric information this time and could easily be tricked.

So Qiaogo can only cooperate with Yuri.

Otherwise, how could he, an Indian, get so many loans from Damao State-owned Bank?

He and Yuri will cooperate for a long time in the future, so many things cannot be too exclusive.

Without Yuri's cooperation, there is basically nothing he can do on his own. In the future, Yuri will really become an oligarch, which is very important for his global strategy.

Damao is rich in resources, so it is necessary for Qiaogo to let Yuri control some oil, natural gas and other resources.

These not only need to be imported in India, but are also popular in the market, and with the development of the economy, the demand is growing.

Our own internationalization plan and globalization strategy require the joining of more foreign influential figures.

People like Lawrence, Arnaud, Thomas, and even Rohatin, whom I am now acquainted with, etc., I will have in-depth contacts, increase cooperation, and strive to win over them all.

Although he can get support from India, India is not strong enough now and the support it provides is limited.

And in many cases, countries are not necessarily effective. On the contrary, various international allies will be more reliable and respond faster.

If it is true that allies are distributed in various countries, and they are some major Western developed countries, then they are very powerful and influential. If they are influential, then this power will be very terrifying.

Yuri was the one who attracted Da Mao's attention, so he was willing to pay a big price to win over him.

Of course, there are definitely risks involved.

For many resource companies, even if I buy them, I will definitely not be able to take them with me.

If Yuri really wants to monopolize these things, he can still do it by using his local advantages and the powerful government officials.

Harvesting foreign capital is not unique to India. This happens in every country.

It’s just that Qiao Ge feels that if Yuri only has this short-sighted vision, he is destined to be unable to become a real oligarch. Even if he becomes an oligarch, he can make him irreversible.

Qiaogo has already made plans for Yuri's future route.

As long as Yuri is consistent with him, then he will give guidance to Yuri and let Yuri and Pu Jing have a good relationship.

After Pu Jing comes to power in the future, Yuri will completely give up some of his interests. There is nothing wrong with this.

Then Yuri will not be liquidated, and he will be able to maintain his power in the Mao government, or at least retain most of his assets.

That is, making Yuri and Puki become allies.

If Yuri really kicks him out and embezzles the assets he will acquire in the future, he will definitely not have these guidance for you, and will not get Pu Jing's friendship. By then, he will end up being liquidated by Pu Jing like other oligarchs.

So Qiaogo is willing to take a gamble.

Even if you lose the bet, just think of it as making less money.

In short, as long as you borrow this huge amount of rubles, no matter what happens in the future, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.

Yuri understood that Qiaogo was really not optimistic about the ruble's exchange rate.

He is not a fool. The only explanation for Qiaogo's daring to borrow so much money is that he is bearish on the ruble, otherwise he does not think Qiaogo will be able to repay so much money by then.

"I understand, but when borrowing, especially for such a large amount, they need to see our repayment strength." Yuri said.

"I now have 5 million U.S. dollars from HSBC without proof of funds. Of course, you can also tell them about my overseas assets. If you want to mortgage them, that's fine." Qiao Ge said, "I think as long as I give them The benefits are enough, so we should be able to lend, right?”

If you really want to follow the normal procedures, you will definitely need sufficient collateral, or you must prove your ability to repay.

But now everything is in chaos in Damao. Whether it is compliant or not depends on someone or a few people above.

As long as they are dealt with, what can't be loaned?

This is pretty much how these large international financial institutions operate. They can pass by issuing some false certificates and the like.

"That's enough, 5 million U.S. dollars is enough to prove it." Yuri was in a surging mood. He didn't expect that the hundreds of millions in his mouth turned out to be 5 million.

He thought that two to three hundred million dollars was a lot.

"If the amount of the loan you want this time is not too large, otherwise I can get it for you without proof. I just want to give more benefits to those greedy guys." Yuri smiled again.

"How much benefit?" Jogo asked.

"Brother, you leave it to me in terms of the benefits of management. I can't do nothing, can I?" Yuri smiled, "Even if I sell the pot, they will be stunned. Of course, it can't be done with your [-] million US dollars." Compared."

The benefits of this administration certainly seem to be indispensable.

But Qiaogo didn't insist on anything. Compared with what Yuri would get in the future, the rubles and other costs that were paid out now were really not worth mentioning.

Yuri and Chogo flew back to Moscow in the evening.

After arriving in the evening, Qiao Ge went directly to find Rohatin without taking any rest.

After Qiaogo met Rohatin, he directly told him that he needed a larger loan.

When Rohatin heard that Chogo needed another loan of nearly one trillion rubles, the cigar in his hand was unsteady and almost fell to the ground.

"Qiaogo, are you not talking nonsense?" Rohatin asked.

He, a veteran in the financial battlefield, was so shocked by Qiao Ge's words that he lost his composure.

Because he could hear that Qiaogo meant what he said.

"As far as I know, you still have some U.S. dollars in hand, probably several hundred million, but these U.S. dollars are not enough for you to borrow so many rubles." Rohatin continued.

(End of this chapter)

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