"So I want to borrow money from Lazard Investment Bank. I wonder what Mr. Rohatin thinks?" Qiao Ge smiled and said, "Any of my overseas assets that you think can be mortgaged are fine."

Over the years, Qiao Ge's overseas assets have continued to increase in value. According to this asset, it is still possible to borrow another two to three billion US dollars.

HSBC has a lot of loans, and it’s hard for Lawrence to approve more.

So Jogo set his sights on Lazard Bank.

Borrowing money should also be spread out. Having more places to borrow money will make it easier to turn around in the future.

It is definitely not possible to hang oneself in one family alone, the risks must be shared.

In fact, Qiaogo didn't care too much whether he could borrow money from Lazard Bank. He was too worried about the US dollar.

If I plan my own arrangements for Damao, I will have to repay them in US dollars after a few years.

Even if you don’t have enough US dollars, you still have the Indian government to endorse you.

There is not much foreign exchange in India now, but it will be able to recover in a few years.

It should be no problem to guarantee myself another US$[-] billion.

Therefore, Qiao Ge is very determined about the layout of Da Mao and Er Mao this time.

If he didn't want to be too ostentatious and attract pressure from Western capital, Qiaogo would really like to double the amount several times.

But he also knows that his current strength is limited and he cannot be too greedy. He needs to stop in moderation.

"Qiao Ge, your overseas assets are of high quality, and there is no problem with the mortgage. I can give you a promise here. There is still no problem with loans within [-] million US dollars, but you will not be able to lend money this year." Rohatin replied.

"I didn't say this year, but loans in the next few years will be fine." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

At present, countries such as Europe and the United States are very particular about loans. The loan recipients are all their own people, that is, large financial institutions related to their own names.

After all, it is to harvest the various former franchise countries such as Da Mao. Naturally, these other countries will not be able to easily obtain US dollars and other foreign exchange.

Just like India, the country is almost bankrupt and it is difficult to get loans.

In order to obtain a loan from the International Monetary Fund, it agreed to numerous conditions and liberalized the market.

The price is still high.

If the country is like this, it is even less possible for individuals.

The international economy has had a great impact on India. After all, foreign companies are far more competitive than domestic companies.

It can be said that after agreeing, countless domestic companies are destined to close down, be harvested, etc.

Although India is also harvesting some foreign investment, the majority are still suffering losses.

Are foreign companies so stupid?

When you take action, these companies have already transferred all kinds of profits in various forms.

Even if you seize his assets, it will only cause them a slight loss, because they had no intention of taking them away in the first place.

Let’s talk about Xiaomi.

They say they will be fined hundreds of millions.

But there are also opinions in India. One theory is that Indian Xiaomi Company imports some products, accessories, etc. from China at high prices.

This high price actually exceeds the price of the item, which is equivalent to liquidating and transferring assets in a seemingly legal and reasonable form.

Over time, the amount of this price difference became extremely huge, and the government was stimulated and couldn't stand it anymore, so it took action.

Of course, this is some news Qiao Ge saw on the Internet in his previous life. I don’t know whether it is true or false.

In short, things here are definitely not that simple. Whether it is a foreign company or a domestic company, it is impossible to let other countries acquire tens of billions.

Regardless of whether India will harvest in the future, it is certain that after liberalizing policies in accordance with the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, countless companies and factories in the country will go bankrupt and countless people will lose their jobs.

This is a cruel fact.

Knowing that something like this was going to happen, you had no choice.

Therefore, if Qiao Ge wants to borrow money from Lazard, it will definitely be impossible in the past two years.

After all, Rohatin is still in the Western camp, and he can't really go against those people.

Those people are now in a group, representing the country and the Western financial conglomerates. No matter how famous Rohatin is, he is nothing in front of such a behemoth.

"Qiaogo, do you know what you are doing? You are gambling." Rohatin stared at Qiaogo and said, "If you make a mistake, you may lose all your overseas assets in one fell swoop."

Rohatin could guess what Qiaogo was thinking. Qiaogo continued to be optimistic about the depreciation of the ruble, and the degree of depreciation was much more alarming than he expected.

From now to the end of the year, he predicts that the ruble exchange rate will fall to 400.

It will probably fall again next year, but he feels there is no need to continue, and he will be able to reap the rewards in about a year.

Because the further back in time, the accuracy of this prediction becomes lower, increasing the risk. After all, he is now a spoiler, trying to steal food from Rubin and the others.

So it's better to stop when you're ready, otherwise it's easy to be sniped.

Although this possibility is unlikely, as a veteran in the financial industry, various risks must be considered and cannot be taken for granted and left to chance.

He has passed the age of radicalization, and ensuring stable profits is the best strategy.

Even if you make less this time, as long as you can make money every time, wealth will naturally accumulate.

If you rely on radical methods, you may succeed once or twice and make huge profits. However, if you make a mistake once, you may lose everything you made before, or even have to pay it back, and all your efforts will be wasted.

In his opinion, Djogo is now in this radical period.

But Qiao Ge's age is also here. It's normal to have such thoughts, and he can understand it.

He knew that Qiao Ge’s investments over the years had been successful, and none of them had made huge profits, which inflated his self-confidence.

In recent days, he and Qiao Ge have had contact and communication, and he quite appreciates this young man.

That's why Rohatin was willing to give a warning to prevent Qiao Ge from embarking on a path of no return for such a risky investment.

In fact, it is wrong to say that it is a point of no return. If Qiao Ge fails this time, he will almost destroy all the foreign industries.

However, Qiaogo's assets in India will basically not be affected much.

From this aspect, Qiao Ge’s background is still very rich.

It is entirely possible to get up again in the future.

"I would like to ask Mr. Rohatin, what do you think of the future trend of the ruble's exchange rate? Is it bullish or bearish?" Chogo did not answer him immediately, but asked a different question.

"Falling." Rohatin immediately replied, "And it will be very bad. I am afraid this trend will continue for several years."

"Isn't that enough?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Mr. Rohatin, you think so, which means that there is nothing wrong with my judgment of the general direction and trend. As long as the ruble falls, or falls sharply, it doesn't matter if I borrow a little more rubles. "

These words made Rohatin silent for a moment.

This is the reason. He also believes that the ruble will continue to fall. This year he can see 400, and tomorrow it may reach 1000.

One dollar is worth one or two thousand rubles. This is the limit that Rohatin believes, and it will take several years.

Since it was expected a few years later, he could not guarantee its accuracy.

So he chose the most conservative one-year period, which he was fully confident about.

"Once successful, at least it will save decades of struggle." Qiaogo continued, "Moreover, it is impossible for Rubin and the others to withdraw just as much as they are now, right? They will definitely make bigger moves. I think, completely You can follow them again. If they follow you later, I won’t be able to compete with them at all. It will be difficult to even drink the soup, so I can only move forward and bite off a piece of meat first. When it comes time for them to lend money on a large scale, There’s nothing wrong with me.”

"It seems that you have made up your mind." Rohatin said.

"That's right, I'm going to make a big bet this time." Qiao Ge said solemnly.

Rohatin stared at Qiao Ge for a while, and then suddenly laughed: "I didn't expect that I, Rohatin, who has been in the financial world for so many years, am not as courageous as a young man like you. I understand what you mean. But use Black Horse Bank The name is not very good, after all, there are still many people here. Let’s do this. Let’s build a new bank, let’s call it White Horse Investment Bank. Black and white, use the name of this bank for loans.”

"White Horse Investment Bank?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment, "Of course this is no problem, you mean us?"

"That's right, I'm going to invest a little bit personally, do you mind?" Rohatin asked.

These words surprised Qiao Ge.

"I won't invest more this time. It's 5000 million US dollars. Well, then you can ask Lawrence, Thomas and Arnault if they want to add a share. Forget it for others. This time White Horse Investment Bank's The time span of the plan is a bit long, and those guys may not necessarily be able to endure it, and it will always be troublesome to argue. It’s better for a few of us to cooperate privately. Of course, they may not necessarily invest, and even if they do, I don’t think a few of them will. There will be too much, and the major shareholder of White Horse Investment Bank must be you." Rohatin said, "But let me be the president. In this case, using my name should be the best for you. choose."

Rohatin was intrigued by Qiaogo's move.

In fact, this is normal. He was originally bearish on the ruble.

If everyone just withdraws, then they will withdraw.

But Qiao Ge still wanted to invest on such a large scale, which made him feel that he might be able to participate again.

Of course, the capital investment is not as large as that of Black Horse Bank.

Although he is still bearish on the ruble, he is not as crazy as Jogo, who has almost invested all his overseas assets.

Qiao Ge smiled, Rohatin knew what he was thinking.

Yes, I wanted to use Black Horse Bank before because I wanted Rohatin's identity as a shield.

After all, he was the boss, so he immediately saw through his intentions.

Of course there is no problem in letting Lawrence and others join in. This is the main ally he wants to win over.

If we cooperate more and everyone gets rich, the relationship will naturally become closer.

Whether it is borrowing money from Lazard or something else, it is all to increase communication and a means of getting closer to each other. (End of chapter)

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