Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 479: Prying My Best Friend’s Boyfriend

Qiao Ge and Yuri are responsible for acquisitions in various industries besides agriculture, of course, mainly in industry.

The competition here is much greater. In many cases, several foreign companies may be competing for a factory.

They won some of the Qiaogos, but also missed some.

It's not that Qiao Ge is so reluctant to spend money. He doesn't care about the price when acquiring Qiao Ge. After a while, the Kuban coins will almost become waste paper. The sooner they can be used, the better.

The failure to win was because the other party had found many connections and relied on the connections to win directly.

Yuri has some connections here, but which of the foreign capital entering here doesn't matter?

You can't always take advantage of all the good things.

Generally speaking, Qiao Ge's acquisition was very smooth.

Twenty-eight days later, Yulia's acquisition was completed. A total of 28 trillion Kubon coins were used to acquire more than thirty farms, most of which were state-owned and a few were private.

The total area of ​​these lands is nearly 300 million hectares.

According to statistics, there are about 30 to 40 million hectares of agricultural land in Ermao, which is more than half of the country's land area. In other words, Qiaogo has captured nearly one-tenth of the cultivated land area here, and one-twentieth of the country's. area, this is an extremely astonishing figure.

With the land, Qiaogo will continue to invest in agriculture in the future. Not only will he control India's grain industry, but Ermao will also have a majority share.

With Ermao's food initiative, he can have a huge influence on European countries in terms of food supply.

Since the area of ​​Ermao's country is not too large, the total grain output is not large.

But total grain output and export volume are two concepts.

Just like in the previous life, China ranked first in grain output, but its export volume was much less.

Because the country has a large population and a large consumption, many farm products still need to be imported in large quantities, and most of the various import volumes rank first.

As for India becoming the largest exporter of rice in its previous life, it was because it was stolen from countless low-caste poor people. Otherwise, it would not be possible to export so much rice in exchange for foreign exchange.

Compared with the population, Ermao's grain output is definitely very wealthy per capita, so the proportion of grain that can be exported is very high.

This does not include other crops such as rapeseed, sugar beets, and sunflower seeds.

Of course, the beautiful country has a large land area and advanced mechanized labor. It is the largest exporter of food.

But it was too difficult for Qiao Ge to get land over there. Even if he could get some, the price would be too high.

Er Mao was taking advantage of the situation, otherwise he would not have been able to capture so much.

There will be no such good opportunities in the future, and we can only slowly acquire more land to increase our land holdings.

His land acquisition is certainly not limited to Ermao, but will also continue in other countries, such as Brazil and other countries in South America.

The acquisition is almost done, and almost all the Kubon coins in hand have been spent.

Qiao Ge will go back to Damao with Yuri. After meeting Rohatin, he will return home.

But Gu Lajia will stay with Er Mao as the person in charge.

Of course, those few Rohatyn's men will assist.

Before leaving, Qiaogo and Yuri received a party invitation from Yulia.

In a villa area on the outskirts of Kiev.

Yulia's home is not actually here, but there is real estate here.

This was a small banquet, and some of Yulia's business partners and some government officials were invited.

Yulia's father-in-law is a government official, and the growth of her business is of course helped by the power of her father-in-law.

"Consider today a farewell party for you two." Yulia walked up to Qiaogo and Yuri with a glass of red wine and said, "This is my husband Alexander..."

Qiao Ge glanced at the man next to Yulia, he was quite handsome.

Alexander is considered the second generation of an official family, so he grew up in a good environment.

Yulia came from an ordinary family, maybe even poor.

But she has been strong and ambitious since she was a child.

Of course, it was mainly because of her outstanding appearance that she was given various opportunities to display her talents and ambitions.

It is said that the process of her and Alexander's acquaintance is also very interesting.

It was said that Alexander made the wrong number and called Yulia, and then the two started chatting.

Of course, it is more said that Alexander originally had a girlfriend, who was Yulia's best friend.

Once, Alexander called his girlfriend. Since she was not there, it was Yulia who answered the phone.

The two got to know each other well and got married a year later.

If you know Yulia's temperament, this matter may be more believable.

Yulia knows how to use her beauty to her advantage to gain various opportunities for herself.

Alexander is a second-generation official, a high-quality man, and has rich family resources. He is naturally an excellent marriage partner. What can he do to pry his best friend's boyfriend?

Under Yulia's guidance and introduction, Qiaogo and Yuri met some more people.

"Qiaogo, have you noticed that the relationship between the couple seems a bit subtle." Yuri whispered.

There were just the two of them here, and Julia, as the hostess, was busy entertaining other guests.

"Very loving!" Qiaogo replied.

"No, no, no, I can't see it wrong with my eyes. It's a bit weird. You can't underestimate my eyes." Yuri said again.

"We don't need to care about other people's private lives, right?" Qiao Ge said with a chuckle. Yuri laughed and clinked wine glasses with Qiaogo.

"Eh? It's really you, Mr. Gupta!" Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded behind Qiaogo, full of surprise.

Qiao Ge heard the voice seemed familiar and turned his head to look.

"Ah, you are~~~Yefuniya." Qiao Ge saw the girl in front of him and almost didn't recognize her.

She is the girl I met at the gate of the HSBC headquarters in London three years ago.

But three years later, she has changed a lot.

Yefuniya must be over 12 years old now. Girls develop earlier, so they have naturally changed a lot in the past few years.

His height suddenly grew a lot, and his chest seemed to have the size of a small ball.

European and American women have an advantage in this regard. In addition, Yefuniya has a superior family and good nutrition, so she looks more mature than her peers.

If you didn't know better, you would probably be considered to be fourteen or fifteen years old.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gupta to still remember my name." Yevsaniya said happily, "This must be Mr. Ivanov. My mother always mentions your two names at home."

"Is your mother Ms. Ji Mo Shenke?" Yuri asked.


Qiao Ge sighed in his heart, he didn't expect that she was really Yulia's daughter.

When I heard her last name, I thought of Yulia, but at that time I just thought that the two had the same last name.

Looking at it now, she really looks like Yulia, a smaller version of Yulia.

Qiao Ge and Evsuniya told Yuri about how they met in London. Yuri couldn't help laughing and said: "So, it's really destined."

Yulia came over at this time because she noticed that her daughter was with Qiao Ge and the others, and was afraid that the little girl would be ignorant and bump into Qiao Ge and the others.

You must know that Qiao Ge and the others are now her important partners.

Let’s not talk about the land holdings here. As far as oil is concerned, Qiu Ge’s oil in the United Arab Emirates has already been supplied to her.

After being imported and resold, the price instantly increased several times, resulting in huge profits.

Originally, she did not hold the largest share in the gasoline company. The major shareholder was a friend of hers.

However, with the 100 billion Kubang coins provided by Qiao Ge, she immediately injected capital and occupied 70% of the company's shares, becoming the real person in power.

Among them, Qiao Ge used the oil provided to invest in the company, accounting for 25%.

Yulia’s other friends add up to 5%

For the resale of oil, Yulia followed Qiao Ge's suggestion and settled in foreign currencies such as US dollars. If there were no US dollars, she would use products or assets in her name to exchange.

In fact, without Joe Gotti, Yulia also found that the country's currency was not very stable. In just the past two months, the exchange rate had gone from more than 1 Kubang coins to 100 U.S. dollar to more than 200.

This trend is clearly continuing and even showing signs of accelerating.

Yulia found that Qiao Ge's movements were really fast.

When purchasing those factories and other assets before, Qiao Ge and his party always purchased them directly without negotiating the price.

Thinking about it now, Qiao Ge and the others must have made this judgment a long time ago.

If you bargained at that time, even if you negotiated the price, it would only be a few percent cheaper. It was more likely that the negotiation would collapse, or it would take a lot of time.

In other words, Qiao Ge and the others just spent a few percent more money to quickly acquire companies and other assets. Under the current exchange rate, what does it count?

Even though Qiao Ge did nothing, after such a short period of time, the previously acquired assets had almost doubled in U.S. dollars.

This made Yulia pay more attention to Qiaogo and the others.

As for Qiao Ge's investment in Yulia's gasoline company, it was because he understood that this woman was not simple.

In the future, the Ermao family will almost monopolize the energy industry. What else can be more profitable than monopoly?

Of course, Qiao Ge also wants to get closer to Yulia, so that he can better ensure the safety of his assets.

Moreover, this woman will not only monopolize the energy industry in the future, but will also be able to sit on the position of prime minister. If I give her a little more help, she may be able to reach the peak of power of the Mao family.

Naturally, Qiao Ge would not miss this kind of investment with endless potential.

When Yulia came over and heard that Qiaogo and her daughter had known each other for a long time, she was also very surprised. It was just like Yuri said, it was fate.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Yulia went to entertain other guests.

Yuri also went to find someone to chat with.

"My mother wants me to study in the UK, but I don't want to go. How old am I? It's so pitiful to leave home alone." Yevsaniya complained to Qiao Ge.

There are only two of them left here.

Qiaogo is an Indian and cannot integrate here as well as Yuri, so the communication and entertainment are left to Yuri.

"Your mother must have her own considerations. As a parent, she must be doing it for your own good." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"They don't think about me, they just think about themselves." Evsuniya was obviously angry, "I'm not afraid to tell you that my parents have been separated for a long time. They just pretend to be affectionate in front of outsiders. I don't care about anything." I know, I’m not a child.”

Yevuniya is outgoing and naturally mature.

But also because Qiao Ge is a foreigner, he is not afraid of what he has to say to people he knows here.

"Separated?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised.

He couldn't help but think of Yuri's words before. This guy was indeed from the KGB, and his eyes were really vicious. He probably saw clues from some details. (End of chapter)

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