Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 480 Big Boss of Party 1

Chapter 480 Big Boss (please vote for me)

"Well, going to England is probably unavoidable, maybe for the past two years." Yevsuniya sighed, "I don't have many friends there."

"If you stay there for a long time, you will naturally make new friends." Qiao Ge said.

"Of course we can meet ordinary friends, but not necessarily good friends." Yevsuniya said, "Ah, by the way, Brother Qiaogo, you are in big business, do you go to London often?"

After getting acquainted, the two became almost like brothers and sisters.

"Of course, I will go there very frequently in the future. I know Lawrence, the vice president of HSBC, and I need to contact him for a lot of business." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"That's great. Remember to come find me when you come to London." Yevuniya said happily.

"Okay, when you get there, tell me the address, and I will definitely come to see you."

"A word is settled!"

Julia came over from not far away again.

"You go back to the house first, Mr. Gupta and I have something to discuss." Yulia said to her daughter.

"Okay, brother Qiaogo, let's talk later."

Looking at her daughter who left happily, Yulia smiled at Qiao Ge and said: "There are no big or small crazy girls. Mr. Gupta, don't mind. How can you call me brother? You have to call me uncle."

"It doesn't matter. This generational relationship varies from person to person. Everyone has their own relationship. It doesn't matter whether it's uncle, brother or others." Qiao Ge laughed and said.

"Mr. Gupta, I would like to ask you for your views on the upcoming situation." Yulia asked.

"I am not very optimistic about your country's economy, or the currency exchange rate." Qiaogo said.

"Is this what Mr. Rohatin meant?" Yulia asked.

"Yes, these are what Mr. Rohatin meant." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Of course Rohatyn is the authority on financial economics.

Yulia might not believe her own words, but it was different with Rohatin, a financial tycoon on Wall Street.

This statement deserves to be taken seriously.

Qiao Ge knew that Yulia wanted to ask Rohatin for some opinions.

Hearing this, Yulia felt a lot more at ease: "I understand, for oil settlement, we must stick to US dollars and other foreign currencies, or use asset exchange."

"I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant and we will all make a fortune together." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"I believe too."

At this time, Yuri came over and said, "Brother Qiaogo, it's getting late."

"Well, Ms. Ji Mo Shenke, thank you for your hospitality tonight. See you next time!" Qiao Ge said.

"You're welcome."

Back at their residence, Yuri and Qiaogo communicated with each other about tonight's situation.

"That woman is not simple, she has great ambitions." Yuri said, "I'm still not convinced that you leave these things to her."

Then Yuri talked about some of Yulia's past.

For example, using means to marry into a wealthy family, and then using the power of the husband's family to pave the way for oneself.

"Now that they have separated, they have almost finished using the husband's family and are starting to kick them away." Yuri continued, "So we must be careful."

"What do you think of Yulia's statement that she treats people with sex and uses her body to please those officials to gain benefits?" Qiao Ge asked.

"I don't think this is true. I also learned from my former colleagues and friends that this woman is very scheming and can play with people's hearts. What she sees to everyone is just what she wants everyone to think. For example, she is close to some senior officials. , creating this kind of ambiguous atmosphere, making everyone think that she has that kind of relationship with that high-ranking official, so that she can be like a fish in water in the business world." Yuri said, "Many of them are jealous of Yulia. I must admit this, this woman It's indeed tempting, but too many people can't get it, so let's pour dirty water on her to stink and destroy her reputation. Um, brother Qiaogo, is your question a little off-topic?"

"If there is scheming or ambition, I think it depends on how we deal with it." Qiao Ge smiled, "I firmly believe that as long as we are strong enough, this woman's ambition will only bring us benefits. "

"I understand what you mean. Do you think you are strong enough to control her? Brother, there are exceptions to everything. She has too many interests for us, and those lands~~~" Yuri is still aggrieved about such a large area of ​​land. Yu Huai's.

The value in this was too great, and he still couldn't trust Yulia.

"Brother, you have to have confidence in yourself." Qiao Ge said, "After you go back this time, you have to find a way to control the country's energy. The more resources you have in this area, the better. I believe Rohatin will definitely not let go. So, as long as you have influence in this area, it will be difficult to get rid of the influence of your country due to the lack of energy in this country. As long as you have enough influence and your relationship with the government is strong enough, you are not afraid of what this woman has. Got an idea.”

"Brother, it's not that I don't have confidence in myself, I always feel that you have too much confidence in me." Yuri said a little embarrassed, "You put a lot of pressure on me."

"Haha~~" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Both of us bear this pressure together. I just hope that, brother, you will really become a powerful boss in the future, but don't forget about my little brother."

"How could it be?" Yuri immediately assured, "Speaking of which, my success today has a lot to do with my brother. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

In fact, Yuri still knew very well that although Qiao Ge was young, his abilities were beyond his comparison.

Look at Qiao Ge being mixed up among the big guys in developed countries in Europe and the United States.

Needless to say, Rohatin, even Lawrence, Thomas, and Arnaud are all big guys.

If it were him, he wouldn't have this ability.

Just like Qiao Ge said, he will really have some status in the country in the future, but this status is only at home and his influence abroad is limited.

And after he succeeds, will Qiao Ge just stagnate? By that time, Qiao Ge may have reached a higher level. How could he be so foolish as to break up with Qiao Ge?

Before leaving Ermao's house, Qiao Ge specifically asked Gu Lajia to pay more attention to the talents he needed, such as engineers and some experts, and recruit them to India, which would be of great use to him.

Of course, Qiao Ge also talked about these things with Yulia, and of course Yulia agreed to help pay attention to them.

After returning to Moscow, Qiaogo got the news from Rohatin.

Rubin and other consortiums also began to borrow large amounts of rubles from state-owned banks, and the acquisition of private securities also began.

Fortunately, I have made a lot of secret purchases over the past month, and most of the funds have been spent.

Since Rubin and the others joined in, all kinds of momentum building was naturally needed.

TV news, newspapers, etc. are full of bad news.

For example, the ruble is overvalued, assets are overvalued, the economy will collapse, the ruble will depreciate, and so on.

For a time, the people of Da Mao were even more panicked.

Countless people began to sell the securities in their hands, hoping to exchange money as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it continues like this, I'm afraid it will be just a piece of waste paper.

Naturally, Rohatin and his men began to scan the goods, and soon spent all the remaining funds.

"Haha~~" Rohatin said very proudly, "Brother, I really want to see the faces of Rubin and the others now. If they know that we have acquired so many securities in advance, I don't know what they will think."

"Even so, there are still a large number of securities on the market for them to acquire." Qiao Ge said.

"No matter what, we have grabbed a big piece of fat." Rohatin said, "Those bastards think I'm easy to bully?"

"Then the next step is to choose which companies and factories, right?" Qiao Ge said.

Yuri's breath became a little short.

Have we finally reached this point?

Although Qiao Ge and the others told themselves their follow-up plans one after another, they were very excited after truly knowing that they would become the heads of these large state-owned companies.

"Yes, the speed is getting faster. We must get high-quality assets before those bastards do." Rohatin said with bright eyes, "Those heavy industries and resource-based industries are really tempting."

"I think some of them can be transferred when the time comes, and some of them can be held by ourselves, right?" Qiaogo said.

"Hmm? Hold it?"

"Yes, long-term." Qiaogo said, "For example, energy and minerals, I think we can hold them for a long time. These can be handed over to Yuri and let him operate them. I think this can maximize our interests."

Rohatin pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, even if this part is from our side, the dark horse bank part that so many people cooperated with before has to withdraw funds as soon as possible. It is quite troublesome to have too many people. It is better to send them away early."

"Then it's settled." Qiao Ge smiled.

In terms of investment funds, White Horse Investment Company has raised more funds, and this is their bulk.

Dark Horse Investment Company is on the small side, and Qiao Ge doesn't care too much.

It will definitely be no problem to leave these aspects to Rohatin.

Before leaving Damao, Qiao Ge also asked Yuri to help recruit various experts and so on.

Nowadays, all countries are looking for talents in major original franchise countries.

Of course, as far as the country is concerned, they must focus on poaching scientists in various military technologies.

Of course, Qiao Ge cannot interfere with these. He wants to recruit some civilian research experts and scientists.

This will be very helpful for the company to compete on advanced technologies in the future.

I want to be international in the future, not just stay in India, so my technology must be excellent.

When I returned to China, it was already April 1992, 4. In addition to a group of bodyguards, there was one more woman, Sophia Valieva.

She finally chose to follow Qiao Ge.

Her mother's side already had the best medical conditions, and there was a younger brother taking care of her mother. With Ivanov's help, she felt relieved.

Regarding Sophia's arrangement, Qiao Ge is going to let her take the route of a film and television star.

First, I will learn acting skills from Xili Daiyu and the others, and in the future I may be able to enter international markets such as Europe and the United States.

With her appearance and her own support, she has a good chance.

Since Sophia is proficient in singing and dancing, she still has her own advantages.

Think about a foreign beauty filming a movie in India. Qiao Ge thinks this is a selling point in India, and I believe it will become a small hit in China.

When Qiaogo returned to China, he immediately listened to Hudi's report. During his time abroad, everything in the country was good and everything was progressing in an orderly manner according to the plan.

But Tulu brought very bad news to Qiaogo.

"Lakshmi?" Qiaogo frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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