Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 483 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

"We, the Sitharaman family, firmly support the chairman's decision, no matter what it is." Raab said.

He has expressed his support for Qiaogo.

It must be said that the Sitharaman family is now under considerable pressure.

Due to the Mittal family's rebellion, many people here are wary of their family.

But Labu cried out in his heart that he was wronged, and he really had no intention of rebellion.

A few days ago, he specifically asked Qiao Ge to express his loyalty, fearing what Qiao Ge would think of his family.

If his family is kicked out of the Bego Group, then his family will probably be miserable.

Labu yelled this, and everyone sitting there also said that they listened to Qiao Ge.

The Herbitas echoed Lupa's call and shouted to fight with them, who is afraid of whom?

For a moment, the depressing atmosphere just now dissipated.

Qiao Ge pressed his hands, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"I've never been afraid of real sword fights in shopping malls," Qiao Ge said, "so you can rest assured. Now I'm worried that they will secretly do something in other places."

"Chairman, don't worry, the government and other parties, with so many of us sitting here, we will definitely not let them do whatever they want." Yasi said immediately.

He is the representative of the Sharma family.

Now that the marriage between the Sharma family and Qiaogo is imminent, no matter what, they will definitely stand firmly on Qiaogo's side.

"Yes, we are not vegetarians in this regard. If they want to use dirty methods, we will not agree."

"No one from the government will be mobilized. We are really not afraid of them."


Everyone understands what Qiao Ge means, which requires everyone to use their network of relationships.

Of course, everyone has no objection to this, because it concerns their interests.

As for the government, Qiaogo is not too worried for the time being.

At least Manmohan had a good relationship with him, and Manmohan also had influence over Rao.

However, Tata Group and Reliance Group are extraordinary after all, and their power cannot be underestimated.

The government alone is definitely not enough, so it must integrate the forces here.

They are all wealthy families, and of course they have their own connections in the political circles.

As long as there are no problems with the government, Jogo will not be afraid even if the Tata Group and Reliance Group join forces.

Compared with these two families, the Mittal family is more fearful to Qiaogo.

On this point, Jogo and others have opposite views.

To others, Tata Group and Reliance Group are the biggest enemies.

And Jogo thinks Lakshmi is.

It’s not just that Lakshmi is a powerful person, but that he has now colluded with international funds, which makes him more powerful and threatening.

Of course, Qiao Ge valued him, but that didn't mean he was really afraid of him.

Even if Lakshmi does get involved in the steel industry in the future, so what?

Isn’t it possible to work in the steel industry?

In addition, the steel industry is not the only industry that I am involved in, and my comprehensive strength is completely worthy of it.

Facing the offensive of these people, whether it is the steel industry or the petrochemical industry, Qiao Ge has his own plan in mind.

In Qiaogo's view, Tata Group and Reliance Group are just arrogant domestically, and they really mean nothing internationally.

Ratan Tata reformed the Tata Group with good results.

The most obvious example is Tata Steel. The introduction of advanced equipment, layoffs, etc. have greatly improved the situation of Tata Steel and greatly increased profits.

But in Qiaogo's view, this is what makes him more powerful in India, because his opponents are all more inefficient.

If compared with the international steel industry, there is a huge difference.

In the steel industry, Lakshmi is able to keep up with the times and the advanced level.

It is precisely because of this that Lakshmi established the Steel King in her previous life.

Tata Steel and the Mittal family have joined forces. In Jogo's view, Ratan Tata obviously wants to help Lakshmi.

But Qiao Ge is not optimistic about this alliance.

The Tata Steel is too big. Even after this major surgery, it is still very bloated. Again, it can only be taller than a short one.

Besides, can Lakshmi fully help Tata Steel?

How is this possible?

In the steel industry, Qiao Ge will next focus on upstream industries such as iron ore and coking coal.

Only by mastering these can you ensure that the costs of your steel plant can be reduced to the minimum.

And over at Damao Ermao, Qiao Ge will find a way to dismantle all the advanced equipment and transport it back to the country, and bring in all the experts and skilled workers.

It definitely wasn't possible before, but with the current environment over Damao and his friends, if they can't afford to eat, what else can't they do?

Compared with the workers here in India, these people are simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Qiao Ge still has very high requirements for his employees. Their quality is much higher than that of other peers, and they are also far ahead in terms of efficiency.

This is his advantage.

In the future, if we have technological and cost advantages, will we still be afraid of them?

In petrochemical industry, the same is true, that is, oil fields and the like.

These are just oil, natural gas, etc. Jogo will be involved.

The energy industry will be the next outbreak point. After all, the economy is developing rapidly. What can we do without energy?

Of course, this investment is huge. Qiao Ge is not too worried about this. Da Mao Er Mao will provide him with a large amount of funds.

Even if Lakshmi has the support of Goldman Sachs and other capital, Qiao Ge dares to fight with them.

He dared to say that there must be overseas capital pulling the strings when it comes to the Tata Group, Reliance Group and the Mittal family joining forces.

At that time, the consulting company that Tata Steel was looking for for reform was from the beautiful country, so it was not surprising at all to have such a relationship.

In addition to his own funds, Qiao Ge feels that he will be able to get more or less financial support from Lawrence and Rohatin.

In short, in terms of funds, Qiao Ge is worthy of them.

"Next, we will expand investment in the steel industry." Qiao Ge said, "Let us see who will be the steel king of India in a few years!"

"Haha~~" Everyone laughed.

The atmosphere is warm now.

Because they think this will be another classic battle.

Qiao Ge once defeated the giants in the edible oil market and the grain market, and his current target should be the giants in the steel industry.

Tata Steel is a behemoth and very challenging.

If everyone was worried before, now everyone is full of fighting spirit.

If Tata Steel is also defeated, this will be a glorious achievement that they can brag about for a lifetime.

"Of course, we can't lag behind the petrochemical industry." Qiao Ge added, "Our Bego Group has nothing to fear. If you want to come, come and do it!"

The meeting ended with great enthusiasm.

Most of the people dispersed, but people like Yas, Huida, and Lupa stayed.

They are the core of Qiaogo's side, and there are some secrets that cannot be known to too many people.

"Qiaogo, if we attack on multiple fronts, will we not be able to take care of him?" Yas asked a little worriedly.

The steel industry and the petrochemical industry are attacking at the same time, which is a heavy investment in assets.

The Bego Group has strong financial resources, but if it invests in two projects together, it is difficult to say.

After all, the other party is equally powerful.

This is not Yas's only worry. Others also have such worries to some extent.

The passion just now was just to inspire others, so I will ignore these aspects for now.

Now that everyone is behind closed doors, the issue must be raised.

"No." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Don't worry, everyone, the steel industry and petrochemical industry are not that simple. The real battlefield is not necessarily domestic."

"Overseas?" Huaida frowned and asked.

"I will handle these. I won't say much now. Please trust me." Qiao Ge said.

"Of course we believe you. Since you are prepared, our worries seem to be unnecessary." Yas laughed.

He didn't mean to go into details. Since Qiao Ge couldn't tell now, there must be Qiao Ge's reason.

The others also smiled, and Qiaogo's words reassured them.

"Of course, I also have to deal with them in other aspects of the country." Qiaogo said with a serious face, "This time, apart from the Mittal family, the Tata family is the most aggressive. Ratan Tata is indeed a figure, but If he thinks that he can do it thanks to foreign capital and reforms to the Tata Group, then I have to tell him that this is all his illusion. No reform can actually solve it completely. question, and it depends on who the opponent is.”

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Lupa asked curiously.

"Can you tell me this?" Huaida became interested.

"Tata Group's main core business, in addition to Tata Steel, is also Tata Motors." Qiao Ge said lightly.

"You want to get involved in car manufacturing?" Yas frowned.

Regarding automobile manufacturing, Qiao Ge has already mentioned it before.

At that time, we were warned by the Tata Group due to site selection issues.

However, he also knew that Qiao Ge had not given up this idea. He did not expect Qiao Ge to enter the automobile manufacturing industry now, which seemed a bit fast.

"Qiao Ge, let's not talk about the financial problem. The technical problem alone is not that easy to solve, right?" Huaida said.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Qiao Ge.

"The funding problem is okay. Even if the bank loans are not enough, I personally still have a lot of funds to invest." Qiao Ge said.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, they almost forgot about Qogo and the Gupta Group, as well as Qogo’s abundant cash flow.

At that time, whether it is loaned to the Bego Group or invested in the form of increased shares, there is really no need to worry too much about funds for the Bego Group.

"As for technical problems, I can solve them." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Introduced from abroad?" Yas asked.

"Europe, America or the island country?" Huaida asked.

"Haha~~~" Qiao Ge laughed loudly and said, "Over there."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. They knew that Qiao Ge went to Damao. (End of chapter)

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