Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 484: Powerful miracles

"I've been abroad for so long some time ago. I can't gain nothing, right?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "It's disintegrated there. There are too many factories and the like that have closed down, and too many people have lost their jobs. There is automobile manufacturing here. Industry. Of course, the main ones are trucks, especially heavy truck factories, which have closed down or been sold. So I have bought some factories, and then I can bring over the equipment inside, and also bring in many experts and technicians, and even those who Skilled workers can quickly assemble the factory in China."

These words filled the faces of Yas and others with excitement.

"Do you really want to move the factory here?" Huaida asked.

According to Qiao Ge's approach, it's almost like relocating the factory, which is a bit big move.

"Is this okay? Where can we let it go?" Everyone calmed down and considered some of the issues.

"It's such a mess over there, no one cares about this kind of thing." Qiaogo said with a smile, "What Tata Motors is best at now is trucks and other transport vehicles, but in my opinion, those trucks of theirs, what kind of heavy-duty trucks are there? In front of a Russian-made truck, it’s just a toy.”

All kinds of scientists at the top of the industry have been poached. What do they count?

This is not an exaggerated statement by Qiao Ge, nor is it a deliberate attempt to exalt the Mao family’s trucks and belittle Tata Motors’ trucks.

In Soviet times, the field of trucks, special vehicles and buses was definitely the leader.

The quality of it is of course nothing to say, it’s outstanding.

Even many of the military's special vehicles are based on truck chassis. If the quality cannot be guaranteed, what will happen?

Da Mao belongs to a high latitude area with very cold winters and a lot of tundra. It is very difficult to build roads. Even if they are repaired, they will soon turn into mud roads.

Then the vehicles researched and manufactured must adapt to harsher environments than those in other countries, especially low temperatures and bad roads.

Therefore, Da Mao's trucks pay great attention to this aspect. They are practical, reliable, strong and durable, and can perform miracles with great strength. They are not so much trucks as they are super-large and powerful off-road vehicles that travel to the extremely cold environments of Antarctica and the Arctic. I'm afraid there's no problem, it's just so reliable.

Because of this, comfort is definitely not taken into account.

Of course, with a truck or something, comfort is secondary.

This also leads to the fact that Da Mao's cars and other passenger vehicles do not have such a big advantage because they are not comfortable enough.

This is not only reflected in the field of cars, but also in the field of civil aircraft, which does not pay attention to comfort.

Everything about the performance is advanced, but Damao's products are mainly based on military standards to ensure quality and reliability, and other things are put aside.

As far as civilian and commercial use is concerned, comfort is still very important, so it cannot compete with Boeing and others.

In terms of sedans, they cannot compete with those cars in the world.

This does not include trucks and other vehicles.

In a backward country like India, the infrastructure is in shambles and there are no good roads. The dirt roads are full of potholes and become muddy when it rains. Therefore, the trucks of Da Mao's family are rough and thick, which is really suitable for the national conditions.

The trucks produced by Tata Motors account for 70% to 80% of the domestic market, but it is just domestic dominance, but it is nothing internationally.

So Qiaogo has to start with trucks.

If you want to attack your opponent, you have to start from their most advantageous place and hurt them directly.

In terms of cars, Damao does not have an advantage, and it cannot import them from Europe, the United States, or even island countries for a while, so it is making a fuss in the field of trucks.

After all, Tata Motors is mainly about trucks, and cars are also average.

In this regard, I can postpone it a little and wait until the truck factory is ready before considering it.

Rohatin has already been using the acquired private securities to control the high-quality assets of the Mao family, which naturally includes the truck manufacturing plant.

After Qiao Ge greets them, these manufacturing plants will be left behind, waiting for Qiao Ge to move.

Since the cooperation between Mittal Steel and Tata Steel, Kurosawa has obviously felt tremendous pressure.

This pressure comes from the steel industry.

There is no way, Tata Steel has an extraordinary position in this industry, and most steel plants in the same industry act based on his eyes.

Some time ago, in the auction of state-owned steel plants, Qiaogo's side won the factory, but in terms of scale, it is not on the same level as Tata Steel.

Qiao Ge’s advice to Kurosawa is to acquire high-quality steel plants when you have the opportunity, rather than waste them.

Kurosawa conscientiously implements Jhogo's strategy.

The steel industry has been sluggish in recent years. This is not a problem in India alone, but is the same globally.

The global economic downturn has led to sluggish demand for steel. In recent years, many steel plants have closed down and gone bankrupt, leaving the industry in mourning.

However, Qiao Ge knows that such a trough period is the best time to grow.

Think about Lakshmi. In his previous life, he went around in the 90s, acquiring and merging high-quality steel plants in various countries.

In the 20th century, due to China's rapid economic growth, the steel industry recovered.

So for Qiaogo, his focus is mainly on the international stage.

In addition to acquiring good steel plants in China, they can build them themselves.

The biggest problem restricting the development of the domestic steel industry is actually the problem of coking coal, because these mainly need to be imported.

Therefore, Qiao Ge is not in a hurry to say how big the domestic steel plant must be expanded. He has to wait for his overseas layout, iron ore and coal mines.

Unlike its own side, Mittal Steel is now aggressively acquiring steel plants in the country, accepting all comers and expanding rapidly. This makes people exclaim that Mittal Steel and Tata Steel are going to have monopolies in the ranks of private companies.

Everyone believed that Bego Steel Company was no match for them.

Because the size gap between the two is so huge, it will never be possible to close the distance overnight.

On August 1992, 8, Qiaogo received news from Rohatin, asking him and others to meet him in St. Moritz, Switzerland.

This is talking about loot, including some distribution.

Why Switzerland?

At that time, these funds will be transferred through Swiss banks, and the environment in Switzerland is good. Rohatin means that everyone is here for a vacation.

So Qiaogo had to go abroad again.

The country has been suppressed by three major forces, but currently it is mainly the steel industry. However, the scale of Qiaogo's steel industry is not large yet, so this impact is actually not that big.


Basically there is no loss. The scale is here and the output is only so much.

The company under Qiao Ge's name can consume most of it, and there is not much left. Even if it is all piled up and cannot be sold, Qiao Ge can completely afford this loss and can basically ignore it.

As for the petrochemical industry, private companies have almost just started. Even the Reliance Group is just one company. The same is true for Qogo. The Tata Group has been involved before, but the scale is also very limited.

This market is still very big, and there is no question of who is suppressing whom.

In short, the pressure from the three companies to join forces, that is, public opinion, has limited actual damage to Qiaogo, and he can completely ignore it.

Qiao Ge will continue to advance according to his own plan and strategy, and will not be disrupted by this.

This time when he went abroad, Qiao Ge took Beni with him.

She had heard of this resort for a long time, but had never been before.

St. Moritz is one of the most stunning holiday destinations in the world, located in southeastern Switzerland and surrounded by the magnificent Alpine peaks.

St. Moritz has the most stunning scenery in winter.

This is a paradise for winter sports, skiing, hiking, sledding, etc.

The two Winter Olympics held in Switzerland were held here.

Although winter is the most beautiful, it can snow in July and August in summer.

Qiao Ge and his party soon arrived at the most luxurious five-star Badrut Palace Hotel in the small town of St. Moritz.

This hotel has a long history and unique noble style. It has ranked first in various competitions many times and is a world-famous hotel.

The hotel faces the mountains behind the lake. When you stay here, you can enjoy the snowy scenery of the Alps and the rippling Lake St. Moritz in the distance without leaving home.

While Beni was admiring the surrounding scenery, Qiao Ge and others gathered together in a conference room in the hotel.

Lawrence, Thomas, Arnault and others all had smiles on their faces. In addition to them, there were other people who had invested in Dark Horse Investment Bank.

Because they heard some of Rohatin’s gains this time.

The harvest was far greater than they imagined.

"Don't worry, everyone, it's just part of the cash flow right now. I'll try to sell all of this by the end of the year, and then everyone will make a fortune together." Rohatin laughed.

Everyone present also laughed.

Regarding the earnings of Dark Horse Investment Bank, after Rohatin informed everyone, most of the people dispersed.

There were only five people left in the conference room, Qiaogo, Rohatin, Lawrence, Arnaud and Thomas.

Rohatyn will now make a briefing on the earnings of White Horse Investment Bank.

The investment here is made by the five of them. In terms of investment amount, it is far less than that of Black Horse Bank, but the rubles that can be borrowed are much more than that of White Horse Investment Bank.

This results in greater profits for them.

"After we secured those high-quality factories and assets in advance this time, Rubin and his gang were furious, and finally came to me and begged me to transfer some high-quality assets." Rohatin was in a good mood.

This time he not only made a lot of money, but also made Rubin and the others suffer. The depression that had accumulated in Rohatin's chest finally dissipated.

Since they were almost the first to make the acquisition, they had the upper hand.

Many high-quality companies were acquired by them first.

When others wanted to acquire it, they were a step too late and found out that the owner already owned it.

Moreover, this belongs to Rohatin's side, and everyone must give it some face, so as not to use other means to rob it.

So some people from Rubin approached Rohatin to discuss and resolve the issue through negotiation. (End of chapter)

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