Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 485 Swiss bank account of US$6 million

Chapter 485 Swiss bank account of US$6 million (please ask for monthly votes)

"What a loss. Although the price is good, if you sell it to them, they can make a lot more." Thomas sighed.

"If we look at the real value of those factories, we are indeed losing money." Arnault said, "But the impact of this matter must be considered. If we really take all these factories in our hands, or increase the price, then If you offend those guys, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"Yes, we are taking food from their mouths, which makes them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we have to take a step back and give in the profits when we should. After all, this price is also a big profit for us." Lawrence nodded.

"Yes, I don't want them to take advantage, but sometimes I am so helpless." Rohatin sighed, "No matter what, we still get the fat. Seeing their expressions makes me feel extremely happy. Here, we all have to thank little brother Qiao Ge."

Lawrence and others all laughed and thanked Qiaogo.

If Qiao Ge hadn't continued to invest, I'm afraid they wouldn't have had such thoughts. Without this investment, how could everyone be sitting here now?

These are indeed all the contributions of Qiao Ge.

Dark Horse Investment Bank is indeed very profitable, but it can't compare to the profits made by White Horse Investment Bank, which is where they make the most money.

"I just have this idea. The specific operation is mainly carried out by Mr. Rohatin." Qiao Ge said.

"I'm humble." Rohatin said, "I am not as good as you in this matter."

"That's because Mr. Rohatin is stable." Qiao Ge said, "I may get lucky once or twice, but if I keep doing this, I'm afraid I will die miserably. There must be someone like Mr. Rohatin in the financial world. Only then can we remain evergreen.”

"Yes, a lot of money can be made in the financial world, but most people are still losing money. The ones who really make money are people like Mr. Rohatin," Thomas said.

Real investors can analyze risks.

Like Qiao Ge's investment this time, in their opinion, it is speculation and a kind of gambling on luck, which is not a normal investment.

If you are lucky, you will make a lot of money, but if you are not lucky, you will lose your life.

And most of this kind of speculation ends in failure.

"Anyway, this time everyone is thanks to little brother Qiaogo." Lawrence smiled.

Some people from abroad are interested in taking over some high-quality state-owned enterprises in Damao.

They want to take down operations and the like and earn more.

Of course, some people want to resell it again to make the difference.

So they purchased it from Rohatin, and in terms of price, Rohatin did give them a preferential price.

Even so, Qiao Ge suddenly received nearly 5 million US dollars in dividends, which belonged to White Horse Investment Bank, and Black Horse Investment Bank received about million US dollars.

This is only the sale of some of the assets, and they will continue to be resold.

Of course, basically all the assets of Black Horse Investment Bank will be sold, while most of the assets of White Horse Investment Bank need to be retained, which are left to Yuri to operate, mainly energy assets.

Qiao Ge had already agreed with Rohatin and the others about this.

Transactions with these people will definitely not be in rubles, but in dollars.

After setting the price, funds were exchanged directly abroad and the transaction was completed.

These funds were all traded through Swiss banks, and Qiaogo had already opened an account in a Swiss bank after he came over.

So he had $6 million in his Swiss bank account.

It was a carnival. Since everyone made a lot of money, they directly booked the Badrut Palace Hotel for a week, where everyone could relax and unwind.

No one would disagree with being able to exchange investment experiences with a financial giant like Rohatin, who is usually a big shot that you can't even spend money on.

"Oh, this beautiful lady, can I invite you to dance?" During the dinner, Rohatin walked up to Qiao Ge in a gentlemanly manner and asked with a smile at Beni beside him.

"I'm honored!" Penny chuckled.

"Congratulations, brother, when are you getting married?" Arnault asked with a smile.

Qiao Ge had already introduced Beni to everyone.

After learning that Beni will be Mrs. Gupta, everyone's attitude towards Beni is different.

For people like them, it is common to take one or even several women with them when going out to play, but these women are either lovers or just for fun, so no one takes them seriously.

At most, some respect is given verbally.

Penny's status is different. They have to treat her equally. Even because she is a lady, everyone has to show a gentleman's side.

It is a popular etiquette in the West for such gentlemen to invite them to dance.

Of course Penny understands this. She comes from a wealthy family and is no stranger to Western dance and is very skilled at it.

Of course, this is because Rohatin's status is high enough and he is old. If a young man came over to invite him, Beni would definitely refuse.

"I wonder if you have time to attend my wedding on January 1 next year?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Of course," Arnault said immediately, "I will definitely go then."

"Count me in." Thomas raised his glass.

Many people around him spoke out.

These people originally didn't think much of Qiao Ge, an Indian, but when they learned about Qiao Ge's investment amount and various achievements, most of them changed their attitudes.

Jogo thanked everyone.

He knew that most of these people would not really come to his wedding, just some words for the occasion.

"Why are you so happy?" Rohatin and Penny came back, and the dance had ended.

"We are talking about the wedding of brother Qiaogo and Ms. Sharma, and I am going to attend." Arnault said.

"Haha~~Then I, an old man, have to join in the fun." Rohatin laughed and said, "India is a mysterious country, maybe I can take the opportunity to see it."

Adhering to the principle of listening more and speaking less, Beni stayed with Qiao Ge with a smile.

She had long known that these people in front of her were big shots. Especially this Rohatin, who is the top figure in the financial world on Wall Street in this beautiful country.

She knew that Qiao Ge had overseas business, which seemed to be quite large, and she also met some people abroad.

But he didn't expect to meet such a big shot.

She admired Qiao Ge even more in her heart.

This is her future husband, and she is very proud of it.

The children of the wealthy families in the country, no matter how outstanding they are, are just jumping up and down in the country.

Who knows you abroad?

But Qiaogo is different.

Beni looked at Qiao Ge with a strange look in her beautiful eyes.

This is my man.


In the evening, Qiao Ge washed up early and leaned against the bed.

There was a splashing sound in the bathroom, and it took a long time to stop.

Penny had already put on a pink silk nightgown and came out.

Noticing Qiao Ge's gaze, she hesitated for a moment and then got into bed.

Jogo laughed.

"Don't cross the line!" Penny warned.

"I understand." Qiao Ge responded hurriedly.

But there are definitely some small movements. If you can't really move anything, then you are not a man.

Beni resisted a little at first, and then let Jogo go.

Since the two set a wedding date, the relationship between Beni and Qiao Ge has naturally taken a step closer. Some of the behaviors that she was very resistant to before are now slowly letting go.

However, Beni is a traditional woman, especially in this aspect.

Even though the two of them had had various contacts in other aspects, she clung to the last level.

Qiao Ge admires Beni very much and respects her.

Qiao Ge still knew that he really couldn't treat Beni like other women.

In the future, she will be his wife, so she can represent herself.

Then of course I have to respect her.

Qiao Ge got up early the next day, but seeing that Beni was still sleeping, he didn't wake her up and asked her to rest for a while before going out.

Last night, it was just an exchange of words. Everyone was very conservative and had a bottom line.

After Qiao Ge had some breakfast, he found that Rohatin and others were already sitting there basking in the sun, admiring the surrounding lake view and the distant scenery.

"Young man, please pay attention to your health." Rohatin looked at Qiao Ge and said with a smile.

"Are you guys so early?" Qiao Ge came over and said.

"As you get older, you wake up earlier," Lawrence said.

This is true.

Qiao Ge noticed that most of the people here were considered older.

Arnaud and Thomas are not here.

Qiao Ge knew that those two guys had brought women, and there were more than one. They probably had multiple interactions last night, and they were probably still in the house now.

Like Rohatin and others, they are past the age of playing, so they are not that interested in these things, or some of them are powerless.

"Mr. Rohatin, I'll take my leave now and come back to you tomorrow." At this time, a middle-aged man in a forty-year-old suit sitting opposite Rohatin stood up and said respectfully.

"Okay, I will give you an answer tomorrow." Rohatin said calmly.

The middle-aged man saluted Rohatin, bowed slightly to the people around him, and then turned and left.

When passing by Qiao Ge, he also smiled kindly towards Qiao Ge and nodded.

"Who is that?" Qiao Ge noticed this person when he came over. He didn't know him. He was not from his side.

Seeing that this person can sit with Rohatin, I believe he also has status.

But Qiao Ge also noticed that this man was obviously not so relaxed when he sat opposite Rohatin.

In other words, his status cannot be compared with Rohatin, at least he cannot communicate on an equal footing.

However, being able to appear in front of Rohatin, even if they cannot communicate on an equal footing, this status is far superior to that of most people.

There are really not many people who can sit in front of Rohatin and still chat.

"He? Our country is currently engaged in a presidential election. He is a lobbyist for one of the candidates. He hopes that I can support his boss." Rohatin said.

(End of this chapter)

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