Chapter 488 The culprit (please vote for me)

"Where did I go last time?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Ah? How much money can be made there? Isn't it said that there is a lot of chaos there now and many people can't afford to eat?" Penny said a little surprised.

Of course she knew that Qiao Ge went to Damao, and she also knew that the current situation there was quite miserable.

"Those are ordinary people. Ordinary people can't afford to eat and are unemployed. It doesn't mean that I can't make money." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Besides, the more chaotic this is, the more money I make."

"Okay, I don't know much about business." Beni narrowed her eyes and smiled, and suddenly she kissed Qiao Ge on the face, "Thank you, my dear!"

She was about to get married soon, so Beni would not refuse such an expensive gift from Qiao Ge.

"As long as you like, I can buy the whole world for you." Qiao Ge laughed.

"You think you are the president of the beautiful country. Even if you are their president, you can't buy the world." Penny smiled happily.

It is definitely impossible to buy the whole world, but Qiao Ge wants to buy the hotel here all at once. Of course she can feel this intention.

Regardless of whether Qiao Ge can successfully buy the hotel, she is very happy.

The next day, Qiao Ge saw the lobbyist sent by Grams leaving with a smile on his face. Needless to say, Rohatin must have agreed to support Grams.

As for whether Rohatin supports Gram, Jogo did not ask any more questions.

It's not a good thing to care too much about this kind of thing.

After Katsuma comes to power, Rohatin will have to think of himself.

Doesn’t this relationship go one step further?

Moreover, Rohatin has the support of Gram, and he believes that his status in the beautiful country's government can be greatly improved.

In the future, I won’t be excluded like this time.

This kind of thing should never happen again.

The improvement of Rohatin's status is of course of huge benefit to Qiao Ge.

The stronger your allies are, the more resources you can use.

After all, the beautiful country is the most influential in the world.

In the future, I will invest in the international market. With the relationship with the beautiful country, many things will become easier.

As for the hotel, with Rohatin's intervention, the Badrut family was willing to sell it and was also willing to serve as a professional manager to help Qiaogo manage the hotel business.

The two hotels have a total asking price of US$5500 million, and they have to be paid in cash at once.

The premium is definitely high. In fact, this kind of hotel itself is a one-price hotel. There is no price to refer to. It can only have a rough price range, as long as both parties agree.

Qiao Ge immediately agreed to this condition.

He is not spending money randomly. This kind of hotel is a rare asset. If it is used as a mortgage, international banks are willing to accept it.

So if you really need to spend money one day, whether it is mortgage or sale, it will be easy.

On August 1992, 8, Jogo returned to Mumbai.

Domestic news has also been very lively recently.

The country's foreign exchange has gradually stabilized, and bank loans and other aspects have also returned to normal.

Overall, the economy is slowly developing towards a better place.

But there are still big problems in some places.

That is, with the opening of the market, countless domestic companies and factories have been impacted, closed down, bankrupt, etc.

This caused a lot of criticism from the opposition.

Previously, because the country was about to go bankrupt, everyone could put aside disputes, reached a compromise, and promoted various economic reform policies.

Now that things have improved a little, the fighting between these politicians has begun again.

The opposition, of course, places the blame on the government.

After Qiao Ge returned to China, he was blocked by many reporters who wanted to interview him.

To this end, Qiao Ge also held a special press conference to explain to everyone the following trends of the Bego Group that everyone wanted to know.

The main thing is to become bigger and stronger, not only domestically, but also to occupy a certain market abroad.

It can be described as an ambitious move, which made reporters sigh with admiration.

"Mr. Gupta, what do you think of the recent closure of many companies and factories in the country? Many people say this is caused by the government's incompetence." A reporter asked.

"I'm not interested in politics and don't understand it, so I won't express my opinion. Of course, I can give my opinion from the perspective of market economy and the companies and factories themselves," Qiaogo said.

This statement immediately made everyone prick up their ears.

"I think this happened because our own strength is not strong enough." Qiao Ge said, "As long as our products are competitive enough, we don't have to worry about the impact of foreign products."

"Mr. Gupta, those are developed countries. How can our country compare with them? The gap is too big." A reporter said. "What you said makes no sense." Qiao Ge stared at him and said, "If everyone thinks like you, then the country will never progress. Of course, the current trend is like this, and I can't blame anyone. I think the culprit is The culprits are some big companies and enterprises, and they have caused great harm."

Qiao Ge's words made everyone's eyes widen.

They felt that there was something in Qiao Ge's words, and there might be explosive news next.

"Mr. Gupta, could you please elaborate?"

"Yes, some big companies and enterprises, who do you mean?"

Qiao Ge smiled and said: "In the past, we relied on the protection of various national policies, so we didn't have to worry too much about the impact of foreign companies on the country. No matter how poor the quality of their products, we people could only hold our noses and buy them. Why? ? Because we have no other choice. So, they have no conscience, and the products are much worse than those in the world. According to international standards, these are all scraps and inferior products."

"For example, domestic trucks, do you feel good about them? If the most advanced ones in the international market are rated 10 points and the average is 8 points, then the quality of domestic trucks can only be below 5 points. This kind of quality is simply not up to standard. Who wants to buy it abroad? The quality is not good and the power is not good. That is to say, they rely on their huge size to show their prestige at home. At home, they think they are very powerful and have no intention to research and develop and improve quality. Look, these big companies are big Enterprises are like this, and other small companies have limited funds, so we can’t be too harsh on them. Therefore, I think that as a large company, we must set a good example. Our goal should be to compete with the international community. compete with peers, instead of staying at home and relying on government protection to survive.”

After listening to Qiao Ge's words, everyone still didn't understand who Qiao Ge was targeting.

Isn’t it Tata Motors?

Think about some time ago, the Tata Group, Reliance Group and Mittal Group joined forces to deal with the Bego Group.

Is this Qiaogo's counterattack?

This statement can be said to be very direct, just naming the person.

Because the domestic truck industry is dominated by Tata Motors.

"With government protection, even a pig can make money by running a business. It's not about how strong they are, but their low ability, so they never thought about improving their quality. Of course, they also know that just by virtue of their In terms of ability, it is simply impossible to compete with international counterparts. Therefore, I can only stay in my own nest, and I look down upon these." Qiao Ge ended his speech.

Qiao Ge's words were quickly reported, and public opinion was in an uproar.

Especially after Tata Motors executives saw the news, they were ready to kill Qiao Ge.

This reduces them to worthlessness.

After Manmohan saw the news, he was stunned for a moment, and then secretly thought that Qiao Ge had done their government a favor.

Although Qiao Ge is not involved in politics, by doing this, he can draw the firepower away.

Regardless of whether it is aimed at the Tata Group, everyone feels that Qiaogo's words are still very reasonable.

The big domestic companies are indeed able to make such money by relying on various preferential policies provided by the state.

A big company like the Tata Group could easily obtain licenses that were not available to everyone in the past. How can this not make money?

If you can make money just by sitting, how can you have any motivation to improve the quality?

In response to Qiaogo's speech, Tata Motors naturally launched a counterattack and refuted everything he said.

But their rebuttal was a bit weak.

Afterwards, Qiao Ge spoke out again specifically in response to their rebuttal.

It's very simple, that is to compare some truck data under Tata Motors with international trucks of the same tonnage.

Detailed data comparisons are given from aspects such as load capacity, power, and life span of various parts.

That data is simply shocking, the gap is too big.

In the past, everyone knew that the quality of foreign products was good, but it was limited to this. There was no clear comparison. Domestic products seemed to be still usable, so they didn't care too much.

Now with such intuitive data, everyone can see the huge gap.

As Qiao Ge said, domestic trucks are simply a pile of garbage.

"This inferior product should be eliminated." Qiao Ge said.

"Mr. Gupta, the prices of foreign products are too high. If you don't choose domestic products, who can you choose?"

"Then let me change the status quo of this industry." Qiao Ge said, "Foreigners can do it, why can't we do it?"

"Mr. Gupta, do you want to enter the truck manufacturing industry?" A reporter immediately understood.

"That's right, our trucks also need to be exported and sold to other countries. Making domestic money is nothing, being able to make money from foreigners is a hero." Qiao Ge said loudly.

As a result, this report quickly spread.

People in India still have strong self-esteem, or are blindly arrogant. I have to say that Qiao Ge's words are very popular with them.

Making money from foreigners is a hero.

Regardless of whether others can do it or not, they believe that Jogo should have a good chance.

So everyone was full of expectations for Qiao Ge.

After all, Qiaogo has already gone abroad before, such as palm oil investment, etc., all of which are making foreigners' money.

Everyone has criticized Tata Motors in various ways. They feel that this is a shady company that gives such inferior products to Chinese people.

The good reputation of the Tata family for more than a hundred years was suddenly cast into a shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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