Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 489 Hundreds of millions of dollars in financial disputes

Chapter 489 A billion-dollar financial dispute (please vote for me)

Tata Motors ridiculed Jogo for wanting to enter the truck industry.

They bluntly said that the truck industry requires technology. It is too naive to think that if you succeed in an industry with little technical content such as grain and oil, you can replicate this success in the automobile industry.

In short, Tata Motors looks down upon Qiaogo's desire to get involved in the truck industry.

They feel that Jogo just wants to discredit Tata Motors to attack the Tata Group.

They even think that Qiao Ge will not invest at all. Even if he invests and builds a car, how can the quality catch up with international standards all of a sudden?

So, they wanted to wait to see Qiaogo's jokes.

Tata Motors' doubts made many people calm down.

It's true, car manufacturing is not that easy.

It’s very difficult for Qiao Ge to start from scratch now.

So everyone was watching what was going on with Qiao Ge, wanting to see if he really wanted to invest in this industry.

Qiaogo did not disappoint everyone. One month later, Bego Automobile Manufacturing Company was established.

As long as trucks are manufactured now, it will not be too late to start other vehicles slowly.

The land for the factory has been prepared for a long time, and I was warned at the time. The land has always been there, and part of the factory building has been built for a long time. However, this time the scale is a bit large and needs to be expanded.

Various machines and equipment disassembled from Damao have been transported and installation has begun.

At the same time, various experts, designers, management and many skilled workers came.

Qiaogo gave them generous treatment, and they came even if the destination was impoverished India.

If it were done before, it would have been impossible.

Reports soon appeared in the newspapers about the presence of the hairy man at the Bego car factory.

This number is a bit large, and I can’t hide it even if I want to.

And Qiao Ge didn't mean to hide it, it wasn't something shady.

Tata Motors and other related media began to feel weird.

The report stated that they thought Qiaogo would introduce technology from Western developed countries, but they did not expect it to be from Damao.

How does Damao compare with Western countries headed by Beautiful Country?

Didn’t you see them all disintegrating?

In front of the country headed by the beautiful country, it was completely defeated.

It must be said that this kind of propaganda is very useful to most people in the country who have limited knowledge.

They also felt that Qiao Ge had introduced some technologies, but the technology from Damao was almost useless.

When it comes to the most advanced countries, we should look at the developed countries headed by the beautiful country.

Therefore, many people were a little disappointed with Qiao Ge's previous words. They felt that Qiao Ge's words were a bit exaggerated and did not meet everyone's expectations.

Qiao Ge did not respond to these.

Next, building a high-quality, low-cost truck is the most important thing.

Only in this way can we seize the domestic truck market and let Tata Motors get out.

Of course, Tata Motors has guided the direction of many media opinions, but for their senior management, it is like facing a formidable enemy.

Especially after Ratan Tata learned that Qiao Ge had brought in a lot of machinery, equipment and personnel from Damao, he even summoned the senior management of the group, especially the senior management of Tata Motors, to hold a meeting overnight.

They know that Da Mao's truck technology is among the most advanced in the world. Even if there are some shortcomings, the advantages are very obvious.

Besides, don’t trucks from other European and American developed countries have any shortcomings?

It can only be said that the focus is slightly different.

Compared with trucks from European and American countries, Damao's trucks are obviously more suitable for India's domestic environment.

If Qiao Ge obtains Da Mao's technology, let alone all of it, even if only a part of it is implemented, Tata Motors may be unable to bear it.

This made Ratan very uneasy. Of course he knew the quality of his car.

"How about we go over there and bring in some talents?"

"Yes, it's very chaotic over there, and many people are unemployed. That guy Qiaogo can recruit them, why can't we?"

Everyone was talking about it and thought it was reliable.

"It may be easy to recruit one or two people, even a dozen or twenty people, but it will be difficult if you want a large number." Ratan sighed, "And the equipment in those factories, I heard that Qiao Ge almost replaced the factory there. The assembly line was completely dismantled. Can we buy it?"

These words silenced everyone present.

They are all high-level officials and know the situation on Da Mao's side relatively well.

I heard that the factories of the Da Mao family have been bought up by people, including forces from developed countries in Europe and the United States, as well as some powerful people from the Da Mao family itself.

If they want to acquire a factory, just rely on them as Indians. Isn’t that too much?

There is simply no way to spend that many dollars to acquire it.

Even if you go, people may not sell it.

"Tell me, how did you sell that kid Qiao Ge?" someone said angrily.

Yes, everyone present was a little confused when they heard this.

"Maybe it cost a lot to take this kid. Don't forget, he has many industries abroad and has a lot of dollars in his hands." One person said.

Everyone is right if you think about it.

Last time, Jogo alone lent the government US$5 million, shocking the Tatas.

They can be sure that Qiao Ge must have more than this 5 million.

"He made a lot of money with Damao this time." Ratan said solemnly.


"How did he earn it?"    "Yeah, how could he be involved?"

They know that there is a battlefield for European and American powers, and weak national powers like them have no chance to intervene.

"He hooked up with some people from abroad." Ratan sighed, "So it's difficult for us to get factory machinery and equipment from Russia."

Ratan must know more inside information than those here.

Because some time ago, someone from Goldman Sachs on Wall Street in the United States contacted him.

They revealed to him some of Chogo's situation in Russia.

In other words, the benefits Qiao Ge received there made even Goldman Sachs feel a little annoyed.

That’s why Ratan, Reliance Group and Lakshmi were contacted to teach Jogo a lesson.

Being able to make companies like Goldman Sachs feel annoyed shows that the benefits Qiaogo has received are huge.

After all, a company like Goldman Sachs would probably look down upon hundreds of millions of dollars.

The financial implications here may be in the billions of dollars.

Thinking of this, Ratan couldn't sleep well these days.

Qiao Ge alone made more than a billion dollars?

is it possible?

Ratan still couldn't believe it, but Goldman Sachs' actions made him feel that his suspicion was still possible.

Of course he was afraid of Qiao Ge.

The rise is too fast.

At that time, the rise of Reliance Group had greatly surprised the Tata family, and in the end they lost control of the Ambani family.

As for Qiao Ge, he didn't even have time to react or take any measures to suppress them. Qiao Ge had grown to the point where he was on equal footing with them.

Now that Qiaogo has such amazing achievements abroad, if this continues, won't the Tata family really be suppressed?

Although Reliance Group has caught up now, it is still a little behind the Tata family.

What worries him most now is Qiao Ge's power.

This time, the matchmaking by foreign forces played into his hands, and everyone joined forces to deal with Qiao Ge.

There is Lakshmi abroad, and the Tata Group and Reliance Group domestically believe that they can suppress Khogo.

Originally, I was planning to take action in the steel industry first. After all, Tata Steel has the advantage at home, and Lakshmi is also in the steel industry abroad.

First stabilize this industry, and then the three companies will attack Qiao Ge from other industries. I believe they can suppress that kid.

But who would have thought that before, all his thoughts were on Qiao Ge's steel business, and this guy would actually build a car factory in one fell swoop.

This was something he never expected.

Qiao Ge is too brave to dare to take the initiative.

Qiao Ge actually said before that he wanted to enter the car manufacturing industry, but was warned by some people in his family.

The kid stopped at that time.

In fact, from Ratan's point of view, what if Qiaogo is allowed to enter?

Are cars that easy to build?

This requires not only machinery and equipment, but also various technical talents and R&D personnel.

Generally speaking, even if you invest heavily, it will be difficult to achieve success in just a few years or more.

But Qiao Ge took an unusual approach this time. He almost moved the machinery and equipment from several factories from Damao, and the number of people was also extremely large.

With these, even if the production efficiency of Tata Motors is not as good as that of Damao, if it wants to compete in the domestic market, the prospects of its own Tata Motors will be worrying.

"Then can we bring back advanced machinery, equipment and technical personnel from abroad? The beautiful country must support us, right?" one person said.

He knew about Ratan Tata's hookup with the beautiful country.

In fact, there are still some senior members of the Tata family who know about this matter.

There are some things that Ratan cannot explain clearly, and he has to discuss them with some people and win their support.

"I will contact you." Ratan sighed.

It’s just that he doesn’t think this can solve Tata Steel’s problems.

How could Goldman Sachs help them acquire Damao's truck manufacturing plant?

They have their own considerations.

Even if they help, it won't be possible to acquire factories on a large scale like Qiaogo did.

As far as he knew, Qiaogo had acquired at least three truck manufacturing plants in Damao, otherwise he would not have been able to establish such a large-scale factory in the country at once.

In other words, Qiao Ge definitely did not do it on a whim, but had been prepared for it.

Now that he has such preparations, I'm afraid there won't be any advantage to take advantage of if he goes there.

If we use technology from Europe and the United States, it may be difficult for us to digest it for a while.

Because Tata Motors has its own system.

In fact, even if Da Mao's technology comes in, the same problem will exist.

At that time, there may be two systems, and the problem will still be huge.

There is no such problem with Qiaogo, because Qiaogo had nothing before.

He can now use all the technology from Damao's truck manufacturing plant.

Thinking of this, Ratan really envied Qiaogo.

There are also advantages to starting from scratch, that is, there are almost no constraints and you can completely let go.

(End of this chapter)

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